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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    I am very offended by the B**love post

    Yeah! Thank goodness that changed. Thanks to many atheists, Wiccans, and Christians (not to mention science) we finally got that one changed. Isn't life grand? BTW, done any polls lately on who believe abortion is a positive right for women to have? Might be surprised on just who supports it. Personally, I oppose it for myself but I'm not about to tell another woman that your religion dictates she has to follow your beliefs.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Port site infection

    How many responses were you looking for?
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    Send them an email and direct them to this thread where they have to know NONE of us will ever buy from them with this kind of service. They are a bunch of putz's.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Money a Concern

    Dr. Simpson in Phoenix, AZ does them for (I think) $16,500. I don't believe that includes all the extra testing and evals but I could be in error. If you post on the AZ board you might get better details.
  5. Angela... I have not insulted you. I have not slammed you. I have not called you negative, a troublemaker, sad, questioned if you treat your patients well, I have not asked if you do treat your patients well, and I have not claimed you have broken my heart. I have not implied that you do not have a happy life. I have not told you of the PMs I have received regarding this thread. *I* am not the one doing these things. This is what you have written to me and all the others that requested you not sell the trip on the other board. I was not dishonest about your intentions. I have pointed out the facts, the facts being as YOU have previously posted them. That's all. YOUR words, and I quoted them. I didn't paraphrase, I quoted you. It seems to me that you have a big problem with that. I am going to ask that you please stop the slams and insults, it is getting old. It would seem that a spiritual counseler/life coach and one who feels so much better through natural healing would have little need to resort to this kind of emotion. However, perhaps I am mistaken about the effects of this type of healing as I am more geared to allopathic healing. Cheers.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Money a Concern

    I couldn't agree more. There is a doc in Denver that does them for shy of $10K but he's only done a little over 100 bands. Not nearly enough to get the technique down pat and complete the learning curve ALL docs have to experience before they are considered experienced.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    I've gained 15 pounds

    Alexandra... (btw, that's the name of one of my dogs (Alex for short), I like that name) I remember when I first moved out of my parents home into my own. I was a whopping 17 years old. It dawned on me that for the first time everything that was in the frig was stuff I liked. I liked it all, no more wading through blue cheese (gahhh), cucumbers and onions soaking in vinegar (blahhh), leftover squid (Ewww), cooked runny spinich sitting in a puddle of butter and vinegar (Yechhh), and other assorted gross stuff. The concept that EVERYTHING in MY frig was stuff I liked should have been my first clue of what life was to bring in a few years~ LOL Would it help any if instead of denying yourself and saying you will put the food down... would it help if you reminded yourself that while you don't need it now, you can have it later? Such as a next meal? That's my saving grace. I no longer feel like I am depriving myself. I might not need it today but perhaps tomorrow. It's a head game I play on myself and it works. I'm not saying I can't have it, I'm telling myself it will save and I can have it later. Just a thought. I don't know what the future will bring me regarding my own band so I have been watching everything you are writing about this time frame when you don't have a band. I'm already practicing if I lose my own.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    That's weird

    It would have come off a lot better had I been able to spell apparently. Editing is busted again, btw. HA!
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    I am very offended by the B**love post

    Question... If atheists attack your Christian beliefs, is that mean and/or liberal or is that acceptable?
  10. Okay, I wasn't going to respond to you again but with this bait, I can't resist. You got me and I admit it. Are you suggesting that the mods "here" do anything I wish? HA! Surely you are kidding. Ask them for yourself and see what they say to that. I think the fact that the sponsors who PAY for their advertising might have had more to do with it than anything I have written. Amazingly, I do. What I also know is that on the other board (I can obtain more of your recent quotes, if you wish) YOU claimed that all YOUR lectures and workshops for the month of June were included in the fee of $1500. Now, on "this" board for $300 more, or $1800 bandsters get your lectures and workshops for free. Ohhh, com'on... Anyone can go to Mexico for what you are describing, pay their own airfare, and do picnics and snorkeling for less than $1800 if they go with someone else, or as you suggested double occupancy. You did explain that the reef is directly behind the hotel they would be staying at. Not a great distance or expensive travel to get there, right? I can go to Mexico, go play with the dolphins, and eat picnic food for much less than $1800 especially since I'd be paying my own airfare either way. That wouldn't be the board *I* am referring to, I just went and read every single one of your posts and not only did you not offer your advice, nobody asked for it regardless of how many times you wrote your title. As for being unpaid... Angela, we ALL do that. Do you see any members here getting paid for offering advice? Whether it be personal experience or general medical information? We do it because we want everyone to do well, lose weight, be happy, resolve personal food issues, and reach ALL our goals. It's a support system, it works well. People here have given me a world of support and help and I try to do the same. We ALL do that because it is the right thing to do, not because we get paid for it. I know about the other boards you have posted your trip on but I don't care as much about those boards. As for someone merely not appreciating those who advertise on various boards instead of paying for it like all the other sponsors, if this broke your heart I am sorry for you. But I guess I have to tell you, this attempt at a guilt trip, it isn't working well. If people want to go on your trip and attend your workshops, great! I think that is fantastic. I just didn't care for the lack of total honesty. If your trip is so great, and I'm quite sure it is, then pay for advertising like everyone else. If what you have to offer is genuine, a good deal, and something that will benefit those paying the bills, then advertising through the normal means should do well for you. Bottom line, ALL I am asking for is honesty, your response to others on this board and others is that we are either mean, negative, troublemakers, etc., and breaking your heart if we dare to tell the rest of the truth about this trip. Silly me, I am under the impression that people should be given ALL the facts upfront. This breaks your heart? Good luck, I wish you the best.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Ted hose and spirometer

    Well, look at it this way, at least you won't have old lady ankles that hang over your shoes AND you get to wear them thar sexy TEDS! BWAHAHAHAHAHA
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Ted hose and spirometer

    But TEDS are soooo pretty! :Banane43:
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    That's weird

    <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>Apparently not:</p> <p> </p> <p>http://obesityhelp.com/forums/LapBand/a,messageboard/action,replies/board_id,5359/cat_id,4959/topic_id,3286298/</p>
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    I am very offended by the B**love post

    Son, pity pots don't fly over here. They sit and smell bad. Nobody will remove that post. I believe we are confusing rants and free speech again.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    I am very offended by the B**love post

    You are up in arms over abortion? Poor dear, the VERY next time someone forces you to have an abortion you let me know. I'll get my friends together and we will pitch a fit! I'm quite sure we could even get that one on TV. BTW, we have ALWAYS had abortion, it's not a new concept and considering the good church going folks vote the majority of politicians in office... you'll have to forgive my roaring laughter on blaming liberals for this. Prisoners and cable TV... I used to agree with your point of view until I met a jail guard. He explained that if they keep the nasty little buggars busy (cable TV) it makes the jobs of the guards a great deal easier. Matter of fact, the prison guard claims that prisons with cable require fewer guards. Prisons are safer because while the prisoners are watching mindless TV they aren't starting riots. Anything that will keep the guards safer, I am all for. Are you? Death penalty... I don't have strong opinions one way or another. But I'm not so sure it is the liberals that are fighting for no CP, I think it might be the fundies that don't think humans have the right to kill other human beings. But I could be wrong on that one. Personally, if pedophiles were executed, now that - I'd be all for. However, I'm not so sure it is wise to refer to the legal killing of human beings "moral" ... perhaps a different word is in order. Otherwise it sounds kinda weird. As for jail being so pretty and nice, you are clearly not familiar with Tent City in Phoenix, Arizona where Sheriff Joe is in charge. It ain't what you claim, not by a long shot. They don't get all they can eat of green bologna and they pay for their own food themselves. Tent City has no cable TV, last I heard they could watch religion or reruns of Sheriff Joe on TV. I think they get to watch xmas specials, but I forget details. Cigarettes are also not permitted in our jail, however please feel free to point me to the prison that provides cigs to inmates. In my part of the world when prisons do permit cigarettes, the inmates have to pay for them themselves. I'm a conservative, not a liberal. But honestly, if THAT is your list of the horrors of liberals, you really force me to defend them. Com'on... you can do better, can't you?
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    I apologize

    I don't know a lot about it. It was a feature that was apparently short lived. If you did or did not like someones post you could rate it. Agree or Disagree. Then the more positives they got the higher the rep power number. It's gone now, as it should be.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Does anyone know of a good sodium tracker?

    www.thedailyplate.com will do this. It does not just track sodium but lots of things. www.nutritiondata.com will also tell you total sodium of an entire recipe but it won't track it.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    December Bandsters

    Might want to try something. Do you like cottage cheese? Sit down with a tub of cottage cheese and see how much you can eat. If you can eat too much, it's time for a trip to the doc. If you have restriction and you can still eat too much it's time for fluoro so you can make sure nothing is stretched.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    December Bandsters

    Do you suppose part of the problem is that we had surgery in December and that's probably the least busy month for banding. Who wants to be on clears over the holidays? I was on clears through xmas and full liquids during New Year. Not bright, but I wasn't willing to wait one day longer than necessary.
  20. Part of what was posted on another board: >>the cost is $1,500 double occupancy, for 1 week, ALL inclusive, EXCEPT air fare. It includes my workshops and all activities at the resort which includes two trips a day to the deeper reef for snorkeling, dolphin encounter, picnics. My relaxation and healing workshops which will add to your total and well being. The shallow reef is the resorts backyard.<< Now it is $300 more @ $1800 yet the workshops are free. When several people started complaining about using the list that way Angela explained they were negative and she would take the trip to other bandsters instead. Now, I'm done and I won't post in this thread again.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    My port is flipped already!!

    Mine was originally placed to the left of my big incision, or right under my left rib cage. As I lose weight it is migrating :Banane43: to the right a bit. It's almost under my big incision. I never really notice it unless I bump it or something.
  22. All I can say is the experience we had on another board. She was asked by the mods to refrain from selling her trip and then I saw her over here without a great many of the details. No accusations, but if you will notice there were questions. No need to be so defensive if all is on the up and up. When someone is selling yet another cure to we fatties it really makes me frustrated. We have spent a huge sum of money on every cure, snake oil, treatment, and pill there is and when something like this comes along and I saw what I did a month or two ago... I am going to speak up about it. It's just not a "favor" to us to sell us more "stuff" and I won't pretend it is. And please don't write you aren't gearing this for bandsters, Angela. You have posted this on several bandster boards. I guess my real question is this... if these treatments are so great and if people can heal themselves, why bother with a band? Angela? Personally, I need my band and at this point, I am DONE with healings and assorted "stuff" for weight loss. Perhaps others need lectures and dolphins. Personally I need a band.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    I need a pep talk

    My honest thought? Tell Mom to buggar off. You have lost 107 pounds! How fantastic is that???? You have lost more than a majority of people here AND you have a fill scheduled on top of it. Get your fill, follow the rules, keep doing as you were and life will be good once again!
  24. I am not attacking you. I merely saw the rest of the details on what you posted in another group, and were then asked to refrain from marketing in this manner. I don't believe in your type of "healing", we merely disagree on this point. Nothing more. I see you are in TX and CA. Are you licensed in those states?
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    That's weird

    Lauran... In the case of OH I support their decision to do this. Remember SandyR? The PITA lady? She follows people around and nags them, insults them, she does more for LBT than any other single person because of the sheer number of people she drives away from OH and to LBT. Since OH won't do what other forums do and kick her butt out of there they have to give members some sort of ability to deal with her (and her coven). A member need only request another member not post in their threads or directly to that member again. If the other member continues doing that then the post can be removed. It's the only way to keep the PITAs in check since OH doesn't do their jobs as mods. I really hate that forum, there is nothing I like about it. The format sucks, the people are essentially made up of newbies that don't know better or the old-timers are folks that were kicked out of every other forum. It's just a horrible place to read posts. If there is a topic that is even slightly political, it's deleted. If there is the least bit of debate, it's history. However brow beating, nagging, insulting, slamming... with those you are good to go. Everything there is designed to be all sweetness and light from a bunch of nasty, bitter, creepy, throw aways from other forums. IOW, it plain doesn't work.

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