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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    I am very offended by the B**love post

    I can't speak about prisons other than the one in tent city and that's a jail. But I don't believe I'd want to be in any of them. I don't think anyone is really FOR abortion, I believe they are for a woman's right to choose. Pretty big difference there.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    December Bandsters

    Denise... It will happen, one way or another it will happen. It looks like your doc is trying pretty hard to find the cause of all this. I know it's hard, just give it some time.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    I am very offended by the B**love post

    That isn't what I wrote AT ALL. Please reread it, I was pretty clear.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Vitamin Deficiency

    It would take weeks if not months of going without specific Vitamins before you would start showing those kinds of symptoms. BTW... (waving at Shirley)
  5. WASaBubbleButt


    Dan.... I've been reading your link and looking at photos. I started to question just how much I want a TT! LOL I still do. I wanted to thank you for making these photos and info available, it is VERY helpful! Thanks!
  6. WASaBubbleButt


    From what little I understand (I have a LOT of research yet to do) it isn't the implants themselves that wear out, get lumpy, etc., it is the scar tissue. You know how we WANT scar tissue and adhesions forming around the band? It's what holds it in place? Apparently the same thing happens to boobs with implants. Scar tissue forms and over the years (usually 10) it has gotten out of hand and boobs become lumpy and painful. The implants need to be removed so the scar tissue can be cut away and trimmed down and new implants are then placed. I'm not sure I want to do this every 10 years. By the time I'm 85 I picture myself with perky boobs and a saggy butt. It's just going to look weird.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    I am very offended by the B**love post

    Isn't it amazing how many nutjobs out there would disagree with what you write? I can't stomach even reading an abortion debate and one of the many reasons for that is the thinking that if a woman is going to commit murder (as if that was even possible with abortion) she has it coming. So let abortions be unsafe. Sheesh.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    I am very offended by the B**love post

    You do realize, of course, that most people support a woman's right to choose if she wishes to go through with a pregnancy? It is your religious belief that abortion is bad, that doesn't mean others should follow your religion. Heck, many many people within your religion do not see the problem with abortion. BTW, you still haven't answered my previous question.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    what is your daily caloric goal?

    Can I steal that for a sig on another board?
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    These veggie chips have some carbs, but they are complex carbs unlike Doritos. I can deal with those carbs. It's the Loaded Baked Potato carbs and Doritos, and Frito Lay carbs I don't do. Not even a little. I can only guess the stuff you found were veggie crackers vs. veggie chips? Crackers will be loaded with BAD carbs. Remember, not all carbs are created equal. If it makes you feel better I will try these first. If they really suck I'll let you know. If the label says they are good and they actually ARE good, I'll let you know. I just ordered them a bit ago, they'll ship out tomorrow. I'll let you know how they are. There is a drink crap you can buy that boasts of 20 veggies in one serving but they are all GREEN veggies. We need a variety of veggies and that is what this is. My friend bought me a bag of the same thing only by a different manufacturer. They were GREAT! I still eat them. These are just cheaper. I'll let you know how they are. Yep, you are right. I don't waste my carbs on crap. I use my carbs in a wise manner. If these are horrible, I'll tell you.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Low Iron Levels

    No, but there are issues for you to look at. Anemia is a symptom, not a diagnosis. Anemia happens for a reason, it is not a cause. Something causes it, perhaps you are bleeding somewhere and maybe you don't realize it. Sometimes you body is not making enough red blood cells. Sometimes your diet is lacking in products that help you make red blood cells. Right now it is up to your docs to determine WHY you are anemic. Do you have any clue as to why this might be? Sometimes it is due to a LOT of heavy periods, sometimes you are bleeding into your colon, sometimes your body isn't making enough red blood cells. Any clue you can offer?
  12. Yeah, what Leatha wrote! When you were overfilled you experienced natural swelling. That is why so many docs suggest liquids for the remainder of the day and soft foods for the following day. When you have a new fill AND natural swelling, life can be miserable. Take it slowly, now you know why a BIG fill CAN be bad. When it is bad it is very very bad. When it is good it is very very good. That can mean as little as 0.1-0.2cc. Amazing how such a tiny bit of saline can affect us in a huge mega way! Take it slowly. It will work, just relax and allow your band to do it's job.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    I apologize

    Someone needs to repeat 10th grade Gov't class. There are no rights here.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    What Peeves you?

    Keep in mind that even normal size people eat a salad before their meal. They likely just assume you will want what everyone else wants. A salad, entree, and drink with potentially a desert. I think it is normal for us to be extra sensitive to food service workers. What they assume we want is often times what 99% of the population wants. We just take it personally when they treat us like everyone else. (spoken as a food service worker through college)
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    new food products

    Well, if nothing else will the company refund your money if it is really bad? Can you return it and at least get the cost of the product back if it is extra horrible? If not, can you find a way to cancel the order?
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    What Peeves you?

    I just discovered I have a new one. Which and witch. Not to mention sandwitch. Grrrrrrr I realize that for someone like me that can't spell this is a silly pet peeve but geez... at least spell the same words I do incorrectly!
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Having My Band Removed

    Oh Karen, I am so very sorry. I wish there was something we could do for you. Can you tell me more about nutcracker esophagus? I don't think I have heard about that. I'd be interested to learn more if you don't mind. Again, so very sorry about your band!
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    new food products

    Is that Syntrax brand? While I LOVE LOVE LOVE their Matrix 5.0 their nectar Protein makes me gag. I can do it once, more than that and it's too much effort to get it down and keep it down. Did you try to request samples before ordering?
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    Found the veggie chips I was telling you about earlier. A friend of mine got them for me at Wild Oats or Trader Joes or someplace like that. This place is a lot cheaper but pretty expensive shipping. But I'm going to order some anyway. http://www.jdfinefoods.com/dried_fruit/veggie_chips.htm If I like this brand I'll get more next time.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    new food products

    My addiction: http://www17.netrition.com/ktb_wafer_crisps.html
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    what is your daily caloric goal?

    Losingjusme... Your sig... >>Pain is only weakness leaving the body ...<< Wow, I really like that.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    No Flour Peanut Butter Cookies

    HA! Don't you just hate that the edit and delete features aren't working yet? LOL
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Money a Concern

    A minimum of 250. When I was researching for myself I didn't consider anyone that had done less than 750 but that is extreme. In looking back 500 would have been just as good. The reason is, according to experienced docs, by the time you have done 250 bands you have seen, experienced, and treated just about every weird and bizarre thing there is. You have seen every possible xray, anatomy, infection, surigical complication for banding, etc. There is a learning curve with this procedure. The band can't be too high, it can't be too low, there can't be too many sutures, there can't be too few sutures, the sutures can't be too tight, they can't be too loose. Otherwise bad things happen. By the time a surgeon has been doing bands long enough to have the need to take someone back to surgery to repair a port that broke away from the fascia, repair a slip that was the fault of the MD vs. the patient, whatever... by the time he has done enough bands that he has to start taking people back to OR to fix his mistakes then the learning curve is complete. Fluoros are another issue. By the time he has done 250 bands he has likely done a gazillion fills and has seen tons of fluoros. By 250 bands he has seen every weird thing that can be seen on fluoro. Some docs need lots of films to see the same thing another can see in one film. For example, when I was having problems with my band in the beginning I had docs telling me I needed a fluoro with my band completely closed and this was supposed to show a type of slip not seen on a standard barium swallow fluoro. Later I discovered that is not true, it was a lack of experience that led him to believe this. In a few more thousand fluoros he too, will be able to see all slips with an open band. I went back to my own doc and he diagnosed my problem easily. Banding is EASY! Very simple. But there is still a learning curve. Think about knitting. The first project someone makes - the stitches are of different size, it might be lop sided, etc. While basic knitting is easy it takes practice and time to make perfection. When I'm having surgery, I want as close to perfection as humanly possible. If someone wants to practice drawing blood on me, hey... I'm there. I've let lots of people learn to/practice drawing blood on my arms. But surgery? Nope, I'm going with someone who already has experience. When I was researching for myself I asked a LOT of verrrry experienced docs (1000 or more bands) what they believe "experienced" to be and every single one said 250. By that time they had seen it all and done it all when it comes to banding. I expected their answer to be much higher as that would have excluded many other docs, but they didn't. They all said 250. For *me* I would still stick with 500. The more they do the better their stats. Also, if you'll notice, the fewer the bands the cheaper the doc tends to be. Why do you suppose that is? They are working on getting experienced and then they too, can charge what other docs are charging. But as long as people shop for price instead of experience that just means the rest of us get to go with experience. They already practiced on the others.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    I am very offended by the B**love post

    I asked you a question, I wasn't attempting to make a point.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
