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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Vitamin Deficiency

    Not likely with her symptoms. My vote is thyroid.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Ticker Time

    Try this one: http://www.3fatchicks.com/weight-tracker/ Their tickers are more fun anyway.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Public Smoking Bans

    How much of your Mom's preaching assisted you in losing weight? Or is it the band that is helping?
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Ticker Time

    Copy and paste the actual ticker, don't waste time with links.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Very Easy Dessert Type Food

    Areellady... Just something to consider. Some of us sweetlovers need to say goodbye (for the most part, not completely) to sweets. For SOME of us it is all or none. We can have a few sweets and it does not create hell causing us to want ALL sweets. Some of us can do moderation. Think about where you are. Can you do sweets here and there and say no to the rest? Or are you an ALL or NONE kinda person? Just something to consider. For ME, and ME only, I am all or none. Get something sweet tasting in my big pie hole and I want it ALL. Not everyone is like me, some can try a BITE of sweets and walk away. I can't. One piece of candy leads to another and another and yet another.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Glass of wine?

    Michelle... As long as you are losing weight, I personally don't see a problem.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Food Crazies!

    This is a MEGA fantastic concept! You won't likely FEEL the concept until you are experiencing weight loss. Once you experience weight loss I swear, you will thank yourself for your hard work and efforts today. Every bloody pound counts. When you have fewer of those to lose, it will be a blessing. You'll see, it just takes time.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Banded but not losing weight

    Bandster hell is a very real concept. It lasts from the point you can eat REAL food to the point you lose weight. Relax, it will happen, I swear.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Public Smoking Bans

    <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Wink" smilieid="5" class="inlineimg" /></p> <p> </p> <p>Sometimes it just takes the basic facts to make the almighty non smokers to wake the hell up.</p> <p> </p> <p>So it's not THEIR addiction. Well, what if it was? Turn the tables and people are forced to think through their sillycrap.</p>
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Public Smoking Bans

    I wonder how my fellow fatties would have felt if we had a sin tax on calories. They are expensive, we fatties cost Medicare and Medicaid billions of dollars. When we were fat, would we have paid $10.00 for a Mickey D's burger or would we have found a tax free cheaper way of getting our fix of the day? It does NOT mean we could just STOP eating calories, it means we would FIND a way. Com'on, let's get real here. It's an easy answer if you aren't a smoker, but apply the same rules to calories and fat. How about a $1.00 per calorie. What would you do in Mickey D's waiting line? Would fatties still be soooo pro-antismoking? I don't think so. Folks, an addiction is just that. It is an addiction. So you kicked yours with a band. Give me the same thing for smoking and we'll talk. In the meantime, you have nothing to say to me.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Public Smoking Bans

    Smokers ARE expensive, no way around that. We are. Plain and simple. But the reality is that we pay a lot more than we cost. Between the lawsuits against drug co's by individual states and taxes, the public is making a fortune off of those who actually purchase cigs in the US (unlike me). We fund a variety of programs but the reality is that the gov't is simply charging us farrrr too much money and we are now buying our cigs from indian reservations or on line from countries outside the US. The US got greedy and now they will lose the tax revenue and gain the costs of smokers. Silly stupid gov't.
  12. WASaBubbleButt


    It is a joy you too, will experience with time. Give it a chance, grasshopper.
  13. WASaBubbleButt


    This time frame is called bandster hell for a reason, eh? Weight loss is not the goal today, healing is. Weight loss is the goal tomorrow. Relax, give it time. Weight loss is around the corner.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Public Smoking Bans

    Very true! I now purchase all my cigs in Mexico where they don't have sin tax. So Mexico is getting the revenue and the US gets none. Now there is a lot of logic on the part of closet smoker lawmakers.
  15. WASaBubbleButt


    TONS! Big bites, eating too fast, not chewing well enough, and swallowing air. Being banded means learning how to CHEW once again. Amazing what we think we know.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Public Smoking Bans

    No, you don't.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Public Smoking Bans

    Don't be lumping us all in one neat and tidy group! I don't even smoke in my own home or car if a non smoker is with me. I disagree with the bans but I have to say, it doesn't affect me much. I don't typically smoke in public, just my home and car for the most part. It should be up to the business, not the gov't. The LAST thing we need is the gov't telling us when we can and cannot do a legal habit. It's up to the business.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Public Smoking Bans

    Agreed. It's as useful as saying, "Just lose weight!" Idiots.
  19. WASaBubbleButt


    It's not a matter of breathing while you eat, it's something that takes practice. Before you swallow think about what is in your mouth. Remove the air and THEN swallow. You'll get the hang of it, it just takes time.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    I am SOOOO SCARED....

    Pffft.... If we COULD eat the banded way we wouldn't NEED a band! Sorry, that was just stupid of your doc to say.
  21. WASaBubbleButt


    Well, think about it. The air has to be coming from somewhere. Either you are swallowing it or eating gassy foods. If you aren't eating Beans non stop, you have to be swallowing air. If you think through this while eating, do you think that might be workable?
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Support group for non banded spouse?

    Laura... I'd have to agree with you regarding his not coming here. I wouldn't want hubby coming here. Sometimes I just want to vent, sometimes I want to whine. He's not into either. I need MY place to come and say any darn thing I please.
  23. WASaBubbleButt


    Sounds like you might be swallowing a lot of air with your food and fluids. Try being EXTRA careful to not swallow air and see what that does. Are you eating foods that are gassy? Like Beans?
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    Ohhhh, Denise, did you get the parmesan crackers? Did you like them?
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    I think we might be talking about different fiber crackers, I don't remember how many these had but it was more than 2gms. They were on sale at $1.99 or close. Same thing? I bought popped cheese. Ewwwwwwwwww! Nasty! 1gm carbs, mega calories. 75 calories per serving but that is like 3 (max) pieces. It's the size of popcorn. It's a mega thumbs down.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
