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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Heparin Question???

    Merely my opinion here, nothing more!!! But I have to say, I could understand Heparin for a 60 BMI Gastric Bypass patient but for your typical banded patient, it really seems like overkill. Standard of care is a single Lovenox injection the AM of surgery.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    in laws are coming to town - what to do??

    If they ask details, return the favor. Ask them why they need this information. Will it improve the quality of their lives?
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    in laws are coming to town - what to do??

    You don't think they are going to notice 30# vs. 100#? Why would you worry about this? Honestly, it sounds like their problem yet you are making it your problem.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Feet size

    But my 7.5 feet were never an issue for me! It was my butt and IS my gut. Of course, now I have no boobs. Ohhhh, the horror of it all!
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Hair Loss Question

    You didn't make up a word, that's a real word but Versed doesn't do that. When someone is going to have surgery often times the way drugs are given is Versed is first. That puts you to sleep, it's a benzo or in the Valium family. It works hard and fast, but not long. It zonks you out. Then you are given a paralytic so that you can be intubated (assuming intubation is necessary, many docs are using a special face mask that doesn't require a tube going down to your lungs such as my doc for banding procedures), then gas to keep you asleep.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    PBS special "The Mormons" made me furious!

    Yeah, pretty much. Okay, superior is not the right word. But it is nice to be able to quit fooling myself and move on with life after finally accepting what is myth, what is fiction, what it's mighty damn fine to be able to say, "I don't know" instead of coming up with a standard God answer. I understand that some people have a need to believe in something so they don't feel like they are in this big bad world all alone and that there is purpose in life. I get that. What I don't get is Christianity. It is quite simple to prove it is not factual. It isn't even original material. When xtianity was created by man it was borrowed, stolen, and copied from myths prior. Why not go to the original myth? At least it isn't copied from someone else, or if it is we don't KNOW it is used and rehashed material. Why not adopt the religions it was copied from? Wouldn't that at least be more honest? Another issue I don't get is how ignorant so many are of their own religion. Ask them the history of their religion and 99% leave it at what their minister tells them. Or better yet, what they assume. They have no desire to understand their own roots and learn every detail they can of their God and beliefs. They know 1% of their total religion. Their God gave them ONE book. Just one. It isn't a bible of the week club where they would spend 80% of their daily lives reading and studying. Noooo, their God gave them one book. Yet I know more atheists that have read the darn thing from cover to cover than I do xtians. Xtians claim to love this God sooo much yet they couldn't even be bothered to read their own good book just once in their lives. Honestly, I think xtians in general have as much respect for xtianity as atheists do.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Where would I get this stuff?

    Then I'll end up throwing away the majority of it. That's why I want to find these frozen pellet things.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Public Smoking Bans

    Above post... I did it again. I meant Lizrbit, not Lauren.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Public Smoking Bans

    I think people who want even more gov't involvement than we have now should be sent with Bush packing to a country where they will gladly run their lives for them. Of course, we should also send those responsible for telling me not to use my hair dryer in the shower should be sent with those that believe "I NEED more gov't in my life to protect me from myself". When I wrote about the tax on crap food I was making a point. I'm starting to reconsider. I'm with you Lauren, if we don't NEED it, it should be taxed. Fruits and veggies... no tax. Dead critter... small tax. Anything with white flour or sugar should be $1.00 per carb and $10.00 per trans fat gm. More gov't! That's what we need. Those that don't do at least an hour of cardio a day.... put them in fat prison. You might just be on to something here! It's always easier to point to the addiction of another and cry, "More gov't!!!" It's not so sweet when it is your own addiction. Or as you say, THAT is different. :scales:
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    HA! I was realizing the same thing yesterday. I too, had to put them away where they are not the least bit convenient to reach for.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Wow. This is incredible.

    I'd like to post this on another forum, do you have a link? It's for a police forum. I have a hunch they won't appreciate the "humanitarian" sides to this story, regardless I'm sure they'd like to see it. Thx
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    I think my head is going to explode!!!

    It is no different in non military. Ask Lauren, she's been fighting this for months.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Is it too much to ask?

    Lauren... You really have to start pitching a bloody fit and insisting that people get their collective acts together. This is beyond silly! GO GET 'EM!
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Hair Loss Question

    I have been reading EVERYTHING I can find on this topic. My hair is soooo thin now. It started at about 3 months but it didn't get bad until 4 months. That is when it got super bad. I have read and read on this topic and asked every surgeon and anesthesiologist I know and I'm now of the opinion it is a combo of drugs used during surgery. They use Versed and gas. That combo somehow makes a difference. It isn't Protein, my labs show my protein is fine. I take Vitamins all day long. It isn't fast weight loss because non weight loss patients experience the same thing. People who have twilight sleep for simple procedures do not experience this, but they get Versed only. People who get gas only (not typical) don't seem to experience this. People who get gas and Versed seem to have these issues. There is no proof of anything one way or another but from everything I have heard from various docs and read, this is now my opinion.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Feet size

    I'm one of the few that feet size haven't changed. I have about 35 pounds to go so I don't know if something will change then or not.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    What Peeves you?

    Oh oh oh... another one! Literally. I hate when people use that word incorrectly. "I literally died when I heard that." If they are alive to tell the story they did not literally die. "There were literally 4,000,000 calories in that bite of ice cream." Grrrrrr
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    What Peeves you?

    If I am watching TV with someone and we are sitting together, watching the SAME thing, I don't need for the other person to repeat what I JUST heard as though I wasn't in the room during that part. That annoys me to no end. I'm not even nice about it, I remind the idiot that I just heard it TOO!
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Heparin Question???

    If you add just a tiny little bubble of air to the injection so that the bubble goes in last, it acts like a plug so the drug doesn't run out. I'm talking about a TINY bubble. (Tinnyyyyyy bubbles......<g>) You can also just hold an alcohol swab to the site for a minute or so with a bit of pressure. But that causes more bruising thus the air bubble. Just ask the nurse when they show you in the hospital.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Heparin Question???

    This makes more sense. They showed you once and will watch you in the hospital. You just don't want to inject in the same place the next dose. You want days between doses. Legs and belly is a better bet than arms since you have a choice just because it may look really bad and it won't get better until you quit taking the drug in two weeks. Did they teach you the little bitty air bubble technique?
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Heparin Question???

    Ohhh, btw... you'll want to inject in the belly. You will find you likely bruise a LOT easier while on Heparin and you don't have as many nerve endings there so it won't hurt. But that stuff DOES itch! So does Lovenox. It just itches for a few minutes. If you inject your arms you will look like a drug abuser. Especially being that it is summer. (Well, it's hot in Phoenix anyway) Inject about two inches below your bellybutton. Anywhere in that area. I sure hope someone worked with you on the first dose??? Please tell me they did.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Heparin Question???

    If it is 5000u/1ml (for example) they could get her the 10,000u/1ml strength so she only has to inject 0.5ml vs. 1.0ml. They even make a 20,000u/1ml vial so she would only have to take 0.25ml for a 5000u dose. It just kinda mean to give someone a large quantity of drug especially when they have to inject themselves considering there are more concentrated versions of Heparin. I am very interested in the dosing on this. They usually use Lovenox but Heparin is a LOT cheaper. It just has to be given more often. To the original poster, are you on Coumadin or Warfarin for something now? Do you have a history of blood clots?
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Where would I get this stuff?

    I can't eat meat of any kind. I was thinking that since this stuff turns out like a spread it might work. If your stuff is made from chicken pieces I am sure I couldn't keep it down. I assume it is?? If not I'll try it.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Heparin Question???

    1cc is the same as 1ml. A full cc of Heparin? What strength did they give you?
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Public Smoking Bans

    I was making a point.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    long time

    Sounds like you need to make better food choices. Fried chicken and sugar aren't helpful. How much food can you eat in a sitting?

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