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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Arthritis and Meds

    Lortab isn't an NSAID, it is Tylenol and Hydrocodone. Due to the addictive nature of this drug many docs won't prescribe it long term. NSAIDs are great for arthritis but not all band docs will give it to banded patients.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    I am not a sweets eater.

    I finally pitched a bag of M&Ms that are Halloween colors and a bag of Jelly Belly Jelly Beans from before I was banded. Sweets... I can take them or leave them. I want carbs, namely BREAD!
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    DaVinci Syrups.... Great stuff! I had the Cinnamon flavor and mixed it with my Matrix 5.0 Chocolate and it's good. But the Raspberry is REALLY good! I don't use a full ounce as the direction say, I have the pumps and use one pump/8oz of mixed Matrix. It is really good! It also sweetens my Matrix a bit yet not too much. I like it. However, "Just The Cheese" crunchy baked natural cheese snacks Herb & Garlic suck! OMG, they are horrible! My dog won't eat it either. They went in the garbage. They look like tiny mini rice cakes made of baked cheese and they are gross.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    When Do You Eat Your Largest Meal

    I eat about the same at each meal, I don't think I have a bigger meal than another.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Back on the Losing Streak!

    I wondered where you were, hadn't seen you around in a while. Glad you are back and things are better.
  6. When I was a kid my Mom owned a lingerie shop. Next door to the lingerie shop was a bar. The bar owner and my Mom became friends. The bar used to give her this stuff she would bring home. It was frozen, made into teeny tiny little balls. You'd just take enough out of the bag for a meal and keep the rest in the freezer. Then you'd mix it with mayo and waalahhhhh, instant ham salad. Has anyone ever seen such a product? Know where I could get it? It's an instant soft food, lasts for a long time, taste was great, and you could do anything with it. Sandwiches, eggs that were deviled eggs but made with this stuff instead, lettuce salad with this stuff on top, lots of things. It is very similar to instant potatoes but it is a frozen product.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    PBS special "The Mormons" made me furious!

    I'd venture a guess that there isn't an organized religion around that doesn't have their own weirdness. But each person has a right to follow their path. There is enough info out there that if someone wants out they can get out. If some of the Colorado City Mormon women can find their way out, anyone can. I'm not discounting the brainwashing, the man made rules, human interpretation that goes with it, but that holds true regardless of organized religion. I'm not referring to the personal relationship someone has with their God, I'm referring to the assorted nonsense. It's nonsense to those not within that particular organized religion but it's very real to those who choose to believe in it. Some of the women that escaped the Colorado City Mormons are some of the strongest women I believe I have ever met. They got that from somewhere. All our life experiences mold us into the person we are today. Same holds true for those in organized religion. They get something out of it. My own Catholic upbringing forced me to take a good, long, hard look at the belief and I came to a point where I had to admit to myself that it was simply impossible. It made me think about my beliefs and what I could accept and what I knew was impossible. People typically avoid learning about their faith for a reason, if they knew the history and the details of their religion, we'd have a LOT more Wiccans and atheists out there. Then there are a handful of people that the only thing keeping them from raping and harming others is a fear of hell. I *want* them to continue believing. I think most people don't need a God or require a God to be a good person in life but some need a little push and if a fear of hell does it for them, I'll take them to to their church. There are lots of people that don't really believe but they are afraid to admit it. Pascal's Wager. With time they usually do come around but it's their choice. I don't think anyone should be pushed. When someone is questioning their belief the LAST place I send them to is an atheism board. They will push and push until the person is backed in a corner. Just like theists attempt the same thing. I send them to a Wicca board. That's pretty neutral and they are usually accepting of people regardless of their beliefs. An amazingly wonderful trait we should all recognize and follow. I honestly don't care what people believe as long as they don't attempt to get their beliefs put into law. Then I'll come out fighting. But personal belief? Each person has the right. I don't have an ounce of respect for the belief, but that doesn't mean I can't respect the person. A person is not their belief, their belief is just one piece of the person. And it is usually a smaller piece of the person than they care to admit. Either way, it's their choice. Some need to create a God, some don't. To each his own.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Cant get over the hump...this cant be the end!

    This is why I cringe when I see people writing that they are going to take their time losing weight. Saw someone yesterday (forget who) who said that the weight didn't come on overnight, it wouldn't come off overnight. She was giving herself three years to lose her weight. Why not do it when it is easiest? When I see anything like that I want to jump in and wave flags, scream, yell, anything to get the attention of a poster but I also realize that some people are just not ready to give up excess calories. So I force myself to walk away and for me that is nooooo easy task.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    diarrhea post op

    Keep in mind you aren't going to poop as much as you used to, you'll be taking in a LOT less food than before surgery.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    band removed but can't "keep" the band?

    This is soooooo true!!! Problems may not arise immediately, but they will. Lopez really should have gone into the mortuary business instead of medicine. All Betancourt docs should and that includes Huacaz or however you spell it. Most people come out of surgery singing praises but in time, they learn the truth. Huacaz even does plastic surgery, he's not a plastic surgeon. How nice.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Cant get over the hump...this cant be the end!

    It's a little different than what you were told. Doctors consider the surgery a success if you lose around 70% of your excess weight, that does not mean that is all you can lose. Also, the first 6-18 months are when it is the easiest to lose. After that it seems to take a little more effort.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    diarrhea post op

    But it doesn't need to come out in the form of diarrhea. That's just a waste of fluids and especially in the beginning many people have a hard time getting fluids in as it is. Diarrhea can also lead to electrolye imbalances as well.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    December Bandsters in april

    I believe we can ask that the threads be combined, not sure.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    I can't find anything on it, the label is on there for the fruit but I can't find one for the veggies. Might want to check with the company.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    On which product?
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    Did you enter the correct cc#? Just picked the wrong credit card name? If the number is correct, I believe it should go through.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Overcharged for surgery?

    Keep in mind that the total bill doesn't mean that is what insurance is going to pay. They have a contracted rate and more than likely you will pay 20% of reasonable and customary charges. It should be much much less.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    diarrhea post op

    Depending on the person's post op diet they may not be able to have Protein shakes or milk. Diarrhea is normal, liquids in/liquids out. Immodium is great, just follow the directions on the bottle. Just as soon as you think it is fixed and stop the Immodium, just know it will likely start again.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    I hope you like it. I'm in heaven right now. The pineapple is verrrry sweet but it has the flavor of pineapple and the texture of a gooey brownie. I haven't eaten anything like that since being banded five months ago. I like these blueberries better than fresh. But I'm not a huge fruit fan either. I ate a crisp green bean and they are primo. I am so excited, I haven't PBed yet!!!!! Of course, if I don't quit stuffing my pie hole I WILL PB.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    Yeah, you are better off by the pound then. Peaches are great!!
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Hair Loss Question

    I've been drinking Protein since about the 3rd or 4th week after surgery, I have been taking vitamins since day #1. I'm currently doing 60gms protein daily, 1 Flinstone chewable Vitamin six times daily (vitamins don't absorb well), Biotin that I forgot the strength, and nothing seems to be working. I have a hunch it will happen or it won't regardless of what you do. However, I also keep calories very low and have since surgery. Maybe that's it. Honestly, I kinda think it is the anesthesia.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    BTW, you might want to get a four/six pack to make sure you like them. Not sure how price compares from a multi-pack vs. per pound, but I will be ordering this stuff by the pound from now on. At least stuff I know I'll like. I might try multipacks for stuff I haven't tried before.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    I did, I like them. I got a four pack, apple rings (GREAT), peaches (GREAT), blueberries (GREAT) and pineapple (verrrrry sweet, a little goes a very long way). I also got veggie chips and I like them. There is a long brown thing in there that I'm not sure what it is but mostly the carrots and the brown thing taste very much like potato chips but I can't eat regular potato chips, that's an instant PB. The peaches are ever so slightly sour, but not enough to be a big deal. Kinda gives them a kick.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    They are good! So far I think my fav are the blueberries. They are seriously good! I'm eating one of everything now. Seriously good stuff. This is a two thumbs up.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    new food products

    Wow... got my order of veggie chips today and I really like them. I got them here: http://www.jdfinefoods.com/ They might need a bit of flavor for some of you, (dips, fake butter, Peanut Butter, etc.) but I really like them. It's a GREAT snack and I have to say, for as much as I got I am very satisfied with the price. I got 2 lbs of veggie chips (one container is for a friend of mine) and a four pack of dried fruit. The blueberries and apples are GREAT! Haven't tried the peaches or pineapple yet. I'm totally impressed. If you are looking to get veggies in and just plain don't like them or can only eat crunchy things, I suggest this stuff. Go to the above link, click on dried fruits. Go to page two and veggies chips are the very last item.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
