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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    new food products

    Amazingly, no. Fresh does but not dried. For me, anyway.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Bean Sprouts

    Radish sprouts are mega fantastic! Just like bean sprouts but with a little kick to them.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Overcharged for surgery?

    I paid $7800, stayed in the hospital for two nights and didn't go through my insurance.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Maid Rites

    HA! I'm originally from Johnston.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Oil Question

    Oh yeah! Now THIS I can handle! This looks great and I don't have to cook or ruin large appliances!
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Oil Question

    What is EVOO? Does everyone use Olive Oil?
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Maid Rites

    Of course! Well, I was. I was raised there but live in AZ now.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    How many are Happy and Sucessful ?

    I'm going to copy/paste a response I wrote on another board to a person with many questions just like yours. Some will apply, some won't. Take what works for you and leave the rest. >> We have ALL experienced the concept of just being able to do it on our own. Sorry, you just aren't unique in this case, you are one of us. ;o)))))) Seriously, this is a concern all folks have. It's one of those things that you just have to experience before you can seriously grasp it. Lack of strength, etc., that is usually immediately after surgery. I don't care what surgery you have if you have a general you are going to feel it for a few days. As for a lack of strength after weight loss kicks in, those are head games we have played on ourselves for most of our fat lives. People that swear they are exhausted if they don't eat at least 2000 calories.. bah. It's conditioning. Studies prove that fat is stored energy and as long as you are getting your nutrition in, maintaining Protein, and cutting back on sugar you will burn fat for energy and you won't be tired unless you would have been anyway because you slept for 2 hours the previous night. Think about it, how many times have you told yourself you really NEED to eat? You had Breakfast but no lunch so you MUST eat. No you don't. If you aren't hungry, don't eat. Or, "I'm sick so I need extra nutrition today." Bah... your body stores plenty of protein, fat, B12, etc. You don't need EXTRA calories because you are sick. But we fatties have an odd need to feed our head hunger. You know, there are lots of types of hunger. Head hunger is when you want to eat but you don't really feel hungry. Maybe you just see that chocolate cake and it is calling your name. Stomach hunger... where you actually feel hunger IN YOUR STOMACH and not your head. Emotional hunger... I'm depressed, my Mom just died, my cat ran away, my kid flunked out of school kind of hunger. "I worked out for an extra 400 calories today so that makes me hungry" ... kinda hunger. Studies show that additional exercise does not lead to more hunger. It's an assumption by many that if they work out more they'll be hungry so they bank on it. They know they will be hungry long before they even start the work out. Of course they are hungry, they convinced themselves they would be. I think this has been the hardest part of my journey to date, undoing my weird thinking from before. Reading the facts vs. coming up with excuses to feed my head hunger. I used to post various studies here that I have read about weight issues, weight loss issues, etc. The reason I forced myself to read those studies is because I needed a reality check. I needed to realize that I justify eating extra food in a variety of ways and reading the science behind weight loss forced me to get back to basics. For me the basics are learning to eat when I am hungry, stopping when I am satisfied vs. feeling like an overstuffed T-Day turkey, understanding the difference between wanting to eat food and needing to eat food, and no longer justifying extra food by manipulating myself through my thinking. Now, I could be wrong but I really think many of us deal with the same issues. I see them on this board! I've seen people post that their stomach was growling so they must be hungry but they just had surgery and due to swelling couldn't really get MORE food down. That's not stomach hunger, that would be intestines stirring around making noise. Many of us don't even know what hunger is anymore. Due to feeding our head hunger for so many years many haven't experienced TRUE hunger in ages. How weird is that? That is OUR kind of weird. That's what we do. So when people speak of fatigue and it is not right after surgery or other factors are not involved, remember, they may be dealing with their own weirdness. We all have our various weirdnesses (new word? <g>) and we all have to deal with them. Otherwise band or no band, we will stay fat. I think the real key is not to focus on perfection but to put forth serious effort to overcome them. The rest just falls into place. Much of it depends on how much you want to be thinner and healthy? How bad do you want it? There are people who spend years looking for a way to pay for surgery. The people that really want it bad enough FIND a way. I've seen people who sell off their belongings, I've seen people get 2nd & 3rd jobs, I have seen one person who sold her home to use the equity to finance surgery. Who wants to be thinner and healthy more, the person who spends years looking for someone else to pay for the surgery or the person who busts their butt to GET the money? I've seen people that spend months trying to pick out a treadmill. They are so busy LOOKING for a treadmill they never actually make time to finally BUY a treadmill. They do the same with other exercise equipment, gyms, etc. Who wants to be thinner and healthy? The person spending ALL their free time looking for the right thing or the person that just finds a damn treadmill and buys it? Know how I picked out my treadmill? It happened to have the old Diamondbacks colors. Honest to goodness, it was the third treadmill in the store I saw and I said, "I'll take THAT one." Not wise, but no waste of time either. ;o) Then you have people that buy a treadmill and spend months looking for the best program. Sorry, there are only so many programs available and when someone is morbidly obese their possible programs will be limited anyway. So who wants to be thinner and healthy? The person picking a program or the person that jumps on and walks? People play all kinds of games with themselves. They give themselves an "A" for effort but the truth is, they are spinning their wheels. Either they want weight loss or they don't. Some people just don't want it badly enough. Moral to this long and involved, wordy, and boring post is that if you want it, you'll get it. Those complaining of fatigue merely because they are losing weight might just be dealing with their own unique weirdnesses. We all have them, we all have to overcome them. With the band you will finally get a really good start on dealing with yours. When we get a jump start (the band) suddenly we often times have all kinds of motivation. You'll do fine, get the surgery. Be healthy, move on with your life.<<
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Overcharged for surgery?

    Me too! Besides, I adore my surgeon, he is great.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    December Bandsters

    I jog, so I set it at 4-4.5MPH. If you go to www.thedailyplate.com and enter your weight FIRST, then go to "fitness" and it will tell you how many calories you ar burning according to your weight and type/speed of exercise. My treadmill doesn't take weight into consideration so I don't depend on those calories burned. I look it up instead.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    They aren't fried, either baked or dried. I don't eat the sweet potato things, won't be eating the taro either.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Oil Question

    Isn't Pesto that green stuff with things floating in there? I've seen it in the grocery store.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    Ohhhh, I won't be eating those anymore then. The green beans are my favorite, they are crunchy just like a chip. I like this stuff.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Oil Question

    Noooo, I don't like zip. Zip makes my mouth hurt and when you barf zip it is even zippier! Ouch! This stuff is good, it has LOTS of stuff floating in there.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Oil Question

    I could never get a capsule down and I'm not squeezing that stuff out. It would smell like fish guts. Blahhhhh
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Best Liquid Meal Replacement/Protein Shakes

    I like Matrix 5.0. But for a little fiber you can go with Atkins shakes but the calorie/protein isn't the greatest with Atkins. Then there is Boost, Ensure, etc.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Bean Sprouts

    Honestly, I prefer cilantro sprouts. Same exact thing as bean sprouts but cilantro instead. Yummylicious!
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Gettin' thru the clear liquid stage..

    Most folks I know refer to that stuff as Isopuke.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Gettin' thru the clear liquid stage..

    Yep, unjury protein! Yummmm! LOL Seriously, bump up the Protein and stop ALL sugar or you'll catch yourself chewing on your right arm. Hot/Sour Soup strained, s/f Jello, Ramon (sp?) noodles... skip the Pasta and mix the packet of spices/broth and drink, gatorade, Propel Water if your blood sugar starts getting out of whack, your favorite Campbells soup strained but be aware of sodium, frozen propel ice cubes after you have been banded for several days otherwise cold might hurt.
  20. Advil? Tylenol? Acetaminophen? Will any of these interfere with blood clotting following surgery? JFTR.... Tylenol and acetaminophen are the same thing.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    LOL! I have no idea what Taro is, but apparently they are the brown sticks in there.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    December Bandsters

    I'd rather they just combine all the december threads. But it's no big deal if they don't. It would just be easier to follow. Do we really need a new thread every month?
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    Nonono.... not the parmesan crackers. Completely different product. I don't know what the food label is for the veggie chips, there isn't one. I will have to contact the company. There are sweet potato chips but I don't eat those. I only eat the carrots, squash, green beans, and the brown things.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Sick from Weight Loss

    No, not necessarily rejecting the band, that is something that is like 1 in a million cases. There are lots of things it could be and that is why I question the diagnostics that were done to demonstrate the problem.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Sick from Weight Loss

    What diagnostics have you had that indicate this is your problem?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
