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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt


    So what if he does? It's no skin off your nose. I find advertisements for lawyers wanting clients who are suing their docs offensive. But it's no skin off my nose and I don't worry about it. If people don't like what they see on a successful, busy, informative site, that is their choice. If they want to block it, they can. Have you considered blocking R&R from your views?
  2. WASaBubbleButt


    Whoa there, speak for yourself. You continue speaking for newbies and you have no right to do that. You speak as though you are stating facts here and you are stating your opinion, nothing more. OH is exactly what you are describing in what YOU believe in your opinion is correct. That forum sucks. This one is great.
  3. WASaBubbleButt


    I personally *know* one advertiser that does not agree with you. Care to speak with him? How many newbies do you personally know that are offended by off topic chats? How many do you know that ran across this site and saw "Abortion" or "Falwell died" and it offended their senses so they decided not to check it out? Or, are you making assumptions? As busy as this site is, I think the numbers of members, people posting/lurking, and advertisers has already demonstrated well that you are incorrect.
  4. WASaBubbleButt


    We talk about daily life in R&R. Religion, politics, current issues, pet peeves, and you know what? Bandsters experience these same issues in their day to day lives. Funny how that works.
  5. WASaBubbleButt


    No one is suggesting what the debate is or is not except you. My comments are very appropriate for this thread. When I was asked about advertising on LBT I suggested someone do just that and for a variety of reasons such as R&R. It IS one of the reasons this site is as busy as it is. I'm always amused by the people who see the world in black and white and trust so few. Life is fun, it is an adventure. Being sooooo careful with each step you make means you never fall. If you never fall, you never learn how to pick yourself up and move on. People who fall usually have more life skills. I think it is wise to see all parts of a person's personality. The good and the bad. We ALL have good and bad, that's how it works.
  6. WASaBubbleButt


    I like the fact that if life is pissing me off, band or not band related, I have a place where I can come and vent, scream, swear, or do anything else I want. I can wear one personality for R&R and another for band issues. Sometimes it spreads over from one area to another but it depends on my mood. But the point is, I CAN vent to people who understand. Even if it isn't band related people still understand. They may not agree but at least they get it. I have learned so much here. It's one thing to read studies and stats, it is a different world to talk to people with band issues and ask questions. Better yet, they are happy to respond. I like toning my debate technique, I like discussing religion and politics. I like the variety of people here. I like that I can disagree with someone yet aside from agreeing to disagree I really like the person. I like communicating with other atheists. I like the way this board is run, suffice it to say it is the exact opposite of OH. That's what makes it great. I like that there is verrrry little drama and BS here, just real people doing their daily thing. Other than software issues that I'm sure are short lived, there really isn't anything I don't like about LBT. BTW, my doc asked me about advertising here a while back and my suggestion was HELL YES! So, now he is. He's pulling some of his advertising from OH (another of my suggestions) and he moved it over here. I wouldn't have given him those opinions if they were not how I actually feel.
  7. Before you read this please remember that I am NOT an insurance expert!! I'm just going by what some of our patients have dealt with regarding general insurance issues, I don't work in the field of bariatrics so I'm not referring to bariatric patients. Diabetes vs. pre-diabetes. I have two friends that have been banded and they are both pre-diabetes. One has PCOS. Insurance required full blown diabetes in order to be a comorbidity. BTW, they were both self pay for their bands. If you get an official diagnoses of pre-diabetes and let's say you don't get approval for the band because it isn't full blown diabetes, will this diagnosis now exclude you from getting coverage at a later time for a future insurance? This would be a question for Alexandra. I don't know the laws regarding this. What are your fasting blood sugars? That is more what insurance is going to be looking at along with the comparison after you eat something. We had a patient a long time ago that suffered from Munchausen Sydrome. She would fake illnesses in order to get the attention from diagnosis and treatment. She would come in NOT fasting for a blood sugar test and she came back mildly high. Then we'd have her drink glucose and her blood sugar did not reflect the additional sugar. In her case it was easy to demonstrate what she was doing for a variety of reasons. Point being, pre-bandsters get pretty anxious about getting the band and they do all kinds of strange things such as gaining weight to meet a required BMI, etc. Don't try to fool anyone with your blood sugars because it won't work. We need to find another way. I doubt anyone will do anything other than to tell you to watch your diet, watch your caloric intake, and exercise for any blood sugars below 200 after food. I can't see how hormonal issues would be a band issue. You would likely have those same issues as a thin person. Reflux... you might have something here. You have to demonstrate that you have it but the more important issue is why. If you have a hiatal hernia THAT is something you can work with. Many obese people have them as often times obesity causes them. The key here is that if you do have a hiatal hernia you can have insurance pay for the OR, anesthesia, etc. to repair the hernia and then self pay for the band itself. The incisions for a hernia repair and the band are exactly the same. Most docs will fix a hernia while the place the band. See what I'm talking about? Let insurance pay for everything but the band itself. You may have to self pay for the band and the additional doc time to place the band. Much cheaper than paying for all of it. However, the band is $2K in Mexico and an OR person was just posting yesterday that the US cost for a band is $4K. Then surgeon fees on top of that. Sleep apnea... just waking up a few times isn't sleep apnea. But you could try to get insurance to pay for a sleep study to see if anything is there. Joint pain... you'd have to demonstrate on xray this is weight related. Do you have arthritis? Degenerative joint disease? Honestly, I'm not seeing how you would possibly meet the requirements for insurance to pay for banding.
  8. WASaBubbleButt


    I've lost 70lbs in 5 months. I am having gallbladder problems. Had I taken Actigall I wouldn't likely have these problems. Banded people typically lose weight slower than bypass patients. That does not mean you won't lose weight in a big hurry initially. Taking the drug is your choice. Just how motivated are you? Want to lose fast or slow? Only you can make this decision.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    After care

    Most people can shower right away yet NOT bathe, it all depends on your doc's instructions. What did he say? Swimming, remember... people pee in pools. Do you want other people's pee in your newly healing incisions? When everything has scabbed over AND the scabs have fallen off, if everything is closed, looks good, and is not reddened, then you can swim. Usually takes 3 weeks or longer.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Lump Forming around the Port

    The lump is likely scar tissue and within a few weeks it will go away. It will go in stages, might be itchy, then burning like a heat burn, then go away. Just give it a few weeks.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Liquid Vitamins

    Flinstone chewables, one tablet six times daily (when I remember).
  12. My vote is for Calorie Counter and Diet Tracking, Nutrition Data, Water Consumption - TheDailyPlate.com.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    post-op overeating

    How, exactly, have you fallen off the wagon? Are you not following your doc's advice? Remember, the time between surgery and your first fill are not designed for weight loss. It is designed for healing.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Dr. consult & now confused

    <p>Yep... what LaurenD wrote.</p> <p> </p> <p>Did your surgeon happen to explain bypass to you? Did he tell you that the amount of intestine removed depends on your excess weight? Example, if you are 100lbs overweight they will remove about 3' of intestine. If you are 200lbs overweight they will remove about 6'. Did he tell you that the first foot of intestine that is ALWAYS removed is what absorbs B12 and Calcium? Did he mention that since you will no longer absorb these nutrients normally you will have to take mega supplements for the rest of your life?</p> <p> </p> <p>Did he mention that after five years your intestine will start to regrow tissue that absorbs fat and calories thus regaining lost weight yet you will NEVER absorb b12 or calcium normally again?</p> <p> </p> <p>Surgeons make more money from bypass than they do banding. Did he mention that he might be looking out for his own best interest vs. yours?</p> <p> </p> <p>Look long and hard at this surgeon and think carefully.</p>
  15. WASaBubbleButt


    LBT already has the ads for "lawyers, sue your bariatric surgeon" crap. Very disappointing but I'm sure it won't change in the near future.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    does it slide??

    Nope, not weird at all. I don't even think about it since I can't feel it. The only two ways I know it is there is that I HAVE to eat differently and if I feel my stomach I can feel the port. Otherwise I am totally unaware that it exists in my body.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Banding Date Quickly Approaching!!!

    Congrats to you! AND... you are a nurse? Very cool! If you have any questions from another nurse, feel free to PM me.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    ???s about first three days post lb surgery

    I felt tired. It wasn't pain, per se... but discomfort. Ever pull a muscle? It's fine as long as you don't move. But standing up, getting in and out of a car/bed... it's sore. THAT is how I felt. Just sore if I moved the wrong way. First time you go to bend over to pick something up, you'll feel it. Bend from the knees, not at the waist. I wasn't hungry in the least. I drank Gatorade, broth, and Water. I stayed on clears for 3 weeks because I could. Lost 23 pounds that I kept off. The biggest thing to remember is that there is a difference between being sore and being in pain. The two are NOT the same. If you have a really good, skilled, and experienced surgeon you shouldn't feel a great deal of pain. For the first few days you'll fart and burp up a storm. It's the gas used to blow up your belly so the surgeon can see what he's doing. After the gas is gone you'll feel the effects of the gas. Pulled muscles, etc. But it typically isn't pain, it's sore. Big, huge difference between the two. Good luck on your date!!! It's a great life changing experience!
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    does it slide??

    Well, we HOPE it is forever! Theoretically, it's forever. But slips and such do happen. It used to be that they stitched it differently than today. But they have perfected the surgical technique and the band and slips and erosion are not common.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    does it slide??

    It is stitched into place and eventually your body will form (much wanted and needed) scarring and adhesions around the band. So to answer your question, nope.
  21. Your BMI is 37.5: Barix Clinics - Is Surgery Right For You - BMI Calculator You have joint pain but it is not proven on xray that it is weight related. You have no medical history of hypertension or diabetes (for insurance purposes). Family history doesn't really matter in this case. Pregnacy complications don't really matter either for the sake of this discussion. You have nothing to work with that I can see. You will either have to wait until you gain enough weight to have a BMI of 40 or more (not suggested), you can diet/exercise, or you can self pay. Most people here are self pay for surgery, we know it isn't easy. After you do reach a BMI of 40 or more you may have to go on a six month medically supervised diet. If you go below a 40 BMI you may no longer qualify. If you don't lose weight you may not qualify. That means you may have to wait until you are a 43-44 BMI before the medically supervised diet will be effective. This is all assuming your insurance does not exclude WLS and even if it does not, all insurance co's seem to have their own quirks and requirements. Unless someone has some better info to offer (I am not an insurance expert by any stretch) it looks to me like you are looking at self pay or diet/exercise. In Mexico for an experienced surgeon that is around $8K give or take $500. If you are looking to the US for surgery from an experienced surgeon you are looking at around double that amount.
  22. Anything under 200 is not a concern when it comes to comorbidities and WLS.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Jerry Fallwell, Dead

    Almost makes you wonder if Tinky Winky stock didn't go up during that time thanks to Falwell! HA!
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Kind of Disgusting - - Sorry

    Benefiber!!!! I just bought it for the first time a few days ago. I bought the itty bitty size because I was sure it was going to be gross. Amazingly, it isn't! It really doesn't have a taste. If you mix it in Water, shake/stir, within less than a minute you can't tell it is in there. I put it in my Protein shakes and bottled water. I drink the stuff all day long. According to Dr. C it can take a month to get things back into a routine again but it will happen. AVOID METAMUCIL!!!
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    new food products

    Thinking about whey and Tea... it's just not working for me. 'Course, I'm not trying to drink the stuff but it sounds gross to me. :youcandothis:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
