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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Do Not Go To Betencourt Medical

    I was banded in Mexico but by Dr. Aceves. Dr. Aceves has a database of docs on his website. I looked up Georgia and this is what I found: Tidus Duncan Atlanta 404 881 8020 $175 w/o Fluroro, $250 w/Fluoro Darlene Zebley, ARNP Moultrie Fill Centers USA - Weight Loss Surgery - Bariatric Surgery - Gastric Bypass Surgery - Lap Band Surgery Information and Support DZebley@fillcentersusa.com 866 345 5872 $299 initial then $155.00 for each additional fill. Dr. Rick Finley Woodstock 404 688 1934 HORRIBLY EXPENSIVE! $1720 + $500 to review records prior to fill, practices with McKernan. Barry McKernan 770 924 8808 $1,900 because they require an upper GI, etc. Person who went to him claims he is very rude and mean. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Looks like the first one would be your best bet however, if you have an emergency your insurance should cover the last two in a pinch.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    I have a hunch you'd have to pay someone to drink the IsoPuke. That's some nasty stuff. Sorry you don't like the products, BariatricEating.com is pretty expensive. I still have the pudding from my post-op days. I never had the guts to try it.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Be Honest....

    Not an urban legend. It was the Sr. VP of Inamed that told me about it. I had never heard of the concept before.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    confused about restriction

    Syrah... I am not going to continue this game. You tear apart my posts, I ask you to back up your own claims, you refuse to do so but insist I back up mine. You won't even answer questions when I ask you to clarify your posts. It's not just this thread you have started this behavior, it's another as well. This is turning into a pissing match and I'm just not going to play. You'll have to find yourself a new target, I'm through. I have answered your questions, all of them. I have responded to each point you make. I have nothing else to offer you. Again, find a new target as I'm ending this here and now.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    confused about restriction

    No, we aren't having two different conversations. A tight band, tight fill, what difference will the result be? If people were coming home from Mexico with a band that is too tight or overfilled they wouldn't even be able to drink water. What your doc claims is what a handful of docs claim. I'm still waiting for one of them to back this up with something. Anything. I was asking for clarification, another of many issues/questions you declined to address. I was referring to overall history and track record. As for the juvenile pissing match you refer to, I didn't start this. I merely answered your attempts at tearing apart my posts. I never have tolerated the "anti-Mexican" attitudes when it comes to docs and bandings, I likely never will. Ohhhh, come now. You have been doing quite a bit more than asking questions. You and I both know that. I don't think I claimed it was Ortiz' patients only that didn't need a fill for six months. If I did it was an error. Ortiz claims that 70% of patients don't need a fill for six months. Not sure I buy into that number fully as in reading various boards that doesn't seem the norm but I have nothing to refute his stats. I enjoy the board quite well, but thanks for your concern.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    That's what I thought it was originally but someone looked at the photo and said the Taro was a flat thing. I probably misread/misunderstood. I don't believe I have ever heard of Taro before Veggie chips. I just like this stuff for when I want salty/crunchy. It's a much better bet than what I used to reach for.
  7. WASaBubbleButt


    Does he have a website?
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Banding Date Quickly Approaching!!!

    What you are feeling is soooooooooooooo normal! We ALL experience the same thoughts and emotions. You are a nurse, the only thing you can really, honestly, sincerely, depend on is your history of education and research. The rest is a bonus. You'll do fine. Just know, you are not alone!
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Dr. consult & now confused

    Nobody claimed otherwise. The band is a good surgery, it works. I'm about as pro-band as they come. Being over priced is one issues in itself. Being a good idea is completely another.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Chewing and spitting out food

    Not everyone that does this has an eating disorder. The following are requirements to meet your diagnosis: DSM-IV Technical Criteria for EDNOS Because of the wide range of eating behaviors that exist outside of anorexia, bulimia and now binge eating disorder (which is becoming more formally recognized by the professional community), EDNOS does not have a comprehensive list of technical criteria at this time. However, the DSM-IV does provide some parameters/examples, as listed below: <TABLE id=table1 dir=ltr style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" borderColor=#111111 cellSpacing=1 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=left width=20>1. </TD><TD dir=ltr>All of the criteria for Anorexia Nervosa are met except the individual has regular menses (periods). </TD></TR><TR><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=left width=20>2. </TD><TD dir=ltr>All of the criteria for Anorexia Nervosa are met except that, despite substantial weight loss, the individual's current weight is in the normal range. </TD></TR><TR><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=left width=20>3. </TD><TD dir=ltr>All of the criteria for Bulimia Nervosa are met except binges occur at a frequency of less than twice a week or for a duration of less than 3 months. </TD></TR><TR><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=left width=20>4. </TD><TD dir=ltr>An individual of normal body weight who regularly engages in inappropriate compensatory behavior after eating small amounts of food (eg, self-induced vomiting after the consumption of two cookies). </TD></TR><TR><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=left width=20>5. </TD><TD dir=ltr>An individual who repeatedly chews and spits out, but does not swallow, large amounts of food. </TD></TR><TR><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=left width=20>6. </TD><TD dir=ltr>Binge eating disorder; recurrent episodes of binge eating in the absence of the regular use of inappropriate compensatory behaviors characteristic of bulimia nervosa. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <HR dir=ltr color=#8fadbc> A Range of Behaviors Based on the limited technical criteria above, following are some additional examples of the behaviors associated with persons struggling with EDNOS. (Please note: this is by no means a comprehensive listing). <TABLE id=AutoNumber9 dir=ltr style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" borderColor=#111111 cellSpacing=1 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify width=20>1. </TD><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify>You're always on a diet, always coming off a diet, or always getting ready to go on one again (chronic dieting). </TD></TR><TR><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify width=20>2. </TD><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify>You categorize foods as 'safe' and 'off limits', but weigh within normal ranges and are not participating in bulimia. </TD></TR><TR><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify width=20>3. </TD><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify>You starve yourself regularly, but are not significantly underweight (i.e. less than 85% ideal weight) </TD></TR><TR><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify width=20>4. </TD><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify>You eliminate entire food groups from your diet (yes, that includes carbs!). </TD></TR><TR><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify width=20>5. </TD><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify>You are obsessed with exercising but eat fairly regularly. </TD></TR><TR><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify width=20>6. </TD><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify>You binge and/or purge, but not more than once a week. </TD></TR><TR><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify width=20>7. </TD><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify>You substitute supplements and fad diets for real food, but weigh within normal ranges. </TD></TR><TR><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify width=20>8. </TD><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify>You skip social occasions because you feel fat, or because you are afraid of what's being served, yet your weight is normal. </TD></TR><TR><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify width=20>9. </TD><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify>You are obsessed with eating only organic, natural or raw foods (orthorexia). </TD></TR><TR><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify width=20>10. </TD><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify>You believe that everyone is as focused on your weight as you are. </TD></TR><TR><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify width=20>11. </TD><TD dir=ltr vAlign=top align=justify>You refuse to eat regular meals, choosing instead to 'nibble' throughout the day on small portions of food (which usually leads to bingeing). </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just because someone is a newbie and chews/spits does not make them qualify for a DSM classification. It actually requires a great deal more. I did it once or twice (don't remember for sure). Do you think I'd fit in that classification? We aren't talking about people that just for the heck of it decided to do this, we are talking about people that had surgery causing a HUGE change in lifestyle after a 40 minute surgical procedure and they craved old eating habits. Honestly, I think "addiction" would have been a better option for DSM classifications. I am no psychiatrist but I'd be happy to ask hubby, the actual psychiatrist of the family. I mean, I'd rather not but I will if you wish. We don't discuss my food issues often. Ever live with a psychiatrist? Yikes! :mad: If someone does this daily for months on end I'd be more apt to agree with you. But short term? I think it is a human method of dealing with a huge, mega, life changing surgical procedure. Otherwise it would be like saying that anyone who just quit smoking has a brand new disorder because they crave cigarettes right after quitting smoking. Remember, with DSM classifications the education comes into play when we look at the entire picture. A short term behavior doesn't fit long term DSM classifications. I do agree with you whole heartedly on one point. Digestion most certainly does start at the point you put the food in your mouth! I only did this behavior a verrrrry short time and the reason is that the crumbs of the BREAD I was eating did go down and I slimed. I am one of those people that slimes on something once and I have NO desire to consume that food again. IOW, I had NO desire to chew/spit again. :mad:
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    I can still eat???

    Hmmm.... seems like something else might be going on. Many people experience fatigue with three kids and a full time job. Check out various studies, you might find that fat is stored energy. Assuming you are getting your daily nutrition in your fat should be providing you with energy. Again, it is stored energy. I think most bandsters experience lots of head games that helped to get us fat to begin with. "If I don't get "X" calories in I'll be too tired," or "I am sick so I need extra nutrition." I can go on all day with examples of head games and how we justify more food. It's what got us where we are to begin with. Perhaps your daily life is busy enough to cause fatique. I get 600 calories in, I don't work for pay but I work numerous hours volunteering time and I don't feel fatigue in the least. I did early on but I changed Vitamins and I felt much better. I have hair loss but I have a hunch it is for the same reason as many other surgical patients. Anesthesia. It has yet to be proven why anesthesia patients lose hair. There are lots of theories and opinions, but no real facts. Initially I thought my hair loss was due to fast weight loss. Funny thing, surgical patients with no weight loss experience the same thing. Unless, of course, you have stats to defend your inferences? As for sagging skin, I think part of it is quick weight loss, but I also think it is due to the fact that I smoke and am 45 years old. Not to mention genetics. There are lots of reasons people have saggy skin, losing large amounts of weight is certainly a big issue. Wouldn't you agree? I have yet to suggest anyone do things my way. I have explained time and time again this is MY way and I have also repeatedly suggested people not do things my way. Good weight loss can be done with a very healthy diet and required exercise. I realize you have a multitude of problems with how *I* choose to lose *MY* weight, but sadly... that isn't something I can help you with. I'm personally not willing to maintain fat merely to justify eating more food. But that's me, not everyone. BTW, I noticed you didn't answer many of my questions in the previous post. Any reason for that?
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    confused about restriction

    For some people they have a great deal of restriction after being banded. Others can eat around it. We all know this. If someone is trying but they don't have enough restriction, they aren't going to be as successful. It's a fact, without a band you have no restriction, with an unfilled band you do have more restriction but for some it is enough, for others it is not. We are all unique and we all have individual needs. The one size fits all band did not work for everyone, it worked for some and not others. Is this more clear for you? If you were in business and suddenly you realized that someone else took up to 55% of your business from you, doc or no doc, would you be concerned? Would you try to find ways to make your business more appealing to your consumer base? According to a poll right here on LBT, 55% of people posting here were banded in Mexico. The remaining 45% were banded in the US. Somewhere around 27% (unverified) of people WITH insurance have WLS coverage. Of that 27%, not all are in need of WLS. I doubt most people have faith in a doc BECAUSE they are from another country. I didn't have more faith in my doc because he is from another country or because he was cheaper (it would have been cheaper to go through my insurance), I had faith in my doc because: He's Inamed certified, He's an Inamed proctor, He has done far more bands than any US surgeon I was considering, regardless of insurance requirements, He helped perfect the banding procedure, He helped perfect the band itself, He trains US docs and has since he has been doing them longer than most US docs, His stats are beyond fantastic for erosion, slips, and infection, He is far more conservative than most US docs with hospitalization, post op diets, and fills, He is a certified bariatric surgeon, general surgeon, and trauma surgeon. That means he is very well qualified to handle weird stuff patients experience during surgical and post surgical procedures, His reputation is absolutely fantastic, He is well respected by his peers. Matter of fact, they just elected him as the new VP of the Mexican Bariatric Assoc. He holds the position of secretary for the International Bariatric Assoc. I'll venture a guess his background beats your own doc's background. But yours is better because he's from the US, right? Isn't that kinda... non-PC? All in all, yes, I think ANY doc would be happy with more business. I think most business owners would be happy with more business. Isn't that why we see advertisements for specific docs on TV each night? They have enough business but they spend big bucks advertising for the heck of it. Right? Lots of docs advertise, it's natural for any business owner to want MORE business. Docs throw around these myths that Mexican docs overfill their patients and give them bands that are too tight but I have yet to see a stat to back up their claims. Do you have any stats other than your doc's opinion? Would you be willing to get stats from a doctor that claims Mexican docs place tight bands or overfill their patients? Have you EVER been overfilled? EVER?? To the point that you couldn't even drink Water? That's what happens when you are overfilled. If patients were coming home from Mexico and unable to drink water, don't you think the patients would be speaking up instead of US docs making claims they have yet to defend? If they defend these claims, I've yet to see their numbers and proof. BTW, my doc has never overfilled me, but US medical providers have, twice. Now I only go to my doc in Mexico for fills. I just had the opportunity to see 3 band placements yesterday. I saw the band, there is no way it is the size of a 50 cent piece. No way a 50 cent piece would fit through that hole, even unfilled. Not even close. I honestly don't think a quarter would fit through there but I'm willing to try it next time I go to Mexico. If I am incorrect I will be the first one to tell you. If I am correct I'll take photos and post them. Some surgeons describe it as a nickel, some describe the INSIDE dimensions of a placed band as a dime. No way it's a 50 cent piece. Now, if your surgeon is more conservative than that of some Mexican surgeons, isn't it a fair statement to make that some Mexican surgeons are more conservative than yours? You seem to have a huge issue with Mexico and Mexican surgeons. Any political reasons behind that? Because you are coming up with lots of OH issues and concepts. They are typically quite seriously anti-Mexico. You know, kinda like you. Funny how that works. :mad: As far as photos of the lap band I can show you Inamed's own website where the photos appear much smaller than your photos. Let's get exact numbers, shall we?
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    I can still eat???

    I don't know that I am going to have it removed, I honestly don't know. Prior to the meds I certainly had medical reason to have it removed. I'm going to be starting a new drug tomorrow for stomach spasms, it might work better than the one I am on today. I don't know. Some days I swear I want it removed that very day. Other days I feel differently. The thing about losing weight is that there are two sides to each issue. After you get your daily nutrition in the rest of the calories basically maintain fat. What is the value in that? Personally, I see little value in maintaining fat. Each day I am obese I have greater risk than if I was normal size. If I follow bandster rules by 800 calories a day (my docs suggestion WITH restriction), and exercise, I WILL lose more than 2 lbs weekly especially when I was 70lbs heavier. Which rule should I break so I don't lose quickly, should I cut back on exercise or add more calories to maintain my fat? See where I am going with this? I am not convinced that losing weight quickly is such a horror and especially considering the huge risk of being morbidly obese. I am on week 24 since being banded. That is a 2.92 pound weight loss weekly. Honestly, where is the horror? For the most part, people who put serious effort into weight loss with a band are going to lose faster. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. It IS personal choice. I'm trying to get weight off quickly because I don't want to be fat. Not for medical reasons. Heck, in a different thread a few days ago I flat out explained that I didn't do this for health reasons (getting a band), I just don't want to feel like a fat cow anymore. And that is how I felt. Health benefits were an extra bonus. But that isn't why I got a band. Not all surgeons agree about speed of weight loss. I know at first I was drinking calories and justifying it by saying I didn't want to lose too quickly. Bah! Truth is, I just wanted to eat. But that is me, I'm not claiming that is true for everyone.
  14. I guess my point is that some docs don't need laws and people checking up on them to do things well. If the only issue is that rules and regs are what keeps docs doing things well, what does that say about the doc? He wouldn't do things the right way if he wasn't forced? Is your doc THAT bad that he wouldn't sterilize the surgical instruments unless rules and regs forced him to? Of course not! You are a nurse, you know how to research docs. Mexican docs are no different.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    I can still eat???

    Yep, I have had my share of issues but I also run on my treadmill for a minimum of an hour daily. I keep my calories at about 600 daily. My food choices are not great but my total caloric intake daily and exercise time are totally my choice. I've worked seriously hard at my weight loss and it is not all due to my food choices. Now that I'm on meds to control stomach spasms it is somewhat better (not perfect) but I'm still losing at the same rate. I agree, 70lbs in 5 months is not typical, I didn't claim it was. I wrote that if I can do it anyone can. If you follow bandster rules, choose good dietary choices and put the time into exercising, you WILL lose more than 2lbs weekly if you have appropriate restriction. Especially in the beginning. If you take someone that is 350lbs, cut their caloric intake down to 800 calories daily vs. the 4000 they were consuming before, add exercise that they didn't previously do, they WILL lose more than 2lbs weekly.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    confused about restriction

    Many docs will disagree with your doc. Think about it, you suddenly have a hole in your stomach that is the size of a dime. You didn't have that before. You will likely be full much faster than when you could hold a gallon of food in your stomach. If someone is too tight they often times can't even drink Water. If the band is placed too tight the patient knows the first time they drink water. I've lost 70lbs in five months and my band isn't tight. Lots of people lose weight quickly, it is a matter of dietary choices and exercise as well as restriction. Yes, Dr. Ortiz is in Mexico and the rumor that Mexican docs have tighter bands and do fills before 4 weeks is as true as it is in the US. It is a myth, a rumor. Ask any Mexican banded patient. If they are too tight, they KNOW it immediately. Keep in mind, US docs lose a LOT of business to Mexican docs due to sheer cost. They are resentful and make up big stories and pass on rumors that simply are not true. If a Mexican doc claimed that US patients are typically banded too tight, would it make it truth or a rumor?
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Sick from Weight Loss

    Well, we've asked three times since before the 14th when the OP was last on line and no answer what the diagnostics were or the results. I have a hunch we aren't going to get that answer.
  18. You misunderstand. I am referring to the insurance's co's view regarding WLS. Yes, it is a concern for the OP but not in the insurance co's mind. It doesn't mean they will cover the procedure. The hypertension is not a diagnosis and she is not receiving treatment (as I recall, I've been out of town for a few days and I'm going by memory). I am referring to insurance covering WLS. Thus far undocumented, unproven comorbidities are not issues an insurance company will see as reasons for WLS.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    I like them too. When I want potato chips or Fritos, this does the trick for me. I LOVE the green beans, aren't they cool? Lightly salted, hits the spot. Yet not the fat and calories of potato chips. I really like this stuff. So glad you enjoy them. I plan to continue buying them. What are the brown sticks?
  20. Would you agree that there are bad surgeons in the US and we don't know why they are still practicing medicine? I can point you to a website where docs are being "monitored" by the board of medicine because they are pedophiles, drug addicts, participate in kinky and illegal behaviors, etc. (Kinky is okay, illegal and kinky is not okay.) I have NO clue why these people are still in medicine. It boggles my mind. A pediphile pediatrician and he is STILL practicing pediatrics! Right here in AZ! What the heck???? If a US doc kills a patient, that doesn't mean their license will be revoked. They can still continue to practice medicine in most cases. So what good do our laws do for the dead folks? Mexico is no different. They have good surgeons and bad. Even with their bad surgeons they don't have the medical malpractice issues we do because the people there don't take advantage of free money at any opportunity. I guess one of my issues here is that there are a lot of people that don't have $16K-$40K to pay cash for a procedure. They have to find alternatives. IF they choose Mexico, there really isn't a problem with this 99.999% of the time if they choose a GOOD surgeon with skill, experience, and a good reputation. I chose Mexico for several reasons. I was not willing to jump through hoops to get a band, I was not willing to do a six month supervised diet (if I was willing, I wouldn't have lost 70lbs, I'd still be waiting for insurance approval), I wasn't willing to go to the docs on my "approved" list, I didn't approve them the insurance co did. I went to the best surgeon I could. I did my work and I did my research. If I would have been wrong I could not have sued. Americans are not permitted to take their sue happy attitudes to Mexico, it won't fly. However, had I experienced a complication that was the fault of my surgeon, he would have fixed it and not charged me. Would I have made money off it? Not likely. But I'm not like that anyway. Cover my costs and I am a happy camper. There are people that don't have insurance to cover banding. That leaves them a choice. Either go to a quality and experienced surgeon in Mexico or not have a band at all. It's easy for those with WLS coverage to say, "Just save more money." but it isn't always possible. Happens to be that my surgeon has fixed a lot of US screw ups. Just because someone is from the US doesn't make them good. I understand your points and I don't entirely disagree. But I don't entirely agree either. There are people that don't have insurance coverage for WLS, what should they do if they can't afford surgery in the US? Just go without a band? I'm not trying to be pissy, this is an honest question.
  21. Yes, patients are going to have complications. Sometimes we take all the right precautions and crap just happens. You get someone that has no history of throwing clots and even with the standard drugs to prevent someone from throwing clots, they have a pulmonary embolism anyway... that isn't the docs fault. Crap happens. Giving Lovenox SQ is standard of care before doing this procedure. If someone has an allergic reaction to the drug is that the doc's fault? Is it the patient's fault? Of course not, crap happens. You get a person with an infection. Doesn't mean it is the doc's fault (however for the person that started this thread I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that she did everything right for aftercare, her doc was at fault). If the doc gives the person instructions and the person does not follow those instructions and an infection results, that is a complication. Does that mean it is the doc's fault? Of course not. All complications are not the fault of the doc. A good doctor will recognize and deal with a complication. All docs have complications in their careers, it doesn't mean they have complications with each and every single one of their patients.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Jerry Fallwell, Dead

    People like that make me want to hurl. During my care home days we had religious nuts that would come in and do "church services" weekly. While I am not a religious person that didn't mean my patients were not. I gave them a building to do their thing. Well, until my patients started explaining what was going on during church services. I had quite a few paranoid schizophrenics and the nice church people were telling them they were fine physically and mentally, the voices they were hearing were the devil and his followers. They were ALL hysterical one day because they believed they were possessed. Let's just say the nice church people were told if they returned I'd be calling the police. How can people be THAT mean and cruel? Idiots. I finally got some REAL church people in that didn't preach from their own lack of education but the bible instead. I may not agree with it but that doesn't mean others can't hear it as they please.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Jerry Fallwell, Dead

    OMG! This made me LOL in real time! I'm very pleased I'm sitting at home alone instead of hubby seeing me laugh when he didn't say anything. That would just be weird.
  24. WASaBubbleButt


    Nobody has suggested that you claim the forums be taken away. We disagree with you. From what I see advertisers disagree with you. Due to all the posts at least those posting seem to disagree with you that they are chased away or given a "screw you" attitude.
  25. WASaBubbleButt


    HAHA!!!! Now this is quite a stretch. Lauren suggests giving people options to view what they choose and you read "screw you" in that statement. What's wrong with this picture? Is it you or is it everyone else?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
