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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Illegal aliens

    Oh for goodness sakes. What a comment. Tell you what, you have a home and food. Why don't you guys take in 50,000,000+ illegals, support them, give them medical care, educate them, fill your prisons, stretch your social services to the max, and refuse your own children an education in their native language so your illegals who don't pay taxes can educate their children. BTW, just what would this do to your economy? I have to laugh, people from outside the US point and giggle at our educational system yet they don't have a clue what the US is really about. You guys apparently believe everything your media tells you. People who really don't get it need a dose of their own medicine. Perhaps we should just pack up all the illegals and send them to you. Then the US can sit back and insist that you just suck it up and become a 3rd world country.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Illegal aliens

    It hasn't. The border states have been screaming about this for years and years. It wasn't ever an issue until the rest of the country started feeling what we experience on a daily basis. Suddenly the rest of the country started to pay attention and realize this is a serious problem. If we would have acted on it before it was this far out of hand we'd be in a much better position today. One in four children in our public schools is an illegal or an anchor baby, the majority of illegals are on welfare to the point that more illegals are on welfare than legal US citizens... you know, the ones paying the bills. I met a woman that was moving, she and her grandchild were leaving California because since her grandchild was born in the US she spoke only English. There were no more "English only" classes left within her grade so they put her in a Spanish only class. She's a LEGAL US citizen! 75% of children born in one county of California (forget which county) are born to illegals. Anchor babies. Even after an illegal becomes a legal citizen the majority of them will be working poor and on welfare for life. How many countries can we afford to take care of for life? Anyone familiar with how many generations of individual families stay on welfare? We can't afford a war and we can't afford 50,000,000 illegals breaking our laws on a daily basis. One does not make the other okay, it is like saying we should ignore those who rape women because we have pedophiles that rape children. We don't pick one over the other, we tackle them both. We need to be tackling the war and the illegals, not one or the other.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Jerry Fallwell, Dead

    LOL! Priceless post. I agree with you and I also feel that he certainly was not representative of what Christ supposedly taught. He did nothing but give people permission to hate in the name of Christianity. Some people were duped and fell for it, most were not. I'm not the least bit concerned about what his children will accomplish. Falwell lost a heck of a lot of power after 9/11 when even the hard core right wingers saw through his hate and venom. His kids may have had a great teacher in how not to practice their faith but Falwell will be forgotten in no time. Well, as soon as many of his messes are cleaned up.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Illegal aliens

    Actually you are saying we should open our doors and let the whole world come in because essentially, that is what we do and you support this. You do not support further laws to stop this "illegal" behavior. So, what is it that you support? Closing the borders so the whole world doesn't walk in or not? My husband also came from another country, a 3rd world country. He did it the right way, the legal way. There is no way you will convince me that it is okay to break our laws as long as you are not from this country. As for the Native Americans... Honestly, I don't give a rats behind about it "in the manner you suggest". I have no control over that, I wasn't born at that time, I don't know anyone that was a part of that. I am not responsible for it. If it was bad and inappropriate behavior then, it is bad and inappropriate behavior today. No way around that. What happened to the Native Americans was wrong and we are currently paying a great deal of money to the tribes for actions we didn't do. In the end we benefit and they benefit. Such is life. Just because someone is not from our country does not mean it is a free for all to break any law they wish. We'll enforce a few laws and not enforce a few. That's just total crap. As for the laws for illegals being excessive... bull. They are not. We don't enforce any laws that have to do with illegals. We could have a law that says shoot them all down with large guns. But if we don't enforce such a law they don't have a lot to worry about. You act as though most here support the current war and that justifies illegals. Not sure I get your logic but I'd venture a guess that most who have posted in this thread thus far do not support either. Besides, bottom line is that one has absolutely nothing to do with another. Pack them up and ship them out. Send them back to where they do belong, the US isn't it.
  5. Oh, NOW you are serious? Does this mean you were not serious on the other thread? The other thread was for fun and games? Why do you feel a need to let me know when you are actually serious?
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Illegal aliens

    They pretty much get those things being illegals. That's the problem. Do you see any illegals on the street dying and people refusing to provide healthcare? They get it just like you and I do but they don't have to pay for it. They *are* working anywhere, they are getting a great education... what's the value of being a legal citizen?
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Illegal aliens

    I have no more sympathy, honestly I ran out a long time ago. Perhaps that is because I live on a border state. The problem I have is that many times they will pay someone many thousands of dollars to sneak them across the border. Do you know how much money many thousands of dollars is in pesos? It would be a heck of a good start on the application process for coming here legally. Then we have the issue of anchor babies. These are people that can't even afford to feed themselves but they work *very* hard at getting preggers so they can get instant welfare, instant freebie everything. At some point a little common sense has to kick in. The first five years I lived in a border state I kinda felt sorry for illegals and didn't fight to have them "removed" from a country that is not theirs. The 2nd 5 year period of time I was getting kinda tired of it but thought I was not being a tolerant person. The 3rd five year block of time I was getting angry at the problem and realized we have a huge problem. The last five years, I just want someone to haul their asses the hell out of here and send them back to where they belong. Their OWN home. We can't afford another 50,000,000 illegals. The US is not a bottomless pit of dollars to take care of the whole entire world. There has to be an end. I don't see an end in sight. There will be a time when the people take it in their own hands and I'm not 100% sure I won't be out there with them.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Illegal aliens

    I fully agree with this. If they would come here illegally then they have already demonstrated that they have no regard for the laws in this country. Your fiance is correct IMHO.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    confused about restriction

    Not sure why it's suddenly a problem. I've seen you post plenty of times in threads where there is more than one thought at a time in writing.
  10. WASaBubbleButt


    I'll beat you to hiding AI threads! HA!
  11. WASaBubbleButt


    There is a nursing board that looks just like this board but different colors. They have the option of paying annual fees for no ads. If there are no annual fees the ads appear to those members. I'd be willing to pay an annual fee to get rid of advertisers just so I don't have to keep scrolling left and right because the screen is too wide now.
  12. WASaBubbleButt


    I'm sorry, I am not sure what you mean here. Are you suggesting that if he advertises bypass related products/services that banders will leave this site? Again, I do understand you I merely disagree with you.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    December Bandsters

    What are you eating on a daily basis? Are you tracking your food? I think some folks prefer not to track calories and such but it soooo easy to consume more calories than realized and unless you track it for a few days, you won't realize it. I was on a 2 week thing where I wasn't losing anything. Then I lost 13 pounds in 13 days, now I'm on another two week thing of not losing anything. I think your body just plays catch-up sometimes. Perhaps Water loss is exchanged for fat loss during this time? Hard telling. If you are exercising on a regular basis you might be building a little muscle and losing fat. Are you taking your measurements to see if you are losing inches during this time?
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    confused about restriction

    How about the thread you are posting in? I mean, I realize that out of network referrals and the number of bands your surgeon has placed and which insurance you have doesn't have anything to do with restriction but that's the great thing about ALL message boards. They tend to drift at times because one topic leads to another. The better issue is that we can always go back on topic with a single post.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Dr. consult & now confused

    For the most part, Evilah, I was agreeing with you.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Sick from Weight Loss

    I don't think anyone here was offering the OP a diagnosis or medical advice. I don't think anyone was analyzing her experience. We come here to exchange information and share facts. If this is a real issue that many need to be aware of I don't think it is out of line at all to identify how the OP came to this diagnosis. Was it self diagnosed from reading websites or was it diagnosed by a licensed physician. How are we to learn if we can't ask questions? There are many websites making huge claims (and money). How is it unreasonable to ask questions so if we believe we may have the same issue we can follow up with appropriate doctors as well? I for one would like to know if I have to go to a website to self diagnose or if I can go to a doctor for a diagnosis. This is not unreasonable in the least. If I come here and say that having a band caused me to have a brain tumor, since when is it unreasonable to ask me how I came to this diagnosis?
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    I can still eat???

    Kitty.... Thank you. That is how I intended my comment, not a guideline but encouragement. Some people can lose huge amounts of weight but not keep it off. I could only lose small amounts of weight (without a band) and I couldn't even keep small amounts off. Thus my comment, If I can do it anyone can. Will power and food have never been my strong points. :eek: The band makes a mega huge difference. Thanks again!
  18. You know what? That's me. That's my writing style. That's how I am. Some people are full of drama, they are belittle others, intimidate newbies, and they are annoying while others come on strong. If you don't like it then feel free to use the ignore feature. I never claimed that writing is my forte, it is not. If I knew how to get what is in my head to my computer screen to please you... maybe I'd do it. Likely not but maybe. Again, if you don't like it then feel free to use the ignore feature. It is there for a reason. But to play these games.. it is getting mighty old. This isn't OH, the drama and game playing doesn't fly over here the way it does in other forums.
  19. If I do my research and go to a doctor that has a great reputation and a fantastic track record and I have a good experience, how much of that is luck and how much of that is I went to a doc that is good? If I don't do my research, I go to one of the cheapest docs around, I pick the doc that has one of the worst reputations in his country where numerous people come home with life threatening infections, how much of that was a matter of not doing my research as a patient vs. having bad luck? Do you actually believe in true luck? Can you demonstrate how "luck" actually exists? If the surgeon I go to chooses to follow the standard of care and gives me Lovenox to prevent blood clots but I throw a clot anyway, that is a complication. It doesn't make it the doctor's fault but it is still a complication nonetheless. Thus, at some point in time all docs have complications. If my doc chooses not to follow the standard of care and not give me Lovenox before surgery and I throw a clot, that is also a complication. It is most likely the doc's fault. Honestly, I'm not really sure what is so difficult about this concept.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Illegal aliens

    Pack them ALL up and ship them to their own home, where they belong. I don't give a rat's back side if there are 12,000,000 (the figure Bush has been using for years and years now) or the more accurate figure of at least 50,000,000. They aren't wanted, they aren't needed, and they are bleeding us dry. I stand behind a statement I made a long time ago. There will come a time when the people paying the bills (those with jobs who pay taxes and live here legally) will become fed up with Bush and his whoremongers and they people will take it in their own hands to fix this problem. It will be a very nasty day but it's coming.
  21. The surgeons available to do this procedure were few and far between years ago. They could charge more because there weren't enough surgeons doing the procedure. Now there are, so prices are coming down. I doubt many get $40K, but they try. :eek:
  22. HA! Nope, not Ohio. It's another forum.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    confused about restriction

    For the same reason they won't pull the certifications of the bad surgeons. They certify surgeons based on a number of issues. If someone is really bad (I'm thinking of a Mexican surgeon right now) and Inamed knows it, they claim they can't pull the certification due to restraint of free trade laws. That's a bunch of crap because the surgeon is in Mexico. That law does not apply to him. In order for Inamed to sell bands to a doctor/hospital, the doc/hospital has to be Inamed certified. If they are not certified, Inamed won't sell bands to them. At the same token, once they certify someone they won't pull it even though they know "X" surgeon is a really bad surgeon. Surgeons do not consider themselves experts at banding until they have done about 250 bands, that is what the surgeons themselves are saying. Yet, Inamed will let a surgeon be a proctor if he has placed 100 bands. The Johnson & Johnson band will be FDA approved soon, hopefully. Maybe things will change at that time.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    I can still eat???

    Syrah.... As I explained to you in another thread I'm just not going to play this game with you anymore where you manipulate my words and put a whole new meaning to what I wrote so you can get your digs in. I'm came over here to get away from OH drama, not have it follow me over here. Enough, really. Find someone new to target, I won't play the game. I'm ending it.
  25. No, I did not contradict myself at all. All docs have complications. That does not mean the same as all docs have complications with every single patient. Just like all people eat food, that is not the same as saying all people eat food every single minute of everyday. No need to lighten up, but the OH people are getting a bit annoying.

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