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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Single Lap-Banders

    I think the reason you haven't received many responses is because there is an established thread you might want to join: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f15/thread-single-bandsters-25494/
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Sharp pain in chest

    If you are having chest pain you really shouldn't be posting on message boards. You should be going to a doctor.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    If you are a self payer like me....

    I wish more people would go into the grooming business. I have a 2.5 pound teacup poodle and we've been through 4 groomers. Nobody wants to work with my hyper neurotic little guy.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    What was your post-op diet like?

    14 days of clear liquids only 14 days of full liquids 14 days of soft foods Then gradually reintroduce solids as tolerated
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    My personal Update.

    You should join us for our AZ Bandsters lunch. We meet at Sweet Tomatoes on I17/Dunlap about monthly. We are throwing around the date of a week from Saturday. June 9th? I think?
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Fears, hope, thinking and more thinking

    Mexico is an excellent place to have surgery as long as you do your research and choose a good surgeon. You can't beat the prices. They have less overhead and they can charge less. There are some fine and skilled surgeons there. As for your worries and concerns, we ALL had those. That's part of it. Insurance... if you have a medical emergency (such as erosion) your insurance will cover it. Let's say you have a slip, my doc charges his own patients $3500 to repair a slip or remove a band. It's more for people that he didn't place their band. Most quality surgeons in Mexico will charge their cost to repair or remove a band on patients where they originally placed the band. And finally, your compulsion to overeat... I am a believer that until there is a cure for this issue, the compulsion will always be there. My doc claims it will never go away. Some disagree. Just don't "bank" on that compulsion going away, there is nothing to show (regarding studies) that it will leave someday.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Jerry Fallwell, Dead

    Gidget... Can you define liberal? Yeah, I didn't think so.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    in laws are coming to town - what to do??

    YES! Updates, please?
  9. WASaBubbleButt


    **IF** you are following ALL bandster rules and you are having this problem I'd suggest having an unfill under fluoro. If the problem is too big of bites, not chewing properly, not slowing down while eating, etc., then an unfill won't help. If you are following bandster rules, ALL of them, and you still PB this much, an unfill is necessary.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    That's weird

    I hear she was logged on yesterday but not posting. LBT doesn't put up with the stuff OH does, I doubt she'll post here again. You're safe.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Why Not Gastric Bypass?

    With GB within about 5 years your intestinal tissue will start growing again and you will once again be able to eat fat and calories but in five years you'll absorb the calories unlike after surgery. Care to diet and exercise for the rest of your days? Either way you will HAVE to change your habits to something healthier. If you are looking for the easy way out with bypass it most certainly is easier. For the first five years.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Best Liquid Meal Replacement/Protein Shakes

    I don't have a comment regarding unjury one way or another, never tried it. But the Protein drink from GNC is vile and disgusting. I couldn't agree more.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Jerry Fallwell, Dead

    (highlights my own) BTW, you made this claim. I'm still waiting for you to defend this claim with something other than "neener neener you have a weener". Got anything? Anything at all other than more slams?
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Jerry Fallwell, Dead

    Horseshit. I have yet to write that your opinion is wrong. It's an opinion, it isn't right or wrong. I have asked what you do to deal with the issue of illegals and you essentially said you don't wanna tell. Well goody for you. What am I left to believe? I flat out asked you what you do regarding the poor living conditions of illegals and you refuse to tell us. In such a situation we are forced to make assumptions. I have yet to claim you wrote that your opinion is fact. I have yet to claim I have all the answers. I have yet to claim that I know who you are. I do pay attention to what you write, thus far it is nothing but slams, subtle insults, and you explain you don't want to answer questions. All I have seen you do so far is insult, slam, state you don't want to answer questions. You ball up your fisties, stomp those feeties... but no real answers. Not even an answer as to what YOU are doing for illegals needing a better life. All I have seen you write so far is that we are wrong for not doing anything we can to offer the poor dears a better life. I am still waiting to see what YOU are doing. Thus far, all I have seen is what everyone ELSE should be doing. Do you have anything else to offer other than the above?
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Thank God I found this forum....

    Hey Mary... How are you doing? Is everything going well for you?
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Best Liquid Meal Replacement/Protein Shakes

    Probably because Boost and Ensure are also used for people who don't eat anything at all. Tube feedings and such and the calories are not great at all. I've never tried unjury but from what I read, most like it. Are you mixing it with Water or something like OJ?
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Jerry Fallwell, Dead

    It's much easier to slam everyone around you than to pitch in and help fix the problem yourself, isn't it? Just like it is much easier to point at everyone else and expect THEM to fix the problems. You wouldn't want to get your hands dirty, would you? I assume nothing, however you sure jump to some amazingly huge opinions and then again, "assume" they are fact. Next time try asking. You might be shocked to find out how wrong you are. Not that you could ever admit an error or anything.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Illegal aliens

    Our last election made some changes in the law. If the man/woman/baby scenario would have happened in Arizona, since he is an illegal there would no longer BE any bail. Just jail. After he gets out he would be deported. Of course, he'd likely just slither back over here but at least Arizona is trying a few ideas out. A friend of mine was killed by a drunk illegal last August. At the scene of the accident he took off, crossed the border and now he's free. Had we enforced our current laws and secured the border, my friend would be alive now and his wife wouldn't have spent months in ICU. But all some seem to worry about is the poor dears that just want a better life. Well you know what? Bank robbers just want a better life too. Illegal is illegal.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Jerry Fallwell, Dead

    Yep, pretty much what I thought. First you make huge assumptions and assume they are fact and then you sit back and expect everyone ELSE to fix the problem. But no, certainly not you.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Jerry Fallwell, Dead

    Mark... I ran dry in the sympathy department years and years ago. I just don't have any left. I did in the beginning but when I see what I do on a daily basis, I'm completely out of sympathy and empathy. Last week I was in Mexicali with a friend getting a band. The bellmen at the hotel and I know one another. I've been there so often lately that we are all getting to know one another. We were discussing illegals. He had questions for an American point of view and I had questions for a Mexican point of view. He was telling me about his friends discussing sneaking across the border. They laugh at us, they told my bellman friend that all you have to do is go to America, have a couple of kids and you are set for life. Doesn't sound like something where sypathy is really necessary. At some point a little common sense has to kick in regardless of country. If you can't afford to feed yourself then it is pretty clear to most that you won't be able to feed six kids. Yet in Mexico that is the norm. Doesn't matter if you can afford them, have them anyway. Then when you have a mess and you can't afford what you knew you wouldn't be able to afford, move to the US illegally and let those who do have jobs pay your way in life. People come over here NOT because they cannot afford their children. There are plenty that come over here illegally and try their best to breed like bunnies just for the speed of becoming legal. It's faster and easier when you have an anchor baby. Go to the county hospital in Phoenix ANY day and look at the line of illegals waiting for their free preggo tests. They are thrilled to death when they are finally preggers. It means welfare. So please, don't make it sound to me like they are just looking to feed their children. They HAVE children so they can GET a free ride. Sure, there are people that want to feed their children but if you think they are the majority, you are in error. Look at the farms in Mexico dying out right now. Know why their own farms are failing? All their workers are HERE illegally. So it isn't a matter of no jobs in Mexico. It is a matter of freebie welfare in the US. Let the Americans take care of them, who needs a freak'en job when Americans will pay them to be here illegally. If all the freebie everything came to a dead stop you would hear a huge sucking sound as they all run for their actual home... you know... where they belong. Nope, no more sympathy. When I try to go to the grocery store and I am hit up each and every bloody time by an illegal wanting a hand out? I'm not even nice about it anymore. I tell them to go HOME. Someday the people will start fighting back and it isn't going to be pretty. If the gov't won't do it, the people will. You watch. All my predictions regarding illegals have been right for the last 15 years. I'll bet you I am correct again this time.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Jerry Fallwell, Dead

    Who the heck are you writing to? I assume not me since you claim the person you are writing to was once a zealous and as right wing xtian as they come. I can only assume you are responding to someone else since you sure didn't answer any of the questions I posed to you. Just what are you doing about this problem of illegals? The poor dears just want a better life, how much of a better life are YOU giving them?
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Thank God I found this forum....

    D2D.... It's good to see you over here!!!!! Yes, there are HUGE differences in LBT vs. that other place. We don't have the drama, the cliques, the petty behaviors here. Nobody is chasing away other people, it's just a nice place to come and relax. There are disagreements here but as previously stated, they blow over quickly. We prefer to provide support vs. abuse. There are people here I strongly disagree with regarding politics, religion, current events, etc. but that doesn't mean I wouldn't offer anything I could to help if there was something they needed. I think 99% of the people here feel the same. You'll do well here. We are a lot nicer and much less childish drama. Actually, the only real drama we have is when the people from your old forum come "cheering" (private joke) over here. :drum: Your old forum isn't about support, it's about a few lonely older women that have little life and the only friends they have are on line and only if they follow the clique rules, regardless of who they hurt in the meantime. (((HUGS)))
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Jerry Fallwell, Dead

    I find your comparisons of Falwell to illegals odd, to say the least. I also find it odd that you would bring up the topic of illegals in a Falwell is Dead thread a bit unusual, so be it. You are clearly quite concerned about people that break the laws of another country for a better life. Tell me, what are you personally doing for illegals from all countries that are in the US? Are you giving them your money? Do you go there and volunteer your time? Are you working with their gov't to improve the political situations? How hard are you pushing to have them come to your country? Exactly what are you doing to take this problem into your own hands? It's easy to point fingers and say others should take care of this problem, what are you currently personally doing about it?
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Does not seem to be working for me

    You won't know the full restriction you have until a good two weeks after your fill. Give it time. If you still don't feel restriction keep getting fills until you do.
  25. Your doctor isn't being honest with you in an attempt to sway you to her way of thinking. Is that honestly a doc you want to go to? Or do you want someone that is honest with you? However, if those are HER stats (vs. the national average), RUN!!! Run quickly the other way.

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