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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    First Post - A Sincere Plea

    You sound swollen and tight to me. Weight loss will help this a great deal. Might want to ask your doc about Nexium mups for the time being to resolve the heartburn.
  2. **IF** they do a fill under fluoro they can tell if it has slipped or if your pouch is enlarged. Without fluoro, no, they cannot tell. But a fluoro will not show if adhesions have formed appropriately or if you will have problems in the future. That's just something you'll have to wait and see. We ALL have food issues and emotional issues regarding food. That's why we need a band. The key is not to fear someone telling you to stop eating band-unfriendly foods, the key is to get back on track and follow the diet. IOW, we all get it, we have all been there or will be there. It's hard, it's just something you have to do for your own health. You might not want to hear that you aren't doing yourself any favors, but that doesn't mean it isn't true. We could sit here and pat your head and tell you all is well but that isn't very honest. I've never been good at diplomacy, it's just not my thing. While I do farrrr better in real time than I do on line I am still blunt and honest. Now, I can tell you all is well and not to worry, but do you honestly prefer that over being honest with you? Get back on track, follow the post op diet. If you are losing weight don't go for a fill. Wait until you stop losing weight. Give your band more time to heal and set into place. If you don't lose weight then get a fill but ONLY under fluoro, especially for a first fill. Good luck to you!
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    What went wrong...

    Wow! What a story! Sorry you had to go through all that. Amazing, really amazing. Everything that could go wrong... kinda story. So are you feeling better now?
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Wonder what my Doc will say

    This seems bizarre and unprofessional to write but I'm going to do it anyway. Maybe it's a good thing you didn't know about it before being banded, you may not have received your band. Inamed is really clear about this however there are docs that will disagree. Perhaps rightfully so, I don't really know. If you didn't get a band because of your other diagnosis you would never know if in YOUR case it would be a problem. Now that you have a band, maybe it won't be an issue? Good luck to you!
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Jerry Fallwell, Dead

    I wondered what the issues of illegals has to do this Falwell Is Dead, too. Yes, I do believe we need some stinky Limburger.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Slipped Band... will it be ok?

    I didn't know this. Thank you so much for posting this tidbit!
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Doctor Says its a no-go - Any solutions?

    What a complete and total load of crap! MANY obese patients have a hernia! Obesity is one major cause of hernias. It is quite common to have a hiatal hernia repair during the banding procedure. Sounds like your doc just wants to make more money off bypass. Seriously, your doc is FOS.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Stomach Virus

    Phenergan or Zofran should be in the cupboards of every banded patient IMHO. Phenergan comes in suppositories if needed.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Wonder what my Doc will say

    YES! This is absolutely a condition your band doc needs to know about. I take it you didn't know about this before being banded? Seriously, you need to call your band doc ASAP. Perhaps there are things that can be done to prevent future problems. Sadly, this is one comorbidity that rules you out as a banded patient. But, the fact is that you have a band so now they have to deal with it. It's a reality. I'm sorry you have to go through this.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Still Unhappy

    I'm psychic I tell you, psychic!
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Almost There But I Am In Trouble!!!

    Ditto to Blondy's comment. What's up?
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Still Unhappy

    Ms.B... What city/state do you live in?
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Illegal aliens

    Everyone is quick to ask questions but very few are answering them. You can pretend to suddenly be a lurker, that's cool. But do tell. Would SOMEONE please answer one question. What is the horror of wanting people to follow our laws? I haven't seen a single person here write that it is a bad thing to have people move from outside the US ... to the US. Why is it a horror to expect them to do so legally? We have laws, that's the way it is. Why is it unreasonable to expect people to follow them?
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Illegal aliens

    Whoa there, I can have compassion for someone yet not want to pay for their six kids and them while they break our laws. Mark, I used to have compassion but I just plain ran out. Last stats I read show that 50% of all illegals from all countries enter through Arizona. The other 50% enter from all the other border states combined. I live in Arizona. I can't go to the damn grocery store without being hit up for money and threatened if I don't give them a buck. Same concept with going to Walgreens. Try going to any convenience store in many parts of Phoenix on a Monday AM. All the illegals are standing in the parking lot hoping for tax free day labor. I swear, I'm talking hundreds of illegals. You can't even park in the parking lot. What about the business owner of the convenience store? We have kids in our school that are US born Americans and they are sitting in Spanish only classes because that's the only seat left for them. My neighbors can't afford medical insurance, (entered legally from Mexico, took years to do) yet their property taxes were just increased so the illegals can have their free medical care at the county hospital. I have had it! I'm through, I have NO compassion for lawbreakers from other countries. None, nada, it's over. If that makes me a raving bitch, I can live with that. I am sick to death of this problem. It isn't getting better, it is getting worse. I don't have the least bit of sympathy for illegals. None, they COULD have jobs in their own damn country. Their own farms are drying up and dying because they have NO workers! They are all over here working illegally. How much sympathy am I supposed to have for them when they have jobs available in their home country but welfare is a better bet? I'll bet you if Uncle Sam quit signing their freebie everything all the time they would have little desire to stay here. They would go home and work for a living in their OWN country. What is the horror in that? If I was a Mexican citizen I would get a job in my own country since they most certainly do exist. This isn't a tough concept. It's not like they can't get a job in their own home country. That was the case at one time, it is no longer the case. So your "thoughtful" question is without merit. Do you live on a border state? Are your children or your neighbor's sitting in Spanish only classes? Is one of four children in your school either an illegal or anchor baby? Does your child's classroom teacher have to stop teaching every five minutes to explain a concept in Spanish for schools that are not big enough to have Spanish only classes? Are your ERs full to the point of 24 hour waits to see a doctor because illegals know if they go to an ER they don't have to pay for their medical care? Are people carrying a Mexican flag down your streets demanding "rights" for illegals? Are those same people who are protesting and demanding rights for illegals spitting (literally) in your face as you walk to work in the morning? Are 75% of the children born in your county hospital anchor babies paid for by tax dollars so the family can get freebie welfare? Are you at risk for losing your job because you don't speak Spanish while living in America? Is your jail so full your Sheriff had to build tent city to accomodate all the illegals? Is the federal gov't not paying the tab (as agreed previously) for housing illegal prisoners in your state? Are your state's taxpayers paying the bill instead? Is your Child Protective Services so severely backlogged that it can take weeks to check on any child? Do you know what can happen to a child in an abusive situation in a matter of weeks? I can go on and on for hours. I'm sick of this, I hate it. I'm sick to death of the problem. Do you realize that it's the norm for people to walk down the street and see a couple of Mexicans... ANY Mexicans (legal or not) and refer to them as breeders? If they are on a date it is considered breeding season? That's how severe this problem is, that is what is has resorted to for many border states, this is how people are viewed since they come here and intentionally work on getting preggers for the welfare. This is how even legal Mexicans are viewed. If the legal Mexicans don't like illegal Mexicans, are they also heartless? Without compassion? I mean, I'm just wondering if it is only the white American born folks that are heartless for not having compassion for the poor dears. Or does that include legal Mexicans too?
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Illegal aliens

    According to the Mexican gov't the average illegal from Mexico here has a 6th grade education. What jobs would you expect them to have? This is yet another reason they are so damned expensive. The will NEVER be fully self sufficient. They will always be working poor even if they do have a job. That means welfare for life. We have US citizens that could use that welfare and they don't qualify. The resources are stretched too far so we can pay for people that shouldn't even BE here. We have people that cannot afford medical care/insurance for their children yet they are paying taxes so illegals can have free medical care. What about all the people right here on this forum that can't afford their own insurance so they travel to Mexico for everything from dental work, to lap bands, to open heart surgery? Yeah, screw Americans and their needs, we need to take care of illegals because the bleeding heart liberals think that's a nice thing to do. How nice are we being to our own citizens? The very people paying the tab for illegals?
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Illegal aliens

    They are NO different from a drug dealer. They are breaking laws just like a drug dealer. If they want to come here, FINE! Do it legally. Don't show such disrespect for those who will be supporting you by forcing them to pay your way. (not you personally, you generally) We have a legal method to move to the US. Coming here and breaking our laws, sucking down our resources, over crowding our schools, filling our jails, stretching our social services to the max... that's not the greatest way to show you want to earn your own living.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Jerry Fallwell, Dead

    What in the world does that have to do with this quote of yours? Or do you not like Catholics? HA! You expect the US taxpayers to support illegals but holy crap! Ask YOU what YOU do for them and you get mighty pissy and annoyed. Now, speaking of those dollars you donate, what does this have to do with helping illegals have a better life in the US? Or improving the conditions of their home country? That was my original question and the same question I have asked more than once. I volunteer time in Nogales, Mexico with a trauma surgeon. I usually go there every other week and I obtain drugs that they can't afford so when they have a code or a trauma, they have drugs to work with. I either obtain the drugs or I raise money for the drugs as well as supplies. That's one source of time and money I give to make things better in their home country. So you see, there is a difference here. It is perfectly reasonable to expect people to follow the laws of another country. There isn't anything wrong with it. How would you feel if all Americans came to your country and we decided to pick and choose which of your laws we would follow? We want "free" medical care, you have it. At least that is what I read time and time again from your citizens. You won't mind if I make all my purchases in the US but accept your free medical care, right? Along with at least 50,000,000 of my friends? You would just realize that me and my friends... we want a better life. I'm quite sure you wouldn't mind the tax increases to pay for our medical care. After all, that's how you expect me to feel. You go as far as to say I don't have an excuse to feel any other way. I'll pick and choose all the other laws I want to follow. If they aren't convenient for me you won't mind if I don't follow them. When I hurt others or steal from them than once your police figure out it was me I'll just leave and go back to the US until I can change my name. Again. Right. You wouldn't mind any of that. In reality you sit in your chair and decide that everyone else needs to figure this out while you take care of your OWN community and ONLY your community. When the illegals are pushed out of the US and they run like a flock of buzzards to Canada, I'll remind you that it is your problem. I'll just donate a few bucks to the Cancer Society and I too, can feel ohhhh soooo good about myself. I'm catching on now. I never claimed you can't have an opinion on the topic, honestly I don't know where you get this stuff. I was just wondering if you put your money where your mouth is or if I was correct to begin with. You sit and point fingers and expect everyone ELSE to fix the problems. At least this explains why you started to think of alllllll those nice things you do for illegals and then changed your mind about posting them. Yes, I do believe we should take care of our own first before ignoring our own and taking care of every bloody need the lawbreakers have. The horror of this is... what? We certainly do more for them than you or yours do. So it boggles my mind what in the world you are stomping those feeties over.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Ouch. (TMI)

    Ohh, I'm so sorry. That must have hurt like crazy! Feeling better now?
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Jerry Fallwell, Dead

    Your posts prove otherwise.
  20. MM... Since you are being banded soon, if your doc does not explain to you in detail why the post op diet is soooo critical, would you ask him why he didn't explain this? The adhesions that form around the stoma, the churning of the stomach preventing some of these adhesions from forming, the band being pushed down a little and enlarging the pouch, etc? I did this very issue just last week. I went with a friend to get a band and I sat in on all the lectures. My own doc essentially explained that the diet is to help the band set. That's all he said. Well what the heck does that mean? How does a band "set"? That makes no sense. Later (in private) we had a really good talk. I voiced my opinions about doctors not explaining everything to their patients and thus, patients don't see the value in the post op diet. He agreed. He invited me to sit in on lectures for the following day's patients and he explained it in detail. He even gave a couple of other reasons for the post op diet. If we ALL do this maybe docs will start educating people a little better instead of herding us in and out of their office like cattle. This really is one of my pet peeves in life. It really isn't fair to patients. They have a right to understand everything there is to know about being banded.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    who supports right to choose

    Hear hear. My thoughts exactly.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Jerry Fallwell, Dead

    Did I spell your name wrong? Gee, it wasn't intentional. Really! One might think I was a Gidget myself for spelling that wrong! Honey, *I* know what a liberal is, I am quite sure you do not. Perhaps you should check out some of those links for yourself. Some people, idiots as they are, believe atheist=liberal and that simply isn't true.
  23. You wrote this far better than I did. I agree, tough love is not the same as putting another down. I still blame doctors for a majority of this problem. If they would explain WHY the post op diet is soooo important instead of just saying that it is the healing phase, people would be more likely to stick to post op diets. People still believe it is a matter of stoma swelling and when the swelling goes down, they are good to go on solids. If doctors would take FIVE minutes to explain what is healing and how it all works, many of these issues wouldn't BE issues.
  24. In all fairness the RnR section isn't designed for support, it states clearly it is off topic.
  25. I don't think that is true unless it is the post-op diet phase. Then you will see people get worked up over it. You have to understand that you can do damage by not following a pre-op diet. It isn't the sutures that hold the band in place forever, it's the scarring and adhesions that form. Long story short, if you eat solids or foods that are not great during this time the adhesions won't have the opportunity to form well and you risk a slip. Many believe that if food slides through the stoma (band) then they are good to go and it is safe to eat solids. This simply isn't true. That's just a small piece of the healing phase. If you stretch your pouch before you ever form adhesions it can push your band down and cause your pouch to enlarge forever (not the same as a dilated pouch). You'll never achieve weight loss unless you go back to OR and have the band positioned again. Then you are back to where you started from with the post op diet. Yes, we all have food issues but we all need to overcome them for just a few weeks. We have to work through them, ignore them, deal with them, whatever the case may be. If you want the band to work, if you want to be healthy, if you want to get serious about weight loss you simply have to do it or risk no long term weight loss. Having a band does not mean you depend on the band to do all the work, it means self control, common sense, hard work, careful food choices, and exercise. I think there are some people (not saying you, I don't know you) that get a band and sit back and wait for weight loss. That's just not how it works. The post op diet is typically six weeks. Six weeks out of years and years of a lifetime. If you want surgery badly enough, you'll find a way to do it. If you want weight loss badly enough, you'll find a way to follow bandster rules. But you have to really want it and even when it isn't convenient and worse yet... even when it is *really* hard.

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