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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Should I be able to feel Port outside skin?

    Usually unless you are a very low BMI the lump you are feeling is scar tissue near the port incision. It will typically go away after a few weeks and as you lose weight you will be able to feel your port more and more vs. scar tissue.
  2. WASaBubbleButt


    Congrats to you!! Just think of what you would weigh without surgery~ I'm really happy for you.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    14 days till the big day!

    Your surgery date really *will* be the first day of the rest of your life. Your life will change in ways you never imagined. All for the good. Congrats to you!!
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Poll, how long until you really felt good ?

    No pain after 1 week (not even sore) but I would get really tired easily through the 2nd week. Then I felt great!
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    READ THIS B4 BEING BANDED...My Experience

    GREAT!!!! I'm anxious to know how it is working for you. Still spending time on your treadmill?
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    veggie burger

    Do you think this would be workable with black beans instead?
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    LB surgery for my unhappy tean daughter?

    The balloon isn't designed for long term weight loss. Matter of fact, the balloon needs to be changed out every six months. It's my understanding that they typically use it for malignantly obese folks to get their weight down so surgery is a little safer for banding, bypass, or DS. Things might have changed since I last read about it.
  8. WASaBubbleButt


    I didn't even want to mess with insurance or do the six month medically supervised diet so I just paid cash and went to Mexico. Best thing I ever did. I'm almost to goal, had I gone through my insurance I would have just finished the supervised diet.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Best Liquid Meal Replacement/Protein Shakes

    Welcome to the UNJURY Homepage
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    My first dietician appointment

    If it is working for you, you are losing weight, and not hungry all the time then it is clearly what is right for you. The bandster rules are not absolute rules that everyone needs to follow. I look at them more as a guide. What works for one doesn't work for another. If your current plan stops working then look to make some changes.
  11. Well of course it will. Question for you, what did you think the adjustment is for?
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Do I really need a sleep study?

    HA! Sounds like he has a good thing going and I doubt he'll let you mess up his profitable track record of making sure you too, have sleep apnea. Just remember, the more issues you have today the more you can be denied for later in life with a different insurance company. What if you don't have sleep apnea today but 10 years from now you get it and you have a new insurance company. Will you be covered when you actually DO get sleep apnea? Sleep apnea is just an example. I'd be looking for a new doctor.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    Da Vinci syrups. Oh my! I've tried raspberry, cinnamon, blueberry, and strawberry. I already ordered my 2nd bottle of raspberry as I'm running low. I am going to order Chocolate and Cherry. I use strawberry, cinnamon, and raspberry in my Chocolate Matrix and blueberry and cinnamon in my vanilla Matrix. You can use these syrups in your coffee (blech... coffee), you can make s/f snow cones, Italian Ice, you can apparently bake with them (what do I know about baking?) and you can do pretty much anything with them. I love them so far. Anyone else use them regularly?
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    LB surgery for my unhappy tean daughter?

    Whoa there, wait a minute. According to the following you are banded: >>Banded 2/28/07 1st fill 4/13/07- 1cc 2nd fill 5/18/07-1cc Dr. Ragui Sadek Endo-Surgical Associates Freehold, NJ<!-- google_ad_section_end --> << If it is not genetic or physiological and it's a matter of choosing a healthy diet and a good therapist, why is life different for you than a teen? Teen years set the pace for a great many future behaviors and life challenges. I'd rather see someone overcome the horrors of obesity young vs. old. Things that happen to a child during their teen years often stay with them for a lifetime. Most people if you ask them for the top five most embarrassing moments of their life at least one of those will be from their teen years. An obese teen has embarrassing moments every bloody day of their life. Teen years are supposed to be fun, lots of care free days at the beach. Then they move on to college and have more fun, care free days at the beach. That doesn't happen in the same way with obesity. I say why waste another day living the life of a fattie? While I wasn't obese as a teen I do remember my friend who was obese and at 45 she is now merely bigger. She grows with each passing year. I think Mom sounds absolutely fantastic! She is realistic, she is open to learning, she is open to ideas and suggestions, and it is pretty damn obvious she only wants the best for her daughter. I give Mom a gazillion kudos!!!
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    KEVORKIAN to be freed June 1 07!!!!!

    I think you may not be understanding what Dr. K was doing. He didn't just randomly go out and "off" people because he felt it was best. These people came to HIM and asked him for help. They were unable to do it on their own for whatever reason, an inability to pull the trigger, whatever. All Dr. K did was set up equipment so they could push the button and kill themselves. He didn't find depressed people that didn't know what they were talking about, but instead terminally ill people in pain, who were suffering came to him and asked him for help. He did not take someone's life, he complied with the patient's request and let the patient do it themselves. There is a huge difference. The reason your god does not play a role in the law is because you can't even prove your god exists. I lack belief in your god, why should I live according to your beliefs? Why shouldn't you be legally forced to live by the beliefs of another's god? Quite frankly, there are as many gods out there as there are believers. Each believer tends to agree with the god they see in the mirror each morning.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    only want to lose 50 lbs...

    What in the world are you talking about? A BMI of 31 is obese, not overweight but obese. The risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes is HIGH. How much damage should someone do to their body before it's okay to have a band? How far out of hand should obesity get before we realize that there is a problem? I'd rather people catch it early and act on it vs. waiting for horrific medical problems if they aren't there already. The original poster already explained that they have tried and failed many times to lose weight. I'm all for it, I hope they are successful.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    new food products

    I don't know where you can buy Unjury other than the website. Might try AllStarHealth.com - Vitamins and Nutritional Supplements at Discounted Prices or Netrition.com - The Internet's Premier Nutrition Superstore!.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    =( what is going on here??!

    Silry... Exactly how many calories are you consuming? Exactly how many carbs? If you are not tracking this you really need to. You can use FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal or I prefer Calorie Counter, Diet Tracking, food Journal, Nutrition Facts at The Daily Plate. You might be surprised at how many calories and carbs you are consuming. Track it and be sooooo honest it hurts. Try it for a couple of weeks and see what you get.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Diet pills: I don't believe that none work

    Most of the time, they don't work. Amphetamines will work short term but you build a tolerance to them and they quit working. Or, when you quit taking them weight comes back. I received a sample of "Fyre" from Syntrax and for various reasons I wanted to try some of their products. I LOVE it! I ordered a bottle but I know better than to think this stuff is going to work long term. I don't plan on taking it more than 1-2 times a week at most. It is no different from the other gazillion products on the market. It will speed you up short term and then quit working. I don't believe drug companies have as much power as people like to think when it comes to weight loss products or conspiracy theories. They just can't stop the unregulated industry of "herbal" drugs, etc. There are far too many companies coming up with their version of snake oil and it really IS snake oil. If the drug co's can't stop the bad co's, they can't stop the good companies. I just read an article tonight about some promising studies on various drugs but nothing tried and true yet. Might want to check it out: Obesity News & Weight Loss News & Fitness News from Medical News Today
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Mexican Surgeons Commiting Fraud???

    I've heard about it but I've never been able to find out who was doing this. I don't really doubt someone has done this but it certainly isn't the norm. Standard of care after band surgery is to do a barium swallow before the patient is discharged from the facility. It's really pretty easy to spot the band on fluoro. If a surgeon didn't do a barium swallow before releasing the patient, I'd be looking to find out why regardless of where the surgeon is from. There are creeps regardless of country. They exist in the US, Mexico, Canada, everywhere. There will always be people trying to get something for nothing and docs are no exception to the rule. Look at any snake oil saleman with an MD behind his name. They exist EVERYWHERE.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    new food products

    It's 100 calories including milk??? Unjury and Matrix are the two best Protein products on the market from what I found in my research. Those bullets are horrible, just awful. But Unjury and Matrix are the very best in quality.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    only want to lose 50 lbs...

    And you assume your doc does this practice of opening them so they can gain weight?
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Protein Supplements: GNC 54 gm Powder

    Hmmm.. no thanks. Too much protein per serving. Your body can't absorb that much in one sitting, you would either have to burn it off or it would turn to fat. I prefer Matrix at 23gms protein and 120 calories.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    only want to lose 50 lbs...

    (emphasis my own) Not quite understanding why he would claim that getting banded helps in famous folks gaining weight. It's a tool for weight loss. I think I am suspect of your doc's claims.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    only want to lose 50 lbs...

    I *think* it is Australia that their socialized medicine will pay for banding on folks with a BMI of 30 or more. It's just in the screwed up US that they make you wait until you have done severe damage to your body before they will pay for surgery. So to answer your question, yes. Many.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
