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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Help me deal with loved ones who won't band

    I have come to the realization that we are all on our own path in life. Whether it involves spirituality, religion, obesity, smoking, gambling, alcoholism, it doesn't matter. It is our path and it isn't for another to change. Sometimes people have to go through their "stuff" and deal with their issues before they are ready to change something. Sometimes their fat, their smoking, their whatever... it is teaching them something and it isn't ours to take it away from them until they are ready. Besides, you aren't really going to convert anyone that isn't ready anyway so leave them alone and let them do their own thing in life. When they are ready they will come to you IF they feel comfortable in doing so. If you push today... not only will it do no good but it will keep them from coming to you when they are ready someday. Keep in mind, they might not ever be ready. That isn't something you have control over.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    What helps you deal with cravings?

    It depends on the craving. I don't really crave a lot of things anymore so if I do have a rare craving, I go out and have it depending on what it is. If it is really high carb, high fat, high calorie, I just eat something so I am not hungry at all and the craving goes away.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    I need some advice

    I'd tell her to shut the heck up and go away. But that's me.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    KEVORKIAN to be freed June 1 07!!!!!

    Very true. If you have someone like your Dad and he made his wishes clear and it goes against the doc's religion or ethics or personal agenda... whatever the case may be, we have a problem. We have someone else inflicting their own views on another and when it comes to a person's own body, that just can't happen. The reality is that we have health care professionals agreeing to a patient's request. Is it right? Is it the way it should be? It doesn't really matter. The reality is still there, health care professionals are doing it. No way around that. So let's bring it out in the open, discuss it rationally, and put some guidelines on there. It IS happening and it will continue to happen. So let's make some rules and regulations, let's get lots of people involved. Let's get social workers involved to make sure that the family isn't pressuring a patient to off themselves or not off themselves but instead, do what the patient really wants to do. Let's get mental health professionals involved to make sure the decision is made by a rational adult capable of such decisions. Let's get clergy in there if the patient wants them to be a part of this. Let's get a couple of docs do offer 2nd and 3rd opinions to make sure everything really has been done to cure the original illness. Let's get pain management specialists in there to ensure there really is nothing more that *can* be done to get the patient out of pain. I had a patient once that was a little old Catholic lady. This lady probably never said "shit" in her life, she wouldn't say the word if she had a mouth full of the stuff. Yet in the end when she was in pain and we couldn't manage her pain (I don't give a rats back side what someone says, not all pain can be managed) she begged me to give her something to end her life. I declined. She offered me her wedding ring, the only thing she had of value to trade for anything to end her pain once and for all. I declined. From that point on each time I would go to her room she wouldn't move a muscle but her eyes would follow me the entire time and she would just glare at me. As I walked around her room her eyes followed me with intense hate. The only time she spoke to me again was to wish upon me the same death she was experiencing. I learned a lot from that lady. I was young and didn't really know how to approach her or even talk to her. I'll tell you one thing, I quickly learned to approach people and discuss these issues. Not so long ago I had a family of three daughters that approached me and asked me to end it for their father. He was in horrific pain and pain management simply wasn't working. We were giving this guy enough drugs to kill 4 horses yet he was in agony. Nothing we did relieved his pain. His three daughters insisted I end his suffering by killing him. WTH? Why is this my job? I didn't go into medicine to kill people. Why is it on my shoulders? Why didn't THEY do the big and dirty deed? Why would any family member feel it is the duty of any nurse to kill their family member? If it isn't easy for them to do, why in the world should it be easier for me to do?? Do people think? Ever? Instead of putting people (patients, family, medical staff) through this why are we not addressing these issues? Ignoring them is like pretending kids won't get preggers if we simply don't tell them about sex. It doesn't work. These issues need to be brought out in the open and discussed, guidelines need to be made and rules need to be followed. Instead we have people that are agreeing to things that they believe are in the patient's best interest as well as what the patient wants. We need more people involved in these decisions. No way around it.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Drinking too fast and Drinking while eating?

    A big ditto! If I eat solids and drink it's an instant PB.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    What Books Are You Reading Now?

    Yes, I was kind of dreading today because there was a person there I didn't know. Eating slow and taking tiny bites is embarrassing. Before I knew it my friend told him all about my surgery, my band, the changes, etc. He was cool about it. They just sat and waited for me. There is (another) bug right now in the software. It doesn't usually give an error message with each post. Alex will hopefully fix it soon.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    right after my surgery

    Just a quick comment... Not everyone should be taking in 80-100gms of Protein daily. That's a heck of a lot of protein. My doc wants us to shoot for 60gms daily. When I consume 60gms daily my blood tests show I am getting plenty and I'm working out daily and losing weight rather quickly. Whatever you don't absorb will either need to be burned off or it turns to fat. 100gms daily is a LOT of protein, it is hard on your kidneys as well.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    What Books Are You Reading Now?

    I got chicken Chinese salad. OMZ! It was soooooo good! I haven't ever been able to eat salad, not even at home! I got that because there were so many different things in there I thought surely one would go down and it did! Red cabbage, green cabbage, carrots, baby orange things, white crunchy things... it was sooo good. Brought most of it home. I'm tempted to mail the dressing to Vicki so she can tell me how to make it. I haven't enjoyed food that much since before I was banded, not kidding. It was great and you know what? I didn't BARF~ I couldn't be more proud of myself! HA!
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    What Books Are You Reading Now?

    Looks like you did just fine to me! Read any good books lately?
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    What Books Are You Reading Now?

    Susan... BTW, did you read the latest in the "blocked" thread? Heh.... I'm going to lunch with a friend of mine. Pray for me, I'm going out to eat in public. I don't do that well. Yikes....
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    What Books Are You Reading Now?

    Kicking and screaming is right! I've tried, she bit me. Good luck to you! I'll work on her too. We'll get this done one way or another.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    What Books Are You Reading Now?

    SUSAN!!!! (Waving madly) Hi!!! Haven't seen you since... this morning at the "other" place.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Muscle DOES NOT WEIGH MORE than fat

    I was looking to see if anyone pointed out this fact yet, and you did. When you tear muscle down it creates inflammation and inflammation is edema. Edema is Fluid so there could well be a weight gain and it is from exercise. I am guilty of claiming it is muscle too, I'm just too lazy to explain it as you did.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Tummy Tuck anyone????

    Brandy... I just sent you my email via PM. I'd really like the contact info for your doc. The guy who will be doing my tt is a friend and I really do want him to do that but the breast surgery he won't do. So I need to find someone for that. If I go to your doc I'll be sure to let him know who referred me. Never know when you need a favor from him in return! Thanks!!
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Feel like a bulimic...could use some help

    I have the same exact problem and our diets are amazingly similar. I mostly eat tuna w/mayo and Protein shakes. Sometimes I think the reason I have lost so much weight is because I put off eating until I have no choice. But it has forced me to learn alternatives. You like chips and can eat them so try this product: J&D Fine Foods | Nuts By The Pound | Dried Fruit By The Pound | Candy By The Pound | Gift Baskets | Wholesale Bulk Nuts Another source of fruits and veggies: V8® - V8® V.Fusion™ Another product I found that I really like and I can't believe me... of all people even tried it! It's from the dreaded health food store. Gahhh... but this stuff actually works. It's Healthy Habits brand "Feel Good Anti-Stress" and it comes in a dropper bottle. 48 drops is supposed to be added to 8oz water/juice and it's supposed to make a pear tea. I hate tea. So I just put it in about an ounce of Water and down it. If I take this 30-60 minutes before I want to eat solids I have fewer problems. It doesn't cure anything but I have to admit there is a significant difference. If I put it in apple juice (about an ounce) I hardly taste it. But it really doesn't taste like tea either, it tastes like watered down juice. For a no-carb alternative to crackers (keeping in mind your are exchanging carbs for calories) try this: Kitchen Table Bakers Gourmet Wafer Crisps
  16. WASaBubbleButt


    matrix 5.0 list of all sizes and flavors. Find all matrix 5.0 products at AllStarHealth.com
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Tummy Tuck anyone????

    I have this visual of lots of swelling and edema after surgery. If the skin is that tight, doesn't it stretch it a bit? I have already picked my surgeon for the TT and have every intention in the world of getting it done. May I ask what you paid in Mexico for the breast lift/implants and the TT? Did you have them done at the same time? Who did it? Would you go back? I still need to find a surgeon for the breast lift/implants as the TT surgeon won't be doing that.
  18. BTW... in your case it is not that your BAND isn't working, it is your DOCTOR isn't working. Big difference.
  19. Find a new fill doc. At least that is what I would do.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Muscle DOES NOT WEIGH MORE than fat

    You are kidding, right? Please tell me you are. A pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscle, but a pound of fat is going to take up more space in a box than a pound of muscle will. So the question is not if a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscle. That's just silly.
  21. Or perhaps you need to get appropriate fills and then you will be able to actually USE your band. You haven't USED the band yet and you are already complaining that it doesn't work? Would you buy a car, flatten all the tires and then wonder why it doesn't go fast? That is exactly what you are doing with your band. It is up to YOU go to and get fills until you are at appropriate restriction. Saline does not magically appear in your band one night while you sleep.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    HELP! I got GAS, BM Problems and I'm Hungry!

    Pre-Op bowel prep? Most docs quit doing that ages ago when it was demonstrated to do... well, nothing. Not for banding anyway.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    LB surgery for my unhappy tean daughter?

    Geez... you'd think the photo of the male and the name "Rob" would have given us old folks a clue. Sorry about that! Don't forget about getting wet causing your death of cold. If you get wet in the shower that's okay because that's where you are supposed to get wet. Stand out in the rain and get wet and you'll catch your death. If death is caused by getting wet, what happens when you are wet AND cold? Oh my.... You know, in the 70s the supposed experts came up with such a load of nonsense and it still sticks regarding diet and exercise. I think in the 70s they tried to make it so it wasn't our fault. In the 80s "health" was all the rage, a lot of talk but no real efforts. In the 90s they started looking at fat issues and what causes people to overeat and finally today they are coming up with some solutions. No real answers as to WHY this problem exists, but at least they are finally looking. A million theories exist but still no certain answers. Perhaps this is finally the decade to do away with the myths once and for all.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    spagettie squash

    Oh, and does it save well? Can I put it in the frig after it is cooked? How long? Have I mentioned I don't know how to cook?
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    spagettie squash

    What kind of cheese? Is Parmesan workable? I'm on a Parmesan cheese kick lately, can't get enough of it. Yummmm How do you pick out one of these things? Big? Small? Soft? Hard?

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