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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Lapband's dirty little secret

    You know nothing of me. You assume, nothing more. If you spent a bit more time here you would know a bit and you wouldn't need to assume. What I don't like are people like you who forget to mention to newbies is that you are referring to a specific doctor and it is not based on what is right for the person, it is based on your bank account. My personal opinion only, I just don't think you can go much lower than that. You have multiple IDs, you've been banned for a period of time under one of them and the very same day you created another to get around the ban. You are unable to follow basic rules of the forum, you are not honest with people. I am not interested in your business, I am not interested in anything about you. I already know, you are a person that tries to use a SUPPORT board to pimp for a doctor. I help people find the doctor that is right for them, I show them how to research, I show them how to spot people like you, I show them how to verify information they are told by people like you. Basically, I warn them against people like you. My feelings are simple, if you want to recruit newbies to your doctor then great, pay for an ad. That's how the forum works. Threads of support are not appropriate for pimping.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Arizona Nurses???

    I used to take the approach of... look, I know how hard this is. I'm trying, too. That seemed to do the trick. I still hated doing it.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Home and recovering

    OMG you poor thing! At least they were able to fix it, right? How scary! It's a risk, and risks triple with revisions from band to sleeve for leaks. At least you are home and safe. (HUGS)
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Arizona Nurses???

    Let's get real here, ladies. Shall we? Compare stories. Anyone else ever embarrassed to tears to waddle into a cardiac patient's room to tell them they need to lose 50# when we might have 100+ to lose? you *know* what they are thinking. I'm shocked nobody ever said anything to me about my own weight. :thumbup1: I hated doing that.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    New here and thankful

    Merida is a city in Mexico. Meridia is a drug, aka Sibutramine. It was a typo.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    New here and thankful

    Welcome to the forum! I still have Meridia that I got in Mexico when I was trying anything and everything. Just ran across it a few weeks ago. I have no idea why I keep it, I should throw it away. Congrats on the weight loss! Feels good to be in control, eh? What did you do in the Navy?
  7. One of the things the band did to me was teach me to eat too slowly. Unless it is something like a piece of steak I can eat all day long if I want. Soft foods go down pretty easily and since I take forever to eat now (since banding it did something to my head, it still takes me 45 minutes to eat 1/2 cup of tuna salad, I can't force myself to eat fast) I could eat for hours. The key is to eat normally and in about 20 minutes or so, stop. Surgery doesn't fix head hunger, that one is on us.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    WLS and Seniors

    You know, I think that people (society in general) are used to people being fat. Most US citizens are fat, the minority are at a healthy weight. I am absolutely convinced that people do not recognize healthy weight anymore. I have a BMI of 20 and people suggest to me that I am anorexic. ??? I'm a very healthy weight! Yet someone who is a BMI of 30 people do not understand why they want WLS. A BMI of 30 is obese! Studies show being overweight (BMI 25-29.9) is very dangerous and waiting for problems. I think our world is just used to fat and it has become the norm. To want to do something about it is unheard of. They just don't get it. Then you have those that are overweight or obese themselves and they can't or won't do anything about it and they do not understand why someone else would want to do anything about it. You are doing the right thing, don't let anyone make you feel otherwise. It is YOU that is taking control over this issue. If they do not relate to obesity, or if they are obese and see no reason to fix that problem... that's on them. You have a right to take your life back so do it! Get your surgery, it will all be soooo worth it!
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    I've been sleeved

    Muhahahaha! You are finally one of US! ;o) Congrats on getting your surgery! I'm thrilled for you! You get your life back, you'll see. I'm glad things seem to be going well for you!
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Lapband's dirty little secret

    Nawww, not working. Your doctor told ME that you are trading services. You are redoing his website AND recruiting new patients in trade for your surgery bill. People do not typically forget their password and if they do they merely click on "forgot password" and the system emails it to you. You make money from recruiting noobs to your doctor. You just do a better job of trying to hide it today. Not a lot better, just a little. So please, don't go that direction. It was not your doctor that had to tell you what a coordinator is. You discovered that when you cut a deal with your doctor and let us not forget, it was YOUR doctor that gave ME this information. Your "blonde and I don't know what I am doing" routine doesn't wash. You were suspended under one of your IDs for advertising on the forum. If you can't comprehend what that means, your doc won't be able to explain it in better detail. *I* am not the one that reported you. I did not know about it until after the fact. A variety of people reported you for using support boards to recruit newbies in an effort to pay your surgery bill. Honestly, I am not the one to try this manipulative crappola with. I will confront you in public each and every time.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Band gone, sleeve in

    Ditto to what Elisabeth wrote. I had my band removed and revised to a sleeve in the same surgery BUT... you have eroded. Chances for band removal and revision in the same surgery are small. It depends on where you eroded and how much eroded. You MUST go to a true revision surgeon. Risks for bleeding, perforation, and leaks are x3 with a revision. Not just any surgeon should be doing this. Who is your MX surgeon?
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Arizona Nurses???

    Any thoughts on why so many nurses have surgery? Better question, why do soooo many nurses need surgery? Job stress?
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Sleeve Date Set- Newbie

    Thank you so much! I sincerely appreciate your time. I have wanted to get sleeve info on TX docs for a long time and this is a huge help. TX seems to be a challenged state. I don't mean that they do not have sleeve surgeons, they do. We just do not know who they are. New Mexico is another big mega challenge. I would eventually like to have a section of the forum about doctors. Not what we have now, something different. Something for self pay folks. Dr. Smith charges "X" dollars and this is what it covers. That kind of section. Most people are self pay, the minority have it covered by insurance. I want details so people can cross the expensive, out of range docs off their list if they have limited dollars and move on to someone they can afford. Those that can afford anything are free to go to who they wish. Those that can't afford anything and everything can save time. Clear as mud? ;o)
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Today is the Day

    It's soooo good to hear from you! Glad you are doing so well. Please, give yourself and VAngel a big huge mega hug from me!
  15. food allowance". The Latin word diaeta and Greek word diaita mean "a way of life, a regimen". According to Medilexicon`s medical dictionary, a diet means "1. Food and drink in general. 2. A prescribed course of eating and drinking in which the amount and kind of food, as well as the times at which it is to be taken, are regulated for therapeutic purposes. 3. Reduction of caloric intake so as to lose weight. 4. To follow any prescribed or specific diet." In this article "diet" refers to a food and drink consumption regime with the aim to either lose weight, to prevent weight gain, or a lifestyle and philosophy. We selected the most popular diets according to three criteria: 1. How many articles there are around about these diets/lifestyles. 2. How popular they seem to be generally. 3. How often we receive feedback on them. Below you can see a list of the seven diets, some information about each one, and links to more information. Atkins The Atkins Diet, or Atkins Nutritional Approach, focuses on controlling the levels of insulin in our bodies through diet. If we consume large amounts of refined carbohydrates our insulin levels will rise rapidly, and then fall rapidly. Rising insulin levels will trigger our bodies to store as much of the energy we eat as possible - it will also make it less likely that our bodies use stored fat as a source of energy. Most people on the Atkins Diet will consume a higher proportion of Proteins than they normally do. The Zone The Zone Diet aims for a nutritional balance of 40% carbohydrates, 30% fats, and 30% Protein each time we eat. The focus is also on controlling insulin levels, which result in more successful weight loss and body weight control. The Zone Diet encourages the consumption of good quality carbohydrates - unrefined carbohydrates, and fats, such as olive oil, avocado, and nuts. Vegetarian There are various types of vegetarian - Lacto vegetarian, Fruitarian vegetarian, Lacto-ovo-vegetarian, Living food diet vegetarian, Ovo-vegetarian, Pescovegetarian, and Semi-vegetarian. The majority of vegetarians are lacto-ovovegetarians, in other words, they do not eat animal-based foods, except for eggs, dairy, and honey. Several studies over the last few years have shown that vegetarians have a lower body weight, suffer less from diseases, and generally have a longer life expectancy than people who eat meat. Vegan Veganism is more of a way of life and a philosophy than a diet. A vegan does not eat anything that is animal based, including eggs, dairy, and honey. Vegans do not generally adopt veganism just for health reasons, but also for environmental and ethical/compassionate reasons. Vegans believe that modern intensive farming methods are bad for our environment and unsustainable in the long term. If all our food were plant based our environment would benefit, animals would suffer less, more food would be produced, and people would generally enjoy better physical and mental health, vegans say. Weight Watchers Weight Watchers focuses on losing weight through diet, exercise, and a support network. Weight Watchers Inc. was born in the 1960s when a homemaker (housewife) who had lost some weight and was concerned she might put it back on. So, she created a network of friends. Weight Watchers is a huge company, with branches all over the world. Dieters can join either physically, and attend regular meetings, or online. In both cases there is a great deal of support and education available for the dieter. South Beach The South Beach Diet was started by a cardiologist, Dr. Agatston, and a nutritionist, Marie Almon. It also focuses on the control of insulin levels, and the benefits of unrefined slow carbohydrates versus fast carbs. Dr. Agatston devised the South Beach Diet during the 1990s because he was disappointed with the low-fat, high-carb diet backed by the American Heart Association. He believed and found that low-fat regimes were not effective over the long term. Raw Food The Raw Food Diet, or Raw Foodism, involves consuming foods and drinks which are not processed, are completely plant-based, and ideally organic. Raw Foodists generally say that at least three-quarters of your food intake should consist of uncooked food. A significant number of raw foodists are also vegans - they do not eat or drink anything which is animal based. There are four main types of raw foodists: 1. Raw vegetarians. 2. Raw vegans. 3. Raw omnivores. 4. Raw carnivores. Mediterranean The Mediterranean Diet is Southern European, and more specifically focuses on the nutritional habits of the people of Crete, Greece, and southern Italy. Nowadays, Spain, southern France, and Portugal are also included; even though Portugal does not touch the Mediterranean Sea. The emphasis is on lots of plant foods, fresh fruits as dessert, Beans, nuts, cereals, seeds, olive oil as the main source of dietary fats, cheese and yogurts are the main dairy foods, moderate amounts of fish and poultry, up to about four eggs per week, small amounts of red meat, and low/moderate amounts of wine. 25% to 35% of the Mediterranean diet consists of fat, with saturated fats not exceeding 8% of calorie intake. News on Nutrition / Diet For the latest news and research on Nutrition / Diet, please visit our Nutrition / Diet news section. Written by Christian Nordqvist Original article date: 11 Feb 2004 Article updated: 12 May 2009
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Arizona Nurses???

    Me! You know, I was noticing today how many nurses there are on the forum. I was considering starting a new subsection for nurses. I wasn't sure if it would be a hit or not.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    411 on some things allowed post op?

    No carbonation according to my doc (it's not good for you anyway). No drinking with meals, Ibuprofen is fine AFTER you heal, Nexium for 3 months after surgery. Dr. A provides a 2 week supply the rest you can get a lot cheaper in MX than you can the US if your ins does not cover.
  18. It really isn't a matter of "my doctor is better than your doctor," it is more along the lines that you CAN have quality and safe surgery even though a doctor is not local. There are fantastic surgeons all over the world. The good surgeons do not all live in the US, there are great doctors everywhere.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Bariatric Surgery Increases Fracture Risk

    I do wish this study would explain *which* WLS they studied, some? All? I can see where this would be an issue with bypass and DS as they malabsorb calcium but does this include bands and sleeves? Did I miss something?
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    A newbie

    Mia... You are going to LOVE your sleeve and it will make this whole process sooo worth it! I love it, "Hell Paso, TX" as I can't say I have ever heard it put that way before. It's okay that you are struggling with liquids, we all do. It's part of the process and you are right, it makes you take a long hard look at your food issues. But that's okay, now you know what to deal with, right?
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Lapband's dirty little secret

    Leah... How many IDs do you have girl? Doesn't this one make at least three? http://www.lapbandtalk.com/search.php?searchid=2059792
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    New Here: 15 months Postop: Sleeve

    I think about you often, I rarely see you there anymore. I am not sure if I was just missing your threads or what but I am glad to see you here. You have been a fav poster of mine for a long time. You know me as Midwesterngirl.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Complications after Sleeve Surgery

    //Off Topic// Elisabeth, I want you to meet Lisa. She's a cybersweetie, not sure if she knows me from the other forum or not. We'll let her guess! ;o))))) She's a nurse too! Just wanted to introduce you two. //Back to your regularly scheduled proramming//
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Hi Everyone (Wanted a DS, got a VSG)

    It does slow down, honest! I was really frightened at the amount of hair I lost but it really does slow down and grow back. That's one of the great parts of the sleeve. Sometimes with bypass it doesn't come back, it does for us.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Today is the Day

    This is so great!!! You are having your surgery! Congrats to you! This is where you get your life back! Write as soon as you can, we want all the details!

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