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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Was anyone banded in December of '06?

    Denise... What the heck is going on with you? What is a typical daily menu of regular food? Let's see if we can do something for you here.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    How to check on Doctors in Mexico?

    Sadly, Dr. Huacuz is NOT one of the best. He's one of the worst. He has one of the worst reps in Mexico. Between he and Dr. Lopez from Betancourt Medical, they take the prize for worst reps. Betancourt only hires cheap help that can't get a job elsewhere. Huacuz worked for Betancourt for some time before Betancourt lost their license and he had no choice but to open up shop for himself. Then Betancourt reopened with yet ANOTHER license and it suddenly became Betancourt Medical. I'm thrilled for you that you didn't come home with massive life threatening infections, but many do after going to your doc. So by saying the "best" you are essentially saying that a handful of patients didn't come home with life threatening infections where most docs don't have that problem. Sorry, but a handful of positive experiences does NOT make one of the "best" in Mexico. It means that a minority of people didn't come home with infections that could kill them. The best are folks like Aceves, Ortiz, Rodriguez from Monterrey, and Rumbaut. They don't have the infection rate that your doc does. Your doc isn't even respected by his own peers. After having to remove as many bands as they have, and they were placed by your doc... he just isn't well respected by his peers. Actually, it is his peers that are attempting to get his license pulled. Again.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Laurend, how did it go?

    We need details, girl! Tell us everything!!!
  4. Sounds like a great thread. I share some of those issues, namely body image. I look at the scale and I see the numbers go down, I see my fat clothes and realize they don't fit anymore, but I look at my fat legs and arms and I don't see a single pound gone. I see *at least* 100 lbs to go. Quite frankly, it confuses my brain.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    help!!!! cant decide

    I wouldn't go to TJ merely because it is one of the most dangerous cities in Mexico. They don't have their army stationed there for no reason.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    How Long??

    I had surgery in Mexico. Called on 11/30, scheduled for 12/6.
  7. There is also an issue of getting a MAJOR repair on your car and driving 1000 miles immediately after a repair. Be careful. Another option would be the docs in Mexico on the other side of TX.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    How to check on Doctors in Mexico?

    One other issue, not sure what Canadians pay for Inamed bands but in the US Inamed charges docs almost $4K per each. In Mexico they charge the docs $2K per band.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Did anyone get there lap band done in mexico?

    Regarding Alvarez, his numbers are quite questionable. It's because he combines his stats with his partner's stats so they look better.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Was anyone banded in December of '06?

    There is an upside, it gets mighty expensive buying new clothes every 2-3 weeks. It's fun at first, it's just plain expensive later.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Was anyone banded in December of '06?

    There was a thread here some time ago and it was regarding sizes. It was pretty much determined that over 200lbs and you lose a size every 35-50lbs. Below 200 and it's a size about every 20lbs. Good job!
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Maid Rites

    Maid Rites 1lb Lean Ground Beef 1C Water 1/4 C Chicken Broth 1/4 tsp Salt 4 Hamburger buns Yellow mustard Minced white onion Brown ground beef in a large skillet over medium-low heat. Use a potato masher to help get the ground beef into small pieces. Drain any excess fat. As soon as all the pink in the meat is gone add 1 Cup of water and 1/4 Cup of chicken broth plus 1/4 tsp salt. Simmer the meat uncovered for one hour or until all the liquid is gone, stirring every 10 minutes or so. Build each sandwich by pressing the hot ground beef into a 1/2 cup measuring cup. Dump the meat onto the bottom of a plain hamburger bun. Add mustard on the top bun, along with pickles and minced onion if desired. Put the sandwich together and heat in microwave for 10-15 seconds to warm the buns. Makes four sandwiches. Can also try using Lipton Onion Soup mix instead of chicken broth. Try Worcestershire sauce or 2 tsp sugar to 1 tsp pepper. Another possibility is coke syrup.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Share with us: What has improved for you?

    My ass is smaller. Hence, my name? :eek:
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Snack, Stagnet and other Issues

    This is why: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/aleve-advil-do-not-try-home-37287/
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Where is everyone from?

    GLENDALE!! You are close to me! You should join our bandster lunches we have. We meet about once a month or so at Sweet Tomatoes Restaurant on I17/Dunlap. If you want to join us PM me and I'll give you details.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    would you know???

    All newbies worry about this. If you are following the bandster guidelines, I really wouldn't worry about it. You are going to have this band for life, it wouldn't be reasonable to have it checked every month or two.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Snack, Stagnet and other Issues

    Oh, I agree! Most don't want to do 600 calories daily just like most don't want to bike 100 miles weekly. But I think you and I might be similar in the sense that I want the "fat" chapter of my life CLOSED! For good! I want to be rid of fat and quickly. Actually, it can't BE fast enough! HA!
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Snack, Stagnet and other Issues

    Wow... You know, I caught the "18 servings" part when I read what was posted previously but I didn't actually calculate it for the entire product. You're right, it puts a whole new twist on it!
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Snack, Stagnet and other Issues

    You know what? This is another "fat myth" that many believe. As long as you get your basic nutrition in you will not be tired. After your body is done burning glucose and carbs it starts burning fat and fat *is* stored energy. If what you say is true than anytime you burn fat you will be exhausted. It's another 70's myth we were taught and it has been believed and passed down from one generation to another. It's the same as starvation mode. There is no such thing. I've yet to find a medical source will defend that one when it comes to dieting. Starvation mode is what little children in Africa experience after not eating more than 200 calories every few days for their entire lives. Cutting calories while dieting is not starvation mode. The human body doesn't hang on to fat, it doesn't keep fat and not expend energy (unless there is a different medical problem), it doesn't do a LOT of things we were taught in the 70s. That is true if you are hungry. If I drink a protein drink I'm not hungry and don't need to eat for 4 hours or so. This is where bandster rules come into play. I don't consider them hard and fast rules that *must* be followed, I consider them guidelines. We all have to do what works and Protein Drinks don't work for you, they don't work for a lot of people. But they work very well for me. I agree completely!
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    No Patients!!

    Dude... do you know that you can pay for your own advertising and then if you do that, you don't have to annoy us with it in every bloody thread you post in.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Is it worth it?

    Are you following bandster rules such as eating Protein first? Then veggies? Then carbs? Nobody should be telling you that you can't have ice cream, candy, etc., but the real key is to fill up with the right foods first. IF you have room, eat cake.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    want lap band but afraid I may not qulify

    I'm no insurance expert but it seems to me that you might have a rough time getting insurance to pay for this. Usually you have to have a BMI of 40 or more, or... you need to be at 35 with specific comorbidities. Something like joint damage from weight, hypertension, etc. Call your insurance company and see what they say. But I have a hunch you might be on your own for this one.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    want lap band but afraid I may not qulify

    Anyone get the feeling that somebody works for getbandednow?
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Major Plateau...Help!

    (emphasis my own) Sheesh... isn't that the truth!
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    pouch streathching

    HA!! Too funny!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
