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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    What weight for regular size clothing??

    After you hit 200 the sizes seem to start dropping quickly. What used to take 30-50 lbs to change sizes suddenly turns to 15-20 lbs to change a size. It will happen.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    What weight for regular size clothing??

    Denise... No worries! We'll go shopping at the New River Outlet store. I was just there yesterday and bought a whole car load of stuff. Welcome to Outlets at Anthem It was fun!
  3. LOL! You sound like me, and everyone else! You are making the right decision, If you could do this on your own you would have done so by now, You are supposed to be nervous, you are having SURGERY, You are supposed to doubt your decisions, it's normal, You are supposed to think "Jenny Craig" because we all do but just remember, she keeps her business going well on REPEAT BUSINESS. You guys will be fine!
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Was anyone banded in December of '06?

    I have heard of several people that say they have problems with tomatoes. For some it gives them heartburn but most of them complain that the skin gets stuck. My problem is blueberries, wow... they hurt.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    What's Up With All The Tipping?

    I'm sitting here eating my Quizno's salad that I just picked up and paid a $2.00 tip and I don't mind a bit. I go to Quizno's and order a salad of my own creation, they don't offer it on the menu. It's a tuna salad-salad with tomatos, Parmesan cheese, 1/2 flat bread, and two ceasar dressings. I get the same thing every single time I go there. As soon as I walk in the door they start making my salad, they all know it by heart before I ever order it, they refer to me by name, kid around with me, and I'm pretty sure I get extra tuna salad. Actually, I'm positive of it. Then even if I haven't lost weight they tell me it looks like I have anyway. If a new person is working there before I even get to the little glass thing they are already telling the new person what my order will be so I don't have to wait long. Do they get a tip? You bet they do. What difference does it make if it is a locally owned deli or not? Olive Garden isn't locally owned, do you tip their wait staff? Actually, Quizno's are locally owned... not sure why that makes a difference though. As for tip jars, if you don't want to tip, don't. If you want to, feel free. Nobody is forcing you to do anything.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    What Books Are You Reading Now?

    I get the Chinese Veggies from a local cheapo restaurant. You know those restaurants that are little holes in the wall and they have the best food? I get a side of veggies for about two bucks. As for Matrix, be careful. There is a copycat product called mEtrix instead of the real thing mAtrix. It's not the same, GNC carries it.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Chromium Supliment

    My goal for her is to get away from all processed foods and stick to Proteins and lower carb veggies. She doesn't know it yet but we are going to exercise as well. I don't plan on stopping exercising because we are away for three days and I think she'll feel uncomfortable if she doesn't move a little too. You know, I used to work for this woman and she is *such* an amazing woman. She is SO good at her job, she's a nurse. She runs a huge company and has turned it from a tiny company that nobody has ever heard of to a huge company that is well respected in this state. Even as big as the company is at this point (and growing daily) she still has an open door policy for staff, she'll drop everything she is doing if an employee wants to discuss anything from a professional issue to a personal issue. All employees are treated with respect and dignity by her and it's not for show, it's for real. The only thing I regret about leaving that company is that I didn't learn everything she knows before leaving. If I needed something... ANYTHING for a patient but we would lose money on it she would always, 100% of the time tell me to go for it. Patient care always comes first with her. If I needed something, a drug... whatever, she made sure I had it for the patients. When she's at work she's this person with all the courage in the world. She knows her stuff and knows it well. She knows how to get things done. She is strong, capable, and able at work. At home... she's so shy and timid she's like a whole different person. She said she's always been that way. She feels confident at work but not in her personal life. If she could take just 10% of what she has within her personality at work and bring it home with her she could do this without a problem.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    What Books Are You Reading Now?

    The cheapest place I have found to buy the product is NOT the manufacturer. They are almost double the price. The cheapest place I have found is AllStarHealth.com - Vitamins and Nutritional supplements at Discounted Prices. I like chocolate but most like Cookies & Cream. I can't stand Cookies & Cream, I think it's gross, it's wayyy too sweet for me. They also have fruit flavors (Nectar) and I have only tried one and I thought it was gross but others like it a great deal. I haven't found anyone that likes French vanilla, to me it tastes like coconut. Yick. Most seem to like Cookies & Cream and Lemonade the most. Calories range according to flavor but they range (per serving) from 110-130. Try to get samples from the company as the bags are large. It's about $27/5# bag and that is 77 servings. It comes out to about $0.50/serving. But what if you don't like it? I'd call the company (SI03 INC.) and see if they will send samples. Regarding the thread, I have found lots of great book ideas here. I'll post the address again for a cheap place to buy out of print and antiquarian books: AddALL book search and price comparison Click on "out of print" books and just enter the info you have and it will bring up all the books with that title and their prices. Amazon is another great place for used and new books. The book I just bought "Jared's Story" was brand new, a hardback, and the cost of the book was a penny. I guess it wasn't a big hit.
  9. I just can't, I can't join a gym. I have this huge issue about others seeing the "fat girl" working out. It's a head thing of mine. I was thinking about finding a personal trainer and someone that would be able to manage it so we work when nobody is there. Probably not possible, but I'm going to try. Maybe I'll just buy a bowflex. That would solve the "in public" thing. But the thing is, I don't know how to use the darn thing! I am hopeless, absolutely hopeless!
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Chromium Supliment

    BTW... I keep reading the above. You and my friend sound exactly alike! I wish she would come here and post because she would see herself in the above. We are going out of town (I think) next weekend. The whole idea is to get away from sugar. Before she puts it in her mouth I will make sure it is sugar free. Otherwise, she can't have it. That's the whole purpose of the trip. I was surprised when she agreed to my idea. I'm hoping this works.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Chromium Supliment

    I have seen it as Hi Health and GNC. I'm pretty sure most health food stores would have it. I've never looked for it so I'm sure other places have it as well, I'm just not aware of it.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    What Books Are You Reading Now?

    I am so glad I started this thread. It's so nice to get ideas from other book lovers!
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    What Books Are You Reading Now?

    Well, my doc wants us to have 800 calories a day and 60gms of protein. I stick to 600 a day and 60gms of protein. I don't have a problem getting protein in because I use Matrix. I LOVE Matrix, 120 calories, 2gms carbs, and 23gms protein. For the most part I don't eat white carbs. No rice, flour, sugar, or potatoes. I keep all carbs low because I feel better when I do. Everyone has to do what works for them. What works for me may not work for another. Today I started with lunch and had part of a Chinese chicken salad. Then a fruit smoothie from Jamba juice, then for dinner Chinese mixed veggies. Today was not a great protein day but it doesn't matter if I don't do 60gms every single day. 95% of the time I do get 60gms in, today I didn't. No biggie. Today was also about 450 calories so I might do Matrix before I go to bed. Right now I'm not hungry. If I finally get around to my treadmill tonight I will drink a Matrix shake but it isn't looking good so far.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    What Books Are You Reading Now?

    So it's okay that he's been dishonest and defrauded people because he isn't as dishonest as Enron folks? Nope, I won't give him my money. Most of what you have listed can also be found in the drug inserts or reading on line. And that is free. I'm as likely to buy his book as I am to excuse Enron folks for what they did. Dishonest is dishonest. He's a con artist and thief, nothing more.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    What Books Are You Reading Now?

    Keven T has been in prison for fraud and he's made it into something of a conspiracy where he is the victim. He is forever paying off fines and such for his complete and total dishonesty. But even with all the fines he still makes a bloody fortune conning people into buying his books. Check out the following: What Kevin Trudeau doesn't want you to know - Salon And: Kevin Trudeau There are some drugs that slow weight loss and two of yours are an example. The Wellbutrin is a very old drug. It has several uses. One is for depression and that is originally what the drug was for. It has so many side effects (inability to sleep, etc.) that it isn't a first choice for depression anymore. It is the same exact drug as Zyban, it is quite effecitive for those who want to stop smoking. It is also semi-effective for adult ADD/ADHD. I really think its claim to fame is the stop smoking issue. Even though Wellbutrin is a brand name it is essentially the generic of Zyban. As for weight loss and Wellbutrin, the older drugs of that class do tend to slow down weight loss in some people. Other drugs such as Prozac tend to encourage weight loss. With that said, when someone is depressed they often times don't eat well and lose weight. When they take something for depression and it works, they eat a little better and weight loss isn't an issue. Drugs in the same class as Prozac tend to increase weight loss (people just aren't hungry when they take it, however we fatties tend to have more head hunger issues and we eat if we are hungry or not). Yet other drugs in the same class as Prozac such as Luvox tend to make people want to eat more. I'm not sure why that is. Your hormone tablet... Female hormones tend to make us want to eat like a heifer. Consider this, there is a drug that is given to cancer patients when they reach the stage that they don't want to eat. This drug makes them hungry. When someone has cancer the body tends to try to deal with the cancer by not feeding the cancer cells, that is why end stage cancer patients don't want to eat. You can't even tube feed them without a great deal of discomfort. The problem is, the body doesn't feed the healthy cells either. So docs will often give a drug called Megace to make end stage cancer patients hungry. Megace is essentially a female hormone. If you want to look into hormones try something that is identical to what your body should be producing anyway. You can get them at ANY compounding pharmacy. They do require an Rx and your doc can write them for any strength he wants unlike standard hormones that only come in specific strengths. These are not like the standard hormones, these are absolutely the same as what your body does/should be making and they are much safer for you. However, they are still female hormones and female hormones make you hungry. Men really don't know how easy they have it in comparison. Lisinopril... not sure if that one would affect weight loss or not, I'll look it up and see if I can find anything. My own weight loss is twofold... For some time I couldn't eat solids or I'd barf. I mostly drank my calories. I knew it was easy to drink too many calories so I was VERY careful about what I drank. My doc gave me drugs for stomach spasms and such, while they worked a little it didn't really do enough. I just barfed less. So I was extremely careful about what I put in my mouth. While my food choices weren't huge my choice to limit calories was within my control and I keep it very low. Now I'm on Luvox. My doc claims it helps with the nerve impulses between brain/stomach and that has made a HUGE difference! I ate steak last weekend and didn't barf. It's the first solid meat I've kept down since being banded without a huge struggle and typically ... barfing. But Luvox causes weight gain so I've been very careful again and I still limit calories to 600 daily. I also work very hard, I do at least an hour of hard cardio daily but for some time I was doing 100 minutes daily. A couple of days ago it was 140 minutes throughout the day of hard cardio. Yesterday it was 15 minutes, I was a slug. Since Luvox I typically eat something like tuna salad, lettuce salads with Protein sources, black Beans, veggie chili, Matrix shakes, and daily I eat Chinese mixed veggies. I eat a LOT of salad even though it isn't a great bandster food but I went for so long without being able to have any I think I'm making up for lost time now. I still have no problem keeping calories at 600 daily. I also take 2 Flinstones Vitamins three times daily, chocolate chewable Calcium, "Green Source" crap that is disgusting and I probably won't buy more when this is gone, and a product called Xango. Oh, and Valarian Root for stomach spasms that is working quite well with Luvox. If I drink 3oz of Xango before I run I find a huge difference in how long I can run. Honestly, I don't know if it is the quality carbs, if it is all in my head, or if it actually does what it claims but as long as it is working I'm going to keep using it. For someone that doesn't buy the health food store crap, I'm sure buying a lot lately.
  16. You are supposed to be freaking out. It's your job at this point. You are going through what the rest of us went through. I scheduled my surgery ASAP intentionally so I didn't have to deal with all that as long as everyone else. I made my decision, called my doc's office, and surgery was scheduled for six days later. I haven't lost 100lbs yet but I have lost 83lbs. Life is MUCH better as a thinner person. You'll see.
  17. It's just one of those things you have to wait out. You just had surgery, you are going to be uncomfortable. Before you know it you will be typing the same words as I am to another newbie. As soon as the gas is gone THEN you will start feeling the effects of the gas. When you have surgery one incision is just to maintain gas pressure in your gut. It is so your surgeon can see around in there. So when the gas is gone you'll feel the after effects of the gas that was in there. It will go away, give it a couple of weeks. It gets better daily.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Mesh around Port?

    No, I don't see a reason to do so. It is sewn into the fascia. That is the connective tissue between muscle and a fat pad.
  19. I kinda like my treadmill so maybe combining the two would help. That seems FAR more doable than weights alone. I never even considered that before. Thanks! I still think weights are EVIL!
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Can't update my Trickler

    HA! I thought the same thing as I read the thread title. I believe it is a ticker.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Gallbladder issues after the band??

    It can be common if people lose significant weight QUICKLY. If you lose 1-2 pounds weekly it is not as likely to be an issue. Add a bit of fat to your diet as you lose and you are less likely to have gallbladder problems.
  22. Yep, referred pain. :cry
  23. I was with my friend as she had surgery, I was even in the OR so I had the opportunity to ask questions. Left shoulder pain (as all nurses know) is common for gallbladder. With my friend she could actually see the muscles in her gut contracting with each spasm of pain. It was worse with her periods. If you have lost weight quickly that is another symptom of gallbladder. I realize I am not telling you anything you don't already know, just throwing it out anyway. You have my phone number. If there is anything I can do please call me. With that said, your pain is not typical of gallbladder pain but!!! With gallbladder anything goes. It's weird pain and unique to everyone. Not claiming I think it is gallbladder, just stuff to consider.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    What Books Are You Reading Now?

    Kevin Trudeau is a big fat liar and con artist. A small percentage of what he claims is true, but if you look carefully it is common sense crap. Nothing anyone with any critical thinking skills wouldn't know. Just be very careful of what he claims. He's a convicted con artist and he's got a history of prison time for a reason. He's merely made money off of yet another... conspiracy theory.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    What Books Are You Reading Now?

    "Jared's Story". I haven't received it yet but I ordered it. He was a patient of mine at one time and his father wrote a book about him. He was a bubble boy, but not when I cared for him. I found it on amazon.com for a penny so I can hardly not buy the book. The entire title is something like... "Jared's Story, How His Family Saved His Life." No clue if it is any good or not. Time will tell.

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