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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Do you have under active thyroid?

    Which tests do those results belong to? T3, T4, TSH?? I would strongly urge you to go to Welcome to About.com and look up their thyroid forum. The ladies there are amazing at reading labs and they are more up to date than many docs I know. I think it would be a world of info for you.
  2. Whoa.. I never said 600 calories to maintain. I said I agreed with you on that point, 600 calories to maintain would be insanity. I wrote that I was doing that for the weight loss phase. I think either I blew it when I was writing or you misunderstood me. Not that MY writing style is ever garbled or anything! HA!
  3. I agree with you for the most part. If I wasn't so dead set on my own personal goals I'd be okay losing slowly but it is my goals that keep me running daily. I don't expect to count calories for the rest of my life, but during the weight loss phase? You bet I do. I count everything that goes into my mouth including water. I don't think eating 600 calories to maintain is normal either. But I'm not in the "maintaining" stage, I'm in the weight loss stage. I do expect I'll either count carbs or at least be extra aware of carbs because when I eat too many carbs I just don't feel well. I am a big fat slug on my couch. I have TONS more energy and I just feel better not eating many carbs. I don't think I ever have said that my way is the only way or my way is the right way. Okay, the one issue that is an exception is when someone eats chicken and chewy candy on day #4 after surgery. That makes something in my head pop. I know how dangerous that can potentially be. As for everything else the only question that I am starting to ask people is "says who?" when they make claims. Starvation mode, permanently damaging your metabolism by strict caloric intake, double your calories and you'll lose weight faster. Well.. says who? Let's identify what is an outdated myth vs. fact. There is sooooo much wrong info out there, do a Google search on ANY diet issue and the opinions will vary with the author and they ALL claim THEY have the facts. Well, do they? I want the facts. I have really worked hard at undoing the weird stuff in my head regarding justifying more food for any given reason. I have based my work on science and facts. When something comes along that I always used to go along with previously, I want to know where the facts are. Where is the science? Where do people get their opinions? From other dieters? Or from research and facts? That's kinda where I am coming from.
  4. I have to make one point here. Your post allows me to do that. :eek: I agree with you about the 800 calorie a day thing but the point I want to make is that I don't see anything in the world wrong with losing slowly. I just don't want to do it. I want this phase of my life OVER. I want the fat chapter closed for good. I have a personal goal, I discovered the band existed on 11/6/06, I had surgery 12/6/06, I want plastic surgery completed 11/5/07. Discover the band, have band surgery, lose weight, have plastics all in one year. That's my goal, that's the light at the end of my own personal tunnel. That's what keeps me motivated and that is why I stick to 600 daily on the average. My doc suggests 800 daily too, btw.
  5. and lower your metabolism permanently Says who?
  6. Anything above and beyond basic nutrition (in our case) is maintaining fat. You can eat more, you'll just lose slower and there is no law against that. I stick to 600 daily most of the time and I have plenty of energy. Fat is stored energy. My doc suggests 800 calories. I want the fat chapter of my life over with, quickly. I guess the real question is this, if you are getting your nutrition in (the reason we eat), what is the value of anything above and beyond this? I don't personally advocate anyone eating so few calories they are hungry all the time, but with verrrry wise food choices it can be done quite well.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Pretend Banding

    My doc requires a pre-op diet for those with a BMI of 40 or more. That pre-op diet consists of essentially Atkins. Low carb, adequate Protein. Post op has changed. When I had surgery it was two weeks of clears, two weeks of fulls, two weeks of soft, and then solids. Now it's much better and more workable. I wish Jack would jump in because he was wayyyyy better at explaining things without being negative. But keeping in mind my inability for tact and diplomacy, one of the issues we have being MO is that many can take weight off, keeping it off is a whole 'nothing ballgame. That seems to be the issue most of us have. Maybe you don't, I hope not. It would be great if you don't need to have a band, that would be ideal. I guess I don't want to throw a negative curve at you but I also don't want you feeling bad about yourself if those pounds don't stay off.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Anyone over age 45 with big lb. loss to report?

    Lowering cholesterol... many studies show it isn't diet. Cows have the highest cholesterol around and they are vegetarians. I think exercise is key in cholesterol and genetics is the biggest factor. They used to believe it was entirely food choices but now it's known that isn't true. Sleep apnea, if it is caused by weight then eating better isn't going to change that. Losing weight will change that. I just really disagree with this doc that claims older women have little chance for extreme weight loss.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Do you have under active thyroid?

    I have Hashi's and I've lost 83 lbs since December. As long as you are taking your meds and your labs are normal you should be good to go.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Anyone over age 45 with big lb. loss to report?

    The band hasn't really been around very long. Inamed was approved for use in Mexico in 1991, it wouldn't be FDA approved for use in the US until 2001. FDA trials were of course, earlier. I still don't understand why a band surgeon would tell you that. Inamed doesn't agree with that thinking, not sure why they would tell you such nonsense. The benefits of banding are a direct result of weight loss. If this group of women don't lose weight, what are the benefits? It just makes no sense to me.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    B-12 Injections

    Most docs don't do these kinds of labs just because someone has a band. Most would see if you have any signs of problems and order them from there. Bypass.. whole different story.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    B-12 Injections

    There is no need for that to be given across the board. It should depend on your labs, if you need them then so be it. If not, there is no reason to take them.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Anyone forced to have LB & hate having it all the time?

    I'd have to agree. I think there are bits and pieces that are missing from this story. And something that makes no sense: >>She got mad & said we can go have it taken out. (no because She signed the waver saing it could only be removed if it was a medical emergency.)<< Impossible.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Chicken of the Sea Salmon Cups

    I tried Talapia (sp???) last weekend. I'm a tuna fan but not an overall fish fan and this stuff wasn't bad. A friend made it. She put all kinds of spices and lemon juice on it and cooked it. It was okay but I would have probably enjoyed it more if I was a fish fan. Orange roughy is good but sheesh... you buy a pound and it cooks down to an ounce. Not sure if I can bring myself to eat any kind of salmon... blech. I think I would have to not know what I was eating before I could try it.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Gayle... You like Matrix Orange? What do you mix it with? I haven't tried that flavor yet. Do you use Water, milk, or OJ? Something different?
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Your Favorite Protiens?

    The best and cheapest place I have found is: matrix 5.0 list of all sizes and flavors. Find all matrix 5.0 products at AllStarHealth.com The price is the best I have found as well as shipping. No matter how little or how much you order from there the shipping is the same, $5.95 I think. I love the service as well. Netrition.com and bariatriceating.com also carry it but they are verrry expensive. Ebay sellers have it but the shipping makes it more expensive than AllStarHealth.com - Vitamins and Nutritional Supplements at Discounted Prices. I prefer the Chocolate, most prefer Cookies & Cream. I think C&C is wayyy too sweet, I just don't care for it. Never tried the Orange, and the Vanilla isn't really Vanilla, it's French Vanilla.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Shopping at Sams Club

    What flavor did you try that you did not care for in EAS? I've been looking for Vanilla and wanted to try it if it isn't too gross. I like Matrix but their vanilla is actually French Vanilla and I think it's gross. I love chocolate, can't stand French Vanilla. I have a bunch of De Vinci s/f syrups, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, cinnamon, Chocolate, spice, etc. and only the raspberry is great with Chocolate. So what do you think of the vanilla EAS?
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Shopping at Sams Club

    Careful with Boost. That is a product designed for people who need nutrution and weight gain. It is NOT designed for dieters. I like Matrix. I like it because the quality is high, the protein/calorie ratio is perfect, I like the flavor, and I don't have to mix it with milk. Milk... blehhh unjury is another great quality Protein and you can mix it in anything, Jello, broth, juice, milk, whatever your preference. Isopure is also another high quality protein but it tastes what like dog pooh smells like. It's just disgusting. Stay away from the bullets, shots, and shooters. The protein quality is about the lowest on the market right now. Regarding protein quality Matrix, Unjury, and Isopure are the best and most consistant quality products on the market. They range in quality (scale from 1-100) from 80-100. The bullets, shots, and shooters (stuff in a plastic test tube) are between 4-6 depending on brand and flavor.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Chicken of the Sea Salmon Cups

    REALLY stupid question here, but does Salmon have mercury? I am drawing a complete blank (again) but is mercury an issue for salmon? I have asked this before, I have researched it, I don't remember. I think it is a mental block from all those gross and nasty salmon patties on Friday nights growing up as a Catholic kid. I used to swear that as an adult salmon would never pass my lips again. I bought a can of it months ago and I can't bring myself to open it. I think a monster is going to climb out of the can and gag me. I eat wayyyy too much tuna. WAY too much. As much mercury as I consume I swear I'll either glow in the dark someday or be like a thermometer and grow taller the warmer it is outside. Freaky concept considering I live in a desert.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Protein Help

    You should have plenty of Protein stores in your body to go a few weeks with low protein. With that said, if you keep protein up (I'm not referring to 100gms, that's too much) but up to a reasonable amount (around 50-60gms) it will help with hunger issues. I like Matrix. Many like unjury. You have to keep trying brands until you find one you like.
  21. Room temp means I don't battle with my band regarding temps, ever. Hot does not help and cold makes me tight. Room temp is perfect.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Starvation mode: Myth or Reality?

    Exercise... yes! My vote is for adequate nutrition and LOADS of exercise!
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Starvation mode: Myth or Reality?

    I think one issue many forget is that even if starvation mode was a reality (and I don't believe it is) your metabolism is going to slow down with weight loss ANYWAY. It's how the body works. It's part of the weight loss process. My doc says starvation mode is when little children in Africa eat 100 calories every few days. Dr. Currie says there is no scientific data to back up starvation mode. Jeremy (forgot his last name) is an OH fitness staff person. He has his masters in fitness and nutrition. He said the starvation mode for obese folks is an outdated myth. Weight Watchers tried to help stop the myth by printing an in-depth article explaining what really does happen when people slow down during weight loss. They tried to explain it is not starvation mode, it is quite different. ANYONE who diets will slow down their metabolism, that is not starvation mode and more calories will not help. There is a discussion on my doc's board right now regarding this topic. Someone claims that at 500 calories daily you will not lose weight (she's talking across the board, all of us) but if you double that and consume 1000 calories daily, you will lose. I've asked her to support that with some science, ANY science... we haven't heard a word from her since then. The people supporting the starvation mode myth are people such as body builders, for the most part. They are great for showing you how to safely lift weights but just because they lift weights does not mean they have a lot of training in how the body absorbs foods, etc. I leave the details of how the body works on a chemical level to those in science, not those who lift weights. The reality is simple, if you consume 1000 calories you will have to work harder to burn it than if you eat 500 calories. The body does not "think" and it doesn't contemplate what it will do with extra calories, it just does it. It is a chemical reaction. My doc says to stick to 800 calories daily, no lower than 700. I stick to 600 calories daily and I'm doing fine. I'm losing weight (most of the time <g>), I'm losing at a pace I am happy with (most of the time <g>), I have plenty of energy, and life is good. My thinking is that anything above what is needed for basic nutrition is just calories that will work to store fat. I'd prefer to burn it.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Anyone over age 45 with big lb. loss to report?

    Your doc really doesn't seem to know a great deal about band stats. Does she specialize in bypass, by any chance? The docs that are pro-bypass really honestly do not know enough about the band and standard results. If she does more bypass then I understand, if she does more band then shame on her. I know more 40 year olds that are banded than I do 20 year olds and with the exception of one that eats (literally) 2000 calories a day in Chocolate/sugar alone, everyone is doing great. Consider this... if you were to opt for bypass within 18 months to 5 years intestinal tissue starts to grow back and you can absorb fat and calories again. Never nutrition, but fat and calories. This is why so many bypass patients regain weight and are again depending on diet and exercise. With the band if you aren't losing well and it is because you eat too large of a quantity of food, you get a fill. Easy as that. Not saying banding is easy, it isn't. But it is the kind of hard WE can do unlike chronic diet and exercise.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Pre Op Milk Diet

    Just milk? Nothing else? How bizarre. I'm starting to understand why some people choose their docs according to the doc's pre/post-op diet!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
