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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Was anyone banded in December of '06?

    GREAT! What is your exercise goal for this month? Maybe create a ticker and keep it moving. That's what keeps me honest! HA!
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Was anyone banded in December of '06?

    Com'on you guys! Let's kick some serious fat-busting butt! We can do this! Log those calories, burn that fat, move all day long, don't sit. If you do sit move SOMETHING, swing your foot, use small weight dumbells while watching TV, keep moving!!!! If you aren't losing weight log your calories, log your exercise, watch what you eat, kick that plateau! We can do this! We can all get skinny together!!!! Com'on, burn some fat! Post your progress, post how you moved daily, keep your Protein up, cut out sugar and white carbs... LET'S GET IT DONE!
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Overeating? and PBing

    Sliming is when you have something stuck in your stoma (stoma... the part of your stomach that the band wraps around). Your body starts producing thick saliva... think of it as your body trying to produce lube to make the stuck food slide down. It doesn't usually work for me, it just gives me more to barf. When you barf it looks like slime, thus... sliming. You think you are barfing mucous but it's really super thick saliva. It's gross, but not as bad as you might think. Well, it is bad. But the upside to barfing with a band is that you don't typically barf all stomach contents. Just pouch stuff. While there is stomach acid in your pouch it is minimal and most of it pools in your lower stomach. So when you PB you don't typically barf half digested food and stomach acid so that part isn't NEARLY as gross as ... how do you say it? A full vomit? It really doesn't happen all that often and it's typically your own fault if you do. You didn't chew well enough, you eat bites that are too big, food that doesn't work for you, that kind of thing. Some people do it once a year and others do it weekly. It's really up to you how often it happens. Sometimes it's kinda sorta like trying to barf up thick karo syrup. Gahh...
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Overeating? and PBing

    Do you want the pretty flowery version or the real one?
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Rest In Peace, Tammy Faye

    You think I should? Really?
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Overeating? and PBing

    There is nothing burp-y about it. It's barfing.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Overeating? and PBing

    Ahhhh, you've been initiated into band land! :clap2:
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Overeating? and PBing

    LOL!!! I love it! OMG, you will fit in this forum beautifully! Yes, it's like a mini throw up, the almost puke. The full barf is when you barf up from both stomachs. Now grasshopper, do you know what sliming is?
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Overeating? and PBing

    It's a productive burp. My personal opinion is that is misleading, I think it should be called Positively Barfing. It's when the contents of the pouch come back up vs. the contents of the big stomach.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Rest In Peace, Tammy Faye

    Ohhh, I know a LOT of the details but that is for a different thread. :Banane20: Might make for a lively discussion!
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Rest In Peace, Tammy Faye

    Well... yeah, she was. Momma T wasn't a sin free little gem of a Christian when she was alive either. I put Momma T right up there with Tammy's hubby.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Rest In Peace, Tammy Faye

    Bush hasn't really been charged with anything either. What does that have to do with doing something wrong? Just people watching what was going on knew there was something very very wrong. Not sure how a wife could be oblivious of this.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Rest In Peace, Tammy Faye

    :omg: Huh? :omg:
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Overeating? and PBing

    You can dilate your pouch without getting stuck. Think of it this way, some people use their esophagus as an extended stomach. Another name is pouch packing. It's unlikely to cause a dilated (stretched) pouch in one episode, it can happen but it's unlikely. If you want, and if you aren't diabetic or anything similar, you can treat it as a dilated pouch by going on liquids for a few days. But honestly, I doubt it's necessary. PBing happens for the same reasons as getting stuck. Eating bites too big, not chewing well, eating foods that don't break down well. For many that would be things like bread, Pasta, rice, tough meat, hamburger (hard to chew into a paste), foods such as that. Sure, you prevent it by not doing the above.
  15. Wow, just my personal opinion but for a banded person in weight loss mode, 1400 calories seems like quite a bit. And 120 gms of protein? WOW~ At least keep it at 25gms at a time, more than that and you won't absorb it and it will either need to be burned or turn to fat. What is a PT? Physical Therapist? Does your nutritionist know about this? What about your doc?
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Self Payers

    Denise... Of course I can pick you up. And the restaurant that we go to isn't that far from that mall I was telling you about! LOL~
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Self Payers

    We can if you want. We always meet on Saturdays. Usually one Saturday a month. If you want me to set it up for the Saturday you'll be here I can do that!
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    What's Up With All The Tipping?

    Kewl... that means that within a couple of hours you can tell us what is going on! We are busybodies that want details.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    BariatricEating.com Need Info please...

    Ohhhhh, I so agree! I love Chocolate Matrix. Have you tried it with a couple of shots of Da Vinci Raspberry S/F syrup? The cheapest place I have found it is AllStarHealth.com - Vitamins and Nutritional supplements at Discounted Prices. Including S&H 77 servings is $33.00. S&H is $5.95 regardless of how much or how little you order.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    What's Up With All The Tipping?

    Green... When do you see your doc for lab results?
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Chest Pressure PAIN - Help!!!!

    One mistake you are making is bending over. You should not be doing that AT ALL. Bend from the knees, don't bend over. Picking up your kids... I realize at times there are few choices but what instructions did your doc give you about how much weight you can lift this soon after surgery?
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    help asap: I am so tired

    Oh... one other trick. Might want to get some Propel water. It has just a hint of sugar. Not enough to cause the blood sugar spikes but enough to give you a little boost. Gatorade and juice have wayyy too much sugar, Crystal lite has none, Propel is juuuuust right.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    help asap: I am so tired

    You were JUST banded, you JUST had surgery! You are supposed to feel this way. As the swelling goes down and you get back into a more normal routine I think you'll find that you feel better. Just remember, fat is stored energy!! That's the good news, as you burn fat you'll have energy. I think it was 2 weeks for me before I didn't want to crawl under a table and take a nap. And for various reasons I was on clear liquids for three weeks. It gets better, honest.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    pill stuck?

    You are probably swollen from the pill getting stuck. Your stoma is really fickle and the least little thing can cause you to be very unhappy. Just make sure you stick to liquids ONLY today and give your stoma time to relax and let the swelling go down.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Getting Sick On Whey?

    Maybe it is brand related or maybe it is type of Protein related. When it comes to protein products you really have to keep trying different types and brands until you know what works for you. Those shooters (New Whey) do the same thing to me. I can get it down but I can't keep it down. Of course, that's the lowest quality protein (not flavor, protein) product on the market today.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
