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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    All my hopes and dreams down the drain

    A lot of people think they can't afford to self pay for surgery and I think you might be shocked at how much cheaper it is to be a thinner person. My grocery bill has been cut drastically but most of all, my fast food bill. Just my fast food and soda alone ... by not paying for this stuff anymore it will pay for my band in 1.6 years. There is always financing. Lots of people pay their $160 a month (depending on how many years financed, interest, etc.) with savings from their food bill. Once you are over the shock of realizing insurance isn't going to pay for it, consider financing. I paid for my from savings so I don't know a lot of details but I would seriously check into that. People do anything to get this surgery. I've seen them get 2nd and 3rd jobs, borrow from friends and relatives, go dumpster diving and sell the treasures on ebay, refinance homes, one lady even sold her home to use the equity for her surgery. I was reading this morning about one lady that saved for it dollar by dollar. Some months she could only save $5.00, other months it was more. It took years but she did it and just had surgery last week. Some of the Mexican docs would let you pay a portion and then they would finance the rest of the fees. They quit doing that after getting burned so many times. I don't believe anyone does it anymore but maybe others have different information. Never say never, when it comes to this surgery I have learned a huge lesson. When you want it badly enough, you will find a way to get it.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    discovered some new products

    Their protein/carbs/calories is very good. Only thing I would mention is to just have 1/2 serving at a time. One serving (4 scoops) is 50gms of protein. That's too much for one sitting, your body can't absorb that much at one time. Whatever protein you don't absorb has to be burned or it will turn to fat. It's also not good to overload with protein anyway, it's very hard on your renal system. But 1/2 serving is 25gms protein, 130 calories, and 3.5 carbs. That's pretty darn good!
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    All my hopes and dreams down the drain

    Get a copy of the authorization from the hospital. The insurance company will fax them a paper that authorizes payment for the procedure. Look at your policy, what does it say about Weight Loss Surgery? That is the first place you should look. It will spell it out for you right on the policy.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Stress tightening my band?

    I know that answer for me personally but for everyone across the board, I'm not sure. I have stomach spasms that get worse with stress. But that isn't common. I can guess at other reasons but I'm not sure anyone knows flat out what causes it. Stress causes hormonal changes and that can cause a Fluid shift, the muscles could contract during times of stress (tension headache, for example)... there are lots of reasons it could happen but I'm not sure of the most common. It would probably be a good thing for me to research!
  5. One side of your body will never match the other side. Your right foot might be a bit bigger than your left, or your left ear may not be the same size as your right ear. It would seem reasonable that with weight loss some things can be more obvious. If you go through plastic surgeon's before and after photos you'll see this quite a bit. Some people it's drastic, one breast is an "A" and the other is a "C".
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Is Goal weight possible or only 50%?

    I always wonder if those numbers are just designed to make stats look better. If someone doesn't put forth any effort at all and the let the band do everything they aren't going to get to goal. Yet if they set the numbers so that they only have to lose 50% and they only lose 50% then they reached a goal that makes the stats look good because they'd be considered successful. The band is whatever you put into it. If 50% was reasonable I could have quit working on this 24 pounds ago.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Stress tightening my band?

    I agree completely. I can't stand going over to their house. Just walking in the door makes me crazy. I realize I am a dog person more than a kid person but I usually enjoy my friend's kids. I LOVE buying toys, dresses, purses, etc. for the kids. I LOVE playing on the floor with them, teaching them to wiggle their noses and all the other important skills in life. But those kids... AAAAHHHH! Yes, teach kids manners so the adults around them don't want to run off and cut their own wrists just for a break from the screaming and wall climbing. Did I mention I'm a dog person? Heh...
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Stress tightening my band?

    Sherri Jo... Can I ask what the Rx is?
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    My gallbladder has been attacking me...

    Removing a gallbladder used to be a huge, major, horrific, and painful procedure. But now with lap it's a piece of cake. Some people have a bit of diarrhea after eating a very high fat meal but think about it, we don't eat to that extreme anymore. Most people have no problems whatsoever. Your liver will just work a little bit more producing bile instead of having a stored source.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Is this true????

    I found the link to the study: Welsh Medics To Examine How Surgery Can Cure Diabetes
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Is this true????

    Stats and studies disagree with the diabetes claims. There was recently a study done that showed amazing results! It was technically regarding bypass but the comparison was still there. Of people having bypass within a few days (I forget exact numbers) around 90% of patients were able to completely stop insulin and oral diabetes meds. With banding the results were the same but it wasn't immediate as it was with bypass, it came with weight loss. If I can find the study I'll post a link. Keep in mind, the longer you have been on insulin the less your chances for remission. That's not to say bypass is better than banding, don't forget some intestinal tissue does grow back and after 18 months to five years you are back to diet and exercise, so keep that in mind. As for lap and a BMI if 50 or more, I think you'll find that a great deal depends on surgeon skill. My doc has done over 1400 bands and he's never had to revert to an open procedure from a lap due to the size of the person. Actually, he's never had to revert to an open procedure for any reason in the middle of surgery. He's done a 100BMI person, he just did a 70 BMI and he didn't have to resort to open or bypass. One of the problems with doing a higher BMI patient via lap is that there are trocars placed in each incision. They look like a metal pole about 1' long. These trocars are hollow and they slide instruments in and out of them. Things that look like scissors, things that burn off bleeders, suture material, etc. For people that are extremely obese the metal bars are not always strong enough to hold up the liver. The bars actually bend a bit trying to move the liver out of the way. So they sometimes have to make an extra incision so that there are two metal bars holding the liver up and out of the way so the surgeon can get to your stomach for banding. Usually there is only one incision and one metal bar. An experienced surgeon shouldn't have a problem with this. There are times when an open procedure might be necessary such as if you have an extremely heavy liver AND lots of adhesions from previous procedures. Issues such as that. But again, this is why it is sooooo necessary to go to someone who has done *at least* 250 bands. He won't be "practicing" on you, he'll already have practiced on someone else. There times someone needs bypass vs. banding are verrrrry few and far between. I would guess that your doc just doesn't know how to do a lap band on a higher BMI person. I'm assuming you have insurance that covers weight loss surgery so I am NOT suggesting you call my docs office for banding, but just for info. Call Nina at Dr. Aceves' office, although he's in Mexico they have a toll free number. Talk to Nina. Just tell her I suggested you call her for info. She knows who WasABubbleButt is. Just ask her if it is possible for a 50+ BMI person to have a lap band via lap procedure. LAP-BAND,laparoscopic banding,bariatric surgery,obesity Dr. Aceves is the VP of the Mexican Bariatric Society. He also holds the position of the Secretary for the International Bariatric Assoc. He knows docs all over the world. If you need a referral to a more experienced doc in the states ask if they know anyone. You don't have anything to lose by just asking. I don't know if she'll have that info or not, but again, what do you have to lose? This is where researching your doc REALLY seriously pays off. You want the best, so get the best. Do your research, ask the possible docs how many people they have banded via lap procedure with your BMI or higher. Get someone experienced that doesn't have to resort to bypass because they can't do it any other way.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Stress tightening my band?

    Stress can do a LOT with a band. A WHOLE lot. I know one gal that has a gazillion kids, all boys. She can't eat dinner wtih them. The "boy" behaviors stress her out to the point that she has to go in the living room and eat or she can't get anything down. Of course, teaching the boys a few manners might go a long way but what do I know? I'm a non parent.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Is the lap band healthy?

    You aren't prying. My doc gave me a drug called Luvox. It's the same class as Prozac. It works on the nerve impulses between my stomach and brain. It basically tells my brain to chill, there isn't too much restriction. I have stomach spasms as well. I never knew it before I got a band placed, after the band was placed it became an issue. It's due to stress. Now with Luvox all is well and it's a total cure. I went from barfing 30+ times weekly to hardly ever now. Now when I PB it's my own fault for not thinking about what I'm doing. If I am on the phone, typing an email, and doing too many things while I eat I'm not thinking about what I'm doing. Too big of bites, not chewing well, etc. My doc has done over 1400 bands and I'm the first person he's ever seen with this problem. Another doc in Mexico has done 3000 bands and he has two patients like me. So it's not common by any stretch.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Tried cheating--dont do it!

    Cheating on the post op diet is begging for a slip. If you want your band to work for you and if you want to lose weight, don't cheat. If your band slips you'll be on liquids again for three weeks. If you slip again it will likely be removed completely assuming it wasn't removed the first time.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Well this is terrifying

    Personal opinion only, but I think the two best surgeons (most skilled, experienced, able to handle the difficult and tricky procedures) are Dr. Aceves in Mexicali and Dr. Rumbaut in Monterrey. You'll be fine, he's got more experience that most (all?) in the US and he didn't get his experience and reputation by putting in home made bands in US patients.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Well this is terrifying

    This is such total crap! That photo... nobody can even verify it is a real photo vs. something some US surgeon made up. Seriously, do you know how many people have to use this very photo? It's taken from the website of another surgeon. I double dawg dare Ms. Contact Center Manager to tell us who placed the band and in what patient. I'll bet you a cyberdollar she can't do it because this is copied from another whacko surgeon. I know the whacko surgeon that started passing this photo around and he has the morality of a stray alley cat. He is an AZ doctor and he was one of the first that claimed he personally removed this from a Mexican banded patient. If this is common practice then why can't these surgeons use their own photos of bands they have removed from Mexican patients? They can't because they have never SEEN such a silly band. One of the issues is that fills are simply not a money maker. Banding is a money maker. If a doc can walk away from surgery making $2K-$5K for a 30-40 minute surgery, he's going to do that before making $200 off a lousy 15 minute fill. The morality of downing an entire country based on BS like the above says something about that doc's office. When they can only make themselves look good by downing people they don't know, have never met, and blame skilled surgeons for being from the wrong country tells me they either don't have enough reputation to make themselves look good or they are nothing but a bunch of Mexico hating bigots. Mexico has been doing banding longer than the US. Most of the original US surgeons were TRAINED by doctors in Mexico. Mexico has better erosion/slip stats than US docs. So if US docs are so superior to the rest of the world, why don't their stats show this? Mexican surgeons have to meet the SAME requirements as US surgeons for Inamed band brands. A real band, unlike the fake photo above. However, this is the first time I have seen that particular photo that the office didn't make bogus claims that they removed the band themselves. All the other times I have seen THAT particular photo the doc claims he personally removed it from the poor patient. If that is a real photo, how did the idiot US surgeon get it out of the patient without cutting the sutures? Look at them. They are still intact. What did he do, rip it out of the patient? Bottom line, you aren't making that surgeon's office enough money to make you worth his time. He could do surgery or fills. He makes more from surgery. Scare tactics like this are unethical, unreasonable, and quite frankly they just can't go much lower than that. Feel lucky that you found out their true colors before you handed over your hard earned cash. They don't deserve patients, I wouldn't take my dog to a doctor that passes around bogus claims like this in the name of the almighty dollar. Anyone that downs an entire country, judges them across the board merely because they are from Mexico... what does that tell you about that doctor? What is really amusing is that most of the time when a doc is downing ALL of Mexico if you do your homework, they are either a newbie doc trying to convince people to go to him by insulting an entire country, or they were TRAINED by Mexican docs. This photo is nothing but an urban legend. Ignore, and feel lucky you didn't have surgery by the surgeons office passing this crap around and calling it truth.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Vomiting blood

    Why? The complications of being fat are far more drastic, life changing, and lethal than the potential complications of banding. Either you are ready to be healthy and have a new life as a thin person or you aren't. Only you can answer that.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Anyone get cancelled ON SURGERY DAY? If so, why?

    I know this isn't going to help today but I promise you, when you are thin and healthy and feeling great you will look back on all this and while you may not ever be thrilled with how it all came to be, you will sit back one day and say it was all worth it. The things we want most in life are usually the most expensive and I'm not talking dollars. Third time is a charm! Right?
  19. Julie.... I know you are right. It's so hard though. I have worked soooo hard. I run until I have blisters on the bottom of my feet, 600 calories a day, the works. I have worked really hard and for her to call this cheating and then today claim I made it all up... I'm just as annoyed with myself as I am her for letting her get to me.
  20. So I get an email this morning from my sister. I have two sisters, I'm the youngest, K is my middle sis, and V is my older sis. K is the skinny one, I'm talking tiny, petite. She has been my biggest supporter from day #1. She is only one of two people I even told about the surgery way back in the beginning. Our older sister V is a skank! A mean, nasty, self centered, bitchy, rude, obnoxious skank. I knew this before having surgery so nothing surprises me and that is why I don't know why I let her get to me. I never told V about having surgery but I knew my other sister would, and that's fine. I don't care. I only cared before I knew the surgery would work. Now that I know it works I'm fine with V knowing. A few weeks ago K told V that I had surgery and had lost around 80lbs. V became upset and annoyed, explaining I was cheating and this isn't how it is supposed to be done, blah blah blah. Stuff I should have expected. Within an hour of finding out I lost weight she joined WW. She is furious that she is the fattest of the three of us now. I haven't seen her in two years and she needed to lose about 30lbs then, I understand she has gained a great deal of weight in the last two years. I don't know details as my other sis hasn't seen her in two years either. This morning my middle sis, K, sent me this email: Two years ago when my Dad was dying our oldest sister V was just horrible. Told people (including my Dad!) horrible things about me that were not even close to truth. There wasn't a shred of truth in anything she said, it was all flat out dishonesty. It's her way of making herself look good, by putting others down. My Dad and I were very close at the time of his death, we had a lot in common, we set groundrules for a father/daughter relationship... well, I set groundrules and it worked. We became quite close, had common interests, etc. V was always upset about this and tried to drive a wedge between my Dad and I when she discovered he was dying. As he was there dying all she cared about and discussed was how much money we would inherit. MONEY? Who cared? Our Dad was dying. Anyway, that's a little history on what she's like, why we don't get along, and why I have nothing to do with her. Why in the world do I let her get to me still?? I know how she is, I know how down and dirty she can get, I know how she is and I still let her get to me. I don't get it. You know what I want to do? I want to go to a photographer and have a photo done. One that will make her eat her heart out. Just how skanky is that if ME to do? She's now claiming that I made up the 80lb weight loss, it never happened. First I was cheating (CHEATING!!) by having a band and now I made it up, I haven't lost a thing. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Have They Changed Your Wal-Mart?

    I completely and totally agree. They cost taxpayers money in the name of saving us money and earning themselves huge profits. They hire illegals for one, they also pay people cents below the cutoff so people will qualify for welfare (working poor). WE are paying their benefits, not Walmart. Walmart doesn't have to pay insurance if they pay them low enough wages that they qualify for welfare. They cut out Mom and Pop businesses so they go belly up and we are left paying their employees insurance costs. They don't promote according to ability but gender instead, they treat customers like a herd of cattle, the aisles are too narrow, the employees are overworked... the list goes on. Their motto *should* be: Come work for Walmart and be on welfare for life. The taxpayers don't mind, they save a penny on each pair of shorts they buy. I really hate that store.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    How much do you eat?

    You need to get checked out under fluoro to make sure your band didn't slip. If you went for too long being tight that could be a good possibility.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Pretend Banding

    HA! You know, I've been fretting over this one and I just couldn't bring myself to go and look it up. Finally did it. A whopping 15 calories per ounce! The box is (um.. "was") 12 oz and so 6 oz a day was a huge scale tipping 90 calories daily. I think I'll survive this one. Serves me right to fret over this one for not looking it up BEFORE stuffing my face. :tea:
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Anyone get cancelled ON SURGERY DAY? If so, why?

    Wow... I have to say I'd be looking for a new anesthesiologist. This should NOT be a problem in the US. In Mexico it is a problem, but not the US. In the US the anesthesiologists contract with the hospital. So any of them in that group you can choose from. Of course, you'll want the input of your doc as he'll know who is good and who isn't. In Mexico the anesthesiologists actually work for the surgeon so we don't get a choice there. But his attitude, his behaviors, his inability to intubate... I would refuse that guy next time. I've seen the most difficult patients intubated. It's just not that hard unless there is something really odd about your anatomy. Maybe he isn't extra experienced in obese folks. The larger the person the more difficult intubation is. But for an experienced doc it shouldn't be an issue. When I had my surgery the anesthesiologist came to my hospital room before surgery and talked to me. He told me exactly how everything would work, what would happen, what to expect, he went over everything. He looked at my throat, answered all questions, took a surgical history, the works. Then it wasn't a huge surprise when I went to OR. I knew what and how everything was going to work and I already knew who he was before I went to OR. It makes things much easier. Remember, 3rd time is a charm. :tea:
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Anyone get cancelled ON SURGERY DAY? If so, why?

    Why did they have so many problems with intubation? Is it an anatomical issue? Inexperienced anesthesiologist? What happened? So sorry this happened to you. I recall the other thread where you didn't have the Cardio paperwork signed. This really isn't fair, so sorry!

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