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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Why isn't the scale going down?

    It's because when you first start losing weight after you haven't lost in a while the first thing to go is Glycogen that is stored in muscle. After you deplete the glycogen then the fat will start to go. It's all working as it is supposed to, hard as it is just try to be patient. Weight loss is just around the corner. Are you adding exercise? You are about to lose quite a bit of weight since it sounds as though you are at your sweet spot so you'll want to maintain muscle. With ANY massive weight loss you WILL lose muscle, the key is retain as much muscle as possible. That is done by maintaining your Protein to what your doc prescribes and exercise added with weight resistance. The more muscle you have the faster you will burn fat, that's why men lose so much faster than women, they have more muscle. Besides, when you exercise you burn the glycogen faster and the faster you burn glycogen the faster fat will be burned. Many believe this is starvation mode, it isn't. It is a matter of what your body burns first. Also, track and log your caloric intake. I think about 99.9% of us are shocked at what we are actually consuming vs. what we think we are consuming. It helps you to make better food choices in many cases.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    *sigh* I guess I need to do some whinning.

    Is there a medical reason he won't approve it? If he is merely anti-lap band then I would find a new doc. If there is a medical reason that is a whole 'nother ball game.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Is this a diet to all of you?

    Ditto. I cut out all white carbs because I feel so much better when I do. It's the better way for me.
  4. Sorry, do try again. I would suggest two things. Read my posts, have I *EVER* held back when I have something to say? No, I haven't. I tell it like it is. To suddenly come up with a new ID so I don't tell things exactly as I see them isn't close to accurate. If I don't like a given doc I couldn't be more clear about it. Huacuz? Lopez from Betancourt? Never once did I hide my opinions and feelings and amazingly, I did it under this ID. I was blunt and to the point. I have no opinions about Dr. G, I don't have enough information to make an overall opinion and that is why I left it at the single stat, 3-4% of erosion is concerning for me. The 2nd thing I would suggest is having a mod compare IP addresses. That should clear things up. Including the extra personalities the patient coordinator has been coming up with. She got caught on another thread, pure and simple. I pointed out one stat as presented in Dr. G's advertising. I was pretty clear it was a concern for me, nothing more. Now look at the feetie stomping and balling up of fisties as well as regular old temper tantrums. I write any damn thing that pops into my wee head under *this* ID, there is little reason to lower myself to the levels of others. I have a lot of faults but using two IDs on the same board isn't one of them. I do use different IDs for other boards, for example on OH I am KabukiCoyote (something quite well known and I have never hidden this), but two IDs on the same board? Nope, not my style. My posts prove that. Besides, I would have come up with something far more creative than Food4Less if I were to lower myself to those games. Cheers.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Trainer thinks my cals are too low...

    I can see how someone would burn 3000 calories a day. First of all we burn 1500-3000 calories a day just walking around and breathing daily. It takes calories to make your heart beat, your lungs expand, to move around. Depending on metabolism and weight (and other various issues) the numbers will vary. Then take into account exercise. Remember, the OP did not claim that she was burning 3000 calories a day in "exercise" she claimed she was burning 3000 calories a day. It takes roughly 1800 calories daily for me to maintain my current weight. If I exercise I can easily (well, not "easily") burn another 500 daily. That puts it up to 2300 burned daily. The larger the person the more they will burn just maintaining a given weight. As for a trainer... most docs will give a patient an idea of what they want them consuming in calories daily. If a doc says 1000 (for example), should a trainer really tell the patient they should not follow their doc's advice? My doc says 800 calories daily. If a trainer tried to tell me to follow their advice vs. my doc's, I darn sure wouldn't go back there. I think Jacqui was making the point that for the medical decisions, trainers are not typically trained in that manner. Their area of expertise is quite different.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    ??? about long term effect of lap banding

    Happy birthday!!!!!!!! And most of all, congrats on making a decision to do something regarding weight issues. It's not easy for any of us to realize the time has come for medical intervention of some sort. Whatever procedure you choose, just research the heck out of it, get everyone's opinions, and then verify everything you have heard. Research, research, research and do what is right for you. Again, happy birthday!
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Attn: Catholics - Communion

    You did tell her to go against her doc's advice. She explained she was on CLEAR liquids. She asked if she would be able to take communion at a LATER time. You told her it was fine to do it NOW. That is not what her doc told her. Bread just isn't a clear liquid no matter how you look at it. Now, I'm through with this topic, write whatever you wish as the OP will do what she feels is best for her.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Attn: Catholics - Communion

    When someone tells another to go against their doctor's post op diet (clear liquids is NOT wrong immediately after surgery and a bread wafer is NOT clear liquids) the information needs to be corrected. And yes, even if that topic is regarding a religious issue.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Lap Band in Mexico

    I know that they used to contract with Dr. Kuri to promote him and for a variety of reasons they no longer maintain that contract. I knew they were advertising for others but I didn't know who it was. I've heard a lot of info regarding belite lately. Not sure what the problem is. Is the doc's office at least calling you? If not, I'd seriously consider finding a doc that does take the time to stay in touch.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    OMG, How Crazy Am I????

    Okay, finally a diet I have not heard of. Priceless! I can only imagine what that looked like! :eek:
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Attn: Catholics - Communion

    The OP states quite clearly she is on Clear Liquids. A bread wafer is not clear liquids. OP... follow what your doc says, you trusted him/her enough to do your surgery, follow what s/he says.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Is the Lap-Band kosher?

    I thought it was a matter of food issues too and then I looked up the word "Kosher" and kosher doesn't mean just food issues. It means the way of doing things too, the example the dictionary definition gives is shaking hands on a "kosher" deal. Is something done in a kosher manner. I have a friend who strictly follows the ancient Jewish traditions and I tried to contact him last night but was unable to reach him. I know he would know this answer. From my hours and hours of conversations and my endless questions to him about old Jewish traditions I know there could be a problem for a small group of Jewish folks, but for main stream current Jewish folks it would be no problem getting banded.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Attn: Catholics - Communion

    We disagree. It's never wise to tell someone to go against their doc's instructions.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Lap Band in Mexico

    I've been reading the same thing but nobody is saying why they are not great. Didn't they used to be pretty good? What happened?
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Was anyone banded in December of '06?

    Hey Denise... it was good chatting with you on the phone! Let us know what happens Friday.
  16. Lauren.... There is more. Funny how two new supporters jumped in and signed up on the same day, 7/16/07. That would be klvn1675 and B A Looser. Me thinks a patient coordinator was needing help recruiting new patients so she created some new IDs to help. They have the same opinions, slam anyone that doesn't trip over themselves in praise of Dr. G, similar writing styles, similar opinions, post in the same threads, and both signed up on the same day. Amazing how all that is coincidental. Heh.... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/klvn1675/ http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/b-a-looser/
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Was anyone banded in December of '06?

    Denise, when was your fill? How much did you have? How much was added? Was it done under fluoro? Did the fill doc verify you have anything in your band? IOW, did he pull out the saline to measure it and then put it back in plus some? Some do, some don't for various reasons.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Attn: Catholics - Communion

    That is wrong information. Whether or not it dissolves in your mouth has nothing to do with the reasoning behind the diet. Surfbored, follow your doc's instructions completely! Communion wafers are a bread, they are hard and dry and yes, you can PB on them. But that isn't the whole reason for the post op diet anyway, there is much more behind it. Catholics don't have to take communion if they have a medical reason and you do have a medical reason.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Trainer thinks my cals are too low...

    Your trainer is crazy. Most trainers are educated by the internet, not always a great place for a medical education. You are going to lose muscle regardless of what you do if you lose massive amounts of weight. It's a given. The key is to retain as much muscle as possible. You do that with weight resistance and protein. You should be getting around 60gms daily. Too much protein is not a good thing, it is hard on your liver and kidneys, what you don't use either needs to be burned or it turns to fat, only consume about 25gms or so of protein at a time as that is all your body can absorb, wait at least 3-4 hours between protein intake, and the best times to consume protein are early AMs, after a work out, and PMs. Follow the caloric intake and protein intake your doc suggests, not a trainer. The trainer will be good for showing you safe ways to work out, your doc should be handing out the medical advice. We are not your typical body builders and we have different needs and requirements than a professional body builder or professional football player.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    A little help from an experienced cook please?

    Oh, one other suggestion... if you don't want the fat and calories from mayo mix Salsa in there instead. I like Pace Chunky. Lottsa salsa.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    A little help from an experienced cook please?

    Personally I don't mind the fat from Mayo because I eat so little it's not much of an issue. In my case I realized I wasn't getting enough fat. I'm a HORRIBLE cook but I do know how to make Tuna salad. :eek: Can of tuna Enough mayo so it slides down Add one or more of the following as it suits you: Hard boiled egg Cilantro Apple chopped fine Relish Top with Italian cheese blend Chopped tomato Chopped celery (verrry small pieces so it isn't stringy) Onion A friend loves chopped pineapple in his tuna Grow your own Cilantro sprouts and add about 5 of them, not more as they are strong. Just get creative. Or, buy Bumble Bee Brand Tuna Sensations. Comes in Tomato/Basil, Lemon Pepper, or Thai. Quizno's restaurant (if you have one near you) makes THE best Tuna Salad. It's great. Order a lettuce salad and have them use Tuna vs. their other meats. Do it Mexican style. Tons of finely chopped lettuce, chopped tomato, onion, cilantro. Peas, corn, mayo, salt, pepper. That's a fav of mine as well. Mix everything but the lettuce in a big bowl. Then add lettuce.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Bloody spit

    What medication are you taking? Did it only start after you began the drug? You really need to contact your doc.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Lap Band in Mexico

    Before you are banded is when you are treated the best by many docs. If you can't get their attention today, what will you do after surgery and you have a question? What doctor are you going to? Who is TJ Bariatric group?
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    ??? about long term effect of lap banding

    Dr. Rutledge is a complete joke. He has a poor reputation, other docs laugh at him, and he'll tell you anything you want to hear if it will get you to do the unproven MGB. Whatever he says, it's likely wrong.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    HELP! Losing handfulls of hair!

    There are a gazillion threads on the topic with varying opinions. I'd do a seach on "hair loss" and read everything.

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