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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Weight A Minute!!!

    Might want to check this out: Barix Clinics - Is Surgery Right For You - BMI Calculator
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    being jerked around by Dr. Meji.. Athens, GA

    I agree with Laurend. That sounds like an amazingly bad idea. It would sound as though the patient is trying to go to message boards to trash his rep and honestly, if I was the doc I'd be fighting back against the patient. I damn sure wouldn't be wanting to change my policy for someone doing something like that. But I might warn the other bariatric surgeons in the area about this patient. Nobody will want to see her. The OP has already been given more appropriate methods to deal with the problem. The ball is in her court now.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Suggestions for dealing with family?

    Friends and family can be really weird with weight loss. Others here know the history with my sis. I have a skinny sis and a fat sis. I only told my skinny sis about the surgery before I did it and she promised not to say a word to the fat sis. Finally about a month or so ago she told her (it was fine, I just didn't want the fat sis to know until I knew the band would work) about my surgery. First thing the fat sis said was that I was being dishonest, there was no Mexico, no lapband, no weight loss. Of course within an hour of that conversation she joined WW. This annoyed me for obvious reasons. You work really hard and accomplish something and someone else just brushes it off for whatever reason. So I sent a current photo to my skinny sis knowing full well she'd forward it to the fat sis. I was right, she did. About a week later I received a call from a friend of mine that I went to high school with. I only talk to this gal about once a year. She wanted to know how I was, did I need anything. ??? Long story short, my fat sis now realizes I have lost weight so she's running around my home town telling everyone I went to a filthy hospital in Mexico, had surgery, I'm having complications and things are not looking good. I'm dying. I had no idea I was dying. When someone is fat themselves it's a hard pill to swallow seeing someone else do well. My guess is your bro probably wants to do something but isn't sure what to do. Seeing you do what he wants might be something he's just not dealing with well. I wouldn't take it personally, we all go through our stuff. Give him compassion, not frustration. And just think, at least he isn't running around telling everyone you are dying. :grouphug:
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Why do I do it to myself?

    POM POM! HA!!! I was LOL in real time over that one. When you watch who is reading but not posting that makes the comment even funnier.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Why do I do it to myself?

    I'm pretty sure Wendell will want that one.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Turkey & Cranberry Sauce

    I don't believe I have ever seen it either. Went to two grocery stores on line and they don't carry it. If you do think of the brand would you post it? Maybe some could find a store via the manufacturer.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Going vegetarian? Or low meat?

    :::Raising hand::: Chewing chicken to a liquid makes me start to gag. Liquid chicken doesn't do anything for me. I'm seriously going to practice with tofu and see if I can make that doable. It's not really the cost for me as I don't waste it. What I don't eat the dogs do. I just can't stand it anymore and prefer going back to my veggie ways from years ago.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Hot tea is WONDERFUL!

    For me it's just like Seinfeld... sometimes. Anything cold and spasms kick in and nothing goes down. Yet other times if I am stuck and foaming cold SoBe works wonders. It makes no sense.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Advice on Vitamins

    Is that the fish oil stuff in a pudding like substance? I was at Hi Health a few weeks ago and they added some samples of that to my bag. I tried, I just couldn't get beyond the idea of "fish pudding" and I pitched them. Blech...
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Taking Medications

    Metformin comes in short acting (okay to crush) and long acting (not okay to crush). Zocor should be okay but I'm not 100% positive without looking it up. ALWAYS talk to your RPh before crushing or breaking a tablet. If it is extended release it is designed to be taken less often and it is absorbed differently. If you break it in half you'll get potentially an entire day's worth of drug in one shot. Not a great thing to happen.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    I made it to goal....pictures =)

    Fantastic! Congrats to you!!! Great job, it's hard but it's worth it!
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Be Honest....

    It is, it's absolutely stupid and a great way to lose a band to infection. Alcohol and a sterile needle does not make for sterile technique. It's NOT like drawing blood, whole different ball game.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Is hair loss a given?

    I like the Stuart brand (regarding quality). I'll have to get them. Are they still prescription or did they ever go over the counter? I hate chancing more tablets. As most bandsters I never know from day to day what will go down and what won't. I'm not into crushing Vitamins. (gahhh) Thanks!
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Is hair loss a given?

    GREAT! I'm so excited, I can use lottsa products daily! Thank you! I would like to try the tonic stuff, haven't tried that yet. :whoo:
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Is hair loss a given?

    Isn't there a brand of prenatals that come in a chewable form? Most of them are horse pills. What brand do you take and how big are they?
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Why are my co-workers so obsessed with food?

    When you are on the post op diet EVERYTHING is going to annoy you and just make you mad. The way people eat, the way they talk, they way they walk, the fact that they are alive and annoying you. Give yourself a break and know that this will pass. Life gets better!
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Two days post op (banded 3rd Oct)

    I'd take everything into consideration. The lower food intake, the narcotics, the works. If you still are unsure then call your doc. He may have some super brilliant suggestion.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Curious - What's it like after goal???

    Of course you'll be a 10! If you want it bad enough, you'll get it!!!
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Is hair loss a given?

    Yep, that makes sense. I had "perm residue" on the ends so it was dry and it did tangle easily. BTW, Bumble & Bumble... LOVE their products! I was using the Density Therapy and it didn't work. But the Thickening stuff works well. I like it. WOW that stuff is expensive! Another question for you (since I know you have nothing else to do but answer my hair questions) but does it hurt to mix products such as Bumble & Bumble thickening stuff and their hair straightener? My hair is wavy since it's shorter and the straightener stuff works but I wasn't sure if I could use the thickening stuff too. One day I have straight thin hair and the next day it's wavy thick hair.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    being jerked around by Dr. Meji.. Athens, GA

    You aren't offending anyone or breaking laws. It's just kind of a netiquette thing. It's sort of like TYPING IN ALL CAPS, IT MEANS I AM SCREAMING AT SOMEONE. It's hard to read and not a great idea. If the person did not identify him/herself as YOUR attorney then you certainly need to follow up on that. I'd push the issue if I was you. There is no excuse for that. You can start with: HIPAA.ORG An MD office really shouldn't even acknowledge that you are their patient let alone discussing the type of surgery you are having. Even if your friend brought up the topic, the MD office should not be verifying this is accurate info. What if it was an ex-husband? Or anyone you didn't want to know you were having surgery? If they heard through the grapevine you were having a band placed and they wanted to know if it was true they could call your MD office and pretend to be someone else. The MD office should have known better. It requires your written permission (not verbal) to even acknowledge you were scheduled for surgery. You can also follow up with the board of medicine for your state. I *think* you can get that link from somewhere on here: Arizona Medical Board - Protecting the Public's Health That is the AZ board of medicine and I believe they have web addresses for all the various state boards listed on their website. You won't be able to do anything about the weeks notice bit, they have the right. But you can follow up on the conversation with your friend. That was out of line in soooo many ways. Another option might be to have a *calm* chat with your doc and explain your position. You have the right to go to HIPAA and the board of medicine and file complaints with both. He might be more willing to work with you financially if he knows you have an ace up your sleeve. But you'll want to be tactful about it vs. threatening. You don't want your surgeon hating your guts. You want to put him in a position of realizing that it is in his best interest to make you a happy camper. Find a way to let HIM come up with the idea that maybe a payment plan isn't such a bad idea after all. Don't waste time, there are deadlines for filing complaints. Miss the deadline and you are SOL.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Why do I do it to myself?

    No, actually LBT has the truth. She merely continues to spread the BS around OH like fertilizer on a farm.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Why do I do it to myself?

    Is that still posted anywhere? If so, that is a felony in her state. I'd be MORE than happy to turn that one over to the OR BON. Would you PM me a link to that please? Does she really want to be arrested AGAIN? Also, a few days ago a friend sent me something Sandy had written some time ago. Today she claims she got to goal in 10 months, apparently her (I think) OH profile claims it took her a bit longer. She really needs to make up her mind. I still have the PM with the info written by Sandy explaining how long it took her to get to goal. I can post it if need be.
  23. Might be a good poll to start. You could ask: If you experience(d) hair loss after banding, how many calories did you typically consume in an average day after the post op diet was complete? 0-400, 401-600, 601-800, Etc.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Why do I do it to myself?

    Any bets that she stops claiming she is licensed in another state under a different name?
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Is hair loss a given?

    Ohhhh cool!!! An expert. I have a question for you. Why in the world would a haircut stop my hair loss dead in its tracks? It makes no sense to me. It is certainly nothing I expected and was shocked when it happened. I can brush my hair and not have to clean out the brush every single time again. I'm actually getting to keep what I have left. I'm talking the DAY of my haircut it stopped falling out. That can't be coincidental, can it?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
