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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    I've been sleeved

    I was obsessed with the scale when I was losing. Three times a day usually. HA!
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Verbiage to use for insurance appeal?

    It's the big mega procedure, Duodenal Switch. Mega bypassed intestine.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Dr. Aceves :-)

    Most times the erosion itself isn't painful but the fix is. :tongue_smilie:( Surgery to remove it and repair the stomach is an ouchy. Erosion can have painful symptoms but it usually does not. There was a person that went to Huacuz (gahhh) and she had nothing but one problem after another with fills. She could not get restriction. Everyone thought it was a faulty band with a leak in the diaphragm of the band. She wanted to revise to a sleeve and couldn't get her insurance to help. She finally went to Aceves for a revision and turns out it was an erosion. The reason fills were not working was that stomach acid ate through the plastic part of the band and there was a huge hole there. She said that Aceves said it was the worst erosion he's ever seen. Only the buckle of the band was not in her stomach. She had a rough recovery due to the damage and repairs to her stomach. She had no pain, just reflux and no restriction. She said that he told her it would take a good six months before her stomach was healed enough to revise to a sleeve.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Verbiage to use for insurance appeal?

    I remember a whirlwind of drama on the DS boards over his nurse going there and pushing this new procedure but I didn't read it. I just saw mention of it. I don't know anything about the procedure other than what you write above, I haven't researched it yet but Husted does have a pretty good track record with taking down RNY and revising to DS. Not many surgeons can do it. How much does he charge for this procedure? Do you know? Is he doing it on newbie types or revision patients?
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    New to this site

    Mine did the same thing! I used to have super straight hair and now I have more curls than I know what to do with. Not really curls, more than waves and less than curls. I kinda wish it would go away. :o/
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    Put your research where your pink, large, useless words are. Prove your point. Quit spewing crap and start posting facts. Where did anyone claim the sleeve has no complications. IOW, put up or STHU. The sleeve has fewer long term risks and complications. Prove me wrong. I have shown the risks of banding vs. sleeves, prove me wrong.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    Quit pulling up info from outdated sources. You will get MUCH better info. Research, it isn't the horror you make it out to be. The link I gave you previously, RSS feeders... updated hourly. My guess is that you have no clue what an RSS feeder is. Heh..
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Stargate SG1 fans?

    I take it back, Hulu - Watch your favorites. Anytime. For free. just added season 4. I'm off on a mission, I must watch each episode!
  9. I still heart you HeadHunter!

  10. Sadly Rose, Revise, and Stomaphyx are big failures. People usually lose a few pounds and that's it. The clips they use to tighten up the pouch break as soon as the person starts on solid food. (
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    What ins. pays for VSG?

    ;o) Honest, I didn't mean to insult. (crossing heart) I was just asking because those with dental problems or dentures have a really hard time chewing the way you have to with a band.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    Who told you this? Show me the post.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Be Honest....

    The more you vomit the more swelling that happens. When you swell to the point that you can't get saliva down you begin vomiting every 20 minutes due to obstruction and then you start vomiting blood. An immediate unfill is critical and it results in instant relief. If it does not resolve with a complete unfill surgery may well be necessary.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Fort Worth Fill Doctor?

    Someone on another board is asking about a fill doctor for a banded person in Fort Worth, suggestions? Anyone? She had her band done in the states but moved and her surgeon too far away. TIA
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    Note the last sentence of your quote. The procedure is not fairly new, it's older than the lap band. They've been doing it for weight loss since the 70s and for other reasons a LONG time prior to that. It is anything but new. The long term studies came out in June of last year. Heh.. told you that your sources have outdated information and in this case, just plain wrong. ;o) There is an RSS feeder that is updated on an hourly basis on the link I gave you. It's not difficult, really.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    August 4th !!

    Welcome to the forum! Congrats on a date! You get your life back with WLS!
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    What ins. pays for VSG?

    I'm not a fan of the band. If someone has a 30-32 BMI it's okay if it is an only choice but I've had both and the band is not easy. Question... I'm not trying to be insulting here but you say you are 60. Do you have all your original teeth? The reason I ask is that if you happen to be one with dentures I certainly would not get a band. You have to chew your food to a paste with a band. With a sleeve you have to chew better than most do pre-op but nothing like you have to with a band. With a band you are a slave to aftercare and aftercare can potentially be quite expensive unless insurance covers everything. Fixing slipped bands, flipped ports, disconnected tubing, upper GIs to diagnose various band problems, it's quite expensive. People get bands because they are cheaper than sleeves/bypass but when you factor in the aftercare they are quite expensive, more than sleeves. Social situations are not fun with a band. You eat something, it gets stuck, and you hork it up. ;o) I am just not a fan of bands. Too many complications. Too many long term complications with a band.
  18. Sleeves have been available for a long time but nobody knew about them. Who cares if your doctor thinks you are crazy for changing your mind. You are the one that deals with the surgery, you are the consumer, you have every right to change your mind.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Fort Worth Fill Doctor?

    Do you have an address please?
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    There is a ton in the forum I am the Admin for Alex. Right here: Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) Surgery Forum Get off your pity pot, nobody is attacking you. Correcting your misinformation simply isn't an attack. You made a claim, it was wrong. I never claimed a sleeve person could not regain weight, you are redirecting the conversation and paraphasing things I never said. I was quite clear that I AGREED with you on diet changes. I went on to explain that no surgery type fixes white carbs. Or.... did you miss those posts? You are looking at old information again regarding another surgery to lose weight. There is a history with the sleeve. It is also used for people who want bypass or DS and are too high risk for the long complicated procedure so doctors (since the 70s) have been sleeving these very high risk people until they got to a safer weight for the surgery they did want. Bypass or DS. A sleeve is significantly a safer procedure than bypass or DS. They discovered people were losing a whole lot more weight than they expected so they started looking at the sleeve as a stand alone procedure. They discovered it does a heck of a great job and today it is also used as a stand alone procedure. It is the first half of DS, a DS stomach is made much larger than a stand alone sleeve. This is why your information is old. Quite frankly, there is a lot of wrong information on MD websites and most of the wrong information comes from doctors that do not do sleeves or have not done many. It is outdated and they do not update it. This is what I am talking about, you most certainly did not do your research before WLS because had you done so, I wouldn't need to explain these things to you now, you would have known. You keep trying to change the piece of information I corrected you on. The sleeved stomach most certainly does not stretch out to its original size. The bypassed pouch does not either, as a matter of fact. The bypassed pouch uses the fundus of the stomach and it is elastic and it does stretch and it can stretch to the point of a loss of needed restriction. But it does not stretch out to the same as before surgery and that was your claim.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    regrets about lapband choice?

    Yes, the opinion that those who have had bypass are not human? Is that an example of what you wrote of when you wrote that we have to respect everyone's opinions? Yeah, it's not going to happen. That's not an opinion, that is sheer idiocy. HH... I was going to PM you a link to that post but I honestly decided against it just because it is so ... what's the word? Lacking in civility? Insulting? Offensive? Degrading? Demoralizing? Tacky?
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    regrets about lapband choice?

    Ohhhhh noooooooooooo you don't! I claimed dibs on him first! ;o) I do heart HeadHunter!
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    Heh... this is old and incomplete information. Find something a little more current. The stomach does stretch a small amount, they know this and they compensate for that in surgery. Coming out of surgery your stomach is about the size of your middle finger. Over the next months it stretches to its maximum capacity of a small banana. This is why some refer to it as the banana procedure. By the time it is at its maximum capacity that is the size we want. In the sleeve procedure they remove 60-85% of the stomach, (the fundus). The muscular portion is left, the elastic portion is removed. Muscle does not stretch the way elastic tissue does. There is no way the muscular portion of your stomach can stretch to it's original size as Jennifer claims. Pouches can stretch, sleeves and DS stomachs do not. YOUR stomach is at far greater risk for stretching than mine is. Dilated pouch? Happens all the time. The information you have posted applies to the old technique, not the current one. Sorry, I know you were itching to prove me wrong but it's not going to happen. Not with... current, information. Bottom line, the sleeved stomach is far more forgiving than the banded or bypassed pouch. But hey, thanks for letting me prove it again. ;o)
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    Getting a little defensive there, aren't you? Look, this is what YOU wrote: I stand behind what I wrote, you clearly have no concept of what the sleeve is considering what YOU have written. The sleeved stomach does not stretch "back out like they were before the surgery." You may well be a nurse but you do not understand how this procedure works or you would not have written the above. The one procedure with the lowest loss and highest regain is the lap band. One in four fail the band. The one procedure with the highest weight loss and least regain is DS. So it is all WLS types that have problems with failure and regain, none are excluded. No WLS fixes white carbs and what carbs is what got us fat. If we cannot change our lifestyle to fix the white carb issue no WLS will work long term. In the sense of the life style change I do agree with you. I did not call you a liar and I do not care which procedure you had. What I *am* telling you is that the information you have repeatedly posted about the sleeve is dead wrong. I am not attacking anyone because they did not choose the sleeve, point me in the direction of the post where I attack someone for not having a sleeve? Again, I *am* correcting your misinformation so others do not think that because you are a nurse you know what you are talking about regarding sleeves. You do not.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    regrets about lapband choice?

    Where are you getting your information? No, this is not correct information. I have news for you, you do not have control either. That is why you need a lap band. That is why we all need surgery. Yes, the lap band is the safest surgery by less than 1% but long term the sleeve is the safest procedure.

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