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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    most ignorant reply

    I can't say I really had any stupid remarks. The remarks people have made were about bypass because they thought banding and bypass were the same. When they realize what the band really is they are quite supportive.
  2. Hi Tami... Jeans and spandex shirts are fun! While I fold laundry I do the same thing, look at everything and just think... "WOW!"
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Mexico ?

    It depends on the type of heart problem. There are people with a history of a heart attack or something similar. Most docs will require a letter from your cardiologist supporting the surgery. They will also likely require medical records be sent to them ahead of time so they can evaluate your individual case before approving you. If weight loss would help your individual case many cardiologists understand the band well and know how it works. If that is what it takes to improve your heart health many will approve the surgery. It really depends on your unique medical history.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Obesity Could Bankrupt NHS, UK

    I don't even remember what our premiums are, we pay them six months at a time. But we only use insurance for major issues. We have a $5K deductible and 20% copay. In the end the premium difference is so huge that it is cheaper for us. We just don't use medical care much. I could have gotten my band through insurance but if I would have gone that route I wouldn't have even had my first fill yet and instead, I went to Mexico, paid cash, and I'm at goal. With the six month supervised diet, etc., I'd just be getting my first fill around now. I went to Mexico, received better care than I would have in Phoenix, I have a doc I adore, and I'm at goal. If I had it all to do over again I'd do it exactly the same way.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    E-Bay Feedback.. GRRR!!!

    Most of the time when an account is hijacked it is the account owner's fault. It's hard because the scammers are sooooo good at scamming people, they have no idea they are giving away account information. Examples... some of the auctions are fake. Now, I don't know how to explain the following because I am not a computer person but there are auctions on ebay that are not really auctions. They use special software (java??) to overlay on top of an actual auction. It looks absolutely real. It has every single link that a real ebay auction has. When you click on that auction and click a link you *think* you are going to an ebay link but it is really a hijackers link. Sometimes it can d/l a keylogger on your computer, sometimes it can take you to a fake log in site so when you think you are having to log into ebay you are really just giving a hijacker your account information. Ever see the porn photos on an auction? Those are scammers with this "overlay" thing on top of a real auction. Another one, let's say you are selling your laptop. A scammer bids and wins. They will send you a fake PayPal confirmation email telling you that you have been paid for "X" auction. You send the computer and then realize that email was not from PayPal at all and you just gave away your computer. Likely to someone in Nigeria. Here is one of my favorite links showing how some scammers work, it's pretty damn funny: Anus Laptops: The Martins Cole Saga "09/2004 - 03/2005" - ScamBaiting at its finest -theScamBaiter.com This one is also funny but not as priceless as the above: http://www.bustedupcowgirl.com/scampage.html Then there is an email address that I now give out freely : Head of Safety and Trust, VP Rob Chesnut: robc@ebay.com Want to check out your buyers or seller's feedback? Toolhaus.org The above cuts down on time. Use this link, it picks out ALL the negs and neutrals. But Terri, honestly... the LEAST of your problems is getting the account back under control. The #1 thing you MUST do is clean your computer. Check this out: The following information was put together by another eBayer to use in case of spoof emails, but there is some really good information for your situation, programs to use to clean your computer if you do not already have them. Please read it: SECURE YOUR COMPUTER: - go to Windows update and be certain you have installed on all of Microsoft's critical security Patches. VIRUSES, SPYWARE, MALWARE, KEYLOGGERS: 1. Make sure your anti-virus software has the latest updates and run a full virus scan on your computer. If you don't have an AVS that gets updated (which everybody should), go to Trend Micro HouseCall - Free Online Virus and Spyware Scan - Trend Micro USA and run a free online scan. 2. Download the FREE version of Ad-Aware and Spybot Search & Destroy that detect spyware, malware, and keyloggers. It is always best to use two anti-spyware programs to complement each other. Before you run the softwares, make sure you click on the link in the software to get the most recent updates. SpyBot Search & Destroy: If you have Spybot Search & Destroy already, be certain you have installed the new version 1.4. Uninstall the older version of 1.2 and do a clean install of the newer version. Download from: http://www.download.com/Spybot-Search-Destroy/3000-8022_4-10401314.html?tag=lst-0-1 You shouldn't download SpyBot from anywhere but download.com (link above) or The home of Spybot-S&D! since there is a nasty impostor on the Web that PUTS spyware on your computer. Ad-Aware: a. Download from ad-aware software downloads and reviews at Download.com b. You need to change your default settings in Ad-Aware to do a "deep" custom scan and always run the custom scan since this is the only way to also scan the registry and memory, which is critical. Open the program and on top right there are some icons. Click on the one that is a "gear." Here are the directions from Lavasoft, who owns Ad-Aware, on how to change your settings. You won't be able to change some of them if you are using the free version. http://www.lavahelp.com/howto/fullscan/index.html c. ALWAYS click the "check for updates now" link before you run Ad-Aware since they update it several times a week. PASSWORDS 1. Make your passwords complicated and include letters, numbers, and symbols. Don't store them on your computer but handwrite on a piece of paper and put it in a safe place. 2. After you do all the above, IT IS CRITICAL TO CHANGE ALL OF YOUR PASSWORDS AGAIN since you could have had a keylogger on your computer when you changed them earlier. ADDITIONAL COMPUTER SAFETY FIREWALL: If you don't have a router, then install a firewall: 1. Go to Zone Labs and download their free firewall, Zone Alarm: ZoneAlarm by Check Point - Award winning PC Protection, Antivirus, Firewall, Anti-Spyware, Identity Protection, and much more. 2. Always keep Zone Alarm running when online if you have dialup and never turn it off if you have a cable or DSL connection. EMAIL PROTECTION: This is how to change your options in Outlook Express. There are similar defaults in other email programs. 1. Go to View >> Layout >> and under "Preview Pane" UNCHECK "show preview pane" 2. Go to Tools >> Options >> Read >> and under "Reading Messages" - UNCHECK "automatically download message when viewing in the Preview Pane - CHECK "Read all messages in plain text." Your email won't appear pretty but safety is the issue here since trojans and other nasties can be embedded in XML by just opening an email and not clicking on an attachment. 3. Go to Tools >> Options >> Security and under "Virus Protection" CHECK "do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus." By checking this option, you cannot receive an attachment. If you are expecting an attachment and are 100% certain about its origin and authenticity, then go into the options and uncheck the above option. Go back into the email, SAVE the attachment (don't click the attachment to open) and then go back to the options and check the "do not allow attachments ..." again. Then, as an additional precaution, run a virus scan on the file you just saved BEFORE you open it. People scream non stop that ebay is giving out their account info. They are hijacked time and time again. Truth is, their computer is infected and every single time they change a password, etc., they are sending the scammer updated password info. Keep in mind, if they can get this information from your computer they can also get to your bank account info, passwords, etc. There is one time ebay had yet another glitch and scammers were able to pick out ANY ebayer and get their passwords and real time names. They apparently patched that but there are always ways to screw with ebay and PayPal and scammers know every method. I'd never buy anything of value on ebay.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    E-Bay Feedback.. GRRR!!!

    Autographed items on ebay are usually (99% of the time) fakes anyway. If you PM me the details of how it all came to be, the auction number, how it was paid (credit card, money order, paypal, etc.) and everything you know I'll see if you have any options. Please tell me you paid via credit card??
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Obesity Could Bankrupt NHS, UK

    That is because it is our responsibility to fix the entire world. Even those parts that don't want our help, it's our job anyway. It's not a matter of opinion or option, it's our job to pay and their job to take. Pure and simple.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Fever--Am I rejecting band?

    Have you been scoped to check for erosion? You know, odds are you just have a bug of some sort. Sometimes people run a low grade temp for ages and nobody ever does figure out why. I'd keep bugging your doc to get to the bottom of it.
  9. I too, like Whey Gourmet's Choco/PB. I ordered their chocolate and I was not impressed at all. It's just as thick as the Choco/PB but the flavor isn't great. At least it does not have a horrible aftertaste. I still haven't researched it to see if it is a quality protein though. It's on my list of "stuff I gotta do someday." :eek: BTW, Whey Gourmet Choco/PB is great with Water. You don't even need milk. Milk adds carbs and carbs make me turn into a carb eating couch slug. I prefer my protein products with water anyway.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    E-Bay Feedback.. GRRR!!!

    Sure wish more people felt as you do, Jack. People have NO clue just how bad either of them are.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Hate probably isn't the best word. Sheer disgust, embarrassment, illiterate... those might be better words regarding Bush.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Well, another issue. Look who is looking to their right and look who is staring right into the camera.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Anyone else notice that Hillary appears to be holding a boob in place vs. covering her heart?
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Darn good thing you end every post such as this with "Just my opinion" because if you had facts to defend your case you wouldn't need an opinion. You'd have a fact.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Bush may know how to hold that wrinkly old hand over his heart, doesn't mean he gives one rip about this country. People have a right to express themselves as they see fit. Nobody has a right to demand otherwise. For goodness sakes, a monkey can be taught the same act of holding his hand over his chest. Doesn't mean he's any better than Bush and quite frankly, I'd vote for a monkey over a Bush type anyway.
  16. Maybe see who could slime the longest slime rope?
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Serious pains and no weight loss

    Most docs tend to put you on liquids for a few days after a fill. For example, my doc does two days of clears, two days of fulls, two days of soft, then reintroduce solids. Keep in mind, many experienced bandsters just can't tolerate chicken. That's one of the harder foods to eat. What if you go on liquids for a few days and see how it goes. If you ate chicken and barfed then you likely have some swelling. That means it is even harder to eat food the next time around, thus... more barfing. When you get a fill there is some natural swelling that is to be expected just from the fill itself. That's the reason for the gradual food stages. Good luck! Hope you feel better soon. I wouldn't worry about the band not working. If it isn't working in a few months with appropriate exercise, diet, and restriction then it would be time to take a look at what is wrong. But honestly, you are still a newbie with your first real restriction. You have months to go before you know if you have problems that would mean revision surgery.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Fever--Am I rejecting band?

    To my knowledge there has never been a reported case of band rejection w/Inamed bands. Do you have any redness or swelling around your port? Any pain? Anything at all to point to the band being the cause? How is your restriction? When you got the fill did you notice restriction? Is it still about the same? Or have you lost restriction completely?
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Lap Band Replacement: Advise |Please

    Usually it is the port, the next common issue is the tubing. I don't quite understand how there could be a leak that is leaking this quickly yet it couldn't be seen under fluoro. What is your doc suggesting? Is your band an Inamed?
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    worried please help

    My suggestion is to stay on liquids and call your doc. Just for the sake of example, my doc required two full weeks of Clear Liquids, two weeks of full liquids, two weeks of soft foods, then gradually reintroduce solids. Potatoes are difficult for some including me. The starch maybe? They tend to be stickier and don't pass through like... say, gravy. Take it very easy and maybe stick to liquids for a bit longer?
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    To NEWBIES!!!

    Doctors do seem to have a system in place for return business, eh?
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    To NEWBIES!!!

    Shortly after surgery I wrote this and I think most newbies will relate. What I have learned about Lap Band surgery: When Dr. Campos asks if you are doing your trippy little breathing exercises, telling him you are is of little value when you can't quite recall what you did with the machine. He will find it for you and watch you actually use it. Ditto on the breathing machine with Dr. Aceves. Feeling pride - to the point of boastful - of your Spanish skills when telling the nurse you would love nothing more than to run outside for a cigarette actually translates into: I just smoked a cigarette inside the hospital and I'd like another, please. At least that is how they understand it. I'm quite sure my Spanish is better than those from Mexico. Pointing to your stomach and saying, "Ouch ouch ouch," is medical lingo for "May I have pain meds, please?" Clutching your gut and gagging is medical lingo for, "I'm gonna hurl, may I have something for nausea?" Crushed pills do not taste like candy. Nurses fib. Feeling pride that you finished your crushed tablet and Water is short lived. Nurses belong to the clean plate club. They will look and see there is tablet residue on the bottom of the cup and pour more water in there so you can enjoy it a 2nd time around. Having the expression of a 4 year old that just ate spinach while drinking crushed tablets and water will make the nurse laugh. Quality doctor/patient time is done by sneaking outside the hospital to grab a quick cigarette. You see, Dr. Aceves finds smoking most annoying and this behavior leads to a variety of lectures ranging from slow healing, health issues, etc, Trying to explain going outside by telling any of the medical staff that you are merely trying to get some exercise is fruitless. They won't buy it. When you wash your hands and accidentally drop the paper towel you used to dry them, you naturally bend over to pick it up and throw it in the garbage. When you get halfway down to pick up the paper towel you discover it is much easier to kick it in a corner. Feeling guilty about kicking the paper towel in the corner leads you to kick it over to the couch like a dodge ball, sit down, and SLOWLY bend over to pick it up. Of course, this means you must stand up again and walk to the garbage. Since your suit case is on the couch within reach you throw it in there and decide to put it in the trash when you get home. sleeping on your side is tricky business. It takes a few moments to slowly turn to your side while muttering damn damn damn due to discomfort. You finally lay on your side, clutching the pillow to your stomach. You are blissfully comfortable, sigh a sigh of relief, and without fail Dr. Campos will walk in and want to see your incisions. This is guaranteed to happen 100% of the time. Matter of fact, I am convinced this is how to get Dr. Campos to come to your room. If you have a question and would like to see him there is no need to request a nurse contact him. Merely take the time to turn on your side, mutter damn damn damn due to discomfort, get *really* comfortable, and within minutes he will come to your room and you can ask your question. As soon as he leaves you slowly repeat the process. Turn to your side, mutter damn damn damn, get comfy and Sergio (head nurse) will come in wanting to see your sutures. When the folks that had surgery the day before you come in to check on you, don't mess with them because I am here to tell you, these people mean business. Before you know it the gauze version of TEDS hose on your lower legs is suddenly removed and you discover your butt is hauled out of bed and you are doing laps up and down the hallway dragging your IV pole with you. The day old bandsters will cheer you on. Just remember, tomorrow it will be your turn to play "day old drill sergeant bandster," to the newbies. Your first poop will hurt. Deal with it. Experience is a wonderful teacher. When it's time for your 2nd poop you think it through and decide you can wait for another day, a better day. When you accidentally bust open and clot off your IV in front of Dr. Aceves - suggesting to him that you, the patient, remove the IV it is not an option. When he suggests having a nurse remove the IV ... reminding him you ARE a nurse is of little value. It is very frustrating being a nurse that suddenly turned patient and in a hospital. When the real newbies are there the day before their surgery for labs, xrays, etc., it's a fun time to show off your incisions. They actually WANT to see them unlike the rest of the free world. The idea of broth and orange Jell-O for Breakfast is something met with anticipation. It almost borders with excitement when you see the nice lady from the kitchen with your tray. If you thought you had a Buddha belly before surgery, check it out after surgery. The gas they use to blow up your belly is still there. You actually wonder, when you finally start burping will it sound like you just inhaled helium as you speak? Much bottled water, ice, broth, tea, Jell-O, juice, and IV fluids. Guess where you will be spending time between laps through the halls and naps? When Dr. Campos asks you if you are passing gas it is a toss up trying to decide if you should remind him that is not a question one asks a lady or if you beg to know when you actually WILL burp up a storm. Your gut looks like if you get near a sharp pointy thing it will pop like a balloon. Glue is a funny thing. The medical staff will tell you that they put a plastic film (much like saran wrap) on your stomach before surgery. It's a 'clean' issue. They are not telling you the truth. When you are having surgery they pour epoxy all over your stomach and later, when you shower you realize it will never come off. It is there for life and you question if it will tan with the rest of your skin the next time you lay in the sun or if it will be blotchy and yicky. I double dawg dare you to lean against something with the epoxy on your stomach. You'll be stuck to what you are leaning to like strong velcro. Prying your apoxy covered gut off the counter you just leaned against to wash your hands is similar to prying apart two of the strongest magnets that you have ever experienced. Much weight loss is accomplished this way as your skin is still stuck to the counter. I estimate 4 pounds. The day after surgery - if you discover the epoxy on your stomach has formed mini glue balls under your breasts you realize it's time for a breast lift.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    To NEWBIES!!!

    It probably isn't very funny to someone who hasn't had surgery yet, but after surgery then much of this will make sense.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Do you think it's rude to correct another's grammar?

    I believe you are unaware that I have never done anything to Lizrbit. She attacked me a long time ago out of nowhere for no reason. I had no idea what was up. I PMd her asking what I had done to her and the response was about the same as her behaviors on this board. Hostility, anger, she hated me, blah blah blah. I never posted/PM'ed her again until yesterday in response to more insults that once again... came out of the blue. I explained much earlier in another thread; I am through with it and honestly, with ALL due, sincere, respect... bringing it up repeatedly isn't going to help the matter. It needs to drop.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    I Want One!!!!

    It's a temporary fetish symbolizing my triumph over huge odds.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
