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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    What is it with the superior 'oldies'!!

    Many of us meant our comments in good humor too, but you continue to refer to a maturity issue. Is it possible that you are expecting more of others than you are from yourself? I think some old timers (whether they are at goal or not) have learned to laugh at ourselves and with each other. We aren't quite as serious and touchy as some are in the beginning. Some people look at this journey as a medical issue and others look at it as a journey. I'd rather have fun with it than look at it as a clinical issue that is all serious and ... clinical-y than having a bit of fun. I feel as though if you don't lighten up a bit you aren't going to have the best journey possible. So much is attitude. If you are serious, negative, looking to pick bones, etc., you have one long challenge ahead of you. If you take yourself and others a little more lightly and have some fun, it makes things so much easier. All in all I do believe you are demanding more of others than you are of yourself. I honestly don't mean that in a pissy way. We all do it from time to time.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    On what basis is polygamy illegal?

    There are different types of Mormons just like there are different types of Christians. I don't think any rational person (and I grant you, there are plenty of irrational folks out there) would believe they are a reflection on the more normal type of Mormons. If someone tells me they are Mormon, Christian, Jewish, etc., I figure I'm nobody to say they aren't. That's between the person and their God. My opinion, of course.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    On what basis is polygamy illegal?

    Yeah they are. Just like Christians determine others are not Christian I suppose every religion makes the same claims. You may not agree with them but remember, they don't agree with you either.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    What is it with the superior 'oldies'!!

    I double dawg dare you! AND to leave it there for at least a month!
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    On what basis is polygamy illegal?

    Here is the link: Polygamist Groups
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    On what basis is polygamy illegal?

    I'll try to find a link I used to have, I think it might shock most folks. It's about the Mormons in Colorado City, AZ. It shows the cost to taxpayers when one man marries 6 wives and each sister wife has 10 kids. It's a HUGE burdon on those who actually pay for these people. They refer to taxpayers as the "beast" as though we are their enemy. We are the people paying for their sorry butts. When one man has 60 children, it's a bit tough to actually pay his own way in life. So... we do. These kids have sooo many genetic problems and they are a huge expense too. The boys are thrown out of the community when they are adolescents because there just aren't enough girls to go around so each male can have a dozen wives. I don't care what adults do in the privacy of their own home. They can have 400 spouses if they choose, but I don't want to pay for them. I think that is what has most in an uproar over all this.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    on the journey

    Lori Ann... Thank you. That is so sweet of you to write! Thanks again.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Tomorrow's the Day!

    Good luck to you! It's the best thing you will have ever done for yourself!
  9. Usually after a few days the gas is gone but there is referred pain from a nerve in your diaphragm. It can hurt up in your shoulder and if you happened to have a wide hiatus or a hernia repair that will tack on a couple more days of pain in your shoulder and it can even go up into the side of your neck. Walking, a heating pad, and Tylenol are what most folks do. But the gas should absorb in your GI system within 2-3 days. The rest is referred pain from the irritated nerve.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Ready to be thin

    I use it when my butt is dragging. Days that I don't have enough motivation to run. It's an herbal type product.
  11. Did you experience hair loss after banding? A few of us are on the edge of hysteria with hair loss and we would like to know if we are the minority or the majority. If you are a newbie and you are already experiencing hair loss, please vote. If you are less than six months from being banded and have not experienced hair loss, please don't vote. According to a bariatric surgeon hair loss typically happens somewhere between 3-11 months after surgery. It might not have happened to you yet. I am trying to avoid someone 2 weeks after surgery saying they have no hair loss, that won't give an accurate measure.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    What is it with the superior 'oldies'!!

    Nonono... *I* am a bitch. *I* deserve the title. I have earned it, I deserve it, *I* am the bitch. Everyone loves you, you are special people. And yes, your abd crunches count. You see, you should be sleeping so when you are not sleeping and you are THINKING about exercise, it counts.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    on the journey

    Well, that thing hanging on the wall claims I am! Who would'a known! The lap band is an amazing tool. It's hard, no doubts there. But I am here to tell you that it is the kind of hard WE can do, our population. You can do this. Hang in there, it will happen! If you want it bad enough, it will happen. That's a promise!
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    on the journey

    Probably not beer, but wine is okay in moderation.
  15. You'll do this well, you watch. You'll see. I have a best friend that was banded in Feb. Her hubby is active military as well. He is in primo condition and she is over 400lbs. We have talked about this in detail. I have a pretty good idea of what you are referring to. If you want it bad enough, you'll get it.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Looking for Surgeon

    One is typically preferred over the other but I can never remember which is which. As a suggestion I would think you'd want to post this question in the "Doctors & Hospitals" forum. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f11/
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Hello, can anyone help?

    Here you go: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f5/ticker-tutorial-pictures-41782/
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    What is it with the superior 'oldies'!!

    Yeah, you clearly missed the obvious humor. As you say, to each his own. It could not have been more bloody clear. But I've had those days too. I have had many of them.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    What is it with the superior 'oldies'!!

    Oh com'on... this was clearly written with a sense of humor!!!! However, in all fairness to you, you do come out and say you were having a pissy day. I happy to have lots of those.
  20. Thank you. Thank you for saying research is important. It is, it is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves in life. Research your heart out and find the doc that is right for you. Personal opinion only, I think you made a very great decision. You clearly went to one of the two best surgeons in Mexico. You obviously did your research.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Very new, very excited!

    You know, it was just today that I read a study showing that Alli (sp?) caused a whopping weight loss of less than 6lbs. When we are mega overweight, what is 6lbs? That's a freak'en watermelon. Who can't eat one of those? Banding is way cool. Seriously, it is. You can do this. Traditional diet and exercise don't cut it for most of us. Banding is verrrry verrrrry hard BUT it is the *kind* of hard WE can do. OUR population. This will work. Give it a try.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Remind me...

    Well............ Not without Ambien!
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    What is it with the superior 'oldies'!!

    Well DAMN girl! What fun is that? We can't pick apart your post and attempt to guess what your surgeon might suggest is the problem. THEN, there is the infamous cure! What fun are you? In all honesty, I'm glad it was diagnosed and resolved. Nice to meet you. (hugs)
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    What is it with the superior 'oldies'!!

    I obviously missed that post. Especially in light of the fact that most posting there ARE newbies. Please, provide a post the eliminates newbies. Which posts says newbies should not respond. Or, which post made you feel newbies were not permitted to speak up.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    What is it with the superior 'oldies'!!

    Robin... Has your reflux been diagnosed yet? Have you been checked out under fluoro yet?

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