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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    removal-mini bypass

    Oh my goodness please... not the mini gastric bypass! It's a horror. The surgeon can be the best in the world and you'll still have problems. It's just the nature of the beast. I really didn't know a great deal about it until a friend I met wanted it done. Then I started doing serious research. US docs do NOT prefer this procedure, actually the better bariatric surgeons don't do that procedure because it is potentially so dangerous. That includes US and Mexican surgeons. There is a problem with bile leaking and you can end up with serious stomach and esophageal problems. The only docs really pushing it are docs like Ruttledge and they simply are not good surgeons. They are often times laughed at by the "real" surgeons, or those with actual positive reputations. Bottom line, in trying to find a surgeon to do the MGB none of the good docs were even willing to do the procedure. He'd either have to go to a crappy doc like Ruttledge or choose another procedure. Please, either go for it and get GB or a sleeve, but not MGB.
  2. Don't you think a lot of people go into this thinking they can just sit on the couch and the pounds will melt off? Or, those that have every intention of working hard, good diet, lots of exercise, and the motivation just doesn't happen and they never get around to moving off the couch? I suspect that many who are angry with Chickie are the above types, they are angry that they don't have the determination to do what is right for their weight loss. You know, there are not many people I know that love exercise. I still hate it, I think it's evil. But just like cleaning the bathroom... exercise is just one of those things that you have to do. I don't think some are willing to accept this and when someone like Chickie comes along, they take it out on her. If they would shut up and move their body, they wouldn't have the time to sit around whining because the band works for others. How many people post that the band isn't working for them, they've been banded for "X" months (7 or more) and they've lost 20 pounds? When you respond and ask how their restriction is, what their caloric intake is, how many minutes daily they are doing hard cardio... they never return to the thread.
  3. I even had one person accuse me of cheating WITH the band. That was a couple of months before I hit goal. How does one cheat with a band? She wasn't referring to the band, she was referring to my diet and exercise. Everyone else chased her back to OH where she belonged. It was nice, people I didn't know, never met, newbie types are the ones that came to help me out on that one. Honestly, if I had it to do all over again I don't think I'd tell anyone I hit goal. It was more fun before goal... at least on the boards. But I haven't gotten anything NEAR what you have, Chickie. Not even close. Yours is by far the worst I've seen yet.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    I really, REALLY want to strangle them.

    You know what? Sit down for this... We completely and totally agree on this topic. I think one reason for the dumbing down of grammar and spelling (at least when I was teaching ... short lived!) was that most of my students didn't speak much English. I had one class where there was no majority or minority. They were from all over the world. There was one native English speaking person in the class and that was me. Ever try to teach anatomy to people who don't speak English? It was spooky. I finally gave up. The students were as sweet as they come, they were hard working, they wanted to do well. But when everyone in the room doesn't speak the same language it is amazingly hard to teach any subject.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    RAVE!!!!!!!!!!! Have I mentioned yet....

    Doesn't that make you in the same century as the old timer-at goal'ers? (private joke for those that it doesn't make sense) CONGRATS!!!
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Skany Evil Repulsive Patient Coordinators

    Thanks, Pippinje. If Christine is being so honest and telling the whole entire story vs. bits of pieces of posts that make things look vastly different from what they are, why the fake ID? Her very first post ever was here. We already caught these folks with a bunch of fake IDs. When we outed them on the boards and it was obvious who they were they stopped using all those IDs and came up with a slew of new ones. This is one of many. Just goes to show... if a doc is any good he doesn't need coordinators that tell bits and pieces vs. the entire story.
  7. Yeah, that post took a lot of deception and half truths to write. That one must have taken days worth of research. One point was that I said "X" price was a good price. To look at the bits that were posted it was inferred I was referring to my own doc. That was a question about a US doc and I said it was a good price. She's annoyed because I don't know what everyone in Mexico and the US charges? Including my own doc? I don't, my surgery was almost a year ago and prices have changed. But I'm a coordinator because I don't know all the prices of every doc. Another is about a 14 year old that asked if her insurance would cover surgery. I responded by suggesting she talk to her parents, then research the band, then I responded to her actual question. To read Christine's version it looks like I was pushing a 14 year old into surgery. Another was something I wrote about Ortiz. The bulk of the post was positive about Ortiz... his stats are great, his patients love him, etc. She forgot to include that part. One time someone asked opinions on Ortiz, Rumbaut, and another. I wrote that my personal preference was Rumbaut and Ortiz. I didn't even mention the 3rd because he's not the greatest doc in Mexico. I didn't explain that, but that's what I wrote. Then I was accused of being a patient coordinator for the doc I did not suggest. I could go through that post bit by bit and post the rest of the story but then I'm playing with trolls. Sheesh... I wish she would go back under her rock. I'm tempted to write everything I know about her doctor. I'm telling you, ever since I posted a thread on how to research doctors the coordintors are throwing bloody fits. Well, if they aren't doing anything wrong, why not use one of their other many IDs? The IDs they post on their doctor's thread using?
  8. And yet ANOTHER ID of Christines proving me right once again.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Skany Evil Repulsive Patient Coordinators

    Great, another coordinator with a brand new ID that is angry because I pointed out how to research. This is full of half truths, misquotes, and BS. Most of it is taken out of context. You are so upset because I don't know the prices my doc is charging today, well guess what? I don't. I had my surgery a year ago. I also don't know what Ortiz is charging for the J&J band, I don't know what Rodriguez is charging, I don't know what ANY of them are charging and it's because I don't care. That is between their office and their patients. I care about the research. I know what Kirshenbaum is charging because I just talked to Mona (a poster here) on a public thread about the topic and she just told me. The 14 year old... you forgot the greater majority of that conversation. The way you posted it, amazingly it is quite different from the actual PUBLIC post. She asked if her insurance would cover the band. My FIRST suggestion to her was to talk to her parents. I also suggested she learn everything there is to know about the band. Then I responded to her question and gave her the information she was looking for. Why didn't you post that? Trying to make things appear differently from what they are? You create a new ID just to come here and trash the concept of making sure people know what they are up against regarding patient coordinators. No wonder you are using ANOTHER fake ID. I love it when patient coordinators are scared to death that the potential cash makers are going to dig and do their research. If you were anything less than a sleezy coordinator you would have used your actual ID. Not a play ID trashing the concept of research. Yeah, if people ask me about my doc I respond and I tell them of my experiences. But *I* am not the one out there creating IDs to pretend my doc has patients that he doesn't. *I* am not the one starting threads about my doctor. *I* am not the one pushing everyone to go to my doc and only him. I am also not the one claiming my doctor is the only good one. I don't lie about his stats, I don't cover up information, I don't do anything of the sort. That is you, isn't it? I am amused that you put this much time into trashing the concept of research. Don't you have newbies to hunt down? Surgery to sell?
  10. Nana... We would need an annoying yapping poodle attached to our collective ankles to get us going again. Where is ... Oh, never mind.
  11. I guess I'd refer you back to post #179, you know... the post you declined to respond. Some people whine about others helping while the others dig in and help. Which side are you on? Oh wait, I've read your posts. I know.
  12. That will teach you to log off LBT! During the thread party we had a PM party as well. :car:
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Lap band in Mexico and fills in Arizona

    We go back to Mexico to Dr. Aceves in Mexicali. He does fill people he didn't band so you are more than welcome to come with us. It does get kind of expensive for those he did not fill, it's $175 with fluoro, they only do it under fluoro. For his patients he doesn't charge anything but the hospital charges $75. For non patients it's $175. We usually go as a group, you are more than welcome to join us if you wish. Just PM me your info. I know that there are two people making plans right now. Not sure if they have a date set yet or not, but if you contact me I'll send you their info and you can set it up with them if you are in need of a fill now. I think they are trying to go in the next week or two, not sure. If you don't need a fill that soon I am happy to put you on our list and each time someone wants to go we email the list and see if anyone else needs one so they can join if they wish.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Researching Mexican Lap-Band Doctors 101

    Thank you Lindata. I still want to gather a bunch of internet links to verify credentials but I am looking for help on that one from my friend in Nogales. He just had a new baby and he and his wife are pretty busy right now. As soon as things are calmer I'm going to hit him up for help with that. Then maybe another one to help research US doctors, and one for plastic surgery in the US and Mexico and and and...
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Researching Mexican Lap-Band Surgeons 101

    Thank you Lindata. I still want to gather a bunch of internet links to verify credentials but I am looking for help on that one from my friend in Nogales. He just had a new baby and he and his wife are pretty busy right now. As soon as things are calmer I'm going to hit him up for help with that. Then maybe another one to help research US doctors, and one for plastic surgery in the US and Mexico and and and...
  16. Um, see my sig? Lots of people have regrets about banding in the US. Your point?
  17. HAHAHAHA!!! Oh my goodness! How could I forget that! You made me laugh.
  18. I'm stealing it, I don't care if she likes it or not!
  19. Oh my goodness, that just isn't true. Not even close.
  20. I can't wait for the big hair!
  21. I was one... but I was given a link.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Lap band in Mexico and fills in Arizona

    The OP is talking about Dr. Aceves. It's about 3 hours away from those of us in Phoenix. For emergencies Phoenix has a gazillion emergency rooms. I go back to Mexicali for everything, fills, aftercare, the works. Just like some folks in the US drive three hours to their doc, so do we. Tons of money? A fill is $75. Slips, erosion, etc. happen in the US too such as when someone lives three hours away from their US doc. Slips and erosion happen to non insured folks and folks that have a WLS exclusion on their policy. Kirshenbaum bands people and he is across the country for many. I'll bet you don't think that one counts though, right? Always have a plan, yes. But it's workable, completely. If someone doesn't want thin and healthy enough to drive a little in some cases, they need to find a doc next door to them. If there is no doc next door or if they can't afford US costs, are you suggesting they shouldn't be banded?
  23. Did everyone hear that next week we are having 50s day! GAWD! I can't wait!
  24. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! It's not a bear!!!
  25. You better not! I insult easily! I get mighty mean when someone messes with my notebooks! Did you need my address?

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