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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Skany Evil Repulsive Patient Coordinators

    Tits, I'm bored. I wish you well in life, I hope you feel better soon, most of all I wish you the ability to not have to fight with the whole bloody world someday and be a person with some peace in your life. Cheers.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Skany Evil Repulsive Patient Coordinators

    Let's see, I have suggested that most docs in Mexico are quality, skilled surgeons and as of late you posted that I am a coordinator for them ALL. I have responded to hundreds of people offering support, information, statistics, opinions, etc. You have done nothing but post nasty things about people here and in your personal life. You have posted in a manner that is unrealistic and also, flat out lies. You are anti-Mexico and that is fine, but you make it sound like it is impossible to have a safe surgery in Mexico and quite frankly, that's just not true. If you don't want to go to Mexico ... nobody is debating it with you. Whether you like it or not many of us have and had no problems. You make it sound as though the only way to have a safe surgery is to have it anywhere but Mexico and quite frankly, you are wrong. This speaks clearly about you, not your information or lack of. You slam me because I didn't post about researching Mexico. I didn't, I posted about Mexican DOCTORS. I also didn't post about starving children in Africa, your point? Since you have been here you have been snitty, deceitful, unsupportive, and dishonest. Such as a claim that I wrote a woman was dreaming during surgery. That is most certainly NOT what I wrote, that is just another attempt to twist words to suit your own needs. What I wrote was that it is common to have false memories during surgery and it is. Is honesty such a horror for you? Quite frankly, you are not cynical, you are simply nasty and from my POV, dishonest.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Does cold weather effect a lapband?

    In the 10s?????? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (walking away and giggling at those who deal with cold weather unlike those of us in Arizona)
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Skany Evil Repulsive Patient Coordinators

    I don't have a problem with the type of coordinator you refer to. I'm talking about those that aren't even banded and they pose as a banded person who is absolutely in love with their doctor for a life changing surgery that never existed. Or, someone who lies, fibs, and avoids honesty because their employer's stats... well, they suck. Wheetsin, I recently received a PM from a coordinator asking me not to post her doc's stats because it makes him look bad. They are HIS stats! Came directly from his office! Why would someone hide the truth from a potential patient? We caught one person with more IDs than she had underwear. When we caught her she just stopped using all those IDs and came back with a slew more. Actually, she's posted in this thread under... yet another fake ID. Look at that long post with all my quotes. Those are bits and pieces of truth, not the whole truth. I could have gone through and explained each and every quote and told what REALLY happened vs. what she claims and infers. Such as when I'm speaking highly of a US doc and she only posts the compliment and then claims or infers I talk about my doc non stop. Personally, I don't start threads telling how great my doc is, I don't discuss him in most of my posts, I don't usually discuss him unless I am specifically asked. Sometimes not even then. Yet I am accused of being a coordinator. So be it, I can live with that. I usually just let them hang themselves, it works out pretty well. I know the good and the bad about pretty much most Mexican docs and I'm learning more now, too! One of them even contacted me via email through the LBT system to ask for my phone number so we could "chat". I'm telling you, that was one amazingly bizarre phone call. I didn't have strong opinions about him one way or another before that call but I do today. When I started the thread (sig link) about researching Mexican docs I thought it was a good thing. I had NO clue what that would become. After a couple of weeks of having the patient coordinators throwing a fit in threads, PMs, attached to my ankle like a yapping 4# Poodle, whining, crying, etc. I started to regret ever posting it. But the more they stomp their feeties, post nonsense, create more IDs, ... the more they hang themselves. THOSE are the types I refer to. Not the normal types. I refer to the liars, the dishonest people, those that come up with fake IDs and pretend to be an unhappy patient of one of the good docs when in reality, they've never met the doc they are trashing. Then they run around and post links in various threads to the fake patient post to scare the newbies and then with another ID they warn everyone about this doctor and suggest the newbies go to *their* doc, a safer doc. All in all I'm not referring to the type of coordinator as you discuss, not in the least.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Okay, now that was just gross

    Don't you just hate stoma spewing? Band barfing? It's not a freak'en PB, it's BARFING! I ate a salad for lunch today. That would have been almost 10 hours ago. Got stuck, finally barfed. Lettuce came shooting out my nose. I do believe I am over salads for the time being.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Found out today my band slipped :(

    More than 80% of the time an unfill and liquids for a couple of weeks will fix a slip so the odds really are in your favor. If that does not work then you can have a repair most of the time, they just go in, unlock the band, reposition it, and relock it. If they do take your band you can have it replaced or switch to another procedure usually in about three months. It takes time for swelling and such to go down. So really, odds are in your favor by quite a bit that you won't lose your band. Good luck to you!
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Who's ALREADY sick of xmas?

    I got a Christmas card in the mail yesterday from a woman I used to work with (she was later fired) and along with it came her traditional xmas letter. The one she sends to everyone but she signs it, "Mom." Everyone this year died, her daughters moved out because they were fed up with her, her mother is sick (and dying), her brothers won't speak to her, her job stresses her out, she's always ill and missing work so probably going to be getting fired from this job as well... OMG! It went on and on. I was so depressed after reading it. I swear, the only reason half her family is dead and the other half is dying is to get away from her once and for all. I was really annoyed when Walgreens and Dillards had decorated their stores and they were playing xmas music before it was even HALLOWEEN! Every single year it gets earlier and earlier. Pretty soon they'll do as my neighbors and keep their xmas decorations up all year around.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Okay, now that was just gross

    I hardly ever crave Diet Coke but even after reading your post I thought, "Mmmmm, Diet Coke..." Up my nose... I think I'd rather drink it.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Something is wrong with Christmas

    HA! Ya think? Verrry anti-Mexico too. We are all gonna get nabbed by the Mexican officials, beaten, robbed, and I'm shocked any of us made it home. Oh, and our doctors will never return our phone calls. I guess it is because they are not white, US born Americans. We all know US docs return calls immediately. :cry
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    I need your help

    If it helps any we get this same question time and time again. Everyone wonders if they should do it. Everyone wonders if they should just try one more diet. Everyone wonders if it will really work. Everyone doubts their decision. Heck I was ON the OR table thinking, "I'm still awake, it's not too late to back out...." What you are feeling is very normal. Ever been on a diet before? Ever lose weight before? How did that work long term?
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Were you sure it wouldn't work?

    I *hoped* it would work but was fairly certain it would not.
  12. The band certainly does take some of the pleasure of eating food away. I get sick of cold food too and quit early. I just looked at my calorie count for the day... 340. So I'm drinking another shake. Today is a baaaad stoma day.
  13. It easily takes me an hour but I have a weird stoma. There are some that actually suggest getting a kitchen timer and setting it for 20 minutes and when the timer is done, so are you. I think that is an individual thing. For me if I did that I'd likely starve to death. I HAVE to eat slowly or I'll barf. I think that is another reason I get lazy and do Protein shakes. Who wants to spend three hours a day chewing? I'm not suggesting Protein Shakes are the way to go, I'm saying that I'm lazy and due to being lazy I do protein shakes at least once a day.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    who supports right to choose

    And amazingly, the questions still haven't been answered. Actually, they have and folks just don't realize it.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    So...what's up with SALAD?

    Here is my recent experience with salad. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f80/okay-now-just-gross-43756/
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    who supports right to choose

    What right does one religion have to inflict their beliefs on another? The belief that an embryo is a human being is a belief based on religion. Science and laws claim otherwise. Why is it that if a doctor stands up and pushes forward (many times at the risk of his own life) doing what he believes to be true it is a horror. If a Catholic priest in Iraq does the same thing it is courageous? My *personal* belief is that I respect human life, period. An embryo is human life, it is not a human being, a person. It's not canine life, it's human. I respect human life therefore *I* would not have an abortion. I will not assist in abortions, never have. But that does not mean I have the right to inflict my feelings on others. Why do others claim to have a right to inflict their beliefs on other women? I don't get it.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    who supports right to choose

    No, that's not fair. I point blank asked you questions and instead of responding to the questions you wrote a long post explaining how mean I am and you won't respond. While that may be easier, that is NOT discussion!
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    who supports right to choose

    The point I was trying to make was the absurdity of that particular argument. OMZ I hate abortion debates. Why did I join this one?? Yikes.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    who supports right to choose

    Do you realize it would have been faster and easier to answer the questions vs. writing out in detail why you won't respond? The questions are not tough. They are pretty simple. But the above is what I expect in this type of debate. Instead of admitting someone else has a point, attack the person instead of agreeing on small points.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    who supports right to choose

    Okay, I give up for the evening. Nite all.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    who supports right to choose

    L8bloomr... Based on the bits of information provided here, THAT scenario, what is your opinion? It really does not matter what the atheists have to say or the prolifers. What do YOU think? Again, based on info provided here, THAT scenario.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    who supports right to choose

    I don't know, from what I have read when you put L8bloomr on the spot the meaning behind the original post suddenly changes. Perhaps I will be proven wrong. Maybe when you back L8bloomr in a corner as you and I both have, we'll see the real meaning behind the posts.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    who supports right to choose

    Rob... With all due respect, with these links you are assuming the religious types CARE about the mother. You must remember that many only care about the baby, the mother can forget any sense of compassion UNLESS she does as the religious request. Then she'll get compassion, that's where it ends.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    who supports right to choose

    There is a Catholic priest in Iraq that is being shot at non stop for doing what he believes is right, keeping Christianity in the country. His life is in danger on a daily basis, he risks being thrown in an Iraq jail on a daily basis. He is paid by the Vatican. Would you consider him courageous? A yes or no is acceptable.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    who supports right to choose

    Rob.... Do a search at ReligiousTolerance.org by the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. Mostly, check out religion stats. It's quite the eye opener. And you can't find a more non-biased source of information.

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