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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Men would never admit to that.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Do you just want to share???

    Cagstorm... One other thought. Ever talked to a young'in and knew that in time with experience and age they would feel differently about a given situation? In many ways you are the young'in here. I have a hunch with time you might feel differently.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Do you just want to share???

    Keep in mind, you are a newbie. With "newbie'dom" there comes this attitude that you are so excited for your upcoming future that you want the rest of the world to share the same experiences, the same shot at TRUE and FOREVER weight loss. It's seriously hard to overcome that feeling in the beginning. Part of it is the honeymoon stage. It's not a bad thing, it just is. Actually, I think it's a good thing we experience it.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Calories? Carbs?

    I no longer worry about carbs. I only eat veggie carbs so it is a non issue for me. I cut out ALL white carbs a long time ago. I focus on calories.
  5. Realistically, you have a 100% chance of serious complications and death from MO. You have less than a 1% chance of death from surgery. Sometimes you just have to put it in perspective.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Was Your Doc More In Favor Of Gastric Bypass?

    Yes, I'm thinking about doing it now. If I knew for SURE, without a doubt, that I couldn't eat bread with a sleeve I'd do it today. That is the only thing holding me back. Just like a band some can eat bread and some can't. Bread is what got me fat. Bread, burgers, etc. I might be able to eat those with a sleeve. Just like banding we don't know until we try since everyone is different. I'm really tired of it taking over an hour to eat 6oz of tuna. I'm tired of going to restaurants, doing ALL the right things, and getting stuck in front of people anyway. I am tired of eating salad one piece of lettuce at a time with my fingers so I can get just exactly the right pieces and the right amount of dressing so it will go down. I am tired of extreme food limitations (my case, not necessarily typical). I'm sick to death of barfing, sliming, and foaming. I think after a TT my port is going to poke out like a tumor. With a sleeve, you are right. It's like a forever pouch without the severe restriction of a stoma. If I had it all to do over again I'd certainly do a sleeve. I was so dead set on NOT having WLS permanent. I wanted something I could reverse if need be. Why in the heck would I ever want to be fat again? Now that I am banded, I DO want permanent. My doc really didn't have anything to do with my change of heart. A person I met was looking at a sleeve and I was trying to help with research and I am really impressed with what I have read. I haven't even talked to my doc about revision but I've talked to one of his staff. It's something I'm considering but again, the only reason I'm not jumping into it is because I *might* be able to eat bread and burgers again. That would be very bad in my case.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Do you just want to share???

    Fat people are overly sensitive to weight discussions. They are already embarrassed. Anyone who owns a computer or TV knows about the band at this point. Or at least WLS. Some people are just not ready to hear about it. I got a dose of reality recently. My best friend was banded. She simply isn't ready to give up food quantities yet and she is actually gaining with a band. When people are ready they start seeking out information. Pushing them early is not the answer. I think back to when I was talking to my friend about banding. I questioned if I pushed. I don't *think* I did, but if I didn't, why did she get a band if she isn't ready? I don't know. Fat people are already humiliated just walking in a room. Someone pointing out the obvious makes it worse, from my experience. They are so humiliated they don't hear what comes after. All they feel is that someone pointed out the fact that they are fat and it is out of control. I sincerely think food is an addiction like any other and the person has to want it bad enough to go for it when they are ready. Bringing it up before then just seems to make things worse.
  8. I didn't know there were any surgeons NOT suturing the band. My doc sutures the band as required and has had 2-3 erosions out of 2000.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Was Your Doc More In Favor Of Gastric Bypass?

    My doc is pro sleeve. With time I am finally understanding why.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Not sure, I was kinda picturing a penis shaped Maxi-Pad.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Do you just want to share???

    Sure, if the goal is to insult and demean. Pointing out the obvious, that they are fat... will make them run for the cakes and burgers. That's all they will hear and see, is that someone noticed they are so fat they need help. They won't hear the rest.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Big Ol' Hairy Religion vs. Athiest Debate

    You might be surprised at how many atheists believe in an afterlife, ghosts, UFOs, etc. I agree with you on point #3. The day I finally acknowledged and admitted I am an atheist a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders, no m ore struggles to believe in something I don't believe in, and the world was a much richer and brighter place. I suddenly wanted to know absolutely everything. Things I had chalked up to a God previously, I suddenly wanted to understand details of how it all worked. I wish I could have come to this point many years ago. Life is absolutely fantastic today. Many theists believe their lives are different from ours because of religion. It just isn't. Just as they think we don't understand, we realize they don't understand. We feel the same things for different reasons. During the time that I actually DID believe in a god (vs. struggling to believe) I thought the same thing as theists. Today I know better, I've experienced both side of the coin. Life is GRAND as an atheist!
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Fat really DOES float!

    You know how boobs end up after weight loss? Like tube socks with golf balls at the ends? Only the golf balls floated up, either an air bra or plastic surgery. Gahhh...
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Do you just want to share???

    There are times I want to SOOO bad but I never have. It wouldn't have worked on me when I was fat. There is a TON of information on WLS available today and quite easy to get. When someone is ready, they will start educating themselves. I have to keep reminding myself of that each time I see a seriously MO person. If they would only try it.... you know?
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    What kind of eating disorder do you have?

    Yep, that's the kind I have too~
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Big Ol' Hairy Religion vs. Athiest Debate

    Theist=With a god Atheist=Without a god All atheism means is a lack of belief in a god/gods. Some atheists believe in reincarnation, some believe in an afterlife, there really are no rules for atheism. Just a lack of belief in a god. Then there are different levels of atheism such as me, just a plain old atheist. I lack belief in a god(s). Then there is hard atheism where they believe they can prove there is no god. Then there is a soft atheist and I forget what that means. I figure it doesn't matter, either you believe in a supreme being or you don't. I do believe in an afterlife (much like a Buddhist) but just without a god running the show. Life on earth is one where a minister is dictating morality, employers are dictating conduct during business hours, society and laws are dictating behaviors during other hours. Hopefully by the time we die we have learned better behaviors and don't need someone telling us what to believe and how to behave. Then there are deists, pantheists, and all sorts of other ways of thinking. Me, I don't care. I don't care what is or is not out there. My religion is to be the best person I can be and always strive to do better. I don't give a hairy rat's behind about the rest. I do not believe there is a god out there that was able to create the earth, the stars... the whole darn universe and he cares about worship or the smell of burning goat flesh. That seems very self centered and childish to me. Hell... what a silly concept. I don't need a devil tempting me to do wrong. I can figure that out all by myself and tempt myself. I take responsibility for the bad that I do in life as well as credit for the good.
  17. WASaBubbleButt


    Ohhh, no offense taken. I have a much different attitude than most. When R was in private practice for awhile when the girls would get overwhelmed and I would go in to help I made very sure not to step on toes. I did what they told me to do and nothing more, nothing less. They felt comfortable calling me when they were slammed with work so I must have done as I intended! HA! Doctor's wives are just horrible, I can't stand them. I've told them that a time or two as well. I rarely socialize with them unless I have to. I hate being around them.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    Children in public schools are free to pray as much as they wish. The schools are simply not permitted to lead the prayer. The kids can form church groups, pray on campus, etc. The school staff merely can't get involved and it can't be forced on any kid. I think that is more than reasonable and that is why I don't understand those with their knickers in a twist because of supposedly having no prayer in school. It can't be crammed down the throat of an unwilling child. What's the big deal with some people?
  19. WASaBubbleButt


    The drama and politics in medicine is horrifying and severe. Doctor's wives, they are a pain in the butt. I don't count myself in that group. I'm not typical of what you refer to. But I love to make fun of those who are.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Skany Evil Repulsive Patient Coordinators

    It isn't like she does not know there is an issue going on there. It's her choice to get treatment or not. Some behaviors are out of the control of the person, I don't see that in this case. She knows full well what she is doing and prefers to continue on with those behaviors. You just can't blame treating people badly, throwing insults left and right, trashing people non stop, and total dishonesty on a behavior that is not within her control.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Rediculous School Rules

    If any teacher attempted to paddle my child I'd be in the school paddling the teacher. Not saying I disagree with spankings, but that would be MY job as a parent, not the teacher's job.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    I didn't realize you have a lack of faith. Don't you think it's unusual the sheer number of people in medicine that are atheist? At Mayo Clinic (Scottsdale, not sure about the other locations) you can't swing a dead cat without hitting an atheist. Not sure if it is the focus on science or what. I never told my "very Catholic" Dad I'm an atheist but my sister did. After he died the skank he was married to told me that he was really fretting over my going to hell. I don't think he would have ever tried to stop me from seeing such a movie as a kid, instead I think he would have taken the opportunity to discuss it and see how I felt about it. He would have tried to sway me to xtianity but he wouldn't have disowned me like many I have come across. I think that is one issue people have, their children going to hell. But many have never thought through their own religion. Heck, they don't even know the rules, the facts, the history of of their own religion. How many Christians do we all know that have actually read the bible cover to cover? They love their God so much but not quite enough to read ONE book. I think much of faith in a mean God is Pascal's Wager, much more is just ignorance of their own religion. Also, many believe that if we lack belief in a God that means we worship a devil. More ignorance of religion and atheism. Wheetsin, you don't know I don't get? It's pretty easy to demonstrate that Christianity is not an original myth, it's copied from myths prior. I can see wanting to believe in a God, but why Christianity? Why not go to the original source of the myths? The stuff Christianity was copied from? Why not at least try to get the REAL religion? Well, assuming any are real. That's always the one issue I don't get.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Fat really DOES float!

    It's SNOWING here! YUCK! I hate this place. I think it's time for another Jacuzzi episode. But... no wine this time.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Port site infection

    MRSA is nothing to laugh about, it can potentially be quite dangerous. I'd do a LBT and Google search of MRSA and learn everything you can about it. May I ask if he is newly banded? Did he get the infection from a fill? WTH happened?
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Damn it!

    Oh HELL yes!! Sex in a milk shaped carton. YUMMMMMMMM Jack in the crack has a milkshake where they just ruin Whoppers. They are stale, dry, and blechy. But straight from the carton? OMZ~~ Laura.... That's what I love about a band! My obsession/addiction is totally doable and under control. No more 4 cartons of Whoppers, just a few pieces. Gotta love WLS!

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