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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Yeah, post that here and see what happens: Forum Login The above link will only work if you have an OH account. It's their R&R forum and you have to be an OH member to access the R&R forum due to "adult content". I'm midwesterngirl over there. ;o)
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    According to them, no. They claim DS is a cure for obesity and they would rather eat like a heifer and smell bad than to deny themselves food. Amazing, eh? They were laughing at me and making a huge issue out of the fact that I eat healthy foods, cut out white carbs, bump up veggies, etc. They were telling me if I would have had DS I could eat anything I wanted. They could not comprehend that I *want* a better diet, a lifestyle change. Their thinking is that there is no reason for a healthy diet when you can get DS and eat what you want. They have actually written to me in posts that they can eat anything they want and their body turns bad food into healthy food. These folks are wayyyy out there.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Some of the worst offenders (speaking personality here, not aroma) are revision patients. They had a band and lost it for whatever reason and they revised to DS. They egg on the others. I think most of them are people that honestly couldn't give up their food. With DS you can eat anything and lose weight for awhile. If you aren't losing weight docs will actually tell them to increase big macs in their diet. It's for the fat content. They HAVE to eat fried foods at least twice weekly for some nutrient. They boast of having to eat fried chicken, steak, etc. but what they don't tell you is the aroma they create when they do. The refer to DS as a "cure" for obesity but after their honeymoon stage (like RNY) they start gaining again so they have to limit carbs, ALL carbs including veggie carbs. They have to take massive doses of supplements daily. But the worst part is these poor people that didn't do their research and they had no idea they would stink for the rest of their days. It causes marriage problems, employment problems, the works. Then they are out there desperately trying to find a cure for the stench. It's sad, but you know what? It's stupid to have elective surgery of any kind without having a clue what you are getting yourself into. Emergency surgery is one thing, elective surgery is quite another. There is no excuse not to do the legwork and research. If you don't know you'll stink with DS until after you have surgery and the odor hits, you get what you get.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    I am laughing so hard... and I feel so childish and I just can't help it! Each time I even think about that thread I bust out laughing! It wouldn't be funny if they were not so vile, revolting, rude, and beyond horrible about banded folks. They seriously go to extremes to insult ALL banded people. Then the truth comes out... HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm still laughing!
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    This one is my favorite: I just can't imagine coming to you guys, my peers, and complaining about my toilet odor. How embarrassing.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    All you people do is complain...

    My my my.... aren't you peppy and happy! You have a spiffy day too, k?
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Painful Stretchmarks

    Hurt as in actual pain or more along the lines of you feel something and are aware of it?
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Satisfied, while DH isn't.

    I have mixed feelings about this. It isn't up to your husband to dictate how much you weigh. But on the other hand are you in a healthy weight range or are you still at risk for weight related issues? It's soooo easy to stop early, we all get tired of the weight loss mode and can't wait for the maintenance mode. If it is just because you are tired of the weight loss mode... maybe a few more pounds wouldn't hurt. If your BMI is 24.9 or less, tell him to buggar off. If you are still in the overweight range... would a few more pounds really be that bad? I'm referring to health issues only here.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Adult ADHD and Banding?

    I have ADHD and I don't take the meds. I'm on Dexedrine and I absolutely hate it so I don't take it. Maybe rarely, but not more than once a month. I had no problem unmedicated with weight loss. Good luck!
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Diabetic trying to get lap band

    You have a 100% chance of dealing with complications of obesity (you already are) or you have less than 1% chance of serious complications with banding. Banding will go a long way to fix your problem, the choice is yours. I think sometimes we all need to put it in its proper perspective. Good luck to you!
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    I'm new

    Yes, it's very normal. When you are on the post op diet your calories are cut drastically and you will typically lose weight. The trick is keeping it off before a fill. ;o) When you first go on a restricted diet and especially if you have cut carbs down your body starts burning glycogen, a kind of carbohydrate in your liver and muscles. It takes 4gms of Water to burn 1gm of glycogen. So in the very beginning about 80% of weight loss is fluids. That is why it is so important to get your fluids in. The other 20% is glycogen. After that comes fat. So you are doing great! Weight loss isn't promised on the post op diet mostly due to the weight regain during bandster hell. But any weight loss you do have is a bonus! I think I lost 23 pounds the first three weeks. I was able to keep it off but I stayed on liquids longer than most for other reasons. I guess I was lucky??? ;o) Congrats on your band!
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Sore & Irritated Esophagus help me

    You might want to call your doc and see if he wants to do a barium swallow. Those are not great symptoms to have. Are you having esophageal spasms? Kinda feels like a charlie horse in your chest?
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    peanut butter

    Check out the calories on that stuff, amazingly high in calories. Have you tried PB2? GREAT stuff, much fewer calories, all the Protein and Fiber, and no fat. ;o) It really tastes good, it's real peanuts with the oil removed. I don't have a link on this computer but someone should come along with a link.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Hiatal Hernia (?)

    Hernias are common with obese folks since obesity is a big cause of hiatal hernias. US docs usually do charge for that single suture to fix them. You might get some money back if your insurance does not require prior auth for the procedure.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    lost 4lbs gained 4lbs

    Sounds like you don't have any restriction yet. Can you go to someone else for fills that does it right?
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Any relief from surgery? please let me know!!!

    What did your barium swallow show? A slip is not typically diagnosed with surgery, that's pretty invasive. I'm assuming they did a barium swallow?
  17. It could be a variety of issues. A slip comes to mind since you admit you have been too tight. Or a dilated pouch, possibly erosion. You need to see your doc and get a barium swallow ASAP.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Dr Daniel Huacuz He Is Inamed Certified

    LOL!!!! OMG! I'm LOL in real time over this one! Priceless!
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Paying $325.00 per fill, too much?

    Totally agree. Some doctors are greedy individuals and dirtbags just like a few others in society are the same. There is always a cheaper alternative, sometimes you just have to hunt and dig for it.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Shortness of breath

    I responded in your other thread. A band around your stomach in no way affects your ability to breathe. I would suggest calling your MD office or 911.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Can you lose too much?

    There is good and bad with ANY WLS, no way around it. DS folks are kinda stinky, RNY have to take supplements for the rest of their lives, banded folks have our issues too. So you have to see which of the procedures have risks and complications you are willing to deal with. Losing too much is not typically a factor with banding as banding requires the most effort to lose weight to begin with. Yep, you are correct, a slight unfill if needed for maintenance.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Shortness of breath

    A band around your stomach has nothing to do with your ability to breathe. I would suggest either calling your doc or 911.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    I can't freak'en communicate! AAAHHH

    Hey yeah! It is him and not me! That's really rad!
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Dr Daniel Huacuz He Is Inamed Certified

    And we wonder why Huacuz patients seem to have so many more problems than others! Maybe this is one of the reasons. ;o) (One of the many reasons!)
  25. Belite is an overpaid, underworked patient coordinator. It's a business, they promote certain doctors, schedule surgery, and collect a HUGE fee for doing so. The more money they make from each doctor the more they push that doctor. Some of their docs are the best of the best, some aren't. So you really can't take anything ANY patient coordinator says as fact, they are selling you a surgeon and if they talk you into that surgeon the coordinator earns a fee. They sure aren't going to sell you someone where they won't earn a buck. That's why research is critical and you have to find the doctor that is right for you. Belite is sort of a necessary evil that is quickly becoming a monopoly. Advertising is exceedingly expensive, a doctor has a hard time doing it on his own. Belite is sort of like an insurance company in some ways, they help the doctors share expenses. Some docs only use them for advertising, some docs use them to follow up patients as well. Some docs only want their own staff doing follow up care and they don't want Belite involved in that. So Belite can be used in many ways. The sad part is that it is quickly becoming an monopoly that that is not in the best interest of folks like us, folks in the bariatric system just trying to lose weight. Again, research is critical, don't go without it. Brenda6212: That's up for debate. When facilitators recruit lots of patients they earn lots of money. They get "X" dollars and the owner of belite gets the bulk of it. She isn't exactly poor, even considering her bankruptcy and various legal actions going on right now. I have no problem with coordinators, I just don't like them posing as newbie patients going to the doc that will earn them the most money. That's dishonest and if the docs are really good their rep should stand on it's own without the deception. Edit to add: Brenda... I'm curious about something. You say that belite does not make much money for all that they do. How do you know this?

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