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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Why Aren't You Losing Weight?

    Too many problems and issues. I want a sleeve. I have for a long time but my doc didn't want to do an unnecessary surgical procedure and from his point of view, I understand that and for a long time he was right. But I'm tired of esophageal spasms, taking PPIs, fills, unfills, stoma spasms, the works. It just seems like it is always something. So yep, I want a sleeve. Not sure he'll agree that problems are bad enough to do surgery but we'll see.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Ohhhhh, can I use that? Next time they tell me I'm a big bad meanie for calling them stinky and they start their stuff again, can I respond with, "What are you gonna do? Aim a fart my way??" Now I can't wait to use it! :tongue_smilie:
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    I am soooo glad I'm not the only one that can't stop reading that stuff. Heh... You know, one of the assumptions society appears to make is that we really prefer a donut over being thin. It dawned on me reading your post that DSers prefer a Quarter Pounder over "normal" smelling. I don't get it. I can't imagine, I can't fathom, I can't think of a single reason I would prefer DS over ANY other WLS type. I just can't wrap my brain around it, it boggles the mind. Then to watch them attack anyone that doesn't have DS... are they just nutty?
  4. WASaBubbleButt


    Stacey didn't say she was vegan, she said she is vegetarian. They are not one in the same. I used to be vegetarian but never could go all the way to veganism. I like cheese too much, it's a weakness.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Why Aren't You Losing Weight?

    Actually, Saturday I plan on talking to my doc about revision to a sleeve. So far he's saying no. But I am saying yes. Not sure who will win this one. ;o)
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    People at goal

    I lost 103# in 10 months (my goal), 112 at 1 year, and 117 in 15 months. I'm happy with 112#.
  7. I don't regret getting WLS, I don't "regret" getting a band. But if I had it all to do over again I would not get a band, I'd get a sleeve.
  8. You know how there are loud barfs and quiet barfs? Yeah. One time I was at an Italian restaurant in Mexico. I ate something that didn't work and had to run to the bathroom to barf. This was a verrrry old building and there were no doors on the bathrooms, just a long winding entryway. You couldn't SEE anything but you sure could hear it. I was trying to barf quietly but that day, quiet was not to be had. Finally came out of the bathroom and people were just staring at me. How embarrassing. But that doesn't compare to a story I was reading on OH. Girl goes to restaurant with hubby, girl gets stuck. Girl runs for the bathroom but doens't make it and barfs right on the floor in the middle of the restaurant. If that wasn't bad enough she barfed so hard she farted at the same time. The fart wasn't quiet either. ;o)
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Yep, dead serious. I was trying to be polite in the beginning when they started attacking. I was saying that DS would not have been an option for me because when it comes to fast food, give me an inch and I'll take 10 miles. If I could go to Bugggar King twice weekly, I'd go two times daily. The band does not permit burgers so banding was a better option for me. I was told it was okay to go to Bugggar King twice daily as DS turns unhealthy foods into healthy foods. At that point I knew it was a lost cause. If they really believe that DS can absorb nutrition when there is none to be absorbed, how do you argue with that? I'm not sure gurgling is nearly as offensive as stinky. ;o) Did you read the "Just a drop" lady when she wrote about curling the wallpaper in the bathroom? HA!
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Neveragain... where are you?

    Haven't heard from in in awhile. You still out there in cyberland somewhere? ;o)
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Doctors' Personalities--what's best?

    The post op diet sets the tone for the life of the band. Assuming they are equally qualified, Dr. #1. My doctor is annoyingly conservative too, I believe that is why his stats are as good as they are. I hated him during the post op diet, two weeks clears, two weeks fulls, two weeks soft, then gradually reintroduce solids. But 15 months later I appreciate that he was annoying, painfully, and horribly conservative.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    I know, it is soooo ... not PC to laugh at their medical problems but I can't help it, I can't quit laughing. My favorite is still the "spring day" comment. That one was just priceless.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Oh HELL no! I finally found something that I'd rather be fat than to experience. I don't want whahoohoo farts and I don't want stinky. I'd rather be fat. Denise: Entertainment value! Who could resist??? ;o) Plain: I dunno, plain... That or someone just bought a SummersEve douche. However, I have to admit... I've never heard of douching a toilet before using. :thumbup:
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    I have this new theory I am working on. ;o) I figure it this way... for a long time I sincerely didn't know if a certain personality type was drawn to that procedure or if that procedure caused their personality "issues". I got to thinking, the newbies that don't even have the procedure are just as bad such as peach. So it's not a nutritional thing their wee brains are missing. This is where my theory comes in. Heh... I think that DSers are like us in their eating disorder or whatever it is that is wrong with us. But they are unwilling or unable to give up food and they are demanding, unable to tolerate being denied anything in life including food, they demand that the world conforms to their ways of doing things and when their body does not conform the way they insist, they change it so it does. Instead of adopting a healthy lifestyle they squeal in delight while they feed from the trough. The types and amounts of food they consume is no different from pre-surgery. They refuse to deny themselves a bloody thing and adopting a healthy lifestyle with healthy eating habits, and reasonable calories their body requires is something they are unable to do. I realize that banding takes the most effort of all WLS types and maybe since we are reaching our goals they are angry that they couldn't do the same. I also realize banding isn't for everyone, I think that many jump into it ONLY because it is reversible and not because it is the right surgery for their eating behaviors. But it is not what they make it out to be either. They think nothing of degrading and insulting us because we chose a band over stench, but mention how bad they smell and their tails uncurl in sheer anger and denial. They say they don't stink yet in the next post they are coming up with every product in the market to stop people around them from gagging. If companies make products just for stinky WLS patients, there must be a market so they must indeed stink. They use baby wipes, adults wipes, and washclothes for their butts, fabreeze, Lysol, and neutralizers for their clothing. They use special sprays for the air, special detergents for their laundry, candles, matches, antibiotics long term, OTC "stop stink" pills, and now my favorite, drops in their toilets. Tell me they don't stink... maybe they should back off from the trough and get a freak'en grip. They say their obesity is cured. It's not cured, they forced their body into a position of being able to tolerate huge quantities of bad food, they justify it by saying their body turns bad unhealthy food into good food, and all this so they don't have to deal with their issues. Only it does not appear that it's all that great for their body either. If a human being is omitting those kinds of aromas, perhaps they need to reconsider this "cure" they have. I'll take a band ANY day over stinky.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    OMG I can't believe I am reading this stuff again today! Here is another poop thread and how to overcome the intrusive and abusive odoriferous side effects of DS: The whole stink issue - Duodenal Switch Support Forum This is in the above thread: Thinking and pondering... Why did I get a band instead of DS???? This stuff has just gotta be true, nobody could make up this stuff.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    They just started a new forum, a R&R forum. I think they were copying Alex. But I swear, their rules must be, "Attack the person, not the topic." If you ever feel like behaving as an inappropriate child and get into name calling pissing matches, the OH R&R forum is your place! :ohmy: I used to wonder if it was the surgery type that attracted such bizarre personality types or if the procedure caused nutritional deficiencies and did it to them. But now the more I think about it I think a certain personality type is drawn to that procedure. I'm telling you, some of those people are truly weird. But it is entertaining. The leader of the pack is an atheist and she didn't understand why I blocked her, afterall... she's atheist! We should work together to slam dunk Christians. As I told the messenger, she's an embarrassment to atheism, nothing more. But she is one of the extra bizarre and more colorful types over there.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    RNY folks have the same issue but to a MUCH smaller degree. I don't understand why someone would choose that WLS type either. Makes no sense to me. I can't wrap my brain around an inability to give up bad foods in favor of stinky. I'm glad I'm not the only one that has been laughing and giggling over that thread. Each time I even think about it I start laughing especially in light of how they attempted to torment bandsters. They were even invading the band board slam dunking newbies thinking about surgery. OH deleted a bunch of stuff and moderated a few DSers. It was *really* bad. They believe they are recruiting people for their surgery type and this is a good thing? They claim this is a cure for obesity unlike our "laugh-bands". They slam dunk me for cutting out white carbs yet look what happens when THEY eat carbs? Yeah, I think I'll just give up the bad stuff over stinky. ;o)
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Erosion of the band?

    That is all theory and sales pitch at this point. There are no long term studies to back that up. But I realize J&J is making those claims. Each time a new band comes out in the US or elsewhere the company has to sell their bands so they do tend to make claims. J&J has also claimed that people are less hungry and lose weight faster but they haven't proven those claims either. I hope it turns out to be true, when people are banded for long periods of time (10-20 years) with this band then we'll know one way or another. I really think it is the surgeon that is responsible for most erosion but I can't defend that claim anymore than J&J can claim fewer erosions since nobody knows for sure what causes erosion to begin with. If they knew what caused it they might be able to do something more to prevent it. If two surgeons use the same band and one has a 0.001% erosion stat and the other has a 20% erosion stat, one of them is doing something wrong. Same thing with one having a 0.001% vs. another surgeon who has 4% erosion stat. In all honesty the guy with the 20% erosion stat had a whole different problem going on. But still, since nobody knows what causes it how can a company claim their band has fewer erosions? Surgeon stats are the issue for the most part, not the band.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Erosion of the band?

    It's when the band erodes into the stomach. It kind of grows into the stomach wall and bits of it end up on the inside vs. the outside of the stomach. Global stats are 1.3% yet some docs have as few as 0.001% erosion stats and others have as much as a 20% erosion stats. If a doc doesn't have at least 500-1000 bands he probably doesn't have any stat at all yet. That's why it is critical to go to a very experienced surgeon with established numbers. Someone with fewer bands hasn't had time for their patients to erode and realize they are doing something wrong. There are many theories on what causes it but no real proof yet. IOW, nobody knows for sure what causes it. I think it's usually the doc's fault, not always but usually. However, there are times that it is the patient's fault. Fills that are too tight for too long, doing your own fills and causing bacteria to travel up the tubing and to the band, etc.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    A banded friend of mine on OH wrote me this morning and said for an advertising slogan... "when toilet paper just isn't enough..." Yikes, I just can't imagine having this surgery so I could eat anything I wanted. I'd rather a healthy diet over "odor" issues. Can you imagine farting and the stink hanging onto your clothes? There is a whole line of products available! Baby wipe type products designed for this, tablets taken to kill body odor, antibiotics that people are on for life (Flagyl and Cipro), Fabreeze type products for the air, and now drops for the ter'lit. Freak'en amazing. I don't believe I'll be whining about banding for awhile. ;o)
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    No, I think she just has lots of severe emotional problems.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Dr Daniel Huacuz He Is Inamed Certified

    Consider yourself lucky. Sadly, many others aren't quite as fortunate.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    I'd love to take credit for that one but I can't. (fans) Dee (used to be TomorrowsDream, dody, a bunch of IDs from here) are mostly all those people. At least 68 of the 70. She just gives me credit for being the IDs. She comes up with an ID then comes up with another and claims her first ID is me. The number of IDs she has there is astonishing. And no, I'm not kidding. She has a new ID on a daily basis. Sometimes she poses as a DSer that hates banded people, sometimes she poses as a sleeve person that loves everyone... truth is, she is banded. She's a bit of a whacko. I just keep blocking the IDs.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Heh... I recognize that quote! You are reading over there, eh? ;o) Why oh why didn't I get DS!
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    losing weight means losing boobs?!

    My boobs went away. :sneaky:(

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