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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. Shocking, eh? ;o) The post op diet is what is going to make a difference. Don't cheat. But feel free to bend over, run, jump, and not walk stiff while drinking your liquids. Heh....
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Would It Kill Me....

    Nope, there is no test I am aware of. You discover it when you slip a few months down the road. :confused_smile:( Most scarring happens within the first three months, it's usually about done by six months. The critical phase is the first month. The adhesions are baby adhesions, per se and they are weak and fragile. If you are less than a month out and you haven't been following the post op diet I would suggest going to liquids and giving your stomach a bit of a break. Personally, I would start at the full liquid stage and just go from there.
  3. That is bizarre thinking. There are parts of the US where the water isn't so great, should everyone go to India instead? Your logic makes no sense at all. Actually, logic has nothing to do with your scenario.
  4. People who have a tt are having muscles tightened and pieces cut apart and sewn together again. That isn't the case with banding. There is no reason to walk around stiff, it isn't going to protect your band anyway. ;o)
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Has anyone found their grocery bill.....

    In two more weeks my band will have paid for itself just in fast food savings. I was truly a fast food junkie!
  6. You know, it's one thing when people do it because of a disorder, an eating disorder. But to boast about it tells me they weren't really ready to have surgery just yet. It's a great way to cause a slip or dilation. :tt2:(
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Lap Band Costs

    Alex... Mine was in Mexico, $7800, free fills for life. I don't know if you are interested in Mexico costs or not but there is a new trend in Mexico and the price is decreasing. Not sure why, I'm just glad it is. One surgeon who rarely does promotions and such just lowered his (one of the more expensive surgeons) from $8500 to $7250. Most doctors are lowering fees by $500 - $1000. The good surgeons used to be in the upper $7K range, now they are in the lower $7K range. The doctors with less than great reps are going down to $6500 and lower.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Working With Your Band

    I agree with everything except this. Thing is, your band doesn't stretch. It is made of silicone and it will last long after your bones have turned to dust. ;o)
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Post Surgery..Name 10 positive things

    HA! I'm certainly glad I'm not the only one that does weird little things to Lane Giant!
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Post-op diet????

    Your stomach is not flailing. ;o) You are hearing air, that's all. Stick to the diet. You are not starving to death, you are hungry. Big difference, hang in there. It is a small price to pay in the long run.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Any info on Dr. Eldo Frezza in Lubbock, TX ???

    I am very sorry for what you have been through. I wish I had words to make things better for you. ((HUGS))
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Post Surgery..Name 10 positive things

    I have this little neurotic routine I do now when I go shopping. I went to Dillards today and decided to walk around the mall a bit. I saw Lane Giant and went in there, looked around, and did my usual. Under my breath I told Lane Giant she could kiss my skinny back side, I wasn't ever shopping there again. ;o) I don't know why I have to do that but I can't pass that store without doing that.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Pre-Op fast

    We couldn't eat after 10PM the night before surgery.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    stretch marks

    Yep, what Jachut wrote. The red color goes away when the skin isn't stretched so much but as you lose weight... they wrinkle. Each stretch mark has wrinkles within the stretch mark. Ask Denise (Mod Denise?). She is in AZ now and yesterday she wanted to see my stomach! HAHAHA!! Bet she never asks that again!! BWAHAHA The look of horror on her face was priceless. She FINALLY understands why I want a tummytuck and why it bothers me so much. It will happen with time.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Post Surgery..Name 10 positive things

    1) I don't obsess over food anymore, 2) I have control over food issues where I did not previously, 3) Clothes shopping is back to being FUN, 4) I'm not the fat girl walking in a room anymore, 5) I know I can accomplish the hardest of life's lessons, 6) I am a more compassionate person to those with addiction issues, 7) I am healthier 8) Clothes I used to wish I could wear, I'm wearing, 9) People take me more seriously in real time, 10) Customer service is wayyyy better thin and more men open my doors and stare at my chest, 11) My butt doesn't knock things over when I cross a room anymore, 12) EVERYTHING is more comfortable, walking, leaning over, picking things up off the floor, sitting in an airplane, sitting in any chair, etc., 13) I look pretty damn good today. ;o)
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    Nahhh.... It took long enough to write. ;o) If you want to do that you are free to do so.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Realize band .. Want to share anything?

    Doesn't the doctor's comment to the OP sound a bit like a sales pitch? Come to ME, have your band on 6/2 and I'll give you a super duper special secret band that nooooobody else has.... It just doesn't sound very honest to me. OP, study all the bands out there. Know the differences and get the one that you want, not a band based on a sales pitch. Personally, I prefer Inamed. They hold 4cc and you typically need fewer fills to get to your sweet spot. The bigger the band, the more fills you will typically need to get to the restriction that is right for you.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Realize band .. Want to share anything?

    Here you go: Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum - Search Results
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Realize band .. Want to share anything?

    No band takes 60 minutes to place. That is all on the surgeon, not the band. I have a lap band and it was place WITH a haital hernia repair in less than 40 minutes. The hernia repair takes 10-15 minutes or so. Any surgeon that takes 60 minutes to place a band needs to evaluate his own skills vs. the band.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    It may not seem like it today but there will be a day when you realize that 13# is nothing. You can do that in a short time. Just cut out all white carbs and it will be gone in no time. You can do this! I take it you need to lose 13# to comply with insurance or MD requirements for band surgery? The first 13# are the easiest if you get rid of ALL white carbs. You can have that off in no time! If you think about it, 13# is the beginning of the rest of your life. I'd say that's worth it. Look, 1.5 years ago I was wearing a 22/24. I *just* got back from Dillards buying my..... (drum roll) Size SIX jeans! SIX! In my wildest dreams I never thought that would be the case. I used to wear a 2X in scrubs. Today my XS scrubs are getting a little baggy. I haven't even had a tummytuck yet. Plastic surgeon guy said that after my tt I'll go down another 1-2 sizes (I think one size). All you have to do to get the band is lose 13#, is it worth giving up a donut or sandwich? That's the question you have to ask yourself. If it is worth it to you, get it done. If not, eat the carbs and give up the band concept. But I think you'll find it is verrrry worth it! Easier than you might think in the long haul. Not at first, but in the long haul it's not as hard as you might think.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    For you it is sugar, for me it is ANYTHING with flour in it. One teaspoon of gravy will get me going. It's all or none for me and I have had to make choices. I can't have those things and today I'm okay with that. I wasn't at first but I am now.
  22. That must be old information. He moved his practice to Juarez recently. According to Belite he is their lead surgeon. They sell more surgeries for him than any other surgeon.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Realize band .. Want to share anything?

    Why would he only band a select few? It's a popular band.
  24. Okay, I have one that has been annoying me for a long time! Ever read threads where the title says: Help!!! Having potty problems! HELP!!!!!! OMG I CAN'T GO POO POO My tummy hurts really bad! These threads make me crazy. Since when does banding cause otherwise normal adults to revert back to 6 year old English skills? What rational adult calls their banded stomach a tummy and what sane person over the age of 12 calls their bathroom issues poo poo or potty help? I don't even respond to those threads. As far as I am concerned if a child is posting they need to ask their parents for their bathroom help. That's my rant for the day.
  25. I know there are good surgeons in the US but honestly, I don't know who they are. I have no idea who has good track records, solid experience, etc. I wouldn't go to anyone who has done less than 150 sleeves and 150 bypass procedures (staple line experience, bypass staple line is more difficult and if they can do that, they can do a sleeve staple line.) Keep in mind, revisions cost more than initial sleeves on a virgin stomach. Sorry, wish I could help more!

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