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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Misty

  1. Misty


    I can't answer your fill doctor question, but I'm also considering a back-up plan. In my research process I've learned that flights via secondary airline are pretty cheap and may end up costing less than a local fill doctor (depending on the fees locally). I'm still looking into local and have found that other docs usually charge quite a bit more for fills, but it doesn't hurt to check out all your options.
  2. Misty


    Hi Melissa, I have a surgeon in mind. My husband was laid off and is starting a new job. Once I know what our new insurance plan is I'll go from there. I'd prefer to use Park Nicollet because it's closer and the wait isn't as long. But if insurance doesn't pan out I'll go to Mexico. It's good to hear BC/BS covers things now. They weren't covering it last year. Now I'm hopeful that whatever plan we're one covers it now too.
  3. That sounds rough. I hope things become easier for you soon.
  4. Thanks. I finally called local and it's about 22-25K, so unless our new insurance covers things I'll be flying out to Mexico. I found a secondary airline that's not too expensive. They had a major cut in flights after 9/11 but I guess Mexico is back on their list. And I thought the decision for WLS was tough.
  5. Misty

    being banded tomorrow!

    Good luck. Praying for a smooth recovery and easy transition for you.
  6. Exactly. Flying from Minnesota to anywhere isn't cheap (especially in the winter), so that's why I was asking about U.S. prices.
  7. Misty


    I've decided the lap band is the option for me, however I was wondering about supplimentation. How many suppliments do you take daily? Thanks, Misty
  8. Misty


    Wow that's moving quickly. How great! Good luck to you.
  9. For those who are emotional eaters, does the lap-band help? I eat healthy meals, and do exercise (although irregularly), but my biggest problem is I'm an emotional eater. I also have overweight parents who both struggle with weight, but want to know. Is the lap-band helpful to someone like me?
  10. I'm really thinking of keeping things private. Of course my husband would know, but I don't want anyone else to know. I don't even want to tell my kids. Well my youngest would be too young anyway, but my oldest would tell the world. I don't know if I could really pull that off (because I'm really an open book). But did anyone keep things private? If so, how? For those who decided to tell. How did you go about stating things? I just don't want to deal with people just telling me to stop eating, or try such and such a diet.
  11. Thanks. Good to know. My husband is very leary of Mexico, and I'd rather be able to get fills locally myself.
  12. Misty

    Emotional Eating

    Thank you all. I read your pointers donali. And I do think the band would help me. Now I just need to figure out how to get it.
  13. Here's what I noticed. You are eating too much sugar. Fruits and carbs are sugar. juice is really something to avoid because it's pure sugar to your body. If you're still healing than ignore me, but if you're not then you need to find more Protein and complex carbs to eat. *Most of what I'm telling you I learned as gestation diabetic with my 2nd pregnancy. BBQ sauce has sugar added, so in addition to the other sugar foods you ate with dinner you are on sugar overload.
  14. Hi Everyone! :wave: Misty is a name I've made up. I've been around the boards before, but feel the need to remain annonomous for now. I've been reading and researching various procedures for 2 years roughly. It's been a difficult decision for me to make, but I'm please to have finally made it. I'm 29, married, mother of 2 children. I'm 254 lbs. on a 5'4" frame. I have finally come to the decision that the lapband is the best option for me. I need to lose weight for health reasons but just can't bring myself to the methods of weight loss/maintaince I've used in the past (excessive exercise and starvation). The problem is... My husband is unemployed and we are currently uninsured. So until he becomes employed I'm stuck in limbo knowing what I finally want but unable to pursue it. Any suggestions? I'm really hoping I'm one of those that get things to happen fast once I'm actually able to start. A girl can dream can't she?
  15. Misty


    Jimmy, I took it lightheartedly. But don't think I haven't thought about it. LOL
  16. Misty

    excited, nervous and scared.....

    Sounds like he's worried about you, and finding it hard to be supportive. Which of course you need right now. I haven't ever had surgery either, which why this has been hard for me to decide to do. I know I would not appreciate negative thoughts being shared right beforehand. Release those thoughts. See yourself recovering, see yourself losing weight. Focus instead on the positive. It's good to be aware of the worst, but now it's time to focus your attention on the positive side of things. Good luck. I'm sure things will go just fine.
  17. Misty


    Does anyone else have this fear of being thin, yet you really want to be normal again? I know why I have the fear. It's because I fear getting too much male attention, yet I hate being fat because I'm unable to be as adventurous as I'd like to be. Any ideas how to get over this fear thing? I should add. I'm 29, married, and have two children. I just see how women are treated as sex objects and I don't want to be seen as one in my day to day activities. Maybe my thoughts are distorted, but it's an issue I have.
  18. Misty


    I do watch Dr. Phil. and have seen a few with similar issues, but I guess I've missed the advice part. I know one girl was date raped and she worried it would happen again. I can't remember what he said to her. Anyone know?
  19. Misty

    Losing For Good

    Wow that's great! Congratulations!
  20. Misty

    Weighing In - Funny Story

    What a total relief that had to be. I've heard of water retention but that's scary!
  21. Misty

    I think I'm eating too much...

    I think you're living my perfect life. Eat AND lose weight! Enjoy it!
  22. Quarkergirl. That is my thinking exactly. Once I reach a point I'd likely spill the Beans, but beforehand I'd rather not. Of course minds change but my thoughts are similar to yours. Thank you everyone for your responses.
  23. Misty


    If obesity surgery is covered call and specifically ask about the lap-band. Some lists exclude it, claiming experimental. Find out and proceed from there.

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