NJsharon- do you have any other email addresses? I just sent an email and it said it couldn't be delivered.
cabral76- I am very sorry about your situation. But I can reassure you that you will be fine. I am Mexican American and I have had surgery there and some of the hospitals there are way better than the ones here! And also, my mother was morbidly obese at one point in her life and had gastric bypass. If it weren't for that surgery, she would have passed a long time ago. She suffers from arthritis, degenerative disc disease from her back, and diabetes. The diabetes is under control, and she is now able to even run after having it! ( Before, she couldn't stand long enough to wash the dishes) Every pound you lose is kind of like more time you add onto your life! And you are not selfish....you are thinking of your children! Just remember that even though you do not have support there, we all are going through the same thing so you have us! Buena Suerte or Good luck on your surgery!