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Downtown Pony

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Downtown Pony

  1. Downtown Pony


    Awesome! You"ll probably lose 10-15 pounds in five days. hunger is just inyour mind. Pretty soon you will treat eating like getting gasoline. You can still love food but in a different way. I am thirty five days post Op and I have lost 55 pounds. You can do it!!! You have all the support and thats half the battle!
  2. Downtown Pony

    One Month Out

    Its official I'm one month out. I stepped on the scale. I am under 300 pounds for the first time in 8 years!!! i was 299. I lost 51 pounds in one month. Of course I live in the gym. Feels good! I have been having a hard time keeping down solids. I still have to revert to my liquid diet a lot. Much love to all my fellow sleevers. Also the Place where I got my sleeve done has asked me to be in some commercials for them. They have just recently started doing the sleeve a year ago they had in the past really pushed the lap band. So I don't know I haven't told but a couple of people about the my sleeve so I don't know. Anyways I can't believe I am under 300 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F@%# Yeah
  3. Downtown Pony

    One Month Out

    Thanks Y'all.
  4. Downtown Pony

    24 Hours Away From My Rebirth

    You go girl. We Fam fo show!
  5. Downtown Pony

    Wow Feeling Create

    Well today when i woke up I went to take a shower and when I looked in the mirror I thought damn you need to weigh yourself. I had went to the doctor for my three week check up last Thursday, so i went to step on the scale and I had lost 8 pounds in the last three days. I am now 25 days out of surgery and have lost 53 pounds. i have been taking my protein and vitamins and eating everything on the post opp diet. I had told my self I wasn't going to weigh myself because i know the stalls can be a real b***h. It was only the third time I have weighed my self since surgery. I feel really good because my heaviest during the approval process was 370 and to step on the scale and be 303 really made my day. I have been going to the gym 3 times a week for the last 12 days and swimming laps on my off days from the gym. my body isn't perfect but I feel comfortable with my shirt off. I have always struggled with my weight but been really tall and a ex athlete. I think that this surgery has giving me my life back. I had 23 years of a pretty much useless existence, until I had kids I pretty much sucked. I am going to make sure that the next 40 years will be different. When I got married I was 450 pounds, I lost 130 thru exercise and eating right but then fluctuated from 325 to 380 for two years. Never again!!! My beautiful wife This is a pic of me 10 pound heavier then I am now
  6. Downtown Pony

    Before and three weeks

    Day of surgery and three weeks post op.
  7. Downtown Pony

    I Was Pissed And Ate Bread

    That is Badass! Your down 65, Don't beat yourself up.
  8. Downtown Pony

    Two Week Check In

    I am officially two weeks post pop and I had told myself that I wasn't going to weigh myself. Today I went to my first session with my new Personal trainer. We had to do the whole start up thing. He asked me what do you weigh about 270? I said no way. I stepped on the scale and was 317. Thirty three pounds since surgery. I was happy. We did the first workout and I told him I had lied because I didn't tell him about my surgery at first. He then threw out the nutrition plan and was said we"re gonna build muscle. Three times a week I will be under Stevens guidance. He is gonna hurt me. I will post some I month pics In two weeks. Thanks
  9. Well, I was always a fat kid growing up. It helped because I was always super tall. When I was seventeen and in high school I weighed 400 pounds. I saw a girl in a red tank top wearing corduroys, playing hacky sack and smoking a Red. I said to my friend, you see that girl? I am gonna marry her one day. I went home, got a hair cut and bought some new clothes. I purposely got kicked out of my high school homeroom so I had to be moved. By luck I was placed in her class. I sat next to her and said "hey, do you wanna play tick tac toe?" the rest is history. Over the next six months I had lost 145 pounds and finally convinced her to go out with me. ( making a best fiend in the process). Over the next six years we dated. In 2007 we decided to get married. I WAS 450 POUNDS!!! Thats right she married me when I was 450. Bare in mind she was the best looking girl in my high school. I felt horrible. I was working as a head chef in a private club in dallas. Bam! She was Pregnant!!! So I quit my job and started working for a linen company on a truck in 100 degree weather. Everyone thought I would die on the truck. Over the next 4 years I lost 142 pounds fluctuating by 40 pounds or so depending on the time of year. This year my Yia Yia got cancer and died. Hit my family hard. I started gaining a lot of weight. i went to lunch with a coworker who had had a lap band. He said you know the company will pay for a lap band. I decided to look into it. I decided to go with the sleeve. So i had a four month approval process and no fear. I ate everything and I had a blast. I even went to 3 Diners, Drive In's and Dives restaurant in 2 days. I did the pre op diet but not too very strictly. I still lost 20 pounds. I went into surgery I had no fear, no nervousness. I went back to work after three Days off. I hated the gas pains and I had to start taking ambien. I lost 27 pounds the first 5 days. 6th and 7th day I didn't lose anything. I decide to stop weighing my self. it is about to my two weeks since surgery. I joined a gym and am having my first session with a personal trainer tomorrow at 9am. I am really thankful for this website. It really makes me excited for the future. I find myself cheering all you guys on as I read your posts. I just felt like I needed to tell a cliff notes version of my story. I want to succeed in my journey anybody I can on the way. I notice there aren't many guys on this site. I think its because women are more courageous about talking openly. Enough Macho bullshit. i am proud of all of y'all. It is not a easy decision to have a stranger cut you up. Thanks
  10. That was my Grandmother. My wife proofread that post. Thanks for the feed back.
  11. Its better for guys two. I noticed a difference after 5 days posy pop. I had lost 27 pounds and actually 47 cause I lost twenty with the pre op diet. My wife defiantly noticed a difference. Its about Increased stamina and letting your partner relax more because lets be honest she did most of the work before. You can call me Rocky Balboa. Thanks for your post, I hope I wasn't Inappropriate
  12. Downtown Pony

    Killing Herself

    You already have a great attitude. You are gonna do great. Don't worry about your friend. Congrats
  13. I burp everytime I drink water. I am still a little nervous to start solids. Would it be ok for me to stick to the liquid diet longer? I am never hungry so am I supposed to force feed myself? I Have been drinking Protein and chicken broth and have been completely satisfied. Should I hold out? I don't know. What did you eat for your first meal and how much. Just wondering. Thanks for the support. Its good to now I wasn't the online who couldn't sleep.
  14. Yeah How do you feel? I am about to start eating solids tomorrow. I am kind of nervous. I am never hungry. I don't want to stretch my stomach out. You doing ok Mentally. The first three days post op I was fine, then the next three I couldn't sleep. I have been on Ambien for 7 or 8 days. Thanks
  15. I am almost two weeks out. I was (450) four years ago. Thru eating right and exercising I got down to 308. I was tired of always being under a strenuous diet and workout plan. So i ate what I wanted for four months and then had a gastric sleeve(370). I am really loving it. My stomach was like almost twenty inches when they removed it. It was one of the biggest stomachs they had ever removed. I only took 3 days off work and was off all the medication in two days. No problems so far. I am going get back in the gym tomorrow. I hope I will not injury anything. I also stopped weighing my self a week ago. I know there will be stalls and I just want to live dammit. The last time I weighed myself I was( 323). I am going to a lake house in one month. I will look and feel awesome. I am hoping to be down to at least 295. I don't look horrible under 300. I really appreciate this website. It has helped me by reading all of your stories. I hope I can help answer some questions for somebody.
  16. Downtown Pony

    68 days out

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
