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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Wolfgirl78

  1. I've been reading about this app on the myfitnesspal forums.

    I cannot wait to try it out and show my 9 year old. I played Pokemon up into my early 20's , and now my son does. He loves playing my old games. I'm hoping it'll help him want to be outside more. Although I have to admit, it's hard for me to even want to be outside during the summer in southwest Louisiana. Lol

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

  2. I didn't find any unexpected supporters afterwards. Lol

    I told just about everyone in my life I was having surgery with a few exceptions, people I knew would be negative.

    I've lost a couple friends along the way though. My best friend, since we were 12, quit speaking to me around the 2 year post op mark. She told other people we have in common that she didn't like the person I've become since losing weight. But, apparently there had been some underlying issues with our friendship for years that I was unaware of. She also told mutual friends of ours that she was tired of competing with me, I had a better house, better hair, better car, better body etc and she was tired of it all. I had no idea we had been "in competition " with each other our whole friendship. I know me losing weight changed the dynamics of our friendship, we had both been morbidly obsess, and suddenly she was still and I was not. I've tried reaching out to her to mend things but she has been abundantly clear she wants nothing to do with me. I've stopped reaching out to her, as she was vicious every time. I did not even try again when her father died last September. Logically I know I'm better off without her if she felt that way about me and our friendship, but it still hurts, and I have had trouble letting go. However I have no control of the situation.

    My other friend was a supervisor where I worked. A couple weeks when I went back to work after my surgery, you know the time when you're all hormonal and borderline crazy, I called her out on some favoritism she showed another employee. She had been doing that for years, and while it bothered me I never said anything just complained to my other co-workers. Well she didn't like it at all. My supervisor spoke to me about it, and he said while he agreed with me and my stance that there was nothing he could do about it as she was the senior supervisor there and in favor with the guy who runs the place, is all our bosses, and he generally sided with her. I did apologize to her, tried to explain about my hormones being out of whack, and told her I should've never spoke to her like that. She accepted my apology, but things were never the same between us, and I know she did do things to take digs at me and screw me work wise. She retired about a year ago, and has moved out of the area. I do regret not being able to bite my tongue in that situation.

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

  3. I cannot eat anything fried anymore. It doesn't agree with me at all. Sometimes I forget that I was on vacation in Wisconsin a couple weeks ago. My boyfriend and I went to eat at this restaurant called the safehouse ( I totally recommend it if you're ever in Milwaukee !) He ordered fried cheese curds as an appetizer. I had three pieces and got sick to my stomach, per my usual fried food reaction.

    As fas as wings I can only eat three wings. Also, like lipstick lady, breaded ones will come back up.

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

  4. @@LapGyrl

    I'm 4 years post op. Sleeve

    I've never heard of an overstitch. Can you tell me more about it? I'm curious.

    I also had some regain issues. In the last two month I buckled down and am only 6lbs away from my lowest weight now.

    Once I started making sure to eat Protein dense meals again I found that my restriction is still great, considering I'm four years out. I can still only eat 3-4oz of Protein at a time. I had also got out of the habit of logging my food, weighing it, etc. I'm back to doing all that and the weight is coming off steadily.

    Is your restriction not as good anymore? To me, it just seems kind of drastic of have another surgery for a 15-20lb regain (that's just my opinion).

    And congratulations on your success! You've done well! My inbox is always open if you want to talk.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  5. Yeah I agreed with the other poster. You're 15 days out. After my surgery I was given a list of food stages and what I was allowed to eat and drink in each of those stages. This list also included how long each stage lasted. I was cleared to eat and drink everything 30 days after my surgery. I followed each of those stages. Coke Zero ( carbonated beverages) wasn't allowed until 30 days out. I followed that. I never said don't ever drink it again. I said follow your surgeons post op plan.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. I'm in the same boat. My best friend, since we were 12, decided she didn't "like the person" I've become since I lost weight. That's what's she told people. That was when I was 2 years post op.

    Me losing weight, as someone mention earlier in the thread, changed the status quo as we were both morbidly obese, and now just she is and I'm not.

    I tried working things out, talking to her, she's not interested at all. It hurts a lot, still.

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

  7. I just made 4 years post op.

    I'm 5-09, and started off at 276 the morning off my surgery. I got down to my lowest weight of 174 at almost a year after my surgery. My Original goal weight was 168, which would've put me at the top end of a normal BMI. I never made it there.

    During the honeymoon period, the first year pos op, I religiously logged my food, concentrated on Protein first, weighed everyday, all the things we are supposed to do. At some point I decided I didn't need to do all that anymore. That was a mistake.

    For the last year and a half I've maintained between 200-209lbs. That's right, a 35lb gain. Your hunger comes back, life stressors happen, and instead of keeping on doing what I learned and practiced the first year after my surgery, I turned to old habits. I ate around my sleeve. Carbapalooza.

    This past April I decided enough was enough. It was time to get back to my lowest weight, and then continue towards my goal weight I never achieved. I'm happy to report that today I'm sitting at 180lbs, and as my original goal of 168 gets closer I'm thinking I need to be more ambitious and try for mid range BMI weight for my height. I love my sleeve, even though I did the wrong things and gained weight, once I started focusing on Protein first again, I still have great restriction! I'm still only able to eat 3-4oz of dense protein. I've gotten back into all my habits from my honeymoon period, protein first, weighing and logging food, I weigh myself everyday.

    That's been my experience.

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

  8. @@OKCPirate

    Both my pat downers were females at two different airports, Lafayette, Louisiana and Milwaukee, WI. They were both very professional. I got to see the results from the scanner and the area of concern, which was my pelvic area.

    I have not flown since 1998 and all this TSA stuff is new to me. I had to practically study to learn what I could and could not take. Lol

    All that being said I'm in law enforcement and know how to do a proper, professional pat down. If something has happened to me like in the stories you linked I would've definitely not been shy about reporting it.

    I'm really having doubts as to if it is the staples, as my stomach and staples shouldn't be that far down! Lol.

    I may not have an apron and use baby powder but I do have some lose skin in that area that I'm wanting to get plastic surgery on.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. It means you fast for 16 hours and eat for 8. Right now I'm consuming between 1100-1200 calories a day in my 8 hour eating window. As a single, working mom I really don't have time work out on the weekdays. I do most of my workouts on the weekends, such as hiking and working in my lawn. When I am physically active on the weekends I usually will take in about 1350-1400 calories, but still only during my 8 hour eating window (I chose 12pm until 8pm for my window) And I do this every day.

    I use myfitnesspal pal to log my food and exercise. I read about intermittent fasting on their forums and decided to give it a whirl. It's been working really well for me.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. I've been doing intermittent fasting. It has sped up my weight loss since I started. I do 16/8. My eating window is from 12pm-8pm. I still stay in a calorie deficit during my 8 hours. I had considered 5:2 at first but decided to try this first. I'm now 9lbs away from my lowest weight. 4 years post op sleeve

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
