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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from Butterthebean in Couch to 5k   
    I started it yesterday. It was rough for me. I have never run in pretty much my adult life. I only was able to get about half way but going to work on it. I'm determined to do it. I know 74 lbs ago through I could hardly walk let alone run so I'm proud of my accomplishment. I think when I get a few more pounds off it will be easier.
  2. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from Butterthebean in Couch to 5k   
    I started it yesterday. It was rough for me. I have never run in pretty much my adult life. I only was able to get about half way but going to work on it. I'm determined to do it. I know 74 lbs ago through I could hardly walk let alone run so I'm proud of my accomplishment. I think when I get a few more pounds off it will be easier.
  3. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from Velena in Valentine's Day Challenge 2013   
    GOOD question!!! I'm going to focus on exercise and getting into a routine. That is always my downfall.
  4. Like
    Fallenangel2904 reacted to missih30 in chipotle? subway?   
    Okay.....had a chipotle bowl with black Beans, chicken, fajita veggies, lettuce, a lil corn salsa, Tomato salsa, quacomole.......was able to eat 1/4 of it at a meal (x2 meals today and probaly will be 2 meals tomorrow)......yum yum good and high in protein.....the entire bowl 585 calories and 46 mg of Protein. I also spoke with my nutritionist today about subway as well and aside from salads she recommended 6 inch sub and have them hull out the bread so its the toasty outer part plus what stuff I want....so that will be next
  5. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from clk in Feelings on Eating Fast Food (McDonald's) 7 weeks Post Op   
    It's kind of a trial and error thing honestly. There are certain foods many people have problems with (bread, Pasta, rice- all things dense and carby) some have problems with eggs, chicken or pork, or greens such as lettuce as Cheri mentioned. You really learn these things on your own as you try new foods.
    As far as how you know, as unpleasant as it is you'll probably get sick from then whether that means throwing up, nausea, or an uncomfortable 'stuck' feeling you'll see many people talk about as well as 'sliming' where you may have a build up of saliva in your throat. These are all ways to tell a food may not agree with you.
  6. Like
    Fallenangel2904 reacted to O.T.R. sleever in Feelings on Eating Fast Food (McDonald's) 7 weeks Post Op   
    Holy cow people, I have 2teenage daughters. And somehow so called adults seem to stir up more drama than both of them combined.
    "CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?" Rodney King
  7. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from Diamondeyed in 12 Year Old Gastric Sleeve Patient   
    I'm not sure how I feel about this. I do think 12 is too young. Though at 12 I admit I was morbidly obese, I can't remember a time I wasn't obese. I think WLS could be an option for younger people if it is extreme. I've looked into WLS since I was 14 which was far too young to qualify. I think 12 is a bit too young though, unless it is life threatening. I'm not sure most 12 year olds would fully grasp what it takes to make the life style changes to be sucessful with WLS and now hurt themselves. This might go against the crowd though, but I do think WLS- especially the sleeve could be helpful in helping extremly overweight teens or youngersters who have life threatening problems, as mentioned the 11 year old who suffered a heart attack. It's really scary to be so exteamly overweight and so young (I was probably around 300lbs by the age of 13) so I understand.
  8. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from CoCo41 in Valentine's Day Challenge 2013   
    HW 379
    SW 359
    LW 311
    TW 308
    V Day goal 306
    Last week I lost 5, this week 3. I'm really happy with this since I stalled a lot around the holidays!
    Whoohoo 2 more pounds! I'm so gonna crush this goal!!! May revise to 299! That would be a huge deal for me!
  9. Like
    Fallenangel2904 reacted to clk in what is your favorite snack post op   
    No, but only because they don't sell them where I live. I have to go to a Turkish market just to find the dried ones. That said, it's possible to do it with canned chickpeas. Just rinse them well and then toss them with a little oil (very little - just a tsp or two to make the spices stick - and if you use canned Beans you might not even need the oil) and your favorite spices, then bake at 400 on a lined baking sheet for 30-45 minutes, until they're dry and crispy.
  10. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from CoCo41 in Valentine's Day Challenge 2013   
    HW 379
    SW 359
    LW 311
    TW 308
    V Day goal 306
    Last week I lost 5, this week 3. I'm really happy with this since I stalled a lot around the holidays!
    Whoohoo 2 more pounds! I'm so gonna crush this goal!!! May revise to 299! That would be a huge deal for me!
  11. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from Southern Gal in Made my own riceless 'sushi'   
    Well okay it's not exactly sushi but definitely satisfied my craving for it! I bought these mini nori sheets recently- they had a roasted flavor very yummy and that's when I came up with this idea. I made riceless California rolls
    Imitation crab meat
    Sliced avacado
    Julliened cucumber
    Layed it all out on top of the nori like an open faced sushi and voila! I ate 2 of these guys with a little soy sauce
  12. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from Southern Gal in Made my own riceless 'sushi'   
    Well okay it's not exactly sushi but definitely satisfied my craving for it! I bought these mini nori sheets recently- they had a roasted flavor very yummy and that's when I came up with this idea. I made riceless California rolls
    Imitation crab meat
    Sliced avacado
    Julliened cucumber
    Layed it all out on top of the nori like an open faced sushi and voila! I ate 2 of these guys with a little soy sauce
  13. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from hepktty in Protein oatmeal cookie   
    Made these the other night and they were yummy! They aren't very sweet though so if you want a little more sweetness add some Splenda or even some honey or agave. The calorie info for these is without any of that though. Going to add some dries cranberries in next time!
    1 banana (mashed up so it's smooth)
    1/2 cup whole oats
    1/2 scoop of vanilla Protein powder (could use more but didn't want an over powering whey taste)
    1 egg white
    Mix the banana, Protein and egg white together. Add the oatmeal and combine. Drop Cookies on a greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 15 or so minutes until light brown. They don't have a cookie texture per say but are a great snack if you have a sweet tooth or even as a Breakfast treat!
    Here's the nutrition info for one cookie. This made me 4 Cookies.< /p>

  14. Like
  15. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from firelle in Lost 70 lbs, feel the same   
    I've lost about 70lbs also and while I do feel physically better (I was almost immobile at my biggest) I don't really know if I feel any better. Granted I'm still a big girl. Our minds take a whole to catch up in situations like this. When you live life as a big person for so long all of a sudden you don't just see yourself as a regular person. I still get scared when I hear I have to walk somewhere but them remember I actually CAN walk now. It's like my brain isn't quite there yet. Takes time!
  16. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from AspieMom in Lighten up a little...   
    I've seen a lot of the negativity and harshness around here talked about for a while. I didn't see it at first, but I see it now. Yikes!
    We all have a different path and journey. What works for some may not work for others. This is a lifestyle not a diet for me. Having said that I think that means different things for different people. For me it means make good choice but also don't deprive myself. But I don't impose that on anyone. The goal is to be able to live a normal life like a normal person with healthy eating habits who can live in society.
    That means eating Protein like chicken, sea food, steak...and veggies and salads most of the time. I don't totally ignoring a food group like carbs. Not all carbs are bad and normal healthy people don't totally ex them out of their diet. I stick with good carbs most of the time, and If I want some roasted red potatoes well damn it I'm going to make them! That means every now and then things like fast food and desert are going to be eaten by me. I had cake on my birthday, I ate a few pork dumplings from a thia restaurant. I had a few bites of a biscuit. And you know what? I don't feel bad for these choices. Because for ME this worked. Moderation. Something I didn't know before.
    Pre op I didn't have healthy eating habits. I could never just have ONE cookie. If I had fast food I had the large meal with the fries. One bite didn't exist in my vocabulary. I didn't know how to leave food on my plate. Now I feel I've found a balance.
    I DO however get this doesn't work for everyone. People have food addictions. Certain foods can trigger binge eating- even with a sleeve. Some choose to stay as far away from these foods as they can never to include them in their diet again. Which is commendable and I applaud you all for it because I don't think I have the power to say 'never again'. Thats amazing and truly commendable!
    I don't think the problem people have on here is with anyone choosing to not participate in eating these foods. As I've said different journey for all of us. The problem is the way people who DO eat them and admit to it are treated and called out. No one should be belittled, scolded or called a name for their choices on either end. This is directed at no one in particular, but I've seen it in several threads.
    No one should be afraid to ask a question or share their input in fear of being called a name or made to feel inferior. If someone is posting things like 'I'm eating cake and Cookies, why am I not losing weight?' Well yes I can see how that would warrant comment. But even then there is no need for snark, rudeness or name calling. People, especially new people see this and become afraid to say anything for fear of getting their head bitten off.
    This was longer then I meant it to be, but the point is that this is a different journey for everyone. Some are more strict, some more liberal. But everyone deserves respect and to allow their experiences to be heard. This goes for both sides- left and right wing that's my two cents (this was probably more like a quarter though then 2 two cants though lol)
  17. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from *Dean* in Trolls, what are they good for?   
    Totally agree!
    Don't feed them!

  18. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from *Dean* in Trolls, what are they good for?   
    Totally agree!
    Don't feed them!

  19. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from firelle in Lost 70 lbs, feel the same   
    I've lost about 70lbs also and while I do feel physically better (I was almost immobile at my biggest) I don't really know if I feel any better. Granted I'm still a big girl. Our minds take a whole to catch up in situations like this. When you live life as a big person for so long all of a sudden you don't just see yourself as a regular person. I still get scared when I hear I have to walk somewhere but them remember I actually CAN walk now. It's like my brain isn't quite there yet. Takes time!
  20. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from firelle in Lost 70 lbs, feel the same   
    I've lost about 70lbs also and while I do feel physically better (I was almost immobile at my biggest) I don't really know if I feel any better. Granted I'm still a big girl. Our minds take a whole to catch up in situations like this. When you live life as a big person for so long all of a sudden you don't just see yourself as a regular person. I still get scared when I hear I have to walk somewhere but them remember I actually CAN walk now. It's like my brain isn't quite there yet. Takes time!
  21. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from *Dean* in Trolls, what are they good for?   
    Totally agree!
    Don't feed them!

  22. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from Pinkputter in Sushi ?   
    I love sushi and really wanted to try it for my birthday last week. I'm 2 months post op. I was able to have salad (I LOVE the ginger dressing so much!) ate half of it. And about 3/4 of an Alaska roll. Was soooooo good!! The rice does sit a little heavier then other foods but I was personally able to tolerate it. I thought I had eaten a lot but thought back to my pre op days where I could eat 4 rolls and realized how much I love my sleeve. And I don't feel deprived one bit
  23. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from AspieMom in Lighten up a little...   
    I've seen a lot of the negativity and harshness around here talked about for a while. I didn't see it at first, but I see it now. Yikes!
    We all have a different path and journey. What works for some may not work for others. This is a lifestyle not a diet for me. Having said that I think that means different things for different people. For me it means make good choice but also don't deprive myself. But I don't impose that on anyone. The goal is to be able to live a normal life like a normal person with healthy eating habits who can live in society.
    That means eating Protein like chicken, sea food, steak...and veggies and salads most of the time. I don't totally ignoring a food group like carbs. Not all carbs are bad and normal healthy people don't totally ex them out of their diet. I stick with good carbs most of the time, and If I want some roasted red potatoes well damn it I'm going to make them! That means every now and then things like fast food and desert are going to be eaten by me. I had cake on my birthday, I ate a few pork dumplings from a thia restaurant. I had a few bites of a biscuit. And you know what? I don't feel bad for these choices. Because for ME this worked. Moderation. Something I didn't know before.
    Pre op I didn't have healthy eating habits. I could never just have ONE cookie. If I had fast food I had the large meal with the fries. One bite didn't exist in my vocabulary. I didn't know how to leave food on my plate. Now I feel I've found a balance.
    I DO however get this doesn't work for everyone. People have food addictions. Certain foods can trigger binge eating- even with a sleeve. Some choose to stay as far away from these foods as they can never to include them in their diet again. Which is commendable and I applaud you all for it because I don't think I have the power to say 'never again'. Thats amazing and truly commendable!
    I don't think the problem people have on here is with anyone choosing to not participate in eating these foods. As I've said different journey for all of us. The problem is the way people who DO eat them and admit to it are treated and called out. No one should be belittled, scolded or called a name for their choices on either end. This is directed at no one in particular, but I've seen it in several threads.
    No one should be afraid to ask a question or share their input in fear of being called a name or made to feel inferior. If someone is posting things like 'I'm eating cake and Cookies, why am I not losing weight?' Well yes I can see how that would warrant comment. But even then there is no need for snark, rudeness or name calling. People, especially new people see this and become afraid to say anything for fear of getting their head bitten off.
    This was longer then I meant it to be, but the point is that this is a different journey for everyone. Some are more strict, some more liberal. But everyone deserves respect and to allow their experiences to be heard. This goes for both sides- left and right wing that's my two cents (this was probably more like a quarter though then 2 two cants though lol)
  24. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from AspieMom in Lighten up a little...   
    I've seen a lot of the negativity and harshness around here talked about for a while. I didn't see it at first, but I see it now. Yikes!
    We all have a different path and journey. What works for some may not work for others. This is a lifestyle not a diet for me. Having said that I think that means different things for different people. For me it means make good choice but also don't deprive myself. But I don't impose that on anyone. The goal is to be able to live a normal life like a normal person with healthy eating habits who can live in society.
    That means eating Protein like chicken, sea food, steak...and veggies and salads most of the time. I don't totally ignoring a food group like carbs. Not all carbs are bad and normal healthy people don't totally ex them out of their diet. I stick with good carbs most of the time, and If I want some roasted red potatoes well damn it I'm going to make them! That means every now and then things like fast food and desert are going to be eaten by me. I had cake on my birthday, I ate a few pork dumplings from a thia restaurant. I had a few bites of a biscuit. And you know what? I don't feel bad for these choices. Because for ME this worked. Moderation. Something I didn't know before.
    Pre op I didn't have healthy eating habits. I could never just have ONE cookie. If I had fast food I had the large meal with the fries. One bite didn't exist in my vocabulary. I didn't know how to leave food on my plate. Now I feel I've found a balance.
    I DO however get this doesn't work for everyone. People have food addictions. Certain foods can trigger binge eating- even with a sleeve. Some choose to stay as far away from these foods as they can never to include them in their diet again. Which is commendable and I applaud you all for it because I don't think I have the power to say 'never again'. Thats amazing and truly commendable!
    I don't think the problem people have on here is with anyone choosing to not participate in eating these foods. As I've said different journey for all of us. The problem is the way people who DO eat them and admit to it are treated and called out. No one should be belittled, scolded or called a name for their choices on either end. This is directed at no one in particular, but I've seen it in several threads.
    No one should be afraid to ask a question or share their input in fear of being called a name or made to feel inferior. If someone is posting things like 'I'm eating cake and Cookies, why am I not losing weight?' Well yes I can see how that would warrant comment. But even then there is no need for snark, rudeness or name calling. People, especially new people see this and become afraid to say anything for fear of getting their head bitten off.
    This was longer then I meant it to be, but the point is that this is a different journey for everyone. Some are more strict, some more liberal. But everyone deserves respect and to allow their experiences to be heard. This goes for both sides- left and right wing that's my two cents (this was probably more like a quarter though then 2 two cants though lol)
  25. Like
    Fallenangel2904 got a reaction from JanaLee in plz post before and after pics ! :)   
    My before and in progress picture. Down 63lbs from my highest. 43 from surgery.

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