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Everything posted by newgrandmother

  1. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    momo i am i am 11 days out tyka i am so tempted everyday. i am frustrated as well almost a month of this ish man its getting very old im tempted to eat some cottege cheese tonight i didnt really good today. i had lots of company so that helped a lot. i finally found a shake that dont make me ill EAS who knew but im still waiting on my necter to come.
  2. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    mdm dr zelada told me to start walking as soon as i got home 45 mins a day. but you cant do sit ups and weights and stuff just walk nurse girl i bought the sample pack to see which on i like and i orderd a tub of strawberry kiwi so yummy. my incisions are healing and itching the right side the biggest one is healed and dont itch its the little ones that are giving me the trouble i have no pain at all. even after surgery hardly any pain and no gas but i was passing gas like crazy the first few days weird. i so wanted to eat cottege cheese today and last night but i didnt. i just want something differant you know. ive been on a liquid diet for almost a month now and it sucks i am able to drink my water faster yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
  3. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    nectaer is a clear protien its way better than isopure. go to www.baratricpantry.com they sell it there or google syntrax thats who make it
  4. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    rains yes thats what i do now. i was like why strain it but i got it its the oatmeal i have to strain because i cant have the oats yet. justine i have one more bottle of isopure and i refuse to drink it my necter is not here yet. you should try it im getting strawberry kiwi. they have so many flavors and its a clear protien. momo the whole chewalbe crap sucks mines are so damn sweet. i got mines online through kaiser i hate them and they have iron and you can taste it in your mouth afterwards and iron taste yuk. today i met a personal trainer the first thing i noticed was his arms so nice. it was like a scene from the movies we started talking and we stood in front of the store for about 3 hrs and still didnt want to leave each other i felt something with him and he did as well but he said he will be professional and wants to take me under his wing and be on my team to get me fit and his gym has a scholorship program that i can get. can you say wow and he is a possible love intrest
  5. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    mdm you are not missing anything when it comes to the oatmeal and cream of wheat i think its a waste and i should be able to have something else. i follow the phase two letter by letter. i start phase 3 thurs i cant freaking wait 4 wks on liquid is no joke man. i was so tempted today to eat cottege cheese instead of the soup but i ate the damn soup. i cant stand the milky shakes at all i get so nauseas when i drink them and some go right through me. my necter is taking to long to get here. as for the insicions i put bio oil on anyway all of the stuff they covered them with is gone but it dont help with the itching i tell you that.
  6. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    justine you are right i read the label and it as surcose in it. i will try the powerade next. not wonder i had dumping from that crap. well at least i know how my body will react to sugar. weight loss is slow and steady ive lost 10lbs in 9 days. what about yours? girl i stay so hungry i thought we werent suppose to get hungry like before. i was told to increase protien but how when i can barely get the standard in.
  7. newgrandmother

    Any September People

    pinky you wont see that for awhile girl. im like 2 weeks pre op and than the same after the surgery willi ever see solid food again
  8. newgrandmother

    Day 2..

    yea i had buyers remorse moment also i asked myslef what didi i do why did i do it. but each day you will feel better hang in there
  9. newgrandmother

    Crazy Question About Using Olive Oil

    maybe so you can poop but i know it is good for you, but that sounds gross in the soup. i plan on cooking with olive oil when i can eat foods again
  10. newgrandmother

    Day 2..

    i promise you it will get better the first few days were hard for me. every sip i took it hurt in my chest and tummy taking my pain meds were horrible because i couldnt just swig it back i had to sip it. after day 3 i kicked the 1 oz cups to the side and was able to drink from a water bottle the sips got easier and easier. hang in there and remember we are here for you.
  11. newgrandmother


    i feel your pain also. i sit and watchtv all day and food commercials omg. and my normal habit when i am home from work is to order something good and sit and watch tv and doze off to sleep, REWIND that didnt sound pleasing to me as i wrote it what the hell judy. i dont want to be that person anymore dang it. yes i want to eat yes i want to eat stuff i use to eat but noooooooooooooooo not only my sleeve needs to heal i need to heal from putting food first in my day. i refuse. god give me the strength to get past this. but what makes it harder is the hunger i get so hungry that doesnt help, i thought the hunger was suppose to go away. when will this happen someone tell me please.
  12. tired of diet after diet gain lose. i want to feel full and satisfied with whatever i eat. i dont want to have a slice a cake and want more cake i want to enjoy a slice and leave it. i want to paint my toes do my own pedicures the nailshops just dont do it good enough for me. iwant to cross my legs i want the fat meat in my thighs to go away wheni have on a dress it makes me look like i have two stomachs yuk. i want to put on that sexy fittying dress and not worry about my tummy or the fat in the front of my thighs sticking out, i want my coller bone back. i want my skinny pretty face back im not asking to be skinny i love being thick but i want a good sexy thick you know what i mean
  13. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    justine good luck with powerade i tried gatorade and it sent me to the bathroom and i felt sick as a dog my tummy dont like whatever in that stuff. valena what happend when you dumped. also maybe you should stick to the 3 and the lick, lol dont push your new tummy. mom you will poop i was told to get colace or benefiber but ive been popping since day 6 it will come mdm all my incisions are healed the only one that dont look good is the one by my navel it looks like its split but healed like it didnt close all the way. i started using bio oil yesterday maybe that will help. by the way what are you haveing for breakfast i am on phase two so i get the nasty cream of wheat and milk. bukki went potty yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lol deb you will be fine it will pass. forme i ve been reading that walking helps a lot well day 9 and i feel good. the only thing is my tummy do not like milky shakes at all i get rumbles in my tummy and my intestines and diarria im still waiting on my orderof necter to come and i hate isopure it leaves a film in the back of my throat and on my tungue yuk. i went and got muscle mlk light and omg i was on the toliet and that one is lactose free. so it will be necter from hear on out. i pooped again andi think its those damn milky shakes making it happen. i am ready to go back to work i have energy and i feel good i see my dr on wed and im going to ask if he could send me back a week earlier plus i need money to pay bills. the standard is 2-3 weeks he likes his pateints off for 4 wks. im bored and ready to return to work dang it. by then i will be on my mushies and i should be good plus i have a desk job no labor at all just stress from the guest but hey im feeling really good so im not going to stress. glad everyone is striving to be good. and for those having complications it will get better i promise
  14. newgrandmother

    Any September People

    i was told to take prilosac for a year for the acide. i find its not working i still get hunger pains maybe my tummy is healing fast i dont know its weird i sometimes feel like i have a normal stomach and wonder will i lose weight what a weird feeling kaiser called me the next day to check on me. maybe you should call them
  15. newgrandmother

    Hunger Hasn't Gone Away...why?

    60lbs is a lot to lose in that period of time. the body need to catch up to that i know its weird but thats the mecanics of it. i to stay hungry i was told to increase my protien and that should help. well i can barely get what im suppose to and try to get more in omg.
  16. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    i say im 8 days out had it on the 12th i counted from the day of surgery. i want food dang it
  17. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    mdm im ready to eat girl i dont know about you but i hope when i see him wed he says i can move on to phase 2. the nurse told me i could add more liquid protein since imso hungry how in the hell will i do that i can barly get this stuff in. my stuff that was covering my sitches is gone well i help a little the only incision that hasnt closed is the one by the navel. how are your incisions. and dont you think zelada is awesome? im jealous of the others because they can eat already right out of the hospital makes me want to eat
  18. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    walman all i can say is wow 15lbs nurse girl look at you wow congrats on the loss wish, i went to trader joes yesterday and shopped for my next phase i purchased. low fat cottege cheese, shredded moz cheese, cream corn soup, lactaid, eggs, eggplant, green Beans, chicken. thats where i do my main shopping. check it out you will love it. bukki thak it slow you will be able to get the Water in. i am day 9 and the water goes down much smoother but its still a slow process because you cant take to much in at one time just take a couple of sips wait a min and sip again. your doing fine nellie im with kaiser also who is your surgeon mines was zelada in southern cali. dont you get jealous of the other who are on foods so early i know i do and it tempts me im like maybe i should give it a try but im chicken so i will just follow kaisers instructions. absta my nurse put my iv in my wrist palm up and omg the next day the pain was horrible they had to take it out and now the vein is swollen and super sore still after 9 days. tm god bless you honey you will be fine. golden the liquids will keep you full but i do get hungry sometimes my little tummy be acting up sometimes ( feed me seymor). tekera i know what you are saying but each program and dr are differant. kaiser is very very strict. but im sure there doctors know whats best for thier patients, i wish kaiser was that way with food shoooooooooooootttttttttttttt. rybecca how are you girlie so good to see everyone striving and doing well and for those that are running into complications you will be fine, just a little bump but by thanksgiving we will be rocking our sleeves have control of our need for food and will be looking and feeling good. myself i am doing good i did a lot yesterday i felt it in mytummy a little last night but nothing major. bought all my foods for my phase 3 omg cant wait to eat me some chicken thigh and refried beens and for some strange reason i want eggplant so i bought one i have to learn how to cook it. everyone have a blessed day and keep thriving and doing well
  19. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    ready i prayed for you and i knew you would be fine. now lets be on our way girl. scared good for you girl and i my full liquids is similar i get 2 servings of protien supplement. cream of wheat, sugar free pudding, cream Soup. cant wait for the real food. mdm was that kool aid pack sugar free girlfriend?
  20. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    i still was nausea at day 6. well guys ive pooped 2 times since surgery i know tmi but im happy. i have so much energy today i drove myself to run errands get blood work and even checked on my disabilty claim at kaiser. my neighbor saw me and was like where are you going and am i ok to do this. i was like heck yea its been 8 days. i also slept on my tummy last night. so everyone within a few days and struggeling im letting you now it will get better. im trying this sample protien protizyme its gourmet Peanut Butter cookie. yummyyyyyyyyyyyy what a change from premier and isopure. ready im glad you are ok but how was the test results. continue to strive and get well.
  21. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    well today is starting out ok its day 8 post op no naseau this moring thank god for that. have errands to run today i feel i can drive now, im so independant. i was able to sleep on my tummy last night can you believe that wow. anyway hope all is well with everyone and keep posting you never know who you might be helping
  22. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    tasha try cream of potato cream of brocolli theres lots of them out there soready yayyyyyyyy im glad you are ok girl good to see your post
  23. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    momo unjury makes a protien thats unflavored but it dont have as much protein
  24. newgrandmother

    Any September People

    ready ask them whats taking so long damn. you are hurting they should of told you the test results. why do you have to wait till tomorrow grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. i think you are ok its just the incision maybe it got infected or something and you will get antibiotics and will be just fine. sleep tight chat with you tomorrow
  25. newgrandmother

    Any September People

    ready where are you girl are you ok. please hurry and post. we are here for you i also had cramps not so many now i called my nurse and she said i was dehydrated thats why we are having those cramps and once i was able to get more fluid in its not as bad each day gets better

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