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Everything posted by newgrandmother

  1. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    hello everyone. hope your evening is going well. so far so good for me. i think later this week im going to make oven bbq chicken thighs and potato salad yummy. and green beans. its so dang hot man i bet im holding water because of it. i cant wait for it to cool off here in los angeles
  2. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    ready i said the same thing about 1200 cal but thats what she wants. i didnt have oatmeal today because of the carbs she said i could have an egg instead. the eating every hour the meaning of that is to take a meal and split it up so if i have an egg eat half and than eat theother half an hour later. im good with eating ever 2-3 hours. sweet c really, boy am i jealous whitsmom i do fitclick.com. i didnt like fitness pal today has been ok i only got in 2 meals so far its time for my 3rd one which will be tuna and cantalope. i want to order chili cheese fries so bad just to see if i can tolorate half. but nooooooooooooooooo i wont do it i just wont.
  3. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    hey guys. the oatmeal i ate was the light one brown sugar but it still had a lot of carbs. not eating oatmeal again. i spoke to the nut today and she said i need to eat more. i told her my tummy is not getting full with the food i measure out she said i need to add more cal and eat every 1hr which means eat half of my serving and than later eat the rest. tht dont make sense to me. im suppose to get 1200 cal i got in over 1200 today. and over 100 carbs not good at all. this eating is a pain in the butt.
  4. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    allof you guys are so awesome. thank you for being mysleeve sisters. what i dont understand is my stomach size i ate 1/2 cup chili and 1/4 cup mashed potatos and i wasnt full. this moringing i at oatemeal and i got so full. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr im trying to get use to this
  5. newgrandmother

    Need Help

    green did you do option classes
  6. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    deltagirl wow you are doing awesome. well my first two weeks i had so much energy did a lot and guess what i am drained i must of over did it with errands walking and being normal. so for the next 2 weeks i am resting not doing anything i go back to work on the 12th will need energy. well the little ice cream and cake i ate last night had my intestines in pain this morning it was that or the Beans in the chili. i to and regreting this sleeve. most times i feel its not going to work somedays i eat all my food and some days i cant finish my food. i want to be noraml when do that happen?
  7. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    toya just look to god for the strength you need. i went through something simular my 2nd cousin stabbed her 3 yr old to death and said the devil was in her she was a baby. god will give you the strength to get through this. momo i like the nick name greeen the chili didnt taste good i rushed it but i dont want to waste food. i am on fitclick i tried that one and didnt really like it. are you going to the next support group on the 8th they are really good.
  8. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    green we were both at kaiser on the same day who was your dr mine was zelada today was cool i made chili and mashed potatos. its weird some food i can fit it all in and some foods i get full fast. i had 1/2 cup of chili and 1/4 cup mashed potatos i was able to get it all in that really scares me. also my son bought cake and ice cream and yes i had like 1 tbsp of ice cream and a thin sliver of cake didnt get sick scared of that also+ hope all is well with everyone. god bless
  9. newgrandmother

    Need Help

    hope did you go to the site
  10. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    peggy give it time. our bodies have to adjust it will come off in peaks so my nut told me. so dont worry one day the scale is going to drop really big hang in there. sweet c good for you i too didnt have to many problems i just had nausea not much pain. baby no problem we are here to help each other the support here is awesome forme you go girl continue to be strong ready i am so sorry you are going through this. i will say a prayer for you and you hang in there we are going to look back on this in a month or two and be able to help someone else that might have the same problem. scared you are so welcome anything to help the fellow sleevers we are here to support each other. ok i think i felt my full feeling i ate chicken and diced peaches for dinner tonight and i had this stuck feeling each time i tried to finish the peaches i had to breath it was so uncomfortable (ready i feel your pain) that is an awful feeling and it stopped me from eating. barely got 700 cal today but over 100 grams of protien. i want to know when i will be able to eat what i want but in small portions. i generly eat healthy so that wont be a problem.
  11. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    bukki thats great you will be fine.
  12. newgrandmother

    Any September People

    congrats to the new sleevers it gets betteri promise
  13. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    day 4 for me was bad once i got to day 7-8 it was better. dont worry you will be able to get the fluids in your tummy is still swollen once the swellen goes down trust me you will get more fluid in
  14. newgrandmother

    Really Random Question...guys Beware

    you should call your surgeon
  15. newgrandmother

    Need Help

    at least 80gr of protein. your protien shakes are snacks . im going to give you a link i was sleeved through kaiser here is everything you need to know www.kp.org/misg
  16. newgrandmother

    Need Help

    increase your protien and you shouidnt get more than 50grams of carbs that should help
  17. newgrandmother

    How Do You Know?

    what is this slimming stuff. i have not thown up but i have gotten diarria.
  18. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    whitsmom im not even sure. like just now i ate 2oz of tuna with light mayo and relish, 1/2 cup applesauce, and two whole grain crackers i could not get full. im never stuffed maybe i dont take it that far i dont know. the other day i was stuffed all day weird. the bubbles come when i eat certain foods it didnt with the tuna im so confused right now. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr for me i was also sleeved at kaiser on the 12th i just ate lunch and i could not get full at all after i finished i felt a little full but i could proberly eat more. that really scares me
  19. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    lovly you are very welcome bukki did you call your dr? whitsmom we are in the same boat. i dont know what my full feeling is i just stop when i feel bubbly i get these bubbles and i burp a little its weird. still learning how to use my new tool i dont throw up but if i eat the wrong way i get diarria is that normal?
  20. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    suegirl im that way also all the milky shakes gives me the runs. (tmi) i drink the clear protien now even though right now im have eas just to get away from the fruity protien i hope it dont upset my tummy
  21. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    i was trying to copy and past but i cant so im going to try and get this link to you guys ok. www.obesityhelp.com/member/carmelita/blog/2011/03/31/-2 this is a good artical for you to read about your new tummy
  22. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    whitsmom, hey girlie i tried to reply to yourmessege on my phone and couldnt and tried here and your messege was gone hummmmmmmmm, we had our surgery on the same day and im afraid also of the eating i think we just have to get use to our tummys. justine, i only got 500 cals yesterday my bariatric doc wants me at 1200 bukki congrats on the 3lbs welcome somers,lovli,abstrac, and baby ok ladies here is the deal in support group nut said the body has to adjust to its new weight and than it will lose again it goes in peaks. some of us lost a lot of weight before surgery and than a few after so take in account of those numbers. your body is adjusting thats all. and yes the scale will make you crazy thats why i also try on cloths i couldnt fit before. ive lost a toltal of 30lbs including pre and post so im happy. just be patient we got a tool that will get us there. as for me i did few calories yesterday i aslo walked 45 min in the am and another 30 last night i am beat no walking for me today. also once i started the soft foods the scale dropped 2lbs like over night. that might have something to do with our scales moving our bodies might be storing calories because we are getting in so few. hang in there ladies we are going to get there.
  23. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    man i only got in 400 cal today. wth. but i got 106 grams of protien. its funny because this moring i could barely get anything in and for dinner i ate and i am still hungry. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  24. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    support group was very interesting learned a lot. cant wait for the next one. im wasting a lot of food. i cant eat a 1/2 cup of cottege cheese i might it 5 baby spoons before im full not good. next is my protein supplement. i went for a 45 min walk this morning that felt good. got to get back into walking everyday these thunder thighs need to melt off lol
  25. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    tekera dont worry you lost a lot of lbs already your body has to adjust. i went to support group last night and the nut said we will lose an average 10lbs a month so you might be at your limit for the month. you loss a lot of lbs so fast so let your body catch up keep doing what you doing it will come off. i was also told it will come off in peaks lose stall drop. dont be so hard on yourself you are doing great chills i get the normal hunger pains when its time to feed lol

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