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Everything posted by newgrandmother

  1. newgrandmother

    Syntrax Nectar

    im going to tryit with water today and see how it taste
  2. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    mdm. hang in there sleeve sister. it will get better it has to. have you called the nuts for support. and you might be at the 3 week stall i hear a lot of ppl go throgh that. i have my days also i seem to think the weight will just come off but i know deep down i have to work also. you should really try to get down here for at least one support group its uplifting and helpful at least one. hang in there andpray and call me so we can get through this ok. and its ok to mourn but also turn it over to god just let go and let god. momof all i can do is laugh wow im so tired of all these mixed instructions and rules. im suppose to get in 1200 cal aday how in the heck will i do that with soft foods. i average 600-800 a day i get in over 100g of protien. and under100g of carbs. i hate having to think before i eat funny
  3. i work for marriott. im feeling ok thanks for asking becca. the food sucked i should of took my food with me. it was a red curry chicken and rice pilaf and green beens so i measured out my food. the chicken was so so the green beans i couldnt eat because they were to hard. and the rice omg it had so much oil i almost threw up so i got some black bean soup but was to nauseas to eat that but i got my protien in
  4. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    nellie i get that feeling they didnt send my paperwork off. the man told me today that he faxed it directly to sacramento today. somelthing is not right it shouldnt take this long i can understand the two weeks but longer than that and i dont even have my name in the system. that sucks
  5. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    ready im so broke right now. its really bothering me because i have to get food and stuff gas for my car so i am hurting right now my dad has helped me so much i cant ask him for more money my sis has really been there for me and i cant ask her i dont like asking anyon for anything. but i might have to i spoke to kaiser and the guy was nice enough to fax my paperwork to sacramento today he said they will process in a few days. i pray they do this really sucks.
  6. newgrandmother

    Syntrax Nectar

    how do you guys mix the cookies and cream with milk or water
  7. ok so decided since im back at work and they feed us for free and i dont have money if they serve something i can eat i will eat it and take my home lunch back home (makes sense?) i know visually oz and measurements wish me luck
  8. newgrandmother

    Hands Off

    be glad you have someone to grop you.
  9. newgrandmother

    Syntrax Nectar

    my fave is strawberry kiwi. but one thing i learned is to mix one pack or scoop with 16oz water i was drinking it with just 8oz and was ill after drinking a friend pointed out how she drink half with more water and guess what it worked now i can drink it and not get nauseus.
  10. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    scared and bukki i cant do chicken anymore it taste spoiled to me also eggs. im going to try again this week also eggs. i need my money i wont get paycheck till next week and the most of that goes to rent that is past due i need money to buy my food, luckly at work they feed us for free and we get fresh soup daily so i might have to depend on that for awhile. today im ok felt sick at work after my lunch but it passed. at least im not starving anymore.
  11. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    nellie at least you got that they wont tell me anything, when was yours sent out again mdm you need to call me ive been worried about you. i left my number for you bukki im sorry you are not feeling this. each program is so differant kaiser makes us drink to protien drinks a day since surgery. try some bars
  12. away. i was sleeved through kaiser if you want you can follow thier plan. you need the protien to heal your wounds also. here is the link www.kp.org/misg. i think kaiser has the best program yes they are strict but i found a site from the original dr that started the baratic surgery and the diet is very very simiular. remember your tummy is healing and swollen at this point. take it easy at least a week. i dont know whos care you are under but im 4 weeks post op lost 17 lbs dont know how many inches and i didnt follow it to the t, i would go to the next phase a few days before the next phase i just go with how im feeling and what i can tolorate. and isopure try the grape. those things are nasty when drinking slow.
  13. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    ready they say they have a new system and they are back logged my paperwork was mailed on aug 17 really nellie no one can tell me anything. this is ridiculas they take our money every month but takes forever to get it mdm how have you been girlie. im tired of the shakes myself. i eat cottege cheese greek yogart and fish. well i tried wendys chili last night and it went well. the only problem is i could get more than 1/2 cup in but i stopped after a litle over a half. ate the other half for breakfast. i need more calories and my nut said chili is ok. i chewed it very very very well. its 4 weeks today wow. ive lost 17lbs
  14. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    through my state. it sucks im already at work and still no check im frustrated
  15. i kind of feel what you saying. i had to go through 3 months of classes before i could get it. and they have inbedded things in my head. my goal is to eat what i want, this is a tool for me i can have pizza with friends because my tool will only allow 1-2 slices and i would be to full to eat more than that and i would be satisfied no taking a bite of a chip that i cant do a bite of chip will turn into days of eaten chips so i wont go there. each person is differant. i am one of those that cant just have a cookie i will eat all of the cookies. but i want to just eat normal and my sleeve work for me. if that makes sense
  16. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    ready i did to and i am still waiting
  17. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    Im with justine im scared. I finally got my necter right. I was using a full scoop with only 8 oz water and it was to swert. I now take it with 12oz. Ahhhh so much better plus it helps on my water intake thats 24oz right there. I might still get me a bar though. Ready have you got your disability yet. Im still not processed it sucks man
  18. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    ready i didnt know we could eat protien bars i perfer that than the shakes
  19. newgrandmother

    Any September People

    honey bee i wondered where you were. i hope you are feeling much better
  20. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    i cant get these dang calories in ive done 500 so far today. first day back at work so far so good. i need food ideas man
  21. newgrandmother

    I Need Help

    something is wrong, my first 2 weeks i felt great except i wasnt getting full and i was always hungry. well going into the 3rd week i started feeling full and less hungry. all of a sudden i am very sick, Water and food make me nauseaus i felt like throwing up for 2 days now but not throwing up. my food is nasty eggs, chicken, the only food i tolorate is cottege cheese with peaches. i tried salmon today grosssssssssssss i dont know if i over cooked it or what but it was so nasty to me. chicken and eggs taste spoiled to me, whats wrong with me and not to mention protien shakes ewwwwwwwwww cant do it anymore. anyone post op over 6 months have an answer for me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i just dont get it i was fine and all of a sudden im sick. i ate a half of a banana with Peanut Butter after that thats when the sickeness started but the taste buds well that started around the same time i guess. helpppppppppppppppppppppp
  22. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    thanks sheila
  23. newgrandmother

    My Pants Fell Off!

  24. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    hey guys looks like everyone is doing awesome. i feel much better today i spoke to the nut and she said it will happen oftern what i was feeling. i know it was the banana and peanut butter yuk. i cooked talapia today lets see how that taste had to give my salmon to the dog gross man. today is my first day back to work im so excited and scared at the same time i packed all my foods for today lets see how the day turns out still waiting on the state for money grrrrrrrrrrrr that sucks thats why i have to hurry back to work i need a paycheck lol

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