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Everything posted by newgrandmother

  1. how tall are you, you are skinny already at that weight wow amazing did you lose lots of inchs i cant stop saying wow man i hope i look like that when im 226 damn girl they better look out for you you are already a hot mama. congrats
  2. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    artsong i threw the other half in the trash im having a protien shake for snack jsut to get my protein in. i got some ceral today i will try that tomorrow and see if i like it. so i made the spagetti i hope i like it, please god let me like it, it smells so good i have whole wheat spagetti and ground turkey meat sauce thats my dinner. for lunch some orange chicken like 2-3 oz i will have that alone because the carbs in on the chicken lol.
  3. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    so im eating a jimmy dean croisaant sandwich minus the cheese and top half of bread i only go through half before feeling nauseaus the bread is sweet gross. im done. i will eat the other half for snack i guess
  4. i posted a few weeks back how i get so hungry starving. now i have no appietie at all i use to eat every 2 hrs now i can go 3 hrs or longer i stay close to 3 hrs. i am 7 weeks out, this started 6 weeks out. anyone else have a loss of appeite?
  5. newgrandmother

    No Longer Hungry, Wow

    arstong i went from 2 hrs to 2 1/2hrs before i get the hunger feeling. i just have that feeling of not hungry pretty much. i like it
  6. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    funkee you are so funny. i couldnt wait for the refried beans and it was so nasty to me i have not eaten it since. i have some jimmy dean crossant sandwiches see how i like that minus the bread
  7. newgrandmother

    No Longer Hungry, Wow

    it wasnt acid in my stomach. my stomach is really empty i took the ppi also since surgery and that didnt work. i know hungry trust me and that was hunger. its good to know that im healing good your advice always help thank you so much for your reply. i had a shake at 1 pm its now 314pm im starting to feel hungry but not as bad as before. again thank you webchick
  8. newgrandmother

    September Sleevers

    amber its its in the post op part of the forums. look foward to seeing you over there
  9. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    nicksmom i just dont have an apptiete for food period. i bought some jimmy dean sausage and tired of that already. so i said let me cook an egg, i think its the way i cooked it i fried it maybe i should scramble it soft and see if i like it. i have lots of oatmeal tired of that also. again i am not liking food right now at all. i eat because i have to. momto way to girlfriend i had 2 at work yesterday and thats only becase a co worker put them on my desk so i just ate it with my lunch.
  10. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    my breakfast sucked big time. scrambled egg and 1/4 cup peaches. i didnt even finish the egg. i think im back to my normal not liking breakfast phase. time for shakes in the morning man.
  11. newgrandmother

    Frequently Asked Questions

    how do i post pics in a thread and on my profile?
  12. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    momof i agree with all of that.
  13. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

  14. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    well ladies so far breakfast was 2 jimmie dean turkey links and 1/4 cup peaches, just had my snack two oz of albacore tuna salad made with light mayo with to multigrain crackers. for dinner i wante something differant so i stirfry some veggies with canola spray garlic, trader joes orange chicken 2 oz. i hope i enjoy it, im tired of wasting food. i am really full right now stuffed lets see how long that last, i hope 3 hrs. have a good day everyone i am off to work but will be back in here real soon. BLESSINGS
  15. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    mdm, it sounds like you are doing better, i too was told 1000cals but katie told me to get in as much as i can and told me to keep it balanced with fruits and veggies. i love kaisers baratric team. bukki, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii green, im glad you found us. i too am worried because i have no food issues i tolorate everything i eat well except week two i had banana and pb and was sick for two days, i can now eat pb but im afraid of the banana. i have new friends that had the surgery and cant keep nothing down etc. now i can say the excersiing is a problem for some reason my insides are not healed, hurt myself the other day. other than that im good. kparker, so good to see you here gettingthere, hi buddy, my excerise is not consitant either i think im a little scared right now because sometimes my tummy stings forme, i am so glad you are doing better momo, glad you can enjoy eating. today im going to try some stir fry veggies and orange chicken from trader joes i hope i enjoy that good morning everyone, glad to see everyone doing well. i lost another 2lbs for the week. my hunger is less these days, so happy for that. i am so glad you guys are here and im not alone.
  16. newgrandmother

    Calorie Intake 4 Months Post Op

    7 weeks out and average is 800
  17. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    mdm who did you have i have miramadi
  18. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    bukkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii where have you been, missed you i eat every 2 hrs but the hunger has settled down a bit. i havent been hungry at all today but i still eat every 2 hrs because of my work schedule. i hope the hunger do not come back
  19. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    forme im sorry you feel this way. it will past dear i promise. i feel the same way why eat if i cant enjoy it right. but there is a positive side to this. you can not over eat like you use to. i had a burger and fries and it was a waste of money because i could only eat less than half and a few fries but on the brighter side i did no damage. if that makes sense
  20. newgrandmother

    September Sleevers

    on the 12th here. you shouild join us in the post op group for september
  21. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    it felt really good afterwards
  22. newgrandmother

    Work Out Regimen

    it depend on how far out you are. i was told no heavy workout for 3-4 months. i just walk on the treadmill and do some on the floor leg work. you have to becareful.
  23. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    well i finally worked out last night after work and it felt good did 35 min on tread and some leg workouts on the floor. doing it again tonight
  24. newgrandmother

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    getten there im jealous, im your only buddy lol (stalkermode)

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