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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fostermomma

  1. fostermomma

    Tmi Question

    Take Milk of Magnesia or try Fleet supositories. Drink plenty of water too....Good luck!
  2. fostermomma

    Out-Ed By Friends Husband :(

    Some men are just stupid....It always surprises me when men feel they are allowed to say ANYTHING about a woman's weight. I have an eleven year old boy in my house who is always making comments to my other girls about their weight. I am trying to nip it in the bud before it becomes a full on habit. Sorry he hurt your feelings....did your friend hear him say that?
  3. I did mostly my shakes days 3 thru 7 post op but it was mainly because I was terrified I would choke to death if I tried anything thicker. I really enjoyed my pure protein shakes with skim milk, a packet of splenda and some mixed fruit. It is still yummy and I find that I like it as my breakfast since I am not much of a scrambled egg person. Good luck and I hope you feel better! Post op sucks and it seems like it will never end. I have to do one more friggin' "mushie" week and then I can try solids.
  4. fostermomma

    Yummy Sushi?

    So I am almost finished with my first week of mushies on a two week mushy post op diet. I found some brown rice sushi rolls with crab in it that is to die for! It mushes up just perfect. Has anyone else tried these? I found mine at Trader Joe's and they come in a little six pack. I though 4 would equal a cup but it looks like 8 will take you to just a little over a cup. I found I can only eat about 5 comfortably. I hope this isn't too much carbs but I highly recommend it. I also had a Mexican Quiche from Trader Joe's today and just ate around the crust. Yummy! Anyone know if sushi is something I shouldn't be eating? I haven't had any trouble with it going through the band.
  5. fostermomma

    Horrible Pain!!!!

    I had pain so bad and I found it difficult to walk for an extended period of time. I searched on this forum and someone suggested an exercise bike(which I don't have) or to rock in a rocking chair. The rocking chair helped a lot. Good luck to you and hang in there!
  6. fostermomma

    What Does The Fill Feel Like?

    That is a great question and I am curious about it myself. I am almost 2 weeks post op and am just now starting to feel little hunger pains between meals....but no where near what I would feel before the band.
  7. Are you allowed anything else besides protein shakes? Maybe some veggies? I found cucumbers were my saving grace with a little bit of fat free italian dressing. The first week sucked. I felt like I was walking around in a haze and, ask my kids, I was extreemly witchy. After the first week, it got much easier. I didn't really cheat other than having some turkey sausage for a snack. I just told myself that if I didn't follow the pre-op diet, then when it came time for the surgery, the doctor wouldn't be able to do the surgery and my sacrifice would be for nothing. Don't get me wrong....I was not this zen during the diet. I was slowly breaking up with my second greatest love.....FOOD!!!!! Even a week and a half post band, I still get a little blue thinking about eating things like bread and stuff. Good luck to you and keep your head in the game. Just try to set mini goals for yourself and get over this first week.
  8. fostermomma


    Yeah, I was gonna say Milk of Magnesia. In a pinch, you can use Fleet Supositories. I know it isn't ideal but it usually does the trick within 30 minutes. Try M of M first though. Take it at night and I would say right after breakfast you should have some results.
  9. fostermomma


    I was banded on 9/7 and have only gone about 3 times and that was only because I used a supository. I have taken Milk of Magnesia for the last three days and.....nothing. Does the miralax or metamucil have a taste? I don't mind taking it if it doesn't taste bad......
  10. fostermomma

    I Might Be The Only 1 Who Feels This Way

    Also....Think about where you started! You were at 335 and now down to 277! That is awesome. Give yourself some credit. We are proud of you and you should be too. I just had my surgery a little over a week ago so I haven't had fills or anything yet. RIght now I am trying to tell all of the horrible, fattening food that I cannot see them anymore. It is a little depressing to go to a Mexican restaurant and not have tortilla chips with a Dr. Pepper. But it is also a little depressing to go shopping and see an outfit that looks much cuter on the hanger that it does on me. Good luck to you and keep up posted!
  11. fostermomma

    So What Was Next For You??

    My pre-op diet lasted for 3 weeks due to my BMI. The doctor basically told me if I didn't follow it, my liver would not shrink enough and he would not be able to do the surgery. I was given advance notice so I was able to try different shakes to see what worked for me. I lost close to 20 pounds on that diet alone? That was a shake for breakfast, shake for lunch and a small, nutritious meal for dinner. SF popcicles were my snack. I even cheated a few times and had a few turkey sausage links as snack. After surgery, it was kind of trial and error for me. The gas sucks. I am 8 days post op and I think have finally gotten rid of it. I could barely walk it hurt so much but, thanks to someone who posted advice on this board, a rocking chair really helped work the gas out. That and Milk of Magnesia. I am doing mushies right now and eating a banana. I have been munching on this poor thing for about 30 minutes because I have to take such little bitty bites. Good luck to you!
  12. fostermomma

    Tmi But I Really Need To Know

    I was on my period and they gave me these mesh panties with a pad in them. Believe me, they are NOT meant for big girls. I tore one right through the crotch and had to ask for another one. I tore it because I was trying to make the legs bigger because it was cutting off my circulation. Anyhoo.....for future reference, ask them for a pair of scissors and you can cut the legs on the sides a little bit. It sucked being on my period and I felt it took longer for it to go away. I also didn't know if the bloating was caused by the period or the surgery. Good luck to you!
  13. No, I don't think she does. She put in her post that the only reason she remarked about anyone's weight was because someone called her a troll. That leads me to believe she is a little confused about the word. I am just gonna go ahead and bless her heart=)
  14. fostermomma


    Congrats! I lost 30 lbs since my preop diet and am one week after being banded now. I actually made it to under 300lbs for the first time in about 5 years so I hope to join you in about 7 to 8 months.
  15. Sweetie....do you know what they meant when they called you a troll? It sorta sounds like you thought they were calling you ugly or something. I am only responding because this is the first time I have found a hateful post like this. They were calling you a possible troll because there are people in this world, sometimes old men lounging around in their pajamas or someone with way too much time on their hands, who will barge into a chatroom or forum and try to cause trouble and chaos. Using the kind of language you used offends me and the majority of the people who come to this site for support. It is nice that you felt the need to be a cautionary tale to people considering the lap band but there is a separate forum for risks and troubles that can happen. I doubt anyone who gets this surgery does it without doing some sort of research. They can read about it on the other forum. I am sorry if you have troubles with your band. I am a week post op and am having gas issues but am going to tough it out. Maybe you can talk to your doctor about not being able to keep food down? I feel bad that you can't even eat healthy food and that doesn't sound like it is right. Maybe there is something they can do. Regardless, unless the administrator boots you off for your salty language, we are all here to offer advice and support if you feel it will help. Please refrain from the trash talk if you choose to continue to use this sight. Good luck and I will pray for you.
  16. fostermomma

    Hair Loss Question

    But what size biotin tablet do you take? I have one bottle that I was taking presurgery that was a little smaller around than a pencil eraser but about 1/2 inch long. I am afraid to take it because I am afraid it will get stuck. It is kind of mushy so it cannot be cut. I just bought some tablets last night that can be cut in half but I am still afraid of it getting stuck. DO they have chewables or liquids>
  17. fostermomma

    Oh The Taste Of Food!!

    Good job! I had my surgery last Friday and actually had some Tomato Basil Soup on Monday instead of my shake. It tasted amazing and was very satisfying. I am going to try some eggs or something(maybe oatmeal or potatos) tonight. I just have to remember to eat slowly and take little bites. Oh, and to not drink during my meal! Good luck to you!
  18. fostermomma

    Bowel Movements

    I was actually scared to go BM after my surgery. I was banded last Friday and didn't go poo until Monday night and that was only after 2 supositories. I don't feel like I need to go but I know it isn't healthy for me not to let it out. I am also having a hard time drinking water. Everytime I take a sip of something, I feel that familiar pressure between my breasts. does that mean it is still swollen or is it to tight. I have not tried mushies yet and I am a little nervous.
  19. fostermomma


    I am day 6 post op and my major gas pains just started yesterday. I literally wanted to die just to feel better. I felt like I needed to burp and it wouldn't come and I felt like I needed to poot and it didn't come. I tried a supository thinking maybe that would relieve some of the gas but all it did was make my stomach hurt more. I feel a little better this morning but I felt just fine yesterday morning too. It wasn't until I started having my shakes(my post op diet) that I started feeling bad. I had immense pressure in my chest. I am assuming that is where the band is? I am just hanging in there and know it will eventually get better.....right?
  20. fostermomma

    Soft Food Questions.

    I am in the same boat! They gave me all kinds of information on what to eat on the post-op diet but not how much. I had a cup a tomato basil soup last night and tonight and a shake for breakfast and lunch. I'm actually only supposed to have 3 shakes a day until Thursday but I found the soup isn't any thicker than the shakes. Good luck!
  21. My post op diet days 3 thru 7 is 3 Protein shakes a day(plus some jello/sf pops/juices if I want). On my pre-op diet, I was doing 8 oz of skim milk with one scoop of powder and some fruit for my shake. Will I be able to have that much post op? I don't want to waste my powder but I want to make sure I get enough. Since I basically cannot tell if I am hungry or not, I am not sure I will be able to tell if I am full.....anyone know what I should do? Thanks!
  22. Hi! I am being banded tomorrow and a friend wants me to join her in the Crossfit Program in Tucson. I was considering a personal trainer after I am cleared for strenuous excercise but she has been doing this program for almost 2 years and swears by it. As a lifelong couch potato, I am worried that I will drop dead of a heart attack if it is too much for me but I really need a push. It took a doctor telling me I had to eat certain foods in order to get my surgery for me to actually pay attention to what I eat and to eat healthy. I need that hounding of an actual excercise program to be held accountable. Anyone have any experience with this program?
  23. Got my band yesterday and, aside from some soreness, I felt great. I even took a trip to Walmart and went out to eat with my hubby and son. Well, they ate. I had some broth from their tortilla Soup. Probably ate about 1/2 a cup. It went down no problem. This morning, I was a lot more sore. Even though I wasn't hungry, I "ate" a 1/2 cup of chicken broth. Then we went to the mall so I could get the full press treatment of a color, highlight, lowlight and cut. I didn't expect it to take 4 hours but it did. I was a little tight in the stomach area and went through about 5 gas-x strips. Then I thought I would talk some so I could get rid of it that way. That is went the pain started in my left shoulder. I was expecting this so it was no surprise but has anyone else also experienced jaw pain and hip pain? I also have a tightness between my boobs...is that where the band is? I am also on my period so I don't know if any of these symptonms can be blamed in it. I feel like I felt after I had my son....my body is not my own. I came back to the hotel and the heating pad is helping some. I had a 1/2 cup of broth and some iced tea with sweet and low. I am concerned that I am not eating enough to tolerate the pain meds if I should have to take them. I am not in agony but am concerned about these aches and pains....any advice or recs? I really don't want to screw this up. It dawned on me that the paperwork the doctor gave me told me WHAT to eat but now HOW MUCH to eat on the liquid diet. TIA!!!
  24. I am feeling better today. Still some hip pain but it is getting better. I guess I did over-do it. I just thought the best thing would be to walk. As far as Protein shakes go, I can start having them today. The first 2 days post op are supposed to be Clear liquids only. Days 3 to 7 I can have 3 shakes a day. The thing is I am not hungry so I won't really know if I am full.
  25. I was banded today in Phoenix at a little past 7am. We had to get there at 5am for check-in and we were staying at a hotel about 30 minutes away so we had to get up at 4am.....that is very early. Especially early for someone who took her cpap machine out of mothballs and tried it for the first time in 2 years and couldn't sleep because it was tickling my nose hairs and pinching my face. I finally gave up and got to sleep around 2am. Got to the hospital and did the paperwork. Hubby and 7 year old son were out in the lobby and hubby put a movie on the DVD player so he could watch it and stay quiet. The nurse told me they would take me back and my family could join me after they were done poking and prodding me. This may be TMI, but of course I started my period 2 days before my surgery. They wanted me to get completely undressed and I told them I HAD to wear underwear. So they gave me these mesh panties and a brick sized pad. Well, let me tell you something, the mesh panties and not meant for big girls. I tore one pair before asking the nurse for some scissors to cut the sides a little or I would have no circulation. I had to share the pre-op room with two other people and the nurse gave the woman in the middle the remote. She put it on the news and all they were talking about was the DNC and I am so sick of politics right now. i would have rather watched QVC! They gave me a shot in my belly. It didn't hurt at first but the alcohol they used to clean it after burned like hell. After awhile, it kind of ached a little. Then they gave me my IV in my hand. It wasn't so bad. They gave me cute little socks with grippers on the bottom and the compression things for my legs but they said they would put those on right before. I was kind of bummed because I wanted to know what it felt like. In the meantime, my son is getting upset because he didn't pay attention when I went back and didn't get to kiss me goodbye. He demanded to be back there with me and they eventually got to go back. Not sure why he was so nervous. Maybe it was the fact that my husband joked to our 7 year old son that they were going to carve his momma up like a christmas turkey? Men! Finally, it was time to go back. I got my kisses and got a little choked up at leaving them. What surprised me was the fact that I kind of got freaked out as they were wheeling me into the OR. I actually considered telling them never mind! I just started praying and God took away my fear. It was incredibly cold in the OR and the bed they had me move to was really uncomfortable. That is all I remember until I woke up from the anethesia. They asked me if I wanted tea, something or something and the only thing that I could stand was tea. They brought me warm unsweetened tea(which I usually like sweetened with something) but it was the best tasting tea I ever had! I do have a bit of advice though for them: Do not hand a patient who is high as a kite and not in control of her motor skills a warm beverage. I spilled more than I drank. BTW: Doctor informed hubby I had TWO hiatial hernias. He was able to repair one but I will have to lose some weight for the other. They made me go to the bathroom and get dressed and then walked me out to the front. It was raining and Hubby busted it in his haste to get the car but he was alright. Just banged up his knee. Got home and didn't have to use the wheelchair we borrowed from the hotel at all. I just used it to kind of hold on to in order to keep my balance as I wanted down the hall. I was not in that much pain. I have four incisions and one of them has a major bruise on it. It is later in the evening now and I am really sore like someone punched me but it is not intolerable. I was even able to go out to dinner with hubby and son and I had some broth from some tortilla soup. We then went to Walmart! Blessed be: NO GAS PAIN....yet. I felt what I thought was gas so I took a gasx strip but that was it. Overall, I was pleased with my surgeon. It was sort of a wam bam thank you maam with not really a lot of fussing about but I kind of like that. I didn't really want to stay overnight and they said my surgery was perfect. To top that off, when the nurse weighed me this morning, I weighed 289!!!! That means I lost 25lbs on my pre-op diet! Believe me when I tell all of you future bandsters or even people just on a regular diet....if I can do it, anyone can! I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me. Thanks for viewing and God bless!

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