36 years old and never...
been "normal" weight, or size
been the "skinny" friend
worn a bikini (or been waxed!)
swapped clothes with a friend
been married or had kids
been swept off my feet/carried
sat on anyone's lap
worn a LBD
worn shorts intentionally
been 100% confident in my relationships (I frequently find myself questioning motives - i.e. are they really interested in me, or is there something else) I'm really working on that one though... I'm gradually becoming more aware of my worth and all that I have to offer outside of my physical being. Maybe when my mind connects fully with my spirit, and my body catches up with everything else I'll finally find (or be found by) "the one"
I could probably go on forever and day listing my "nevers", but Im excited about the newest and most monumental "nevers" of my life...
Never have I had 80% of my stomach removed to improve my current and future life.
Never have I been willing to take such a huge step to do something just for ME