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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Tekara3927 got a reaction from Velena in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Finally out of my stall! Down another 5 lbs! Stay strong girls! We can and will do this!
  2. Like
    Tekara3927 got a reaction from Velena in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    Finally out of my stall! Down another 5 lbs! Stay strong girls! We can and will do this!
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    Tekara3927 got a reaction from Jennabelle in 1 Month Out And I Stalled Already?   
    Stalls around then are normal. I dropped quickly in week 1 and 2. The next to nothing week 3 and 4. Now I'm at week 5 and have lost another 5 lbs! Woo hoo! Stay strong, keep getting in all your h2o and Protein and you WILL see results!
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    Tekara3927 got a reaction from Jennabelle in 1 Month Out And I Stalled Already?   
    Stalls around then are normal. I dropped quickly in week 1 and 2. The next to nothing week 3 and 4. Now I'm at week 5 and have lost another 5 lbs! Woo hoo! Stay strong, keep getting in all your h2o and Protein and you WILL see results!
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    Tekara3927 reacted to vonego82 in September 7Th! Who's With Me?   
    Yay!! were september 7 buddies!! :-D
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    Tekara3927 reacted to Karina in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    I had my surgery on 9/7 and I have lost 30 lbs.
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    Tekara3927 reacted to MrsNellieC in Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call   
    I am 5 weeks out!!! Honestly I wonder on some days if my surgery was even done! I seem to have an Iron sleeve! I have not had an issue with any food yet. Too scared to try salad but other then that it is trial and error so I try almost everything! They were steak fajitas by the way!
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    Tekara3927 got a reaction from missmachine in New Dress / Progress Pic   
    Just throw some leggings under it if you think it's too short! Looks adorable, congrats!!
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    Tekara3927 reacted to Imlosing big in My First Nsv   
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    Tekara3927 reacted to seelessofme in Nsv: How Many Pants Sizes Have You Dropped? No More Big And Tall   
    That's me too! Just took a lot of big clothes out of the closet! Boy did that feel good!!
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    Tekara3927 reacted to PdxMan in Increased Restriction   
    Well, I'm 99% sure your restriction has not increased. My restriction varies depending upon several things.

    The texture of what I am eating: For instance. A 3 oz piece of ground turkey is easier to eat than a 3 oz slice of turkey breast. As a matter of fact, I don't think I could eat anything else if I had a 3 oz slice of turkey breast. Point is, the ground turkey has already been a bit processed for me making it easier to chew and handle.

    The order in which I eat: Which makes sense to me as we stack food up against the pyloric valve. If I start off with salad, and then eat a meatball, I don't feel the same restriction as if I ate the meatball first. meat is going to take a bit more time to break down before passing through the pyloric valve, so it will back everything else up giving the feeling of more restriction.

    What I am eating: I can pack away a good amount of slider foods. popcorn, salads ... even crackers are sliders for me, which I don't quite get. Seems the grains would expand in the stomach and cause restriction, but I can eat crackers. Oye. I digress. Bottom line is eating 3 oz of cottage cheese is not the same as eating 3 oz of Pasta. You WILL feel different amounts of restriction.

    Liquids: Whether drinking with the meal or if the dinner has liquids in it, this definately affects restriction. I have played around with this a lot to increase calories for exercise. I can eat almost double of the exact same foods when I drink with them. I can eat 8 oz of just about any Soup, no problem.

    Rate of consumption: If I take my time and chew well, I can eat more comfortably. When I go back to my old habits of chewing 5 times and shoveling another fork-full in, I have pain. I try to put my utencil down between each bite and chew really well. Not to mush like we had to do early out, but we have to remember what happened here. The stomach is the mechanical part of digestion. Think of it as the garbage disposer mashing up the food getting it ready to send down the pipes. Removing 85% of it has changed it from a 1 horsepower unit to an eighth horsepower unit. Help it out by chewing the food a little more than we did pre-op.

    My 2 cents on this. Experiment with what I have thrown out there and you may be able to find what works for you.
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    Tekara3927 reacted to DEZ1975 in Why Can't I Post?   
    Has anyone noticed that since updating the iPhone you can't post replies to threads?
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    Tekara3927 reacted to Spatters3 in Discovered Something About Stalls   
    O.T.R.: love your new picture. You look so happy! :-)
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    Tekara3927 reacted to iegal in My First Nsv   
    Amazing sleeve! I am dancing along with you. Congrats on such great success thus far. Keep rocking that sleeve!
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    Tekara3927 reacted to Annie B in My First Nsv   
    That is incredibly exciting!!! Congratulations!
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    Tekara3927 got a reaction from enigmachik in My First Nsv   
    Soooooo..... I got surgery a month ago, I've lost 27 lbs since then and lost 20 before surgery, so total is 47 lbs . I went down in the basement to look for something and noticed a bucket of my fall/ winter clothes, I decided to bring it. EVERYTHING in the bucket was my pre- baby clothes, my Sweet Caroline is 16 months old now..
    EVERYTHING FITS!!! Even some pants are too big!! I'm the same size/ smaller than when I got pregnant. I've been doing the happy dance for hours! Thank you sleeve!!!
  17. Like
    Tekara3927 got a reaction from enigmachik in My First Nsv   
    Soooooo..... I got surgery a month ago, I've lost 27 lbs since then and lost 20 before surgery, so total is 47 lbs . I went down in the basement to look for something and noticed a bucket of my fall/ winter clothes, I decided to bring it. EVERYTHING in the bucket was my pre- baby clothes, my Sweet Caroline is 16 months old now..
    EVERYTHING FITS!!! Even some pants are too big!! I'm the same size/ smaller than when I got pregnant. I've been doing the happy dance for hours! Thank you sleeve!!!
  18. Like
    Tekara3927 reacted to CowgirlJane in The Best Weight Lost Compliments Ever!   
    I have had two compliments recently that just make me feel like such a success with my weight loss.
    One of my brothers told me that I just look "normal" I don't look like I was ever morbidly obese. If course, I still have some pounds to lose, but the drop from a 26W to a slim size 14 is such a shift in everything about how you look! I try on clothes and finally feel like they look good. I was cold and could borrow someone else's jacket - that was crazy, to fit in a normal looking jacket and not needing something from the big and wide section.
    The other one was last night. I went to a "tryout" for a ladies equestrian drill team. It is fast paced riding and harder then you might think. The coach came up to me and told me I have a good horse and that I am a "good looking rider". I have been complimented on my horsemanship skills - how I handle my horses, but I have never ever ever had someone tell me that I look good doing it. Of course, what he meant was that i know how to ride and would fit in with the group.
    You just have no idea how thrilling I find it to be just normal.... I don't need to be sexy, hot or any of that. Just normal is wonderful.
    so, what compliments have you received that just really hit you as being so encouraging and heart warming?
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    Tekara3927 reacted to Dooter in *gasp* Lady Gaga Gained Weight! The Nerve!- A Body Revolution   
    Ok- I'm 42 and don't have much in common with an over-sexed pop star that's whipping the hormones of our youth into a screaming frenzy....BUT......
    She is creative, and sexy, and pretty talented really... AND--had the nerve to gain 25 pounds!!! *GASP* (Smell that? That's sarcasm....) The media is absolutely 'murdalizing' her (to coin a term from Bugs Bunny). So in retaliation, she has started
    A Body Revolution...read more about it here:
    Our young girls need to know that being a scarecrow look-alike is NOT normal, so I'm glad Lady Gaga is doing this. Shoot....her "heavy" pictures are probably 40 lbs less than my goal weight!!
    "To kick things off, she

    a few photos of herself in just her bra and underwear (some above), with the captions “bulimia and anorexia since I was 15” “but today I join the body revolution” “to inspire bravery” “and breed some m$therf*cking compassion.”"

    Really???? That's what they're complaining about???? I'd LOVE to look like that!!!!
    Go get 'em G!!

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    Tekara3927 reacted to gmanbat in Slow Loser?   
    That should be a sticky. Well put.
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    Tekara3927 reacted to Piplula in New Dress / Progress Pic   
    I'd wear it now ..no reason to wait..you look good in it..go on and enjoy your purchase before its too big to wear!
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    Tekara3927 reacted to Earwood in Is It Worth It?!   
    Well, I have to say that was not a very Christian statement. To redeem our sister in the faith let me offer some scriptures for guidance:
    Galatians 3:28
    There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
    1 John 2:9
    Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness.
    James 2:9
    But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.
    John 13:34
    A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
    Also, I have to say going to Mexico to get my sleeve was my first trip to that country and although I was nervous crossing the border, I had a great experience and found the Mexican people to be some of the nicest and friendliest I've ever met. I don't regret my decision and hope one day I can go back on leisure to enjoy the beauty of the land and the people.
    God Bless all God's people
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    Tekara3927 reacted to takroom in Any September 4Th Sleevers?   
    Tekara- sent you request on fitness pal
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    Tekara3927 got a reaction from funkeechiggen in Meal Planning For Single Parents With Young Children - Need Suggestions!   
    Grilled cheese and Tomato soup! I eat some Tomato Soup and she has both. Yum! That's only one night, but that's been easy for me. I also did another night of Pasta with tomato sop as the sauce, she loved it. Good luck.

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