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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kntexas

  1. kntexas

    Gas Pains UGH!!

    walking helped me out alot.i had my op on 2/27 and i havent had any gas pains since saturday
  2. kntexas

    February 2007 bandsters!

    on my third day since i was banded and i finally managed to get my 6oz protein shake down and a sf popsicle still sipping on water but really havent been hungry yet as far as the gas goes everyone says walk walk walk the gas pain is not bothering me much anymre but this itchy feeling i got is driving me nutssssssss!! GOOD LUCK 2 EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. i am from victoria texas.i got banded yesterday in houston by dr wilkenfeld.
  4. last night was my worst time so far couldnt get comfortable to save my life ended up sleeping in my recliner. i didnt have any gas pains up until last night. anyways i started out at 465.5 2 weeks before surgery with a bmi of 68.7. on the day of surgery i was 436. i couldnt belived i dropped so much is such little time. i hope it continues. all i want now though is for this gas pain and cotton mouth to go away. well good luck everyone.hopefully the hard part is over and we are on are way to being normal.....
  5. it helps to know that there are other people going threw the same things and having there input.so i think its perfectly normal to spend the time reading and writing in the forums.better to be addicted to the forums than FOOD!!!!!!!!!
  6. kntexas

    February 2007 bandsters!

    thank you for letting me know its going to get better. i will be glad when all the gas pains are gone. as far as where they went in its a little sore but not to bad. i usally sleep on my side so that has been different trying to sleep on my back last night i slept in my recliner i slept alot better.
  7. kntexas

    newbie banded yesterday

    same here i didnt think the pre op diet was to bad of course i kept telling myself only two weeks. but after the surgery i am having a hard time getting my fluids is this normal?
  8. kntexas

    February 2007 bandsters!

    i just had mine done tues uggggggg i cant even think about food im having hard enough time getting my water down i hope this is from swelling i hope it gets better.
  9. kntexas

    newbie banded yesterday

    thank you and good luck with you surgery.everything is gooing good so far just a little sore.
  10. kntexas

    February 2007 bandsters!

    just had my op yesterday.a little sore today but other than that feeling good.

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