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About Wildflower

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    Guru in Training
  • Birthday 08/24/1971

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    wild.flower.ga or ms.vicky71

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    Music, Photography , Horror movies, World of Warcraft
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  1. Wildflower

    About to revise! Advice pls!

    I have the sleeve and I love it. I am one yr out and 91 lbs down. Mind you I was self pay, cash in Tijuana Mexico and have had no follow up medical care after.. but also have not needed it.There were several people there with me that were having the revision done and from what I learned from them, the sleeve is so very much better. There is an adjustment of course after surgery.. If you eat too much, yes , it will come back up but I personally have not had any issues since about 3 months after. I am able to eat pretty much anything I choose, just very little of it. My evils are pasta and beef..my heaven was grilled cheese - cheese- cottage cheese and protein shakes.. that was basicly what I lived on for 3 months.. and brothy soups when I wanted it. and yes grilled cheese on bread.. I choose multigrain bread, toasted or crunchy. So to me this sleeve is a Miracle.. I can have a bite of anything I want to taste but thanks to my little buddy ( sleeve ) I can not over eat.. I will never over eat again. Just make wise choices as far as gravy, pudding, cheese cake, just because you can eat it, doesnt mean you should.. my new motto. I wish you luck and I hope you love your sleeve as much as i do
  2. I went to Tijuana self pay sleeve with DR Almanza. My niece did go with me, but that said , after it was all said and done I would have gone alone and would go back alone. The person that comes with you really just ends up spending a lot of time waiting and alone themselves. We travel in groups , you have the option of a group home with other patients or the hotel with other patients. It is very clean, very safe and you will never be alone. I had a group of 9 with me and met several others.. everyone was so friendly, we laughed we talked we moaned and groaned all together . I loved having my niece with me but not necessary at all.
  3. Wildflower

    Muscle Definition

    Wow..you look fantastic.. definitely do not look like a wls patient
  4. Wildflower

    One Year before and After Pics

    You look fantastic, grats on one year today is my surgerversary as well.. 91lbs down
  5. Today is my one year surgiversary!!! I am down 91 lbs and yes yes yes, I would do it all over again.. much love to my sleeve sisters and Scott, I would love to talk to you all, even plan a get together at some point would be awesome

  6. Peeking in for a visit, love seeing all the progress and uplifting stories..much love to you all

  7. Wildflower


    I live in Roswell , 10 months post op.. self pay in Mexico and doing great so far. Nice to see this group here
  8. I had the same issues Jenna, I was terrified .. I actually canceled and got my money back once before I finally went through with it.. and I thank God every day that I did. It is different, I am not going to sugar coat it. 10 of us in a van pulling into a strip mall to have major surgery.. I was in a full panic attack.. until I went inside.. there it was a crisp clean medical clinic, very nice people, very friendly, We all 10 had our surgeries that day/night and we all did very well.. I personally had to travel from the hotel to the clinic for check ups.. I would rather stay in a hospital and not do the travel if it was an option .. also there is no delivery of the pain medication.. you only get it in your iv when you drive back to the clinic. Most of us suffered from gas pain more than anything else.. some of the girls looked like they had not even had surgery and felt great.. they were smaller in size if that matters or not im not sure. But all in all, I knew it was cheaper for many reasons and My Doctor did a fantastic job, I have not had any issues what so ever with my surgery and one of the ladies that had surgery with me was checked out in the States when she returned home.. the Doc said " well, he knew what he was doing, that is for certain" . My cost was $4,500 , safe, clean, caring, very nice hotel, popcicles a plenty, free broth from the kitchen.. I would do it over and over and over again.. I do plan to return next year to get the flab removed lol
  9. My niece waited with me in the clinic with her Ipad and iphone.. she slept at my feet in recovery .. next morning we went to the hotel together.. I suggest the hotel if you dont want them waiting with you at the clinic.. now that I have been there done that, I would go back alone but I was scared to death and she never left my side lol it was all so safe and so comforting. Out group got out and walked all over down town by the hotel
  10. I have only seen my regular doctor one time since my surgery in Mexico 10 months ago.. I was / am nervous about that as well but so far so good, she checked my blood levels and ran several tests.. my diabetic issues are gone.. blood pressure normal.. I am low on Vitamin D is all that came back <3 I wish you the same good fortune
  11. Wildflower


    Popcorn chips rock for me!!! but I do eat pop corn.. with cut up ( real block kind ) cheddar cheese on the side
  12. Wildflower

    Will I ever be able to eat my Faves again?

    I am 9 months after surgery.. as memory serves .. about 2 months after I could have a small portion of just about anything I wanted. I find pasta and steak to be extremely filling though, even to this day.. but that is the magic of the sleeve. A little dab will do ya You can have a bite or 2 of ANYTHING you choose.. but be very careful about those choices and remember what got us here to begin with. I can also eat cheetos.. I can eat a lot of cheetos..lol crunchy things chewed well seem to be easy.. which means bad . I am kind of stuck at the moment, you become so addicted to running to the scale to see how many pounds you lost today.. well I did anyway.. then it was did I loose a pound this week? now.. I am back to my shakes and cottage cheese and not " testing what I can have" I know I do not NEED it and those things are why I had the surgery and the weight problem to start, So good luck, enjoy and remember to make good choices when you can.
  13. Wildflower

    Guillermo Alvarez In Mexico

    I went to DR Almanza in Tijuana and couldn't be happier with the out come 3 months later..never heard of GUillermo though, sorry

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