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Everything posted by Wildflower

  1. I found I could have most anything as long as I chew chew chew and very small bites.. that said, I didn't like the full feeling I got from my tuna /salmon so at the time it just wasn't worth it to me. I found my saving grace with Kraft simply cottage cheese / Cheddar cheese cut into strips / and Soups mornings some times I would make me a scramble with cheese and scallions ... I think it may have been around 6 weeks when I discovered I could eat whole grain tortilla with cheese too! I would make it in a skillet like a grilled cheese or a quesadilla .. it was awesome.. still is. I do find the Protein shakes make me happy.. period.. I feel better with them daily so I can't stress enough to get you a shake you like and try to get that in you every day. I ran out and I realized I would take more bites through out the day and that in itself made me feel bad ..but my energy level was lower and everything .
  2. Wildflower

    This May Be Inappropriate, Forgive Me :)

    @tabby im not really sure why im loosing so much but I sure aint complaining lol 60lbs officially today about 10 weeks? I eat and I drink.. and it just melts off. Im sure that will end soon and probably because I was much higher BMI?
  3. Wildflower

    Is This Okay?

    My doctor sent me a letter saying I needed vitamin D, so I got liquid Vitamin D and a Liquid multi - its harsh to drink alone but mixing it works the just same. I just take a shot of it and get it over with incase i dont drink all my smoothie
  4. Wildflower

    Bad Dream

    I was truly terrified of dying during surgery or complications after - plus had my precious 10 yr old daughter telling me she loves my fat to cuddle with lol I was also facing the " Mexico self pay fear " . I canceled and got a refund 2 times before I finally decided to go through with it and I thank God I did. This forum is the only reason I finally did it and felt safe enough to go, it feels real and honest and raw and I met about 30 people in Mexico that all are doing fine and dandy today My nightmares were about being sooo skinny like an anorexic person and there was no way for me to stop the weightloss.. it was quite frightening so I totally feel ya but at the same time, its the best thing I have ever done and I wish you all the luck in the world. I have lost 60 lbs - no high blood pressure meds, no diabetic issues... no cholesterol meds.. but above all mentally.. I am a different person.. the positive thinking and just a simple happiness I dont think I have ever known.. stay in touch
  5. I have heard a lot of people say its about the weight and BMI - people with a lower weight and BMI seem to loose less at the start ? I am 60 lbs lost and had my surgery July 19th. But some of the girls with me have only lost 30 or so but were much smaller than I was
  6. I don't know for sure, but I would assume as long as you chew them good you could have the skins.. I like mine peeled and grats on the new step.. so exciting isnt it. I just enjoyed a bowl of grapes last night.. never has a grape tasted so sweet and juicy and wonderful..lol
  7. Wildflower

    I Have f**king Had It!

    I am really sorry you are having these issues.. have you talked to your doctor?
  8. I had a couple episodes where my left side felt like it was tearing open.. it terrified me and I was even home alone. Thank God, it did pass eventually and I think it was just a muscle from over doing it, I think it was around 2 weeks after surgery. I am pretty tuff when it comes to pain but this was bad.. had me in tears, in bed and thinking of calling 911 to see if my stomach had ripped open lol That did scare me into drinking the way I need to and now I start every day with a Protein shake ( muscle milk ) and then start on a bottle of Water.. I think the water made a big difference for me, But I am happy to tell you that 2 months out, I feel nothing inside except full when I eat.. no pain. I have lost 55 lbs, maybe 56 today Not totally into the exercise yet, but I can shop till I drop and not one bead of sweat on my forehead which is my new victory much love and good wishes.. it will get better.. but keep in mind that if you ever do feel fear, you should always call your doctor rather than suffer.
  9. Wildflower

    5 Weeks Out N Miserable

    I drink Muscle Milk protein shake and this, daily. http://www.benefiber.com/products/benefiberStickPacksKiwi.shtml It was my saving grace and I am getting my water intake at the same time. I swear to you It is the same consistency as water.. i love it.
  10. Wildflower

    5 Days Out

    I was the opposite , I could get down an entire shake ( muscle milk ) but not my water. lasted a couple weeks but now I do pretty well, maybe 2 20oz bottle of water a day and at least one muscle milk.. sometimes 2. but I am eating chicken and salmon now so I dont worry too much about it. I am awaiting my liquid vitamins now, looking forward to getting started on them. be sure to ask anything at all here, this place is great
  11. Wildflower

    New On This Site

    Welcome Jazzee , I hope you love your sleeve as much as I do mine.. It has changed my life on so many different levels and I am only 2 months out. Best decision I ever made <3
  12. lol.. I have some to love my gas
  13. Wildflower

    Do My Incisions Look Infected?

    YES! the doctor that removed mine said mine were infected and they didnt look any where near as bad as that!!! She also stated that the infection looked more as though I was having a reaction to the material used than bacterial .I had to take anti-biotics for 10 more days and used perscription strength topical ointment on them, healed up fine.. you should totally see a doctor
  14. I was actually told to use a straw to keep from gulping big ole drinks that made my chest feel like it was being pried apart in the beginning .
  15. Wildflower

    Watch What You Say....your Ignorance Is Showing...

    Good for you pip.. I have delt with some of the same things.. I hate when people say, " Oh so its easy because you CANT eat " umm, we can eat dumbass, we just get full faster, still takes will power to not eat the cheesecake and chicken wings every day lol .. of course, I just explain that i can eat anything I used to eat, I choose not to now and have portion control to help me But I can honestly say 55lbs down and im sure at least 55 more to go.. I don't give a damn what people think about us having surgery.. it was the right thing to do for me
  16. I had chicken strips and enjoyed every tiny little bite!! :P

  17. @ginni - I totally agree and I notice the same thing about certain foods filling me up faster. I can not eat Pasta for example - one bite of noodles and my sleeve is unhappy but I can eat chicken stir fry ( veggies not the rice so much ) and I do fine.. @thinner - I am only 2 months out and have lost 55lbs.. My advise is to stick to your Protein drinks and be mindful of the bad foods.. yes I think we will loose no matter what we eat right now, but I personally didn't go through all this just to keep the same bad eating habits and a year down the road start gaining back. Just because I CAN eat cheese cake doesn't mean I am gonna.. I eat cottage cheese instead. I would say try your best not to choose bad foods over good foods and see how you do.. and definitely start your day with Protein Drink and Vitamins, it totally helps me )
  18. From the album: Wildflower

    I have a neck.. lol 9/20/2012
  19. From the album: Wildflower

    2 months and 55lbs later
  20. Wildflower

    July 2012

    From the album: Wildflower

    I took these pictures when I started my pre-op diet. around mid July 2012
  21. Wildflower

    July 5th Pre-OP

    From the album: Wildflower

    I took these pictures when I started my pre-op diet. around mid July 2012
  22. 55lbs down and feeling really good!!!

  23. Wildflower

    Who Is Toastedpuppy?

    omg your kidding me? I didnt know he found us on here. I have wanted to talk to him so bad since we got back. Melissa's luggage was lost and so was the entire list of contacts she had for us, How are you girl? I am doing pretty damned good myself
  24. I see Tara is tredwine so who is the puppy?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
