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    Ready4success got a reaction from AngelBaby in Most Humiliating Fat Moment   
    I really only feel bad when I see people from high school. I was really athletic, a former cheerleader, on the drill team, etc. anything that involved a cute smile and a short skirt, I did it. Now, I avoid going out in public when I go back to my home town. If I see someone, I try to hide, or I'm constantly looking over my shoulder. Pathetic, I know. Three years ago, we had a class reunion and I lost 111 pounds just to go to it. I still wasn't the size that I was in high school, but neither was anyone else. Needless to say, I gained that 111 + 10 more, before going to see a bariatric surgeon. I just can't do it on my own.
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    Ready4success got a reaction from ouroborous in Holy Crap, I'm Getting Hot!   
    Lol, I LOVE this!!!! Way to go, dude! Your future is so bright with the women, that you gotta wear shades.
    Corny, I know.
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    Ready4success got a reaction from EMR83 in Issues Contacting Insurance Coordinator   
    I called Cigna, to check up on the doctor's office numerous times. That's how I found out they lied about submitting my paperwork.
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    Ready4success got a reaction from Kalimomof3 in Ladies What Is Your Type?   
    I was shapely with big boobs. I don't know what type it was, but it was the one the boys liked, :-)
    and apparently the kind that just goes to round when you become overweight. I'm that shape now, lol.
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    Ready4success got a reaction from mandmcd in August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?   
    For everyone starting their pre-op diets this week, we can do it!!!! I start tomorrow, so I'll see how I'm feeling after an entire day of just liquids, lol. Counting down the days until I get sleeved!!!!
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    Ready4success reacted to suzjag in Water Wait Gain   
    Some people have no brakes on what they say to others. Being self righteous isn't very appealing.
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    Ready4success got a reaction from Pparrisss in First Day Of My Pre-Op Diet   
    I start my 2 weeks tomorrow. If y'all don't mind my asking, what products are y'all using for Meal Replacements?
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    Ready4success got a reaction from anewme46 in Looking For A Buddy With Similiar Stats   
    Hey everybody, I start my pre-op liquid diet this Tuesday 8/14 to be sleeved Tuesday 8/28. I'm looking for a buddy with similiar stats, and who has been or will be sleeved this month (August).
    I'm 5'7", and I weigh 282. My surgeon's goal weight for me is 160, so I have 122 pounds to lose. Anybody out there similiar? Thanks
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    Ready4success got a reaction from Laceyloveland in Please Dont Judge - Yes Or No Is Fine   
    So, you've been 6 weeks, maybe more, without a cigarette? What an amazing accomplishment! Although you're going through a rough time, you've got to be excited about that! I'm not a smoker, never have been, but I'm glad you've made so many great changes in your life. Do your best! I know you can do it! Good Luck!
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    Ready4success got a reaction from Need-a-Sleeve in Super Nurses With Sleeves (Support Group)   
    Hi everybody!
    My name is Kim and I am 36 yrs old. I am an ACNP (Acute Care Nurse Practitioner) and will be starting a RNFA (Registered Nurse First Assistant) program the day after I get sleeved. Yikes! I was a CST (Certified Surgical Tech) for 4 years before becoming a CNOR (Certified Nurse of the Operating Room) for the last 8 years. I'm a single parent of a special needs daughter, who will be tuning 16 on August 4th. I've been busy planning her surprise Sweet 16 party, so between shopping for pre-op Protein shakes and what not, I've been shopping for the party. I'm excited at the possibility of not being in so much pain everyday, plus no more HTN or DM.
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    Ready4success reacted to mesaucedo in Is The Best Case Scenario Really Realistic?   
    I think it depends on a few things: age, mood and overall attitude.
    I am young and recovered very quickly - doc said it was because I wasn't too overweight and young people tend to bounce back more quickly.
    I wanted to be all lazy and lay in bed but the nurses and my aunt had me up and walking three hours after surgery, I felt so much better.
    Lastly, instead of staying in my hotel room to recover I actually went around Mexico and went on a four hour drive to Ensenada and had a ton of fun. I felt great!
    I drove myself 8 hours fourish days after surgery. I went back to school a week after and work two weeks after. Mind you, I work in a very physically demanding job.
    So I think if you approach it in a positive mood and make yourself get up and walk walk walk, you will have an easier time.
    I also wasn't taking any pain meds after the first ***ht.
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    Ready4success got a reaction from kksinisi in Before And After Pics   
    Wow....you look like you're a younger sister. Good job!
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    Ready4success got a reaction from kksinisi in Before And After Pics   
    Wow....you look like you're a younger sister. Good job!
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    Ready4success got a reaction from amykins in Body Piercing-Surgery Question   
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    Ready4success got a reaction from IsaacsGram in Roll Call Nurses Being Sleeved ...........   
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    Ready4success got a reaction from Ramona1019 in Roll Call Nurses Being Sleeved ...........   
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    Ready4success got a reaction from Janedeaux3 in Feel Horrible   
    The fact that so many people knew about it is NOT surprising to me. I AM surprised that they acted so unprofessionally by letting you know that they knew about it. When something like that happens, it has to be documented, it goes to risk management, and everything gets rehashed numerous times to analyze any wrong doing and address whether anything could have been done differently. In other words, it is a BIG deal. On your next day of surgery, your team will be talking about it again, and they'll probably be freakishly cautious with everything, treat you with kid gloves, and meet your every need. When you get to the floor, the nurses there will know about it too, because it has been documented , they'll get the news in report, and they will have access to your records. This type of behavior by healthcare givers is normal, it's kind of our way of saying that we're going to take extra great care of you because of what happened. If you get annoyed, just tell them to leave you alone, we can be sickenly sweet sometimes. Once again, good luck and you'll wake up with your itty, bitty stomach. I know you'll do fine.
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    Ready4success reacted to Texarkolina in Feel Horrible   
    I started asking questions and was able to get the bariatric coordinator to discuss the episode with the head of anesthesiology. He said that if he had been in the room that the procedure would have continued. He said that my surgeon made a judgement call and chose to stop the surgery, but that it wasn't necessary. I am fine with the surgery being stopped. If the surgeon felt like he and/or the anesthesiologist was too shook up and/or not prepared to continue, then he made the right call. He said that everyone does anesthesia differently and while the person doing mine didn't do anything, wrong, that most anesthesiologists would have pre-treated a person my age with a medication that would prevent my heart rate from dropping. Begs the question of why this isn't done for everyone??
    My best friend had surgery Thursday, and everyone recognized me and came to me to talk about it. They acted like it was this huge thing and it seemed like everyone in the hospital knew about it. The reaction of various people in the hospital being so dramatic was more nerve racking than what actually happened. I am a little disappointed in the lack of professionalism, and irritated at the overall insensitivity of the hospital staff. No one should have approached me with "Oh my god--I can't believe what happened to you." I feel better after asking some questions, and they have assured me that the anesthesiology person assigned to my case on Monday will come up to the pre-op area and talk with me and my family before I go back. I think I am going to refuse to go down until this happens.
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    Ready4success got a reaction from valdostaGA in Cigna Approval Process   
    I was told the same thing and my approval letter came in the mail 3 days later.
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    Ready4success got a reaction from Pre-OpLoser619 in Is There Anything That You Wish You Knew Pre-Op?   
    First off, I'm sorry that you're having such a hard time. It does seem that only the good stories get told here, doesn't it? I hope with the help of your new doctor, you can get on the road to being mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy.
    I am still pre-op, so I don't have anything to add to your post about regrets, but I was just wondering about your reasons for having the surgery. The reason I ask this is because it seems that no one mentioned the risks versus the benefits of the surgery and how it applies to your PERSONAL situation.
    Take me for instance, I'm 36 years old and I have diabetes, hypertension, arthritis in both hips, and in my right knee. When I consider sticking myself four times a day for the rest of my life because of the diabetes, I'll risk the surgery. When I consider taking 2 medications twice a day everyday for the rest of my life and insulin to lower my blood sugars versus keeping candy in my purse in case my blood sugar gets too low, I'll risk that too. When I consider losing a foot or a leg from diabetes, it's a real no brainer for me, I'll risk a complication in surgery. When I consider taking 2 b/p meds everyday in an effort to prevent stroke, I'll take the risks of surgery. I am in physical pain from the time that I wake up until I go to bed, and it doesn't help that I have a very physical job (nurse), so just the thought of maybe going an entire day without pain is enough to make me risk a surgery that may cause a leak, a clot, or future surgery. This is why I AM choosing the surgery.
    My heart goes out to you, and I hope you start to feel better really soon. I wish someone had real discussions with you about this surgery and how it would affect YOUR life, but it's not too late to discuss this with your psych. I think you can still feel positive about the decision you made, because your reasons for making that decision are still there. I hope once you start to feel better physically and mentally, the reasons for the surgery will outweigh the complications you're having. Good Luck and Feel Better Soon! (hugs)
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    Ready4success got a reaction from lisalalani in Just Got Approved Through Cigna Oap!   
    My paperwork was sent by my surgeon last Tuesday, and was accepted by Cigna on Thursday. I called on Friday just to make sure, and was told a decision would be made no later than today...and yep, I got the call saying I was approved. Not sure how I feel, overwhelmed that this for real now. The surgery scheduler is supposed to call with a surgery date. Good Luck to everyone with Cigna, sometimes they can surprise you.
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    Ready4success got a reaction from Dooter in NSV shout outs   
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    Ready4success reacted to Pookeyism in Spider Method   
    I think instead of opting for surgery, they wrap you in ace bandages, dangle you from the ceiling and give you lipo...
    I could be mistaken...
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    Ready4success got a reaction from Tbrendon in Honesty Vs. Lying About The Surgery   
    I've told everyone who talks to me. Amazing, the more people I tell, the more people admit to considering it too. Two of my co-workers are going to my bariatric surgeon, and I never would've known had I not thrown it out there first.
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    Ready4success got a reaction from Tbrendon in Honesty Vs. Lying About The Surgery   
    I've told everyone who talks to me. Amazing, the more people I tell, the more people admit to considering it too. Two of my co-workers are going to my bariatric surgeon, and I never would've known had I not thrown it out there first.

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