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Everything posted by Ready4success

  1. Ready4success

    Medical Id Tag Or Bracelet?i

    Yes, we can have a tube, even RNY patients can have a tube, but it needs to be done with a scope (i.e. no "blind" tubes).
  2. You do have a nice shape! Way to go! Maybe toning up will help with some of it.
  3. Ready4success

    Couldnt Do Surgery-Liver Size

    It is odd, but I guess not unheard of. Your surgeon has done a lot of bariatrics, I assume? I work as an NP in surgery with a bariatric surgeon, and while many patients have been less than ideal, anatomically wise, we do our best to get it done. My employer and I have never personally closed a patient, without doing the procedure. Your blood work (LFTs) would've been high, which is common in FLD (Fatty Liver Disease). Did he happen to do a liver biopsy while he was in there? It could help with determining why your liver is so large. I hope this doesn't discourage you. This surgery can help you become healthy and active. Please don't give up.
  4. Ready4success

    Medical Id Tag Or Bracelet?i

    I think it's a good idea to alert people that your stomach is not the normal shape. It's more important for RNY patients because nasogastric and orogastric tubes placed by medical personnel are placed post-pyloric, and their pyloric valves have been bypassed. That can cause harm when a "blind" placement is done. Even so, as a nurse, I would like to make my own decision about whether I'm comfortable or not placing a tube in a sleeved patient.
  5. RNY patients have dumping syndrome due to a mechanical nature (rerouting of intestines), but anyone, sleeved patient or otherwise, can have dumping syndrome of a chemical nature (type of food eaten). If you stay away from too many high sugar foods/drinks or foods with high amounts of sugar alcohols (sugar free candy), it'll probably never happen.
  6. Ready4success

    First Day At The Gym

    That's what I love about the "Y". There's every age and body type, from a 70 year old grandpa to a 20 year old young co-ed. Seriously though, those grandmas are a beast when it comes to water aerobics, they're "cliquish" too. You have to be a part of the "Cool Kids Club for Seniors".
  7. Ready4success

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    This is the second morning in a row that I woken with n/v. Although it's not persistent, I put a call into the doctor's office. I leave for first assistant training 4 hours away tomorrow, and I don't want any surprises.
  8. Ready4success

    Any Sleevers From Houston

    I'm right down the street in Cypress. Sleeved on 8/28.
  9. Ready4success

    Head Hunger

    I'm newly slewed, 8 days out. I've stuck with the sugar-free stuff, but I still feel like I'm overdoing it. Am I justifying it by saying that I've had too many sugar free items today, because I'm suffering from head hunger?
  10. Ready4success


    Thanks! Something to try next time.
  11. I don't have any advice, but my heart goes out to you and your family. I hope you get well soon. ((Hugs))
  12. Call on Friday, just to be sure your paperwork was accepted. Things get lost all the time, and I'd hate for you to wait a week thinking they have it, and they don't. Just ask if your paperwork was received and accepted. They accept if all the documentation is present, and they reject it if something is missing. I have Cigna, so I don't know if that makes a difference.
  13. Ready4success

    Anesthesia Worry

    I had difficulty waking up (emergence) from anesthesia for my last two surgeries. I explained to my surgeon, and my anesthesia personnel and they assured me that they would only give me what I needed, when I needed it. It's not uncommon for overweight/obese people to have problems waking up from the anesthetic gases, due to its solubility in our tissue. When a patient has a lot of tissue (obviously we do), it takes longer to for the anesthetic gases to be released from the stores. There have been many studies done on it. Google anesthetic gases and obese patients if you would like to know more.
  14. Ready4success

    So Sad I Cannot Breathe

    Glad to hear the crisis is over, but she has a lot of stressful situations still ahead for her. A new job (ICU can be very stressful, especially if she's never done critical care before), adjusting to a new city, and not having a support system nearby. Not to pry, but are you employed? Would you be able to go help her adjust for a few weeks? It would also give you an opportunity to see if she has adequate coping mechanisms. God bless you and your family, I hope she has safe and happy times ahead of her.
  15. Ready4success

    Roll Call Nurses Being Sleeved ...........

    Taking 8 weeks off would be a dream come true for me. Enjoy it!
  16. Ready4success

    One Year Out And Pregnant!

    Congratulations! May you and your new addition be blessed in good health.
  17. Ready4success

    10 Day Diet Rant

    Maybe, look at the sugar/carb content of your shakes? Or maybe, it's a little early to see something on the scale?
  18. Ready4success

    Pre-Op Testing Requirements?

    I had blood work, EKG, EGD, sleep study, psych eval, 3 NUT visits, 1 Dietician visit, 1 PCP visit, and 2 surgeon visits. Most surgeons order the EGD to get a look at your stomach, so there are no surprises in surgery. I had a BMI of 41, and 2 co-morbidities, so I knew that I would be approved.
  19. Ready4success

    Roll Call Nurses Being Sleeved ...........

    Any nurses returned to work at 3 weeks or less? I'm a week post op, and I can't make it through a single day without a nap, or passing out at 9pm. I'm a surgical NP throughout the week, and I work compressed weekends as an OR nurse on the night shift as a second job. I really can't afford to stay out longer. Are y'all taking anything for energy? I'm starting to worry. Thanks for any advice.
  20. Ready4success

    So Upset.......please Need Advice And Input!

    It wasn't an outright denial, so they're looking for info. As the previous posters said, get with your surgeon's insurance coordinator, and they should be able to tell you what can help your case. That's what they specialize in, getting insurance to pay. With a high BMI, even without co-morbidities, I'm sure there's something that can be used. Fatty liver disease? High cholesterol? Borderline diabetes? Joint pain? Back problems? Pre-hypertension? You have to get creative. Good Luck!

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