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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by miswoo

  1. I called an er last week and was all but laughed at and told they don't know how to do that, plus I heard too many horror stories on here about the er which freaks me out.

    I only mentioned the amount because when I was at this level 2 weeks ago I could eat normally not because I think it should be more or less

  2. I know I'm too tight and need to go back for another unfill tomorrow (got .2 out last Tuesday) but I haven't eaten anything in almost two weeks and I feel so desperate to get some kind of nutrition amd Water doesn't even stay down so I know I'm dehydrated too. This just doesn't make since, I only have 5cc in my band and before my last fill I was at 5 and able to eat pretty much anything...

  3. Okay, guess I'm the only one since noone replied. Even after taking the last .2 out still having problems with coffee, tea, Water and most everything else so late last night I took 3 water pills with about an ouce of hot water hoping that just a little bit would stay down...most of it came back up but I have lost about 5 pounds in water weight since yesterday...hope this does the trick!

  4. So I had 5 cc in my band and I was taken to 5.3 last month, which was a few days before my TOM (time of month). It got worse and I eventually couldn't get down my Protein shakes so I had them take me back down to 5 cc. The weeks went on and I got pretty loose so I went back in and asked for a tiny fill so they took me to 5.2 cc and my Water went down okay after. I didn't have much trouble that night at work but the next day I also started my TOM and between that and my normal swelling after the fill I was totally occluded and couldn't get down anything (including water) or medications for 36 hours. I almost went back in and take the 0.2 out but I am better now, only tight for the first few hours I'm awake and then I can eat solids.

    Has this happened to anyone else to this extreme and eventually worked itself out? I did read that you are not supposed to get a fill the week before or during TOM, but MD office never stressed that even though I put it down on my paper evertime I go in to make sure I'm not pregnant.

  5. Sorry, I will continue. I think some people who have already achieved restriction forget what its like and why we got banded in the first place. I knew that food did not have the proper place in my life and that is why I got the band...I never felt full! You are not wrong to want what you paid for...restriction. it is even more difficult to stay positive when you are not seeing results. Do you only have to see that person???

  6. I have pictures of the success I had with phentermine. I loved it when it was working because it helped me stay motivated since my body was finally working with me. I lost a total of 75 pounds with it and even maintained for about 6 months after coming off. I tried several times after to go back on but it just wouldn't control my appetite. I did not have any jitteryness, but my normal heart rate is only 58-64 since they did radioactive iodine on my thyroid in 2004 - so it brought my HR up to 80's. I believe that people who experience heart palpatations and jitteryness are those who have a higher heart rate. I loved the energy though.

    Like someone else said, it is a tool so use it well. I decided to get the band because I knew that if I had a tool - I would stay on track. Good luck to you and please keep us posted!

  7. The reason you should strongly consider returning to diet compliance is that your current weight loss rate will most likely not be sustainable over the long term.

    The band is a tool' date=' and redefining one's relationship with food and how much we remain compliant with the rules bandsters need to follow for a successful weight loss journey are at the core of the life long changes we should have begun to make when we opted for the surgery.

    There won't be anyone to "police" you for compliance...so the motivation for change needs to come from within. When one gives yourself "permission" to cheat on the diet, and use the reasoning that there is "no real incentive" to follow the prescribed diet, it may place you on a "slippery slope" to continue to "cheat" on diet compliance, as you may rationalize your thoughts to give yourself additional permissions to cheat at other points along the way. Depending on your personality type, this may open the door for compromising your long term success.

    Best wishes as you continue on your journey...[/quote']

    Forgive me, but I thought we were all here because we know diets and deprivation don't work. I posted that I am not making poor choices with what I have eaten, which should be all of our goals...right? I hardly think me eating a half a cup of red Beans is a slippery slope, but I do understand where your concern is coming from.

  8. I did change my eating habits for the better with phentermine though. For me all I need for motivation to do the right thing is for my body to work with me when I am working hard. I got this with phentermine and so far I am getting it with the band. I made better choices because I wasn't so pre-occupied with food.

    Even if it is "legal speed" it helped me stay on track. After radioactive iodine in 2004 I have not functioning thyroid so phentermine brought my heart rate from 60 to 80.

  9. Hello All -

    Just wondering if anyone who now has the band has a history with phentermine. I had great success for about a year and almost got down to my goal weight (put pictures on my profile for proof). Eventually, it stopped working for me even after waiting as much as a year to try again.

    Does anyone else have this experience? How is the band different for you in controlling your appetite. I knew that the band would be a good choice because I needed hunger control mostly and when phentermine worked - I did my part too!



  10. So sorry for your loss. I too have cheated (banded 6/14/12); however, I have no good reason but that I am bored with shakes and Soups. Don't get me wrong, I am not overeating or making terrible food choices - but I too worry if I am causing damage even though I always chew well and eat very little compared to what I have eaten in the past. To make it worse (depending how you look at it), I am still losing weight - so there is no real incentive to go back to just shakes and soups.

  11. I think its the self pay thing. 9900.00 is what a lot of places charge. Then if you get a hisdal hernia repaired ( like me) I paid 5500. They charged insurance 29000. . Talks

    Oh, you got a great deal then...they took my $9888 first then found out I had a hernia and billed my insurance for that one...maybe it would have been different had they known up front but don't think so

  12. Well this is day 7 post op and I thought my gas pains were done, but apparently it was just that I was out of gas-x...so it was helping after all. I am gaining my strength back and moving round a lot at this point but last night was the worst yet and just couldn't get comfortable. There have been other times where my stomach just seems unsettled, to the point I started eating a few whole wheat crackers to calm it (I know, I know, its probably too early for that but I dissolve then in my mouth before swallowing).

    Does anyone else have a hard time figuring out if its gas, hunger or something else? Just feel weird most of the time and can't put my finger on it!

  13. I didn't have steri strips or gauze from the beginning but I got terribly itchy too and found keeping the areas moist with vaseline has helped tremendously...we will get through this and don't feel bad about your feelings they are legitimate!

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