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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tonibugg

  1. I just looked at some of your pics you've posted and you have NOTHING to regret!! You look amazing! Pick yourself up tomorrow morning girl! =)
  2. I thought the same thing about Melatonin until I tried the 10mg soft gel. Like I said, I never had problems sleeping before but I simply couldn't go to sleep and stay that way until after I started to take it. So, in my case it is definitely NOT overrated =)) I love it!
  3. I experienced the sleep deprivation almost immediately after surgery. Not because of pain but I just simply can't get comfortable long enough in one position to fall asleep. Sleep deprivation evidently makes me grouchy! I never had sleep problems before but I had heard that Melatonin worked for some of my "insomnia" plagued friends so on my 3rd night home I went to the local pharmacy and picked up a 10 mg bottle of it. I took it that night about 30 min before bedtime and I was gone by the time my head hit the pillow!! I didn't wake up all night and woke up lovely and cheery at 7am the next morning!! Woo Hoo!! I now take it right before bedtime and it is wonderful! you gotta try it!!
  4. tonibugg


    I actually went and bought waterproof bandaids, they are large and kind of expensive, $10 for a box of 8, but they worked wonderfully! I don't like baths but I have a pool AND live in Texas so I simply couldn't stay out of it lol I at least waited till I was 9 days post op haha! anyway they seal all around and they have not leaked at all, no dampness on my incisions whatsoever. I just float around on my handy dandy water recliner (it keeps me mostly out of the water) and then get wet every now and then. No swimming though cause of the problems with internal healing. I just walk around a bit and float. I'm sure they would work for the bath tub!!
  5. tonibugg

    Bad Breath

    I was wondering about this last night, you know it's bad when you can smell your own breath!!! YUCK!
  6. tonibugg

    Missing 'real Food" Terribly

    LOL! as soon as I started my second week out this last Sunday I had this same freak out moment! I didn't think I would ever be able to eat normal food again! I posted a "Will I ever eat again" topic and got some really good feed back, you should check it out =) I quickly got over this and now I can have cottage cheese, yogurt, etc so I am doing much better. I think the pre and post op liquid diet combined with seeing your family eating (doesn't even have to be bad food, just FOOD!) doesn't help either. I just wanted to chew something so bad Sunday. I have upped my protein and water intake, had to get whey protein "bullets" to help get the protein in. If I have to look at or smell another protein shake... BLECH! the bullets aren't all that much better, they are super sweet and have a weird aftertaste, but they are 43 gr protein in only 3.8oz. which is better than 3 11oz protein shakes daily. I am now on day 11 post op and doing much better! Good luck! You will feel better once this week passes =)
  7. tonibugg

    I Lost Some Fat In My Head

    haha! I am the SAME way! My husband and daughter don't even help me up anymore which makes them look like horrible people to the outside world lol They say "you're fine, get up" hahaha! I was hoping all that would change once I lost some weight! Like maybe I would have a better sense of balance once my rear end wasn't throwing my walk off balance or something, we'll see I guess!
  8. tonibugg

    Well Tomorrow Is The Day

    I freaked out pretty bad right before surgery, tried to back out lol The next couple of weeks post op are harder than I expected but I'm down 14 lbs in 10 days! Woo Hoo! I had a great recovery and have no complaints other than I am ready to eat real food with real protein! Can't wait till my life is not dependent on liquid Protein lol Breathe in and Breathe out.... You will do amazing!
  9. tonibugg

    Am I Eating Too Much?

    I am 11 days post op and I am having a hard time getting in 11oz of a protein shake much less the water, broth, etc, etc. I get nauseous and my tummy gets bloated and hurts like crazy if I eat more than 2 oz at a time. I had to buy some protein "bullets" today to try and get in my protein quota =( I'm not sure how your tummy is handling this much, maybe you should call the doc and ask?
  10. tonibugg

    So Goes The Pity Party!

    So first let me start by saying I have lost 14lbs since surgery =) Doing great in that area! However, yesterday I had a little bit of a breakdown... I did great the first 5 to 6 days after surgery getting in protein, exercising, getting in liquids, etc. However, the past couple of days were absolute torture! I can't seem to eat more than a couple of bites (or more like lickss), my tastes have changed and I can't tolerate the taste much less the smell of protein shakes, and I am so frustrated with the whole thing. I had a little pity party yesterday and cried and actually regretted the surgery! I didn't think I would ever be able to eat normal food again, a bit drama huh? hahaha! However, my husband found a great solution for me! Woo Hoo! A 2.9 oz pure protein bullet that has 50 grams of protein!!! HALLELUJAH!! So excited! I ordered some and am going to GNC to see if I can find some to pick up till my get in =) I will update this afternoon!!
  11. tonibugg

    So Goes The Pity Party!

    these are actually called New Whey liquid Protein, so they are whey protein. No sugar, lactose, gluten, caffeine, sugar or fat!!
  12. Same for me.. I can have pureed stuff starting Saturday but that is it till week 5 post op.
  13. tonibugg

    Day 7 Protein Experiments

    HI! I am having trouble getting that much liquid, food, anything in so my husband found these liquid protein "bullets". They are called New Whey Liquid Protein and they have 42 grams of protein in 3.8oz. YAY! I haven't tried one yet but they come in all different flavors.
  14. So I'm very frustrated with my eating... I can't seem to eat anything.. GRRR!!!! I had little bit of a melt down today, I was doing so good with eating for the first 6 days after surgery. I was eating 40gr protein, water and some soup and now for the past 2 days I can't seem to get down anything without getting the hiccups and/or feeling full after 1 or 2 sips or bites. I wanna cry! I know I have to eat but my taste for everything is changing and the protein shakes are gagging me with the taste and texture. I just want to sit down and eat something! ANYTHING!! Help! Will I always be like this?!? Will I every be able to eat a normal meal again?!?!
  15. UPDATE!!! My husband found protein bullets!!! Why didn't I find these before!?!?! 50 grams of protein in a 2.9oz pop! Woo Hoo!! Picking some up this morning and will update on how they work =) I don't care how bad they taste as long as I don't have to choke down another 3, 11oz protein shake!! Hopefully they taste good though LOL!
  16. this is exactly how I feel!! Deprived, irritated, and feeling like I've made a horrible decision! Do I really want to eat like this the rest of my life?!?!? NO!!! It's not even that I am starving or anything it's just that I know I need to eat and I can't. Beyond frustrated with it... I just want to eat because I know I need to, I need to get the protein in to aid in the weight loss AND hair loss and I simply can't. I'm going to try to mix it up today and try a different Protein Shake and some other soups and see how it goes, just ready for this week to be over so I can try something with some real texture Saturday!! Thanks for your posts everyone, it does help to know I'm not the only one!! I was expecting a little frustration but when it actually hits you that you can't eat but a bite or two and that's not even explaining it well, more like a couple of licks! lol I just kind of had a freak out moment yesterday and had a pity party to go along with it =) Hopefully this week will be better!!!
  17. Hi All! I thought I would pass on a little tip learned by one of my doctors, Dr Elmo in Mexico. I had surgery with Dr Rodriguez in Juarez on June 29th and after surgery wanted to call family but Sprint doesn't have an international plan that doesn't cost an arm and leg!! Well, Dr Elmo was saying that he lives in El Paso but works in Juarez so in order to call his family throughout the day he downloaded the magic jack app so that the calls were free... hmmmm! First you have to have an Iphone, it won't work with a Android but it worked great! I got to call everyone I wanted when I wanted! So cool =)
  18. tonibugg

    July 7Th = Five Days Out

    I was sleeved June 29th and have a similar story. No problems or pain or nausea to speak of, we are some of the lucky ones =) Today is day 7 so I was excited to add some creamy soups and thought I could handle a chicken & stars soup, Ummm NO! It hurt as soon as it hit my stomach and once you feel that weird pain you won't do it again!! Tossed it!! I'm not hungry but want the crunch of something, weird feeling =( I'm also tired of broth, water and protein shakes. The protein shakes are grossing me out now, I guess 2 a day for 7 days is enough lol I'm gonna pick up some cottage cheese tomorrow and see how that goes. Thanks for the post! Good to know I'm not the only one lol!
  19. tonibugg

    Day 7 Of Pre Op Diet

    I am day 9 post op and feel the same way!!! I thought I could pull off some chicken and stars Soup if I chewed everything to mush and ate mostly broth.. ummmm NO!! It hurt like crazy! No more chicken & stars!! I will stick with some potato soup and SF Popsicles! I'm truly tired of Jello, broth, and Protein shakes. My taste buds have changed and they don't taste good anymore =( Your encouragement would be to know that if you do cheat it will hurt!!! Don't do it!!! LOL!!!
  20. I have Sprint too but one of the doctors told me if I had an Iphone I could download the magic jack app for free!! My husband and I made all of our calls using it! Pretty awesome =)
  21. Just had surgery June 29th and here is a list of things I used that I bought and things that I didn't use!! lol Used!! Necessary items!! 1) small pillow 2) travel container for Vitamins & meds.. It's easy to fill for the week and then just take every day! this is the one I have..... 3) muscle milk premade Protein shakes made with no milk - 20g protein each and only 11oz so they are easier to get down. It is so hard to get all of your Fluid in cause your tummy is still so small.. 4) lots of sugar free jellos - peach was my favorite! 5) my husband made some homemade chicken soup and used cheesecloth to strain it so I had homemade chicken soup broth for the week. I couldn't take the can stuff too much, Blechhhh!! 6) lots of pj's 7) LOTION!!! My skin was so dry after surgery and then this week trying to get in Water. I know that may not matter to a guy too much but alligator skin doesn't look good on anyone lol 8) SF Popsicle's - Kroger has the best flavored ones to me =) I lived on these the first couple of days 9) Gas X strips - they are just amazing and DEFINITELY necessary!! Looks like you've got the rest of it down.. Now for stuff I didn't use! 1) I did not use the unjury Protein Shakes until this week.. I thought I was going to but I just couldn't handle the texture or the full feeling until the 2nd week and then not so much... 2) the flavored mixes for water - before surgery I couldn't drink water without a mix and now I don't want them at all I think that's about all, if I think of anything else I will pop in! Good luck on your journey! My has been so great so far, 12 lbs in 7 days WOO HOO!!!
  22. I had these same thoughts, I think we all have if we're honest! I honestly told the nurse while laying on the pre op table that I didn't want to do the surgery anymore lol I was laying there crying and freaking out.. she gave me something to "relax" me and off I went! I can tell you now, 6 days after surgery, that I have dropped 12 lbs of true weight (not IV fluid, swelling etc) and I am soooo happy I did this! I look at the scale everyday and say " I will never weigh this amount again" WOW! So empowering! This decision is not right for everyone but if it is your right decision, don't wait! do it and LIVE the rest of your life with gusto! My 1 year surgiversary reward will be skydiving! I can't wait!!! I'm 41 and ready to live again, the fat suit has got to come off =) Good luck with your journey and hope to see you on the losers side!!
  23. Have you checked into Belite Weight? they were able to finance my surgery for me and made it possible. I would have never been able to get it done without them! My payments are really low and I had a fairly small down pymnt to make. My doc was in Juarez but the hospital and staff were amazing and I'm having a great recovery. If your band is giving you that many problems they may need to just take it out and let your stomach heal before doing the sleeve =(
  24. I apologize if my post came off rude, that was not the intention, I promise. My reply was simply an answer to your question of whether or not the revision would be covered. I have worked in the medical billing business for 20+ years and so I know how Medicaid handles things. They are the worst "company" out there. They take forever to pay, make up reasons to not cover things and their fee schedule (what they pay) is the absolute lowest in the market. Medicaid, according to their own page, left the verbiage open to say that they would cover it IF there were horrible problems with the original surgery. That is why I used the term "save your life", simply to let you know how they would handle it. They may cover it if you can get your surgeon to fight for medical necessity based on the horrific problems you are having! I just had the surgery in Mexico because of an exclusion on my policy and while there met a woman who was having a revision from the lap band the same day. They had to cancel the sleeve part of the surgery because her band had eroded her stomach so badly that the sleeve would not have healed correctly. The staples would have fallen out because her stomach was so "mushy" per the doc. Anyway, please accept my apology for maybe saying things the wrong way, it was not my intention. Good luck with your journey =) I hope you can get that band out
  25. According to the Medicaid website it varies by state but it really boils down to the first surgery and if it is causing you problems. If you are having complications and need the revision to save your life then I'm sure your surgeon will work with Medicaid to get it approved. However, there are tons of people on this forum who do not have insurance or have a weight loss exclusion on their insurance policy or simply can't afford it and are saving to be able to get there. I understand the need for Medicaid but for reasons other than WLS.. If the revision will help save your life, co morbities, bad lap band, etc. then I truly hope this works for you =)

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