Hey jazz07,
I saw the story you quoted about the LapBand death. The death was due to an error by the anesthesiologist and not the band itself.
BTW- I suffered a life threatening Staph and Strep infection, and my infectious disease specialist told me the LapBand was the safest way to go. The risk of infection and serious complications was the lowest.
There are risks associated with any surgery , WLS surgery included. There seems to be a war of worlds between the different options, which I find ridiculous. After all we are all going for the same goal - healthy living for ourselves and a better quality of life with our significant others and families.
I have had guilty feelings about the time I wasted struggling with my weight issues ang not being able to keep the weight off when I lost it and I have lost and 90 and gained 95 three times. Besides there are many stories about people regaining weight back from bypass and the sleeve ( see Carnie Wilson)
There are doctors who record videos touting gastric bypass or the sleeve vs the other. I am scheduled to be banded on September 27th and still wonder should I do one procedure over the other. However, the band is what I decided to do.
To sum it up, speak to you surgeon or his/her nurse to ease your fears and get info. I was doing the same as you until my wonderful, supportive wife got me back on track.
No matter what you decide, be informed and best to you on your journey.